Deathstroke Rebirth 1 – 20


Deathstroke (Volume 4) #1
Written by Priest
Art by Carlo Pagulayan

I only know Deathstroke from his appearance in other comic books (and I have to say he is way overused) and not his solos series, and for a #1 issue this really is not written for new readers. I was so lost, and I know the character.


Deathstroke (Volume 4) #2
Written by Priest
Art by Larry Hama and Carlo Pagulayan

Okay I have always wondered why Rose Wilson had silver hair, I always assumed it had something to do with whatever the thing is that Deathstroke injects into himself but when he has injected others – like sadly Cassandra Cain for example – their hair does not turn white. (Maybe that is just because Cassandra is so badass she can take it without her hair turning white.) Anyways, I still found this issue hard to follow, but better than the last – at least I know Rose Wilson/the Ravager from her Titans days.

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Teen Titans (Volume 6) #9
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Koi Pham and Phil Hester

This was an eventful issue for the Teen Titans. In this issue, Damian Wayne begins to train Aqualad in his skills – he is potentially more powerful than even Aquaman when you think about it, Damian is so full of himself to think he can tell him what to do. Kid Flash is kicked off/quits the team to join Deathstroke’s new team. Aqualad learns he shares his powers with his mom – which was as twist I did not see coming. Starfire and Beast Boy stop a bank robbery and discuss what to do about Robin before Black Manta finally comes and attacks Aqualad’s mom. I sure hope that his mom is not killed – we have enough heroes with dead parents. I expected Jackson to get his Aqualad codename from Garth but that did not happen during the crossover – so when will it happen.

Teen Titans 7 and 8


Teen Titans (Volume 6) #7
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Khoi Pham and Phil Hester

Jackson Hyde makes it to Titans Tower and is immediately rejected by Robin until he saves Robin from King Shark. Damian then gives him a suit that he had been creating for himself for underwater missions. I wonder if this will be Jackson’s final Aqualad costume – it is unclear because he never puts it on in this comic. I am hoping Jackson is given the name Aqualad by Garth as a passing of the torch in the upcoming crossover.


Teen Titans (Volume 6) #8
Written by Priest, Benjamin Percy, and Dan Abnett
Art by Khoi Pham and Phil Hester

This is Part 2 of the Lazarus Contract crossover that began here. I want to dislike this crossover because I know that Deathstroke trying to ressurect Grant Wilson has been done SO MANY TIMES in the past. In fact, I think it was done right before Flashpoint. But the writing and characterization is top notch I can’t really hate it. Tempest and the new Aqualad meet for the first time, Donna and Starfire saying how they should really be the ones in charge – the writers clearly know these characters. Kid Flash actually finds out that Wally has the same name as him in this issue which I figured the would have left for the Flash books to resolve.


Aqualad Rebirth


Teen Titans (Volume 6) #6
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Khoi Pham

A new arc for Teen Titans begins as we are introduced to the new Aqualad. Jackson Hyde Aqualad barely got to exist before he was erased with Flashpoint. I am excited to learn more about him finally and get to see him with the Titans. It is a great to see a teen gay male hero in the DCU. In this issue, Jackson gets dumped by his boyfriend when he shows him his powers and so Jackson runs away to Titans Tower. Meanwhile, the Titans are giving an interview to the press when the reporter gets kidnapped by a shark person. This is a really good series. It is fun and light hearted while not afraid to take on serious topics. I loved the moments with Beast Boy and Vegetarianism. I think Percy will go on to being one of the great Titans writes like Johns, Wolfman, and Krul.

Barry Allen 1 – 18


The Flash (Volume 5) #1
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Carmine Di Giandomenico

I liked that this issue acted as a true #1 and introduced new readers to The Flash’s origin and everything and starts to fill out his supporting cast but I am not a huge fan of the art. I mean it is not bad but I am not sure it is right for a Flash comic. Also, I am unsure of what Barry and Iris’s relationship is now. Does she know he is the Flash? Why does Kid Flash not know Barry is the Flash? I guess I will find out. It also looks like the lightning has struck Barry’s friend August and gave him powers of some sort.


