Super Sons 3 – 5


Super Sons #3
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Jorge Jimenez

In this issue, Robin and Jon (I am not ready to call him Superboy yet, I miss Connor Kent) team up against Kid Amazo who is actually ultra powerful himelf. The thing that makes this issue good is the Robin and Jon’s constant bickering and insults back and forth. I love it. There is talk about Jon joining the Teen Titans even though he is not old enough. What if DC Just turned this book into the new Young Justice book and have a young justice team led by Damian and kept the Titans separate? I would like that.


Super Sons #4
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Jorge Jimenez

Robin and Jon team up with Lex Luthor to defeat Kid Amazo in this issue. It was a lot of fun. I like that Damian seems to think it was a good team up even though he won’t admit it, whereas Jon hated it. Damian does actually care about Jon, he is just a hard ass.

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Mother Panic 1 – 7

Mother Panic #1
Written by Jody Houser and Jim Kreuger
Art by Tommy Lee Edwards and Phil Hester

DC’s Young Animal line is suppose to be the successor to the Vertigo line for except set in the DCU. It is interesting that this series is set in Gotham City and even features Batman in a scene because 1) The city is already crawling with costumed vigilantes 2) would DC allow Mother Panic to appear outside the Young Animal line because when they had vertigo characters they were not allowed to be in the Teen and Up series. I am of the opinion they should because this seems like an interesting character. I say she is interesting because she is a foul mouthed vigilante who has a cool new look to her costume. I hope she isn’t just another rich person with tragic past because we already have that with Batman and Batwoman. Let’s hope Mother Panic shows in future issues how she stands apart.


Mother Panic #2
Written by Jody Houser and Jim Kreuger
Art by Tommy Lee Edwards and Phil Hester

This was another intriguing issue of Mother Panic. I thought she was going to be a violent vigilante but she is seemingly unable to kill in this issue. It would be great to see a team up with Cassandra Cain! Edwards’s art is a little too confusing for my tastes – but it depends on the panel. I wasn’t quite sure what was going on when Mother Panic went after Helmsley. The backup story was interesting as well. I like how this book is being set up as the people’s perspective Gotham City book kind of like Gotham Central was back in the day.

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Bond-ish Batman


All-Star Batman #11
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Rafael Albuquerque

This was a high stakes issue that took Batman from fighting alligators to teaming up with Penguin, Black Mask, and Great White to nearly bleeding out in a casino submarine. Snyder does know how to write a good James Bondish Batman story. I have no idea who the big bad of this issue is or what he has to do with Alfred’s past but I enjoyed this comic and look forward to seeing where this story goes. I can’t say that I really like the way Alfred was betrayed in the entire issue though. I don’t buy that Alfred wore a punk rock hair cut in his teen years but maybe that was just a poor artistic choice.

All-Star Batman 9 and 10

All-Star Batman #9
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by Jock and Francesco Fracavilla

For a split second I thought that the woman posing as Batman was really Cassandra Cain because of how Jock drew her – but sadly no it was just Catwoman. That being said the main story was just beyond awesome as we think everything is completely hopeless and it turns out Batman had everything in control the whole time. I rather enjoyed Bruce’s speech about stories and how stories about heroes are better than stories about villains. Could this by Scott Snyder’s rather dark way of giving his support to the Rebirth’s hope and optimism? As for the back up story – I am not exactly sure at all what happened.


All-Star Batman #10
Written by Scott Snyder, Rafael Albuquerque, and Rafael Scavone
Art by Albuquerque and Sebastian Fiumara

Wow I did not expect Scott Snyder to use Hush in this series, and I loved how Alfred and Batman worked together to scare the crap out of the villain. I am not fan of the Jeph Loeb run that introduced the character, but I do like the character and I am glad to see him again. I even had forgotten he had made himself look like Bruce with plastic surgery. The crazy Pirate fort was beyond cool as well and I wonder how this will all have to do with Alfred’s past. The backup story written by Albuquerque was interesting but it is too early to judge.


Barry Allen 20 – 23

Flash 20

The Flash (Volume 5) #20
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Neil Googe

Meena is back and is now an agent of Black Hole for some reason in this okay but forgettable issue focusing on Iris investigating grave robberies being perpetrated by Back Hole. Not much else to say about it.


