False Infinitors


JSA All-Stars #11
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Freddie E. Williams II
Co-Feature by Jen Van Meter
Art by Travis Moore

Meh Sturges’s writing is still good but I am annoyed with Williams’s art again. Why draw Huntress into the group shot of Infinity Inc when she doesn’t fucking exist in modern continuity?! Does this book not have an editor? That kind of stuff really annoys me because I am a fan and I can get it straight why can’t the professionals. Plus I am not a huge fan of Williams’s art to begin with. The relationship between Atom Smasher and Anna Fortune as well as King Chimera and Cyclone are really great though and I am still enjoying the story if not the art. The back-up was much better how adorable is it that Icicle and Tigress had a baby together!

Blood Aflame With The Light Of The Sun


JSA All-Stars #10
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Freddie E. Williams II
Co-Feature by Jen Van Meter
Art by Travis Moore


The main story was okay as it was really just the battle with these Paradoran Gods with some fun lines like “My blood is aflame with the Light of the Sun” haha. But other then that I feel like the plot really isn’t moving forward. I certainly don’t believe Power Girl is in any bit of trouble as the cliffhanger tried to make it seem. The back-up was good as usual.

Blasts From The Past


JSA All-Stars #9
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

Co-Feature by Jen Van Meter
Art by Travis Moore


So the redhead from last issue was Brainwave from Infinity, Inc. I did not see that coming. This book is fantastic now I hope Sturges stays with it. I am afraid with his writing partner Willingham leaving the main JSA book Sturges won’t stay on this book long but I could be wrong. I love all the shout out to Infinity Inc, as it is a great use of continuity even though I have never read that original series. The romance between King Chimera and Cyclone is really interesting and I would like to see it continue to bloom and Anna Fortune is still a kick ass new character. The back-up continues to entertain as well.

Mystery in Parador


JSA All-Stars #8
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Freddie E. Williams II
Co-Feature by Jen Van Meter
Art by Travis Moore

Our heroes travel to fictional Parador to figure out why the one-time normal gang that the Infinitors used to fight has now become god-worshipping cultists. I liked all the reference to the days of Infinity Inc as it is an era that is rarely talked about. Hourman, Atom Smasher, and Power Girl were all members of that team and I completely forgot that. King Chimera apparently lost a lover once and that makes sense especially in the context of last issue where he cared so much about how Judomaster felt about Damage’s death. Williams’s art did not bother me at all this issue and I think it really worked for the first time since this series began. I guess he just needed to improve. Ann Fortune is still interesting as hell – she is apparently from the past somehow. In the back-up the villain behind everything seems to be the Professor’s son. Hmm.

Rest In Peace Damage


JSA All-Stars #7
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Freddie Williams II
Co-Feature by Jen Van Meter
Art by Travis Moore


The main story focuses on Judomaster – a character who really hasn’t had a lot of focus. She is dealing with the death of Damage during Blackest Night – I liked it although it didn’t seem to be that different from the letter sent from beyond the grave stories told in comics past. It was great to see former Titans at Damage’s funeral – because DC seems to have forgotten that Damage was also a Titans at one point. I loved seeing Argent too! The Liberty Belle and Hourman back-up goes along with its Indiana Jones like themes – pretty good stuff.

The Defeat of Johnny Sorrow

allstars6JSA All-Stars #6
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Freddie E. Williams II
Co-Feature by Jen Van Meter
Art by Travis Moore


The first arc of this series comes to an end with this issue and I must say looking back on it, I think it was a very cool arc. Albeit, I am not sure how Johnny Sorrow was defeated? What exactly did King Chimera do to him? That confused me. I liked that it was revealed that Sorrow was posing as Atom Smasher so at least now we don’t have that weird romance between Stargirl and Atom Smasher but it created the drama that Atom Smasher knows that Stargirl fell in love with a false version of him. Next issue will deal with the death of Damage during Blackest Night – I hope he gets a good send-off. Also, is Ann Fortune joining the team? I sure hope so. I actually rather enjoyed the Liberty Belle and Hourman back-up this issue as they continue their quest with Tigress and Icicle and have an indiana Jones-like adventure. We even learn that Hourman and Liberty Belle are planning on trying to have a baby. I like that he wants to get off Miraclo completely before they conceive. Good stuff.