The Flash (Volume 5) #2
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Carmine Di Giandomenico

In this issue, Barry trains Detective August Heart about his new speed force powers. He suspects he missed having Wally West (The original and real Flash) around and maybe the Speed Force chose August to be his partner. Meanwhile, the Black Hole is a gang of people working for Dr. Carver and causing Havoc for Barry and August. I am confused why young Wally (Can they just change his name?) says he is not a hero. Didn’t he debut as Kid Flash pre-Rebirth? Also, didn’t the lightning strike Barry after he had a bunch of chemicals on him. I didn’t think lightning alone gave him his powers? At the end of this issue, it looks like the lightning struck a whole bunch more people. This is getting interesting but I am still not a huge fan of the art.

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Nightwing 1 – 16


Nightwing (Volume 4) #1
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Javier Fernandez

How great is it to see Nightwing in that costume again? It’s been what ten years since he wore that beautiful – frankly iconic – Nightwing costume. DC….what were you thinking? He should have been returned to that immediately after he stopped being Batman. Speaking of that, Dick refers to his time as Batman. Does that mean Final Crisis happened in the New 52 universe or is this a result of Rebirth restoring the timeline? Interesting. This was a great start to this series but not exactly a good jumping on point for new readers for a first issue. We aren’t really told what is going on with this Parliament of Owls other than they are forcing Dick to work with them or they think they are and he is playing them. I don’t know much about the Court of Owls because they are a new 52 creation. Anyways, it is still weird to see Barbara Gordon in a Batgirl costume and not Oracle and looking so young. Is she still suppose to be the same age as Dick?  So far…this is good. Seeley seems to really understand Dick Grayson as a character and the art is perfect for a Nightwing book.


Nightwing (Volume 4) #2
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Javier Fernandez

This was a fantastic comic. I like how Seeley writes Nightwing’s narraration. It isn’t all action, there is depth to this story. I don’t like how the Raptor knows their have been different Robins. That is dumb. The general public in the DCU should not know that. Also, how is Barbara flying to Tokyo and back? Does Bruce bankroll her?

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Titans Tower is Back

Teen Titans (Volume 6) #5
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Khoi Pham

This was another incredible issue of Teen Titans. I am beginning to think this is going to be a really great run in the way Geoff Johns, Marv Wolfman, and J.T. Krul had (although Krul’s was abbreviated) – there is a lot of hope already and a feeling these people will become close friends like the Titans always were. I still don’t like Damian much and I don’t think he should be there “leader” but even I am warming up to him. The art was fantastic in this comic I got to hand it to this creative team they are kicking it out of the park. I was so happy to see at the end Titans Tower is back!

Teen Titans Rebirth 1 – 4

Okay this is it…. I am returning to the DCU after a five-year absence. I have caught up with all pre-flashpoint stories. And now we are here in the world of DC Rebirth. Will I recognize these characters I have loved so much? How much has the Teen Titans changed since I last saw them in Volume 3. Let’s find out.

Teen Titans (Volume 6) #1
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Jonboy Meyers

Immediately off the bat I have to say this felt more like Young Justice than Teen Titans to me and that is probably because of the art style which I enjoyed I guess…and it fits the tone…but I like my art usually less cartoony. I am willing to give Meyers a chance. I thought this was an okay start if a bit simplistic. Damian Wayne has gathered a new team of Teen Titans and plan to restore the team to greatness it has been missing the last few years which I suppose is how this book incorporates the Rebirth aspect. I love that Beast Boy says Damian is no Time Drake because hell ya he is not! Damian is still an annoying brat to me and always will be. I have to ask how of the Pre-Flashpoint Teen Titans history is now back. Dick is mentioned by Alfred as having grown up with the Titans but Beast Boy and Raven are much younger than they were pre-flashpoint it seems. Did they have the history with the Titans before?  Damian briefly joined the Teen Titans back in Volume 3. I had thought he was turning 13 then too. Is that story out of continuity or taken away by Dr. Manhattan? These are the kinds of questions I would like to see answered eventually.  Are Connor Kent and Bart Allen ever going to come back? I am new to this new Kid Flash who I wish they would just change his name to something besides Wally. Let’s see if Benajamin Percy can bring the Titans together again…


Teen Titans (Volume 6) #2
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Diogenes Neves

We learn the real reason these specific heroes have been picked by Damanian to be the Teen Titans is because they were all chosen by a group of young assassins working for Ra’s Al Ghul as targets. The assassins show up and the team has to work together in this issue to fight them. It was a good issue. I enjoyed the art and the writing much more than I did the previous issue. Still waiting to find out how much of Titans history is still in tact.