The Flash (Volume 5) #21
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Howard Porter

Ok this is Part 2 of the Button crossover with Batman that began here. Flash is investigating what happened to the Reverse Flash in the Batcave. Barry decides to use the Cosmic Treadmill to follow the energy signature on the button to its source. Which honestly seems like a dumb move by the Flash considering what happened the last time he used it. Batman joins him (it is never really explained how Batman is just running behind the Flash on it) and they see elements of the timeline from before New 52 and Barry even says it is not an alternate universe but part of the stolen years! The real DCU IS BACK BABY! We see Martian Manhunter as forminmg the league and Identity Crisis and Barry’s death during the Crisis. I was smiling with joy as I read these pages.

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Batman 21 – 23

Batman (Volume 3) #21
Written by Tom King
Art by Jason Fabok

This is it! The storyline that finally follows up on DC Rebirth’s button. How does Rebirth connect to Watchmen? Will we get the real DC Universe back for good? In this issue, the Button causes Bruce to see a vision of the Flashpoint Thomas Wayne Batman. I never read Flashpoint…it lead to the New 52 awfulness so I saw no point in reading it…but maybe just maybe I will think about it now. Afterwards, Reverse Flash invades the Batcave destroys the note by Thomas Wayne and beats the ever living crap out of Batman. I have to say I cannot remember another Flash/Batman crossover since I have been reading comics but it is cool they are doing this now. Reverse Flash eventually gets the button and is transported somewhere and when he returns he dies claiming he saw God. I wonder if what he really saw was Doctor Manhattan?


Batman (Volume 3) #22
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Jason Fabok

This is Part 3 of the crossover with the Flash as Bruce and Barry end up in the Flashpoint universe being kept alive by the unknown threat. It was bitersweet to see Bruce united with his father just before the Flashpoint timeline is erased. I did not expect Thomas to tell Bruce to not be Batman anymore and live a happy life with Damian. It reminded me a lot of Alfred’s speech in Dark Knight Rises. I wonder how this will effect Bruce. It has to emotionally. They mention that whoever manipulated the timeline also sent Bruce and Barry to the fFashpoint universe for a reason. I wonder if Doctor Manhattan or whever the big bad is wants Bruce to give up being Batman.

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Green Lanterns 1 – 19


Green Lanterns #1
Written by Sam Humphries
Art by Robson Rocha

As happy as I am to have a new Green Lantern book that is not starring boring old Hal Jordan, I can’t say I was excited to read this. Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz have not interested me one bit in the Justice League book. Simon just seems like a jerk and Jessica is so unsure of herself it becomes not sweet, but annoying. I was hoping under a different write I would feel differently. This issue did not win me over, but maybe future issues will because the art was good and I am interested in the Red Lantern sub-plot. Oh and Dex-Starr!


Green Lanterns #2
Written by Sam Humphries
Art by Robson Rocha

Now this was more like it! By focusing on Jessica learning about her ring with her sister, Humphries made me actually understand her character better and what she is going through. Hopefully we will get a similar focus on Simon. This series just got good.

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Not the Best Visit to Arkham


Batman (Volume 3) #19
Written by Tom King
Art by David Finch

Bane fights his way through Arkham Asylum taking on some of Batman’s most famous villain in the process, some of whom I was surprised to see in Arkham since they seem to be out of Arkham in other books. I guess it depends on when this exactly takes place. Copperhead shows up and he is suppose to be dead! I guess we have to assume this is a different Copperhead than even the one who showed up in All-Star Batman recently? Come on DC you have been so good at keeping things consistent lately do not let me down. Speaking of let down – David Finch was incredible last issue but I coudn’t get excited by his pencils this time around as it is all just kinda blah and this was suppose to be a showcase of him drawing the different Bat-villains. Listen, I like a romp through Arkham Asylum just as much as the next person but this time Tom King offered us nothing more than Bane just beating people up.

Nightwing 1 – 16


Nightwing (Volume 4) #1
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Javier Fernandez

How great is it to see Nightwing in that costume again? It’s been what ten years since he wore that beautiful – frankly iconic – Nightwing costume. DC….what were you thinking? He should have been returned to that immediately after he stopped being Batman. Speaking of that, Dick refers to his time as Batman. Does that mean Final Crisis happened in the New 52 universe or is this a result of Rebirth restoring the timeline? Interesting. This was a great start to this series but not exactly a good jumping on point for new readers for a first issue. We aren’t really told what is going on with this Parliament of Owls other than they are forcing Dick to work with them or they think they are and he is playing them. I don’t know much about the Court of Owls because they are a new 52 creation. Anyways, it is still weird to see Barbara Gordon in a Batgirl costume and not Oracle and looking so young. Is she still suppose to be the same age as Dick?  So far…this is good. Seeley seems to really understand Dick Grayson as a character and the art is perfect for a Nightwing book.


