Justice League 39 and 40


Justice League of America #39
Written by James Robinson
Art by Mark Bagley

Why did Kimiyo just call Doctor Light Curry at the end of this comic like he was Aquaman? That is some bad editing and the kind’ve sloppy editing and mix ups that have plagued this title since it began. Not really forgivable. All-in-all this was a rather forgettable issue where neither of the creators showed how good they could be.


Justice League of America #40
Written by James Robinson
Art by Mark Bagley

I have to say that this was an intense issue of Justice League where the heroes are emotionally and physically taken to their breaking points by the Black Lanterns. It dealt with race and rape. And it was very uncomfortable to read and almost mean-spirited in the way that Robinson’s Cry for Justice has been. I can’t say that I object to the subject matter but just in the way it was handled, I really felt like Kimiyo Hoshi was being raped in this issue as I was reading this. If not physically, at least on an emotional level and why the hell did Bagley have to draw her running around naked? That was unnecessary and disturbing. I don’t mind the subject matter but I felt like the entire story had no light – it was completely cruel.

This Was Actually Good


Justice League of America #38
Written by James Robinson
Art by Mark Bagley

Holy shit! This must be the most underrated comic of the fucking year. After reading all of the horrible reviews and the abysmal so far Cry for Justice mini, I actually enjoyed this a lot. That’s a good thing – because this book has been bad for a really long time. Bagley can certainly draw better then any artist this book has had and Robinson’s dialogue is much better then it has been over in Cry for Justice. I liked it. Sure, Blue Jay dying was stupid and we don’t need another superhero dying but forget that, I liked the moments in the cave and all of the talking about its history and even Young Justice. It’s too bad Plas is going to stay on the team because he is always fun. The fight with Despero was even exciting because Bagley is an artist who makes it easy to see what is going on. Forget what you have heard, I think this is a good start to the Robinson – Bagley run.

Brave and the Bold 7 – 19


Brave and the Bold #7
Written by Mark Waid
Art by George Perez

Waid and Perez start their second arc with team-up of Wonder Woman and Power Girl….Wonder Woman’s “perfection” is portrayed against Power Girl’s crazed anger in this issue and I have to say it rings untrue. Power Girl is the leader of the JSA, yet her emotions are all over the place like a teenager this issue and I just see that as a little out of character. Besides this, this was a good issue that sets up the new threat…Megistus. And Perez’s art is as beautiful as ever.


Brave and the Bold #8
Written by Mark Waid
Art by George Perez

This issue sees The Flash and the Doom Patrol team up when Wally takes his kids to be “fixed” by Dr. Niles Caulder. I love how creepy the Doom Patrol are and they should be used more often around the DCU. I am not sure why Caulder has gray hair here, as usually it is red I think. This was a good issue.


Brave and the Bold #9
Written by Mark Waid
Art by George Perez

Eh…I really could care less about any of the characters in this issue besides Hawkman and the Atom…so besides those last few pages I was totally bored with this issue.


Brave and the Bold #10
Written by Mark Waid
Art by George Perez

While the first part with Superman and Silent Knight was kinda boring…it was cool to see the old Teen Titans team up with Aquaman. Oh and it is good to see that Perez hasn’t forgotten that Aqualad looks like a boy instead of a weird fish-boy like over in Teen Titans: Year One. This series is becoming too much of an homage to the silver age. Let’s bring in some modern age characters!


Brave and the Bold #11
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Jerry Ordway

Superman and Ultraman from the anti-matter earth team-up when the anti-matter Mxyzptlk tells them of a disaster that will effect both earths. This explains what Megistus is doing and who he is. While I look forward to next issue’s conclusion, this story arc is taking way too long. At least this issue wasn’t silver agey. Ordway’s art is always welcome and the perfect artist to replace Perez.


Brave and the Bold #12
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Jerry Ordway

This concludes the Megistus arc where a lot of heroes team up and take on Megistus. In the end, it is June who saves the day and becomes a challenger in her own right. Megistus was not that scary or interesting of a villain as you think he would be after so many issue of build up but I did enjoy this issue. The foreshadowing of Final Crisis is interesting as Megistus says it will change everything. Interesting.


