Batman Rebirth 1 – 17


Batman (Volume 3) #1
Written by Tom King
Art by David Finch

In the first issue of this new Batman solo series, Batman prepares to give his life to save a plane full of people that almost crashes into Gotham. Spoiler Alert…he ends up not dying although he prepares to say goodbye to Alfred in a touching scene. The plane is actually saved by two Superheroes calling themselves Gotham and Gotham Girl. The idea of heroes showing up in Gotham with actual powers is an interesting thing. Would this make Batman feel useless? I guess we will see. I enjoyed the art in this. Finch knows how to draw Gotham City and its world well. Also, who is this new Batman protege Duke Thomas? I don’t know anything about


Batman (Volume 3) #2
Written by Tom King
Art by David Finch

I love how Duke asks Batman if he trusts these new heroes of Gotham and Gotham Girl, and he says “I don’t even trust Alfred.” That made me smile. I thought this would make Batman jealous to have super powered heroes but I should have known better – Batman is a true hero and wants what is best for Gotham City. These heroes could stop things he cannot stop and he knows that. I loved how the Gotham Man is confused when Batman dissapears when talking to Commissioner Gordon. But who are these two heroes and how do they have powers that are almost Kryptonian in nature? I do not like how skinny Finch draws Amanda Waller. She is way too thin in this. But that is my only complaint about this issue.

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All Coming Together


Superman #699
Written by James Robinson
Art by Bernard Chang


This is part 8 of the Last Stand of New Krypton storyline that began in Last Stand #1 and continued here, here, here, Last Stand #2, here, and here. Things are all falling into place as Kandor is restored by Supergirl and Brainiac 5 and Superman and Zod take on Brainiac. I am not exactly sure what happened at the end – was that a city coming out of Brainiac’s ship. Did Lex just double cross Brainiac? And why is Mon-El worried that Sam Lane knew so much about Daxamite. I am not annoyed with all the questions – just intrigued. I can’t wait to see where this all goes!

Warlord 11 – 13


The Warlord (Volume 4) #11
Written by Mike Grell
Art by Grell

The Warlord takes off to fight his newly reborn archenemy Deimos in this issue and we learn about what Warlord believes happened to his son. It is interesting. Grell’s art seemed a little off here I don’t know it was like rushed at some parts, otherwise I have nothing to complain about.


The Warlord (Volume 4) #12
Written by Mike Grell
Art by Grell

This story is pretty rushed for something of such immense importance. Really it seemed like panels were missing or something. I don’t really get what exactly happened with Tinder – but it is revealed that he is in fact Warlord’s son. Travis Morgan is killed in this issue and I assume Tinder aka Joshua will become the new Warlord.


The Warlord (Volume 4) #13
Written by Mike Grell
Art by Chad Hardin

The new Warlord faces a monster from outer space that has crashed in Skartaris. This was all set up but it was cool to see General Lane…or at least I think it was General Lane. All I know is that this book could really benefit by being more connected to the rest of the DCU.

Brainiac Is Winning


Adventure Comics #513
Written by James Robinson, Sterling Gates, and Eric Trauttman
Art by Travis Moore, Eduardo Pansica, and Pier Gallo

The main feature is Part 6 of the Last Stand of New Krypton Storyline that began in Last Stand #1, and continued here, here, here, and  Last Stand of New Krypton #2. It was great to see Superboy use his tactile telekinesis. I like that he has that extra power it makes him unique. Things are not going well..for well…anyone but Brainiac here as the city is rebottled and Superboy is now stuck in there with it and Mon-El has been captured. I can’t wait to see where this goes! As for the second story it was a gory story that ends in death…Sam Lane is such an asshole, I can’t wait to see what happens to him.