Nightwing (Volume 4) #2
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Javier Fernandez

This was a fantastic comic. I like how Seeley writes Nightwing’s narraration. It isn’t all action, there is depth to this story. I don’t like how the Raptor knows their have been different Robins. That is dumb. The general public in the DCU should not know that. Also, how is Barbara flying to Tokyo and back? Does Bruce bankroll her?

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All-Star Batman 1 – 7


All-Star Batman #1
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by John Romita Jr. and Declan Shalvey

Scott Snyder wrote some good Batman comics before Flashpoint. But I never read his New 52 run he is praised for because well…it was the New 52. Of course I did not read that crap. So now after Rebirth he gets his own Batman series to play around with. In this first issue, Two-Face tells Gotham he is going to expose their criminal secrets unless one of them saves him from Batman…I guess that is what happened. I really did not like the art in this book. Was this Declan Shalvey or John Romita Jr.? It was confusing and the characters were ugly to look at. I could see it working in another comic but not a Batman comic. I am also very suspicious of any story that has Alfred betraying Batman. It also doesn’t help I find this new character of Duke Thomas hard to give a shit about. I am hoping Snyder turns it around and makes me understand the need for this character? We shall see. I can’t say that I was impressed with this first issue. The “stilling” technique was super gross.


All-Star Batman #2
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by John Romita Jr. and Declan Shalvey

Why is King Shark referred to as Trixie in this comic? I don’t remember that ever being his name. Anyways, the art continues to bother me. I like Shalvey’s art better than Romita but still they both annoy me. They aren’t right for this comic at all. I want to get excited to look at Batman, not be weirded out by it. Also, the non-linear storytelling in this comic is beyond annoying. What the hell is even going on? I thought people said Snyder was a great Batman writer? He sure makes Zsasz scary but so far that is it for me.

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Red Hood 1 – 7


Red Hood and the Outlaws (Volume 2) #1
Written by Scott Lobdell
Art by Dexter Soy

I am one of those people that Jason Todd is a character that should be dead. He was a much more powerful character when he was dead and memorialized in the batcave and I think DC bringing him back was a mistake and too easy. That being said, I like this comic. I think it mainly had to do with the beautiful art of Dexter Soy who draws Gotham City like it should be drawn. The cover is a little misleading, Bizarro doesn’t appear and Artemis is in one panel. This was a Red Hood comic primarily where he goes “undercover” working for Black Mask. It seems Jason’s relationship with Batman has improved since I stopped reading comics because Batman is at least talking to him and asking him to do stuff. I love that Lobdell brought back an obscure DC character from the 80s named Ma Gunn who is an interesting Bat-villain. Yay continuity! I look forward to seeing what will happen when Bizarro and Aremis are explored further.


Red Hood and the Outlaws (Volume 2) #2
Written by Scott Lobdell
Art by Dexter Soy

Artemis and Red Hood go from fighting to allies in this comic book while Red Hood is still pretending to be working for Black Mask and his gang. It was a great comic. Who is this Dexter Soy and why does he not do more art for DC?! He should be drawing higher profile books than this because he is incredible. I wanted to learn more about Artemis’s back story. Does she remember her time as Wonder Woman or was that erased by Dr. Manhattan or whoever is manipulating time in Rebirth.

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Bane, Venom, and Good Art


Batman (Volume 3) #18
Written by Tom King
Art by David Finch

It occurred to me for the first time while reading this comic that Bane using venom was completely absent from Dark Knight Rises. That is a pretty important part of his character…it’s almost like Batman without the batmobile. How did I not notice this till now? Maybe because Bane was off venom for a long time in the comics before that movie came out. He never used it during his time on the Secret Six that I can remember. I have to say that what made this comic book from merely okay to being very good was David Finch’s incredible art. Until I read this issue I never really thought about how awesome Bane’s original costume is. Finch even mimics Frank Miller and other artists from Batman’s history as we do flashback to the history of both Batman and Bane. (I wish there was Cassandra Cain though!) I was a little bit confused by the ending, Batman seems left for dead but then it seems like Batman and Catwoman have a plan for Bane after all? We shall see next issue I guess.