Brave and the Bold #13
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Jerry Ordway

I remember listening to Mark Waid’s interview on Word Balloon where he talks about this issue (great interview by the way) and how we never do see Jay Garrick and Batman interact. You know….he’s right and now I want to see them together more often. This was fun issue where Jay and Batman fight android safaris haha but the best part is the dialogue between Jay Garrick and Batman. I often forget that Jay is a scientist as well as a hero. You really get the feeling that Jay is the old hat while reading this and how much Batman respects him.


Brave and the Bold #14
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Scott Kolins

What? So confused….why did Ollie just shoot an Arrow into Deadman? Is there something to this? I bet because I know Green Arrow would never do such a thing and Deadman is already dead anyways. Kolins’s art can be a little distracting but this was an okay issue…I preferred the parts in Star City then the Nanda Parbat stuff though.


Brave and the Bold #15
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Scott Kolins

This continued the storyline that began last issue with Nightwing and Hawkman. I like that Waid is playing up that Nightwing is probably the most trusted superhero in the DCU because that is totally true. I just wish Didio would recognize that and not try to kill him all the time. There was a little continuity goof, I am pretty sure Deadman told Nightwing about him knowing his parents already in Nightwing: Year One but that is just a slight error, and such things are very unusual for Waid. So ya this was an okay issue, nothing to get really excited about.

bb161 Brave and the Bold #16
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Scott Kolins

First of all, what the hell is Selina doing in this costume. She definitely did not have this costume until Brubaker took over her series and this takes place long before that if it is her first meeting with Superman. Kolins obviously knows very little about her history if he isn’t aware of this, and the editor is an idiot for not catching it. The story was good though, I liked the fake out with the cave. But this huge continuity error really distracted from what was a good story.


Brave and the Bold #17
Written by Marv Wolfman
Art by Phil Winslade

You know…I never thought about the similarities between Raven and Supergirl until this issue. While this is the first Waid-less issue of this series, it was still very good. Winslade’s art is much better then Kolins, and I liked the use of continuity as Wolfman clearly followed the Supergirl series well. I know that Supergirl’s father apparently didn’t want her to kill Superman though right, at least it is not how he is being portrayed over in the Superman books. I think Johns said that they were going to clear that up soon.


Brave and the Bold #18
Written by Marv Wolfman
Art by Phil Winslade

You know I kind’ve like the bad ass Supergirl and her sense of humor, I hope she doesn’t completely change. Raven and Supergirl’s dialogue here is excellent and really shows what Wolfman can do. The insult comic dog stuff was hilarious and the story had real depth to it as well. Check this out, you won’t be disappointed.


Brave and the Bold #19
Written by David Hine
Art by Doug Braithwaite

Okay….if you don’t pick this up because you are waiting for JMS to start his run then you are an idiot. This was amazing! The story is fascinating and the art….oh my gosh…the art is beautiful. Perfectly dark but still full of beauty and wonder….especially when Green Lantern and the Phantom Stranger go to Kahlo. I never thought Green Lantern and Phantom Stranger could make sense in a story together, but they really do here as magick effects an alien planet. The panel showing the little girl who wrote the Green Lantern Oath on the wall was breathtaking and well creepy all at the same time. Check this out people, it is worth it. I can’t wait for the next issue. Definitely the best book I read this week. And by far the best issue of this series yet.

Birds of Prey 108 and 109

Birds of Prey #108
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Nicola Scott

Gail Simone’s final issue on this title is a tear jerker. You really feel that the writer is saying goodbye to her characters this issue. I don’t even know how to explain how good this issue is. Just read it. Characters from Simone’s entire run come back to defend Oracle against Spy Smasher. The “core team” cries together as they say their goodbyes and we find out who Misfit really is. It was amazing. Gail, thanks for making Birds of Prey a great read through your entire run.