Teen Titans (Volume 6) #3
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Khoi Pham

In a flashback scene in this issue, you see Damian training with the assassin Mara and man oh man he was a little dickhead then wasn’t he? Scarring her so she will remember he is a better fighter. This issue balanced out the last issue by being more about getting in the heads of the characters. I really enjoyed it and I think I am already impressed with Benjamin Percy as a writer. This book has had 3 different artists in 3 different issues but they all have been good.


Teen Titans (Volume 6) #4
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Khoi Pham

I was very impressed by this issue as well. Damian nearly sacrifices himself to save the Teen Titans and the team finally gets behind him. I like how this adventure is really building this group into a cohesive unit. I have to say it is making me feel that “Titans family” feeling you got from the Pre-Flashpoint Teen Titans. Keep it up!

R.E.B.E.L.S. 27 and 28

R.E.B.E.L.S. #27
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Claude St. Aubin

In the penultimate issue of this series Starro is pretty much defeated by Tribulus with the help of Blackfire and R.E.B.E.L.S. I forgot how good this book was. It is such a shame Marvel beat DC to making a space movie with Guradians of the Galaxy because DC has just as interesting space faring characters. Come on DC get your act together when it comes to film. St. Aubin’s art is perfect for this as well. All around good comic.

R.E.B.E.L.S. #28r-e-b-e-l-s-_vol_2_28
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Claude St. Aubin

In this final issue Starro is finally defeated and the R.E.B.E.L.S. have now become L.E.G.I.O.N. There were so many great character moments this issue and funny one liners. Bedard sure loves these characters and you can feel it while reading this comic. I will miss this series.

Titans 34-38

Titans (Volume 2) #34
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Fabrizio Fiorentino

Despite hating what happened to Lian Harper and the disgusting way Dan Didio has talked about killing her,  and then what happened to Ryan Choi… this was a good issue and that is due to the creative team telling a strong story. I am actuallu interested in what is to come of Osiris and this creepy guy who takes people’s eyes.


Titans (Volume 2) #35
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Fabrizio Fiorentino and Phillip Tan

Another good issue of this dark series. I hate how Lian and Ryan have died but Eric Wallace sure knows how to write and Fiorentino knows how to draw beautifully. There was a lot of story in this issue. Wallace isn’t writing for the trade and I like that. The ending where Deathstroke has to fight essentially the creatures from the movie “the Descent” was quite creepy. I wonder if Vixen will ever form her new street team of heroes (Which ironically is how she originally joined the League in the 80’s right because Aquaman wanted to remake the team like that). All of the plots in this book are interesting.

Titans (Volume 2) #36
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Fabrizio Fiorentino

This issue wasn’t as good as the last. The art seemed weaker and it ended the arc too easily to me. It was exciting to see the Justice League show up at the end to take Deathstroke to task for the murder of Ryan Choi. Other than that it was only okay. I don’t really care much about Tatooed Man’s arc which is what most of this issue was dedicated to. Deathstroke mentions that Roy and Jericho were once on the same team but…was Jericho and Roy ever on the Titans at the same time? I don’t remember if they were. It seems not but I could be wrong.

Titans (Volume 2) #37
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Travis Moore

This was a return to form as Jericho is resurrected by a device Deathstroke helped Sivana create. Then they offer to bring back the dead relatives of the Titans including Lian Harper! I was screaming yes! But the problem is that it might also give Lian eternal life which is hell I guess but Roy should know that in the DC Universe they will figure out how to fix that. Bring back your toddler who didn’t deserve to die at he hands of Prometheus/Dan Didio! Can’t wait to see how this concludes.