Three Fronts


Adventure Comics #512
Written by James Robinson, Sterling Gates, and Eric Trauttman
Art by Travis Moore, Eduardo Pansica, and Pier Gallo


The main feature is Part 4 of the Last Stand of New Krypton Storyline that began in Last Stand #1, and continued here and here. Robinson’s portion of the story is more of a catch-up on the history of the Brainiac’s and we learn that the reason why the past is changing is because somehow Brainiac kills Superman so Brainiac 5 is going back in time to help stop that from happening. It was good. It is not the Legion that I am familiar with and I do miss them, but it is still cool to see all those Legionnaires. I like that XS and Gates haven’t been forgotten! The Sterling Gates written part of the storyline takes place in the present as Tellus uses his telepathic powers to convince the Kryptonians to work together. It was all good nothing to complain about. Finally Trauttman’s story deals with the sleeper agents on earth in a rather interesting way. All of this was good stuff I am loving this crossover so far!

Wanted More


Adventure Comics #511
Written by Sterling Gates, James Robinson, and Eric Trautmann
Art by Travis Moore, Julian Lopez, and Piere Gallo


This issue serves as Prologue to the Last Stand of New Krypton story that begins next week. In it we get three separate stories. One deals with the Legion in the future, one with them meeting up with Superboy and Mon-El in Smallville, as well as a third story dealing with General Lane unknowingly hiring a Kryptonian into Project 7734. It was all entertaining and revealed some more secrets but I feel like it didn’t further the story as much as it should have. Something better happen soon! We get a better understanding of why Lane hates Kryptonians although its clearly a hate bread from fear, which is what all hate is. I liked that and I like all the Legion stuff but I guess I wanted more from this issue then I got.

Odd Arrangement


Superman #697
Written by James Robinson
Art by Bernard Chang


The Legion makes its presence known to Mon-El and Superboy in this issue. I love the idea that the Legion has been in the past for so long, I mean at least since Countdown and the Lightning Saga. This was a good issue I enjoyed it a lot but I was confused by the whole scene at the Kent Farm. Was that supposed to be a flashback? If so, what was the purpose? It seemed kind of odd the way those scenes were arranged not sure how to explain it.

Fifty Issues And Still No Mention of Linda Danvers! Come On!


Supergirl (Volume 5) #50
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Jamal Igle
Co-Feature by Helen Slater
Art by
Cliff Chaing


The main feature of this book was Supergirl vs. Lana as Insect Queen. I liked that we fast forwarded a few days later and Supergirl is now a prisoner of the hive, and is rescued by Gangbuster and Doctor Light. But Kara takes down the Queen way too easily for a story that has been building for so long. I have a feeling this was rushed due to the New Krypton storyline which is kind of a shame. Kare’s reaction and anger toward Lana seems like her old self and that is kind of annoying so I don’t know how I feel about this issue just yet. The Helen Slater written back-up was a neat little look at the history of this Supergirl and I rather enjoyed it. But damn…I thought in 50 issues Linda Danvers, the previous Supergirl, could have been mentioned somewhere!

Nothing Happens


Superman #696
Written by James Robinson
Art by Bernard Chang


After reading Robinson’s great JLA issue and the usual excitement that happens in this book, this issue was a huge letdown for me. This book is usually to the brim with plot but here nothing much happens except Mon-El helps Flamebird and Nightwing escape and more Legionnaires turn out to be working for the science police. Seriously that’s it. Come on this is too slow of a pace for this book. Let’s get somewhere soon.

The Return of Shadowpact


Action Comics #885
Written by Greg Rucka and Eric Trautmann
Art by Pere Perez
Co-Feature by Rucka and James Robinson
Art by Cafu

You can tell we are approaching a war here as shit goes to hell in the handbasket when the army tries to retrieve Flamebird and Nightwing and are defended by Guardian and Mon-El. Sam Lane is such a dick I can’t wait to see him get his ass handed to him. The Co-Feature was just awesome as we see the return of Shadowpact! I didn’t realize how much I missed those guys! Good old Detective Chimp.  This was a great issue!



Superman #695
Written by James Robinson
Art by Bernard Chang

I love the Superman books right now! I really can’t get enough of them. Robinson’s threads are coming together slowly but surely and it is so fun to see how tightly plotted everything is here. Steel wakes up from his coma, Jimmy is alive, the Legion has been behind a lot more then we thought…there are so many revelations in every issue of this book and I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all. This book is much better then Robinson’s awkward Justice League writing, if only it got a regular artist. I miss Guedes’s Metropolis.