Birds of Prey #109
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Nicola Scott

Bedard begins his fill-in run with this issue. This was a very enjoyable read that I believe lives up to what Simone has done with this book. Oracle and Black Canary discuss the Green Arrow-Black Canary relationship and I like how Oracle basically says she shouldn’t marry him. It was a nice way of looking back at each character’s histories. There were some major continuity error though, the use of the Ventriloquist when Batgirl was around (he didn’t come about until after she was crippled) and the mention that Connor’s mother was Shado. Shado was not Connor’s mother. Other than those errors, this was a great issue. My personal favorite about it must have been Big Barda playing with Pokemon Cards! Oh and this tied into Countdown perfectly.

Birds of Prey 103 and 104

Birds of Prey #103
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Nicola Scott and Doug Hazlewood

Overall, I have to say that the new status quo of the Birds of Prey is a lot of fun and is a refreshing change. I really do think it was the right time for Dinah to move on. This issue was action-packed and a lot of fun. Spy Smasher is certainly making Oracle’s life a living hell. It was cool to see how she had a past with Barbara, you almost like Spy Smasher after reading this. I definitely recommend this issue.

Birds of Prey #104
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Nicola Scott and Doug Hazlewood

Wow, I did not expect the last page surprise of this issue! And I don’t think anyone did. I am not going to spoil for you all, but definitely go out and buy this issue. It is one hell of a shocker. It was also really fun to see the Birds interact with the Secret Six. The six are a fun villain group and it is good to see them anywhere. I liked the mention of how the former JLI has taken some hits over the last few years and talk of Rocket Red. It makes a fan boy like me smile. Simone is fantastic writer if I haven’t already said that enough. This was a hell of an issue.

Barbara Vs. Lois

Birds of Prey #102
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Nicola Scott and Doug Hazlewood

Now this was a good issue. Lots of action and tension, it really keeps you at the edge of your seat. Misfit is a fun character and I hope she stays around for a while. The only thing that kinda bothered me about this issue is doesn’t Lois know that Barbara Gordon is Oracle? Didn’t her husband tell her? Does Superman even know? That just confused me and got me thinking. And why was Babs acting like Lois would take her down. Shouldn’t she know that Lois is a good person and won’t take down heroes just for a good story? I mean she has never revealed her husband is Superman, why would she reveal Barbara is Oracle? These are some interesting questions. I really am enjoying Nicola Scott’s art, he draws beautiful women but not in a sleazy way. We still do not know much about Judomaster, I would like to hear more about her. Oh and it was great to see Gypsy hasn’t been forgotten about. This issue really shows how much of an asset she is the birds. Oh and this issue also showed how badass and crazy Manhunter is. Highly reccomended.

JSA Classified 13 – 18

JSA Classified #13
Written by Stuart Moore

Art by Paul Gulacy

This was the final issue of this Vandal Savage story arc and it ended pretty well. I mean it was kinda cool seeing Vandal eat flesh Hannibal Lector style. The whole clone thing was a little cliche though. I think this arc could have been a lot shorter but it had some good moments.

JSA Classified #14
Written by Steve Engleheart
Art by Tom Derenick

This issue begins a new story arc that is the sequel to the recent “Detroit Era” JLA Classified arc that I loved so much. This time around, it takes place in the modern DCU when Gypsy and Vixen discover some villain’s plan to kidnap the JSA and make them fight eachother. Okay, that whole thing right there is a little cliche, so I am not singing this arc’s praises just yet. We have seen that whole force a team to fight eachother thing a million times. But I look forward to next issue. Oh and when do you think Stargirl will finally get her braces off?

JSA Classified #15
Written by Steve Engleheart
Art by Tom Derenick

This felt like such an “in the middle” issue. Not much happened and when it did, it didn’t interest me. I think it’s safe to say that Engleheart’s JLA Classified arc was much better than this one. The superheroes fighting each other has just been done too many times.

