Polaris Origins


Green Lanterns #20
Written by Sam Humphries
Art by Eduardo Pansica

We learn more about Doctor Polaris’s past which is something even I don’t know much about. It seems he was discredited in the scientific community but for real reasons or fraudulent ones? It is unclear. What is clear is he now has schizophrenia and can’t stop himself from putting on his Polaris suit when he really just wants to save his brother’s life. Meanwhile, John Stewart decides to bring in Rami, Jessica, and Simon to be trained after it is reported Rami is with them. It was a decent issue with great art. I am still rather enjoying this series.

Green Lanterns 1 – 19


Green Lanterns #1
Written by Sam Humphries
Art by Robson Rocha

As happy as I am to have a new Green Lantern book that is not starring boring old Hal Jordan, I can’t say I was excited to read this. Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz have not interested me one bit in the Justice League book. Simon just seems like a jerk and Jessica is so unsure of herself it becomes not sweet, but annoying. I was hoping under a different write I would feel differently. This issue did not win me over, but maybe future issues will because the art was good and I am interested in the Red Lantern sub-plot. Oh and Dex-Starr!


Green Lanterns #2
Written by Sam Humphries
Art by Robson Rocha

Now this was more like it! By focusing on Jessica learning about her ring with her sister, Humphries made me actually understand her character better and what she is going through. Hopefully we will get a similar focus on Simon. This series just got good.

Continue reading

Maintaining The Quality


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #48
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Ardian Sayaf


Bedard and Sayaf both get off to a great start on their run on this book! Sayaf is different from Gleason but still manages to make Oa look amazing. John Stewart joing the cast just as Guy leaves. Ganthet officially becomes a Green Lantern. Everything was pretty darn good and it looks like this series will maintain the quality that it had under Tomasi and Gleason. Definitely the best Green Lantern book still.

Sweet End To A Sweet Run


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #47
Written Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason


Tomasi’s run on this book comes to an end on this issue and it couldn’t couldn’t have been a better way to wrap up. Guy and Kyle toasting at the Warrior’s Bar, the Guardian’s repealing the third law, Kyle’s amazing speech about how the Green Lantern Corps needs heart and soul and not just cold logic (This is another reason why Kyle is so much cooler then Hal). Vath and Isamot’s fight and reunion over Vath’s legs. It was all so good and great character moments. I will miss Tomasi and Gleason on this book, but at least Bedard is a great replacement. This is still the best Green Lantern book on the stands.

Damn Good


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #46
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Tomasi and Gleason once again bring us the BEST Green Lantern book on the stands right now. Shit this was good! Action-packed, and filled with strategy as the Corps fights the Black Lanterns above the earth. I gasped when we saw Black Lantern Alex and I loved how Kyle said that Alex made him a better man because she definitely did. Tomasi did his research on their relationship. All I can say is this was damn good!

Fuck Hal Jordan – This is the Main Green Lantern Book!


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #45
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason


Tomasi gets these characters – despite having a huge cast of this book he knows the ins and outs of these characters – their strengths and their weaknesses and utilizes this in order to save Guy Gardner from being a Red Lantern. Kyle’s love and compassion for his friend that doesn’t allow him to give up no matter what, Soranik’s medical knowledge, Kilowog’s logic, and Mogo’s well planetary powers. This was great storytelling. I loved the moment where Mogo created Red and Green constructs of Guy’s life. I thought about my own life and seeing images of the good and the bad – what an emotionally powerful moment. The final page where they recite the oath as they return to earth was incredible! What a great issue!

The Mogo Purge

Green Lantern Corps 44 000

Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #44
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

In this action-packed and suspenseful issue Mogo arrives to save the day and purges Oa of all Lanterns – Black and Green and sucks all the Black ones into his core. It is a pretty cool idea and was pretty awesome to see. I have to hand it to Gleason for pulling it off so well. Guy is still a Red Lantern and refuses to remove the ring and next issue I suppose will be the Green Lanterns versus the Red. I am still sooo happy that Kyle is alive!

Resurrection of The Greatest Green Lantern


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #43
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Can I say Hell Yeah! I am sorry for ever doubting you Mr. Tomasi because not only did you bring back the greatest of Green Lanterns to life in one issue but you showed him to be the respected and great hero he should be. Thank you for that! Guy turning into a Red Lantern was also cool to see and you made him seem human in the process. I love that Guy and Kyle have created such a great friendship. The effect of what the Star Sapphire did I am sure will be interesting to see, as I have no idea what she did haha but I am just glade Kyle is alive!

Trying Not To Overreact!


