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Red Robin #21
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Marcus To


Red Robin and Anarky managed to shut down the unternet in this interesting issue. I am not sure I completely understand what the unternet is – but I like the concept and the connections to Final Crisis here. I was hoping that Cassandra Cain was in this because Nicieza has said she’ll be in this book in the spring but I guess I will have to wait a little longer.

The Name Still Stinks But This Issue Is Better


Red Robin #2
Written by Christopher Yost
Art by Ramon Bachs

This cover gave away the identity of Red Robin months ago when it was released so I don’t know why DC tried to pretend like it was a big secret. Anyways, I enjoyed this issue much more then its debut issue. I am starting to rethink my attitude about Tim going “dark” he has been through a lot of shit. I don’t like the way he treats Stephanie in this though. Poor Stephanie Brown is always treated like shit even though she is always just trying to help. This series really should have continued Tim’s old numbering because it is very much a continuation of the “Robin” series. Don’t you wish Tim chose to be the new Nightwing instead of this Red “I am a burger chain too” Robin bullshit. It’s a great looking costume and always will be but the name really stinks. I also don’t like that Tim is always referred to as Tim Wayne now, I get that he wants to respect Bruce but isn’t that a little bit disrespectful of his real father, Jack Drake? Anyways, this was an enjoyable issue that kept me much more entertained that the prior issue.

Better Stay A Good Guy

Robin #183
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

Once again, I am annoyed that there is no mention of Cassandra Cain in the Bat family. What the hell, Nicieza! The art is better then usual for Williams but I couldn’t make out who was who in the back up story! How annoying. This whole issue annoyed me. Which is sad since this is the final issue of a series that has been going strong since 1993. At least I am excited for what is to come for Tim Drake, he just better not turn into an asshat like Jason Todd or something. At least they focused more on the history of this series then the Nightwing finale did, Tim basically says goodbye to people like Stephanie, Zoanne, and Ives which is a nice look at the supporting cast he has had over the years. Anyways, it was a long run, Tim, you better stay a good guy.

Tim Drake: Asshole


Robin #182
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

Robin kinda sorta gets a little sloppy this issue and some kids get killed on accident. He even lets Jason Todd out of jail which is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Jason Todd is not a good guy. He has gone way past the point of redemption and deserves no other chance then the chances he has been given. Having Tim let him out of jail just make Tim look like an idiot. I really hope that they aren’t going down the route of having Tim turn evil or something. While he is a darker character then Dick Grayson, he is NOT evil. The future predicted in Teen Titans can be avoided. He is rotten to Spoiler, here, although I feel like Tim has been a total jerk to Stephanie since she came back. All-in-all not my favorite issue.

Red Robin


Robin #181
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by
Freddie E. Williams II

Well the General Guy is dressing up like Anarky and Robin got pretty burned after the explosion last issue. Like really burned, like the back of his head looks like Two-Face’s right side. So naturally, in order to conceal his identity, Tim takes on the Red Robin costume at the end of this issue. Will this be a permanent change, I don’t know, but Tim certainly looks older in the Red Robin costume, I like it. Maybe he can just be Robin, and still have that costume, because I do like it. It is Batman meets Robin perfectly. I despise Alex Ross, but the man does do great costume designs. As for this issue, eh, it was okay, I just hate Williams’s art and I really don’t give a crap about the guy dressing up as Anarky. I wish Dixon never left.

Robin 164 – 180


Robin #164
Written by Adam Beechen
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

Meh….this issue was just a waste. Dodge recruits a bunch of Gotham Metas I don’t care about to take out Robin and Robin gets asked to be on the tennis team. I really don’t care.  Williams’s art, while I liked it at first, is kinda getting on my nerves. I don’t like how cartooney it is and how everyone’s mouth looks so strange.


Robin #165
Written by Adam Beechen
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

Now this was more like it. Robin fights off Dodge and his goon in the hospital. I like how Beechen is great at explaining how Robin can take out these guys who at first glace seem so much more powerful. He uses brains over brawn. I knew there was no way Dodge would want to kill Robin, but I wonder how this girl knows Robin’s real name or if she even does.


