Titans 10 and 11


Titans (Volume 3) #10
Written by Dan Abnett
Art by Brett Booth

Ok Abnett why in the hell are you having the Titans call each other by real names right in front of the Fearsome Five! I can’t stand when writers do this. That being said this was a fun issue as the Titans face off against the Fearsome Five. Bumblebee, of all people, end up saving the day. I am very unclear what her powers are. In the end, she ends up having her memory of Mal Duncan erased which should make some drama in the future. Speaking of Mal, I like his new costume….I think.


Titans (Volume 3) #11
Written by Dan Abnett, Benjamin Percy, and Priest
Art by Brett Booth

Wow as I suspected the events of the New Teen Titans series are now back in continuity! But they didn’t happen exactly as they did in the original series…I don’t remember Lilith being much in the comic at all and the costumes are different. This is an interesting take on things. In this continuity was Raven not in the New Teen Titans, but it was instead Lilith? I look forward to seeing where this goes.