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #42
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

You know I am trying not to overreact. I really am! But what the fuck…if this is for real. If DC took away Cassandra Cain from the title of Batgirl, still ignores Linda Danvers, made Wally West the secondary Flash, and now has killed Kyle Rayner – I will be really pissed off. These characters were BETTER and MORE INTERESTING then their predecessors, and spoke to an entire generation of comics readers. What the fuck. Kyle better be restored to life after Blackest Night. I know Johns said Kyle wouldn’t be dying. So I trust he is telling the truth. Otherwise good issue. But Kyle better not stay dead.

Green Vs. Black


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #41
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

It looks like Kilowog may have died here. He has died before and this is Blackest Night –so I suspect he’ll be back – but I bet this is what throw Guy over the deep end and makes him become a Red Lantern as we have seen in the previews. This was basically just an issue of Green Lanterns vs. Black Lanterns. I particularly liked the moments with Natu, Kyle and Black Lantern Jade and the moments between Arisia and her black lantern family. But something needs to happen soon or this could get boring.

The Three Dimensional Green Lantern


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #40
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

The best Green Lantern series DC is publishing continues its winning streak with this issue. I love how unlike Hal Jordan, Kyle is more then just one emotion and has his will power backed up by love and compassion. This is probably another reason why I relate to the more three dimensional character that is Kyle Rayner. I also liked how Kyle knew the whole time that Jade wasn’t really Jade and was just playing the Black Lantern the whole time. I loved the moments where the Alpha Lanterns really got dissed – it was about time they saw they they are not Gods. Very good issue.

The Greatest of GL’s Stands Up To The Guardians


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #38
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

The greatest of Green Lanterns, Kyle Rayner, stand up to the Guardians bullshit ways in this issue and I was damn happy to see it. It looks like The Guardians have sent Kyle and Guy back to earth (I can’t wait to see what they do next) and everything is in place for the beginning of Blackest Night. This series is much better then the main GL title and I can’t wait to see what goes in during Blackest Night. This was a good issue.

Out of Focus


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #36
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

I am a little confused. Maybe I read this too quickly but how was dropping his body shields supposed to help matters in the fight against Mongul? I don’t know. I was disappointed with this issue and its focus on Sodom Yat instead of Kyle Rayner the greatest of Green Lanterns. We only briefly see the fight going on at the sciencells before we go back to Daxam which frankly is the least interesting plotline in this series right now. I do have to say I enjoyed the parts about Sinestro and Soranik’s relationship as father/daughter. I like how it seems that Sinestro genuinely cares for her in his own way. I think the idea of their relationship is growing me. Otherwise, I would have preferred some more Kyle focus.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #35
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

There has been a lot of talk about how Green Lantern Corps has surpassed the main book in terms of quality and I have to agree. This is a really awesome book (and it helps there is no Hal Jordan). I wish we would have got more Kyle moments this issue though. The ending’s revelation seems a little forced. Why no mention that she was the daughter of Sinestro before? You would think that would have been brought up at some point.It was fun to see all the Sinestro Corps members get excited at their escape but this is going to be a huge fight for the Green Lanterns on Oa.

Green Lantern Corps 13 – 30

glc13Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #13
Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Patrick Gleason

I liked the whole Mogo’s infection thing and I liked how Bzzd basically saved the day. What an awesome character! The DCU needs more talking flies!


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #14
Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Patrick Gleason

This is part 2 of the Sinestro Corps war and I enjoyed it. None of the Earth GL’s make an appearance so that may be why I did not enjoy it as much as the first part but I did like the idea of Sinestro tricking Natu into becoming a dictator of Korugar just as he was. I wonder where this will go.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #15
Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Patrick Gleason and Angel Unzueta

In this action-packed issue, the Battle for Mogo begins as the Sinestro Corps attacks the planet Green Lantern. I never realized how important Mogo was to the Corps until this issue, with the revelation that it is Mogo who guides the rings to their new owners. This was good stuff, a little face-paced, but still good.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #16
Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Patrick Gleason and Angel Unzueta

They finally save Mogo from the Sinestro Corps this issue and Sodam Yat, who is being set up to being some kind of prophetic hero, destroys Ranx. I like the idea that the Green Lanterns are allowed to kill now, as in this case, they really had no choice.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #17
Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Patrick Gleason, Angel Unzueta, Dustin Nguyen, and Pascal Alixe

So Sodam Yat is the new Ion, while it is sad that Kyle is no longer the most powerful Lantern, at least he is back to being a regular Green Lantern and this guy is Ion. This issue was good, probably the best of the Sinestro Corps War in this title yet as they fight for Earth. I can’t wait to see Ion face Superboy-Prime (Whos is called Superman-Prime here before they got the Superboy-Prime name rights back)


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #18
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason and Jamal Igle