Take Him Down Lois


Action Comics #884
Written by Greg Rucka and Eric Trautmann
Art by Pere Perez
Co-Feature by Rucka and James Robinson
Art by Cafu


The main feature was good – the Nightwing and Flamebird stuff was okay, but the real meat of the story can be found in the confrontation between Lois and her father. General Sam Lane is an evil fascist bastard who I can not wait to see Lois take down. He treats her like shit here and threatens even her life – his own daughter! I love that Perry wants the truth to get out about Lane as well – even if he can’t publish it in his paper. The Captain Atom back-up was equally good and focuses a lot on the history of Captain Atom and actually shows Starfire on the Justice League – I guess that means this all takes place post-Blackest Night. The last page shows the new League and I can’t say that it gets me excited for this line-up lead by Hal boring Jordan. But anyways, Good stuff. Can’t wait for War of the Supermen.



Superman #693
Written by James Robinson
Art by Fernando Dagnino

We finally get to see more of General Lane’s base of operations, 7734, and it was rather cool. Lane has planned for everything and is gaining power to stop the Kryptonians in a war he believes will happen. Mon-El withstands torture, both psychological and physical, and still won’t become a member of Lane’s team. I like how Lane mocks the Superman symbol, I suppose that will be the reason why Mon-El is going to put it on his costume – to make sure that people are still inspired by that famous S. People really need to be reading the Superman books right now, as this is all so wonderfully plotted and leading to something huge.

Sam Lane Makes A Great Villain


Action Comics #882
Written by Greg Rucka and Sterling Gates
Art by Pere Perez
Co-Feature by Rucka and James Robinson
Art by

This is part 3 of the Hunt for Reactron storyline that began here and continued here. I didn’t expect Reactron to kill the entire Squad K – especially when I was starting to really like their leader. This little crossover has been a lot of fun and action-packed so far and I can’t wait for next week’s conclusion. The Superman books are the best they have been in years – even without Superman. Sam Lane is the ultimate villain. The Captain Atom back-up finally explains why Captain Atom went crazy and became Monarch in Countdown – he was being controlled by Mirabai. Now I am not sure why she sent him into the multiverse to do all those crazy things – but Countdown was so poorly thought out that it doesn’t really matter does it. Major Force shows up and when that asshole shows up you know things are bad. It was good to see Natasha Irons as well.

Epic Mystery


Superman #692
Written by James Robinson
Art by Fernando Dagnino

I like that Ryan Choi is being mentioned in two books this week! At least DC isn’t completely ignoring him for the boring Ray Palmer. This was a spectacular issue in my opinion. I love how Robinson rings in obscure characters and plays with the DC Universe so well. When he writes, he uses continuity and characters very effectively. There were a lot of developments here. Mon-El is alive (shocking – not really) but the Guardian, thinking he is dead, gives aways Mon-El’s secret identity. I also like the developents with Zatara. What is this power source they are talking about? What is Mirabai up to? This is truly an epic mystery. I don’t think we are even close to having all the answers.

Sometimes Lois Is Just As Heroic As The Super Heroes


Supergirl (Volume 5) #45
Written by Sterling Gates and Greg Rucka
Art by Jamal Igle

This is part 2 of the Hunt for Reactron crossover that began here. This was a tremendous issue that furthered the plot a lot. I like how Thara knew that Lana is sick (although Kara is kind’ve being a jerk to to Thara) and Lois acting like the hero. I hope she exposes her father and the whole operation when this is over. I love when Lois is portrayed as a smart and competent (but good-natured) reporter.

World Against Superman


Superman #691
Written by James Robinson
Art by Renato Guedes

This is the fourth part of the Codename: Patriot crossover that began in World of New Krypton #6 and continued here and here. I like that it is implied at the end of this issue we have gone from World Without Superman to World Against Superman. General Lane has created quite the crazed plot to discredit Superman and Supergirl. From the looks of it, Lois may believe that Kara has gone rogue, which I hope she is smart enough to know that can’t be true. This was a really good storyline and while it only leads to more story, I feel it came to a good but sad conclusion.