Superman Rebirth 1 – 17


Superman (Volume 4) #1
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Ok in this issue – the first of Post-Rebirth Superman comic – we are introduced to Clark and Lois and their son Jon’s new farm where Jon accidentally kills his cat when he is trying to save it. I am sorry but that is the kind of dark shit I thought was not going to happen in Rebirth. I mean we had a cat killed in the Batman series already why do I need to be reading two series in a row where cats die. Come on DC! Anyways, this was a good start I guess but I can’t say much happens other than Jon being upset they have to hide who they are and Wonder Woman and Batman showing up to talk to Superman. Also, something weird is going on with Superman’s hands and it relates to Rebirth.


Superman (Volume 4) #2
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Ya right she would not be proud the kid accidentally killed the cat, she would be pissed and upset but only pretending to be okay cause she knew it was an accident. This is a pet’s death. People get more upset about it than Tomasi is writing here. Ugh. I like how Tomasi writes Jon over in Super Sons but I find him a bit annoying so far in this series. Also, why do they expect him to be able to fly at all one day? He is half-human. Are they thinking of Connor Kent and that is why? Because Connor was human and krpytonian but he was a clone maybe it is different.

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Batman Rebirth 1 – 17


Batman (Volume 3) #1
Written by Tom King
Art by David Finch

In the first issue of this new Batman solo series, Batman prepares to give his life to save a plane full of people that almost crashes into Gotham. Spoiler Alert…he ends up not dying although he prepares to say goodbye to Alfred in a touching scene. The plane is actually saved by two Superheroes calling themselves Gotham and Gotham Girl. The idea of heroes showing up in Gotham with actual powers is an interesting thing. Would this make Batman feel useless? I guess we will see. I enjoyed the art in this. Finch knows how to draw Gotham City and its world well. Also, who is this new Batman protege Duke Thomas? I don’t know anything about


Batman (Volume 3) #2
Written by Tom King
Art by David Finch

I love how Duke asks Batman if he trusts these new heroes of Gotham and Gotham Girl, and he says “I don’t even trust Alfred.” That made me smile. I thought this would make Batman jealous to have super powered heroes but I should have known better – Batman is a true hero and wants what is best for Gotham City. These heroes could stop things he cannot stop and he knows that. I loved how the Gotham Man is confused when Batman dissapears when talking to Commissioner Gordon. But who are these two heroes and how do they have powers that are almost Kryptonian in nature? I do not like how skinny Finch draws Amanda Waller. She is way too thin in this. But that is my only complaint about this issue.

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The Sons of the World’s Finest


Super Sons #1
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Jorge Jimenez

I still have not caught up with the main Superman books in this Rebirth era so this is really my first true introduction to Jon Kent, the Son of Superman and new Superboy, besides the parts he had in Justice League. I don’t mind Superman and Lois having a kid and it is intriguing to see what his powers would be since he is only half-Kryptonian, I sure miss Connor Kent the real Superboy. I can’t believe Rebirth would not have brought him back too considering how much Geoff Johns loves the character. I also am not a big fan of Damian but I was pleasantly surprised on how enjoyable this book was. Damian is basically stalking Jon Kent at school, he even pretended to be the school busdriver and helps Jon sneak out at night to do some investigating as Superboy. It seems like Clark and Lois don’t know yet that Jon has a Superboy costume am I right? The art was fantastic for a book of this nature and this issue was a joy to read. I like how these two characters play off each other. Tomasi writes Damian very well as a know it all jerk but in a charming way. I can’t recommend this enough. Great start to a charming little series.

Justice League 1 – 15

Justice League (Volume 3) #1
Written by Bryan Hitch
Art by Tony Daniel

This is the the first issue of Justice League after DC Rebirth and I have to say I was…underwhelmed. I ceratainly felt like I could come into this as a new reader (although there wasn’t much explanation of each character) and understand it but it was just another crazy disasters happening all over the world story. Although I know there is this Kindred subplot…I guess I expected something more. I mean maybe it is just after reading Detective Comics it just seemed like nothing happened in this single issue compared to what happens in every issue of that series.