Titans (Volume 2) #38
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Travis Moore

In the final issue the machine that would have ressurected Lian Harper is destroyed which is too bad but I guess Roy is reformed now and has decided to lead the Titans even though Jericho is now it’s only member. Wallace is a really good writer and I hope he landed somewhere else in DC’s line up after this book. What I like the most is that he included a heartfelt funeral for Ryan Choi which showed he respects the character even though I am sure that editorial forced him to kill Ryan. I am glad Ryan returned in DC Rebirth but I wish it was the same Ryan Choi. I hope in the end it will turn out that everyone’s memories had just been erased and that it is the same Ryan without his memories of being the Atom. Long live the real and original DC Universe!



Bruce Remembers


Power Girl (Volume 2) #21
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Sami Basri


This was awesome for anyone enjoing Generation Lost as Power Girl manages to convince Dick Grayson with the help of Bruce Wayne of Max Lord’s existence and villainy. Bruce’s presence here was just awesome and it was great to see that he remembers Lord – because if anyone could it would be Bruce. I also loved how Basri got all the pre-infinite crisis costumes correct in the flashback. I know that sounds easy, and it is, but so many other artists at DC would have gotten it wrong cause their editors suck at their jobs.

R.E.B.E.L.S. 24 and 25


R.E.B.E.L.S. #24
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Claude St. Aubin


Starro attacks in this fantastic issue where Vril Dox and Blackfire have a romantic dinner and Lobo is thwarted by Astrild. Well I was annoyed that they were bringing back Starro so soon I am actually kind of excited about it now. Hey a man can change his mind right?


R.E.B.E.L.S. #25
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Claude St. Aubin

So is Astrild Storm-Daughter a Czarnian or not? I mean they were cloning Lobo and not her right? Why does she look so much like one? I guess that is a mystery and think are getting good as it looks like Rann is screwed and they are going to need Blackfire’s help.

Too Soon


R.E.B.E.L.S. #23
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Claude St. Aubin


It was great to see Kyle Rayner show up as that was unexpected! And the fact that the Green Lanterns defeated Dox’s scheme was cool too. But I really think it is too soon for Starro to come back. I know I am in the minority here but I think this series got a lot better Post-Starro and I don’t look forward to another 14 issues of the R.E.B.E.L.S. versus Starro. Oh well.

Psion Misogyny


R.E.B.E.L.S. #22
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Claude St. Aubin and Kevin Sharpe


Starfire joins up with the Green Lantern Psion to take out the Psions who have apparently kept their females imprisoned and used only for breeding. It makes sense that Starfire would be so disgusted by this she would be driven to kill so it didn’t really both me that she did. Dox even listen to Starfire when she tells him not have a contract with the Psion homeworld. I wonder why? That doesn’t seem to be in character for Dox – does he see Kory as too important a member of R.E.B.E.L.S to lose? I don’t know.

Regular Everyday Bastiches Ending Lantern Supremacy


R.E.B.E.L.S. #21
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Claude St. Aubin


The title of this post is what Lobo says the R.E.B.E.L.S. stand for in this issue as Vril Dox humiliates the Lantern Corps on international televison. This was a good issue…but I want to see more of the rest of the team. I get that Lobo is a huge selling point, but he has dominated this book the last couple of issues and I want to see what everyone else is up to.

Friends With Benefits


R.E.B.E.L.S. #18
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Claude St. Aubin


Brainiac 3 attacks Colu just as Brainiac the first escapes from his though-cell. Stafire and Captain Comet do the hanky panky in a space ship – I love how sexually free Kory is haha. And she even admits that sleeping with Captain Comet helps her get over Dick Grayson – to Captain Comet. An earth-man like himself won’t be too happy about that I can imagine. This was a good issue.

Interesting Things Are Around The Corner


R.E.B.E.L.S. #17
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Sergio Arino

In another exciting issue of this always entertaining series, the conflict between Tamaran and Rann is ended by Vril Dox creating a treaty between the two. I have a feeling that having Blackfire and the Tamaranians live with the Rannians is not going to go so well. This should be interesting. I wonder how Starfire will deal with it. The Trial of Brainiac hinted at should be interesting as well.