Peter Tomasi begins his run on this title this issue, and if his run is going to be anything like this issue,then I am happy. This was really good. Tomasi writes the battle between Ion and Superboy-Prime without making it just a boring battle. He flashes back to Sodam Yat’s life history, and his life on Daxam, bringing the character to life in a way Gibbons never did.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #19
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Tomasi knows how to write great character moments, his main plots are only okay, but he has these great down-time moments. This issue shows that he will be bringing that to this title as well, as there were great moments in this issue between Kyle and Guy and Guy and Ice. Seeing Kyle become a star of this book makes me so happy as he really needs to be in some title and I almost shed a tear as Guy reunited with Ice. Gibbons didn’t really explore these characters enough, he focused more on the battles then characterization. Tomasi will probably make me enjoy this title a lot more.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #20
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason and Carlos Magno

More great character moments this issue, as Kyle and Guy tell Hal and John they are moving to Oa to start up a new Warriors bar there. Tomasi has astronomically improved this book in just three issues. So Guy made Salaak look small with his ring? Does that mean that anytime we see a construct of a person talking they can make him or her look however they want? Haha if true I would have some fun with that.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #21
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Nelson

This little fill-in arc focuses on the newly christened Alpha-Lantern, Bodikka. We get some background on her relationship with her family and home planet as well as her now very unemotional state of an Alpha-Lantern. While a fill-in, this was very good. Who is Nelson though? Never heard of him.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #22
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Neslon

This concludes Gates’s fill-in arc with a fantastic cover! I love the look of the Alpga Corps members, especially Bodikka’s look. I like the idea that her sister will be forced to work with her now as I am sure that will make for some great stories in the future. Gates is a good writer and I look forward to his run on Supergirl.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #23
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

You know I am not sure how exactly I feel about Gleason’s art…sometimes it just seems kinda odd, especially when it comes to faces. As for the story, it was pretty good but definitely the weakest of Tomasi’s run so far.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #24
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

While this was better then Gibbons’s issues and I did like the update on Mongol, this wasn’t really that great. I mean I got kinda bored with it. If you like just action and no substance, you will like it but this wasn’t for me.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #25
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Now this is more like it! Mother Mercy explains her story and how she only wanted to relieve suffering but her children have been corrupted by Mongul to cause Suffering. Awesome retcon here makes Black Mercy not only sentient but also a creature that I really like. Tomasi returns to form with this issue. I also liked that Kyle is the one who decides to reason with Mother Mercy, because HE WOULD be the one to do that because he is the GREATEST GREEN LANTERN.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #26
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Awww poor Bzzd I really liked him. He will be missed. As for Mother Mercy becoming a Green Lanterns, that is a great idea! I hope she shows up again soon. This was a good arc, even though it dragged on a little long.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #27
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Luke Ross

In this rather disgusting issue, someone murders families of GL’s in and then rains the eyeballs of the deceased on the trainees. Pretty gruesome stuff. The art is much better then Gleason, it’s a shame Ross isn’t staying. As for the talk between Kyle and Guy as their new bar opened, that was easily the best part of the issue.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #28
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Luke Ross

The Quintent are pretty scary villains. I am not quite sure I understanding their powers? Are they really siblings? Clones? I don’t know I found this issue kind of confusing. The guy who can talk to the dead is a great addition to the Green Lantern Corps and I bet he will play a larger role in “Blackest Night”.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #29
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

I love the concept of the different Corps, and the Star Sapphire Corps/Violet Corps is one that I am really interested in as Johns has said that even though they represent love, they are not good. Hmmmm I want to see how this could be? This story deals a lot with love…love between the widow who becomes a Star Sapphire and her late husband as well as the love between Guy and Ice, who can’t seem to make it work as they are leading two different lives. Guy acts immaturely when Ice tells him she can’t move in with him, which did make me think of his old JLI attitude. Very good issue.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #30
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Okay….is it just me or do the Green Lanterns and Guardians come off as total assholes in this issue?I think the Zamarons have a good idea about the nature of love and how it can be found even in the evilest of hearts. But maybe I am just an optimist I do not know, but I think the Star Sapphire Corps is the coolest of the Corps we have met so far (Although the blood puking Red Lanterns are pretty damn cool as well). Kryb is just a creepy villain and visually appealing. Hats off to Gleason and Tomasi for that. This was a good issue. Oh and you know the Guardians’ proclamation at the end is bound to piss a few Green Lanterns off.

Green Lantern 21-34

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #21
Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Ivan Reis

Why I waited this long to start reading the Sinestro Corps War I do not know because this was as fantastic as everyone said it would be. Kyle as Parallax is awesome, although I am glad it is only temporary. Kyle Rayner is by far my favorite GL and I was happy to see him diss on Hal (even though it was him posessed by Parallax).