JSA Classifed #16
Written by Steve Engleheart
Art by Tom Derenick

This issue was a little bit better than last, at least the ending was. It was nice to see Vixen and Gypsy be asked to join the JSA, even though they turned it down. Vixen will be re-joining the JLA soon and Gypsy is now a member of the Birds of Prey. It was funny to see Amos Fortune balloon up like Violet from Willy Wonka. I was expecting the oompa loompas to come in and roll him away (:

JSA Classified #17
Written by Tony Bedard
Art and cover by Scott McDaniel and Andy Owens

This was a really creative, well-written storty. I like writers who make me think of something I have never though of before, and Bedard does that this issue. I never thought of the connection between Bane and Hourman; that Hourman and Bane both have to use drugs to get their power. And I am surprised no one has thought of it before, so I think that was really clever on the part of Bedard. The only problem I have is the art, I have McDaniel’s art, it’s terrible. Just look at the legs on Hourman on the cover, he looks fricken weird.

JSA Classified #18
Written by Tony Bedard
Art and cover by Scott McDaniel and Andy Owens

Damn, it is nice to see Bane being written well again. Bedard is good, I am surprised I have never heard of him before. I enjoyed this issue a lot. Bane was kick ass in this isssue and so was Hourman. I didn’t even really mind the art this time around, the story kept me from realizing how bad it was. Gosh, I can’t wait till the Justice Society of America book begins in december. Anyways, I hope Bedard returns to this book sometime soon for a rematch between Bane and Hourman.

JLA Classified 23 – 28

JLA Classified #23
Written by Steve Englehart
Art by Tom Derenick and Mark Farmer

The arc focusing on the “Detroit Era” Justice League continues this issue. I must say that I like all the moments with the Leaguers but I could care less about the Royal Flush Gang and would really have enjoyed this issue more without them. Besides that, decent issue.

JLA Classified #24
Written by Steve Englehart

Art by Tom Derenick and Mark Farmer

Okay this issue kicked some major ass. I loved it. The only weakness being the parts with the royal flush gang again. Otherwise, I just could not get enough of Englehart’s characterization of the Detroit Justice Leaguers. He makes me want to go back and read the old issues. Vixen’s origin is written so eloquently and I am excited that she is going to be part of the current JLA now. He has gotten me to care about characters that I never gave a crap about before. Great writing. Englehart even made Aquaman’s talking to fish power seem cool. Not to mention, this issue had pretty good art.

JLA Classified #25
Written by Steve Englehart
Art by Tom Derenick and Mark Farmer

This was a great ending to a great story arc. I think this series needs more arcs like this, arcs that focus on obscure parts of the JLA’s history. It is revelaed in this issue that Gypsy knew about Vibe and Steel’s deaths before they happened. I don’t know if this is a new idea or not but it is very interesting. Gypsy is a lot more powerful than I thought and I am glad she is now a member of the Birds of Prey. I think this story arc may just have convinced me to pick up some old Detroit JLA issues.

JLA Classified #26
Written by Howard Chaykin
Art and cover by Kilian Plunkett and Tom Nguyen

This issue was okay, nothing to write home about it. I feel like the whole JLA getting involved in international affair thing has been done to death in the last few years and therefore, a story that would have been a big deal a decade ago is just another JLA story now. It is nice to see Faith again and to read a story with the JLA taking place only a little while before Infinite Crisis. It makes you think about how much has changed in the DCU since Infinite Crisis.

JLA Classified #27
Written by Howard Chaykin
Art and cover by Kilian Plunkett a
nd Tom Nguyen

This issue bored me until the end when I was just so pissed off at the league for getting involved in this international affair and creating a huge problem. Chaykin write the Justice League as being pretty damn arrogant and that is just not how I see them. Oh and the art is pretty mediocre. Not one of my favorites.

JLA Classified #28
Written by Howard Chaykin
Art and cover by Kilian Plunkett a
nd Tom Nguyen

Okay this issue sucked and I must say that this whole storyline so far blows. The JLA is acting totally out of character and shitty. They are acting like they have no experience as super heroes at all. Not reccomended.

Birds of Prey 95 – 99

Birds of Prey #95
Written by Gail Simone

Art by Joe Prado

This issue marks the conclusion to the first one year later story arc and I must say I think it ended perfectly. Some may be dissapointed that the Birds did not actually take down prometheus, but let’s face it, if they did it would be completely unrealistic. He is just too powerful for them to stop. I also think Sin will be a welcome addition to the supporting cast and seeing Dinah try to be a mother should be interesting. I like this issue.