Who is Anna Fortune?


JSA All-Stars #5
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Freddie E. Williams II
Co-Feature by Jen Van Meter
Art by Travis Moore


I think this was the best issue of this book to date. Sturges really ups the ante with the character interactions and crazy fun concepts. I love that this Anna Fortune – whoever she is – has spells contained in little capsules! The budding romance between Cyclone and King Chimera, as well as Stargirl and Atom Smasher (Although she is much younger then him it’s legal in my state), and a hint of something between Sand and Power Girl. The subtle realms are so strange and exciting I wonder what exactly is going on there. Good issue. The back-up with Liberty Belle and Hourman has them split into boy and girl teams with Icicle and Tigress which made for some amusing banter. I liked it a lot even though I have kind of forgotten what happened before this issue.

Name Changes


JSA All-Stars #4
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Freddie E. Williams III

Co-Feature by Jen Van Meter
Art by Travis Moore


The main story was okay. This book is certainly not as good as the main JSA book and I still think Williams belongs on a different book. One thing I found to be annoying was that Power Girl would even send this team to fight the King of Tears. She is not that dumb and she could have called in the other JSA members, why are they acting like the other team hates them or soemthing? It seems strange out of the blue. That being said, I didn’t dislike the issue, the story has potential and I wonder what is really going on. Why is Atom Smasher in the subtle realms? Plus I liked the idea of Tom going by Tomcat instead of Wildcat. Now only if we could get Alan Scott to go by Sentinel again. The Liberty Belle/Hourman back-up was decent enough, nothing to praise or complain about there.

Power Girl Vs. The Douche With Horns


JSA All-Stars #3
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Freddie E. Williams III

Co-Feature by Jen Van Meter
Art by Travis Moore


The main story is actually pretty good. It was nice to see Power Girl kick Magog’s annoying ass. This probably should have come out before the annual but oh well. I am getting used to Williams’s art, at least we had pupils this time around. I like that they are addressing Atom Smasher and Sandman, as well as we get to see quiet moments between the elder Hourman and his son. There are a lot of subplots in this book. People who stopped reading JSA books after Johns left really are missing out. The Liberty Belle and Hourman back-up was a decent read as well.

I Love Roxie!


JSA All-Stars #2
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

Co-Feature by Jan Van Meter
Art by Travis Moore


In the second issue of this series, Stargirl is retrieved from Arthur Pemberton and the Injustice Society shows up. Williams’s art is barely tolerable with his ugly faces in this issue. Most of the time Cyclone was drawn without any pupils! What is she Batman! Williams is better then this! I am still enjoying this book and the co-feature starring Liberty Belle and Hourman was a nice addition. I love Roxie too! She reminds me of Indigo but with a great sense of humor.

A Brand New Era For The Birds of Prey

Birds of Prey #100
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Nicola Scott, Doug Hazlewood, Paulo Sequiera and Robin Riggs
Cover by Jerry Ordway

It’s exciting to see a book like Birds of Prey reach its 100th issue, it is like the little engine that could. Gail Simone and Chuck Dixon before her have created a great series out of the adventures of Oracle and her agents. Here is to another hundred issues! This issue introduces a new era for the Birds, with Dinah leaving the team it looks like Oracle is turning the Birds into a who’s who of DC females as shown by the cover of this issue (which is great by the way.) It was fun to see all the lady super-heroes get their invitations into the Birds. But what about Gypsy, wasn’t she going to be a permanent member now? She is not even mentioned in this issue. Strange. While I enjoyed the main story, I enjoyed the back-up a lot more. I love how Dinah tells her life story to Sin. I am actually kindve excited to see that Dinah and Ollie might get back together, even though I know it has been hinted a million times in the past. Will their always be Black Canary back ups in this series? I guess time will tell but I certainly enjoyed this one. Fantastic milestone issue.