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #22
Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Ivan Reis

Part 3 of the Sinestro Corps sees Hal fighting Kyle as Parallax on Qward with the help of the Lost Lanterns. The friction between Jordan and the Lost Lanterns is fun to watch. This was another good issue.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #23
Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Ivan Reis

Okay….the ending of this was fucking amazingly intenese! I loved it. Now we are on earth and things are going to get personal. Awesome writing from the master of cliffhangers, Geoff Johns. When Parallax says Kyle should kill all the GL’s so he can be special again, I kind of agreed with him. (:

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #24
Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Ivan Reis

Hell ya! Kyle gets his ring back (And shirtless as well)! The last moments of this comic gave me goosebumps. Superboy-Prime is such a little brat it’s hilarious, and things are heating up very nicely.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #25
Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Ivan Reis

First of all, the color spectrum of Corps is really cool and I can’t wait to see it in action. But I do find it hard to swallow that no one would evacuate Coast City….seems a little rudiculous if there was an alien threat those people would be out of there in seconds. John Stewart calling the Anti-Monitor Marshmallow Man was hilarious since I have been thinking that he looked like him since the beginning. I really love how Johns respects all four earth GL’s equally in this story. It isn’t just a Hal Jordan story. And the ending…well let’s just say Summer 2009 is going to kick ass.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #26
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Mike Mckone

This series is really as good as people say it is. I don’t know why I waited so long to catch up (probably because I absolutely hate Hal Jordan). I think the Lost Lanterns made the right decision in killing Amon Sur considering what arresting him would have done to the reputation of the Sinestro Corps. We’ll see if the Guardians see it that way.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #27
Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Mike McKone

The Alpha Lanterns are awesome looking, but I liked there appearence in Green Lantern Corps and Final Crisis then here. McKone’s version is a little more blue I think. I think the idea of the Alpha Lantern’s is magnificent. And I especially love how they have their own oath.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #28
Written by Ge
off Johns
Art by Mike McKone

Okay this issue got me really excited for Rage of the Red Lanterns! The design for the Red Lanterns is kick ass. I think the Green Lanterns killing as a last resort is reasonable, but no they should not kill if they do not have to as Hal believes. Wow I actually agree with Hal Jordan on something.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #29
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis
Well, I sware the first few scenes of this I have read before and I really don’t care too much about Hal’s relationship with his father (mostly cause I could give a shit about Hal) but the story did not get to me I admit. I liked the bickering between Hal and his brothers. Why isn’t this arc called Year One?

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #30
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis

Hal actually becomes GL this issue and it was actual really cool and is something that would work great in a GL movie. I kept thinking of Jor-El’s voice in the original Superman when Abin Sur was explaining what a Green Lantern was.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #31
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis

Oh my God this arc would make a great Green Lantern origin movie. I am really geeking out about this…especially for someone not so fond of Hal Jordan. I feel the sense of wonder and awe that Hal must be feeling as he is inducted into the Corps. This is perfect Johns wrting. It’s worth mentioning that Reis is doing some great work here as well.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #32
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis

"I am the greatest Green Lantern"….Wow Sinestro your very humble. This was another fantastic issue of the Secret Origin story arc. I like how Johns manage to connect it back to the present by dealing with the Red Lanterns and the "Blackest Night" prophecy.
Johns isn’t retelling Hal’s origin for no reason.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #33
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis

I like how this arc is not only showing the secret origin of Hal, but also his major villains like Sinestro, Black Hand, and Hector Hammond. The art was fantastic again this issue. I am surprised at how much I am enjoying this arc.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #34
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis

This was another great issue of the arc I did not expect to enjoy – Secret Origin. Now the alien Sinestro and Hal fight is pretty generic, although I know that he is set up to be part of the Red Lanterns, but that is not the point of this issue, the point of this issue was Hal’s relationship with his family. Finally, I think Geoff may be getting me to enjoy the Hal’s family subplot, even if I still don’t enjoy Hal Jordan as a character.


Green Lantern Corps #12
Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Patrick Gleason

Gleason has to have a lot of fun drawing the different Green Lanterns in this series because it is a lot of fun to look at them as a reader. The Gnat Green Lantern was just awesome to look at and I look forward to learning more about him. I hope he isn’t villainous, I would like to see him in a hero role. I feel bad for Guy, he is not framed for the murder of two (incredibly annoying) Green Lanterns and then he is basically taunted by Mogo with hallucinations of his drunken father. I hope Mogo hasn’t gone rogue for good, he better be possessed or something. I don’t want to see one of my favorite Green Lanterns go bad. The situation with the princess and Natu was good too. I liked how each story thread is just as entertaining in this issue as every other one. There really wasn’t one that I found myself bored with.