Justice League (Volume 3) #2
Written by Bryan Hitch
Art by Tony Daniel

I wish I could say that I was impressed with this issue but I really feel like not much happened here. They talked about the problems and then Batman went to go get Superman. That was really it…. hard to recommend a single issue if very little happens. All I kept thinking about was I miss Martian Manhunter. Talk about a character who has been screwed since Didio took over. He was the heart of the League and when I see him you think “Justice League.” Why the hell is he not on this team?

Justice League (Volume 3) #3
Written by Bryan Hitch
Art by Tony Daniel

Now this was a bit better. This still seems decompressed but more happned here. It is the first I have seen of Lois since I started reading Rebirth so that was good although you would think by now she would be used to these kinds of things with her husband. I think Tony Daniel upped his ante on the art in this issue. I found myself enjoying quite a bit more than the previous issues. I wonder what the Kindred’s connection is with the League and these Zodiac Crystals.


Justice League (Volume 3) #4
Written by Bryan Hitch
Art by Jesus Merino

Hitch is guilty of the “Brad Meltzer” trope of having the Justice Leaguers call each other by the real names all the time. Come on. Why in the hell would these new Green Lanterns know the Flash’s secret identity. Anyways, for some reason the Sigil of Truth showed up in ths issue so I imagine this storyline is going to go into an occulty direction which I am excited about. But this is seriously decompressed.


Justice League (Volume 3) #5
Written by Bryan Hitch
Art by Tony Daniel

In this issue the Kindred say they are looking to bring about a Forever Crisis, and it was in bold. I think that was on purpose. Is Rebirth leading to another Crisis event? Or am I seeing things that are not there. Either way, I wouldn’t say I super enjoyed this first story arc of this series, but at least we got that interesting tidbit.

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Detective Comics 934-950

This is it…I am returning to DC after a 5 year absence. Now that DC Rebirth has brought back the original continuity without throwing the New 52…will these characters be the same as the ones I loved. Most of all, for this book, I care about Cassandra Cain. She is my favorite comic book character and in my opinion the one true Batgirl. AND she is finally a regular in a book again. Will this be the same Cassandra I know and love? I know she got reintroduced but is she really just the same character with the memories of her time as Batgirl erased by the evil Dan Didio…I mean Doctor Manhattan. Let’s find out as I explore Detective Comics Rebirth.


Detective Comics #934
Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Eddy Barrows

This was a great jumping back on point for old/new readers. I did not miss a beat. Batman discovers someone is targeting Gotham’s vigilantes and has recruited Batwoman to “train” them. (I do cringe at the idea that Cassandra needs training from Batwoman.) He finally reveals his secret identity to her and they are cousins. I always was annoyed the the Wayne-Kane connection was never explored pre-Flashpoint so I loved this moment. The first of the team we meet is Stephanie Brown former Batgirl and Robin but now back to her Spoiler idenity. The identity she should have remained. I like her, don’t get me wrong, but she should never have been allowed to take the mantle of Batgirl from Cassandra Cain.

After Steph, we see Tim Drake in a new Red Robin costume that evokes his classic Robin costume. Man it is good to see him look like that again. That was an amazing costume.

Finally, we get Cassandra and I love that her new costume evokes her original Batgirl costume but I am sorry it is not enough….she needs to have a bat emblem and be a real Batgirl again someday. As fan, we can’t just give up on that. She now calls herself Orphan. As cool as it is to have her full mask back, I still would prefer her pre-Flashpoint Black Bat identity than “Orphan.” Now besides this, Tynion IV writes her perfectly as the bad ass scary fighter she is but I just wish she could be that way in a Bat costume.

The final member of the team is Clayface which is an odd choice but okay we will see where it goes. Eddy Barrows’s art was beautiful…he has truly stepped up his game in five years and seems perfect for this book.



Detective Comics #935
Written by James Tynion IV
Art by Eddy Barrows

In this issue, Batwoman continues the training of the younger vigilantes. Meanwhile, Batman tells Tim he has always been Robin to him. So in this continuity was Tim never officillay Robin? If so, will he remember his time as Robin whenever the missing ten years gets restored or whatever? I sure hope so. I hope the same with the other characters too.

Cassandra is bad ass in this. I love how Steph says he just shows up and gets blood on the floor and is almost never home. We truly are getting old school Cassandra Cain back and I could not be happier…except if she was Batgirl again. That would be better.

Beautiful story and beautiful art. I feel Tynion IV truly gets these characters.

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