Birds of Prey #96
Written by Gail Simone

Art by Paulo Sequeira

Okay this issue started off great, we finally see a Ted Kord memorial and some funny banter between the birds. But then, Black Alice shows up and I just get all confused. Why is Black Alice mad at the Birds of Prey? When did she go into Prison? Simone should really have explained this better. And the last scene is just shocking…but it can’t be for real? Can it? Is Barbara Batgirl again?

Birds of Prey #97
Written by Gail Simone

Art by Paulo Sequeira

The Black Alice storyline concludes quite nicely. Black Alice gets her mom back and everything ends up dandy for her. Yet, I am worried about this whole Barbara Batgirl thing. Personally, I still am a little angry about what DC did to Cassandra Cain and bringing Barbara back as Batgirl would be just another slap in the face to Cassie fans. We will see where this goes.

Birds of Prey #98
Written by Gail Simone
Art by James Raiz and Robin Riggs
Cover by Jerry Ordway

Okay thanks god Barbara is not this new mysterious Batgirl. Instead it is some crazed teenaged metahuman who somehow knows Barbara, Dinah, and Helenas’ real names. I wonder who this nutjob is? I love the cover of this issue and how it acts as homage to the cover where Barabara first debuted as Batgirl. I just am so happy that Barbara isn’t Batgirl in this issue.

Birds of Prey #99
Written by Gail Simone
Art by James Raiz and Robin Riggs
Cover by Jerry Ordway

This was a surprisingly sad issue. Barbara shows the wannabe Batgirl why it is not good to just jump into becoming a superhero (aka the spoiler’s death and Barabara’s own handicapp) and the Black Canary, after 99 issues, decides to leave the team. Simone write a great moment between Dianah and the others as she says goodbye. After reading this issue, I got an overwhelming feeling that the Birds of Prey was entering its next era. While it is sad, I do believe that it is time for Dinah to move on. It looks like no only is she leaving the team but she is also retiring the Black Canary mantle. I doubt for good though. This was a great issue.

The Pain of Steel

JLA Classified #22
Written by Steve Englehart
Art by Tom Derenick and Mark Farmer
Cover by Mike Zeck and Jerry Ordway

These kinds of stories are what the classified serieses should be about. Untold stories about a teams past. This time around, we focus on the Justice League’s Detroit era. Now I wasn’t around during this time but I have heard the jokes and stuff. But I also see why some people do like this era. These characters are interesting and cool, but I am glad they only lasted for a short time as the JLA because they really are not the JLA. Englehart, who I have never head of before this, comes up with a simple story about villains getting revenge on the JLA. But he turns this into a character study of each of the new members. This issue focused on Steel. Not the John Henry Irons, but the JL Detroit Steel. I liked this as this is a character I am not familiar with. The way his grandfather forced him to become “synthetic” was sick and someone should have called social services on the guy. I really feel bad for Steel. He has to live with pain all the time. That just sux. I act like it is the end of the world when stub my toe, I can’t imagine the kind of pain this guy is going through. I sympathize with the character, although I wish he was less hard on his teammates. He considers them the loser version of the league, obvious reflecting comic fans thought of the Detroit era league. Also, Martian Manhunter’s costume is classic and I do not get why he is getting new one in his upcoming Mini-Series. This issue made me upset about that decision. They should keep his old one. Anyway, great start to this arc and I am looking forward to next week’s focus on Vibe.

From the Worst To One of the Best

Birds of Prey #93
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Paulo Siqueira and Robin Riggs
Cover by Terry and Rachel Dodson

This is a vast improvement from the previous issue.
And I mean crazy vast! This was a great issue. SO MUCH STUFF HAPPENED WITH SO MANY GREAT MOMENTS. I love the addition of Gypsy. I love the little girl. I just really loved this issue. The crime doctor’s daughter was hilarious and I actually like the addition of Lady Shiva now. I don’t completely understand why Black Canary and her switched places but I suppose I will find out in time. This issue was also action packed and I am really looking forward to the next issue. Great Job, Gail!