Robin #166
Written by Adam Beechen
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

While this storyline took a little long, I must say that I really enjoyed this finale. I hope Dodge comes back again. There is something so sweet about his flamebird-like wannabe attitude. I also must say that I was not expecting the whole Zatara/Ravager twist at all. This was a good issue.


Robin #167
Written by Brandon Thomas
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

This filler issue was very very good and a nice story about a boy who misses his father. Sometimes these mourning stories can get a little tiresome but there hasn’t been that much focus on the death of Jack Drake in this series and this issue make up for it. The best part has to be when Batman tells Jack “That he will take it up from here.” Meaning of course that he will take care of Tim.


Robin #168
Written by Peter Milligan
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

This is part of the Ressurection of Ra’s al Ghul crossover and is one of the better issues in this crossover. I totally understand why Robin is freaking out on Damian. I hate that little brat and I don’t trust him either. And it’s not like Damian is being subtle about wanting to replace Tim, I mean he runs around in a Robin shirt! How old is Damian supposed to be? Just curious.


Robin #169
Written by Peter Milligan
Art by David Baldeon

This is another part of the Ressurection of Ra’s al Ghul and in it we see Tim tempted by the idea of joining with Ra’s if it means he can bring back those he has lost. I was shocked at first that Robin would consider it, but then I thought about it and realized….this boy has lost his parents, his girlfriend, and his best friend. I think it is very human of him to be tempted to do that, but I trust he will make the right decision in the end. Oh and I like Baldeon’s art better than Williams’s art.


Robin #170
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Chris Batista and Jamal Igle

Chuck Dixon is  back on Robin and it looks like he is fixing DC’s biggest mistake in the bat-books of this decade, the death and mistreatment of Stephanie Brown. Dixon wsa the writer of Robin when I first got into comics (writer of most of the batbooks actually) and I have tremendous respect for him as a writer even if I don’t agree with his politics. This is a fantastic issue and a great start to his new run. I can’t wait to see Stephanie again. And I loved the mention of the memorial (or lack of) in the cave.


Robin #171
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Chris Batista

This was a good issue, Dixon is back in the game like he never left. And I love how he is seeing Spoiler jumping across rooftops. If she is alive, was that issue of Batgirl where she talks to Stephanie in a near-death-experience just a hallucination? Anyways, Violet has an ugly costume. I wonder what is going on with Ives.


Robin #172
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by David Baldeon

Robin busts up an illegal casino led by Maxie Zeus this issue, all the while trying to stop Violet. God…I hate her. I hate her costume and I hate her attitude and I HATE those stupid goggles. All and all I have got a lot of hate for her. I question since she isn’t the Spoiler, what the point of her character even is? I guess just to throw people off thinking she was Stephanie. But Stephanie is back in her old Spoiler this issue! But Tim doesn’t know it yet.


Robin #173
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Chris Batista

Spoiler shows up but Robin doesn’t believe it is Stephanie behind the mask. I liked how he gets angry that someone is impersonating her as I think I would be too. I almost feel like Dixon should have waited to not show the readers Spoiler was back until the moment Robin saw her, it would make it more dramatic.


Robin #174
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Chris Batista

Well Stephanie is back and Dixon has fixed one of DC’s worst mistakes, her brutal death. He even makes Batman look like less of jackass by saying that Batman knew that she was still alive and that is why there was no memorial in the cave. She apparently faked her death with the help of Leslie. Now I would like to see Batman and Leslie reconcile. It was really awesome to see Tim give her a big hug and kiss when he saw her. I know DC will try to play it off as if this was there plan the whole time, but we all know it wasn’t. I am just happy it is fixed.


Robin #175
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Joe Bennett

This issue begins a crossover with R.I.P and more so of a crossover then Detective or Nightwing is (They are not really crossovers at all) but around the same level of crossover as Batman and the Outsiders. Dixon left DC before this issue and his remaining stories were chronicled in the Robin/Spoiler Special. I am not going to get into that whole dabacle, but I will say that this is good stuff. Nicieza is always good and is a perfect replacement for Dixon. I don’t really care for the flashbacks to 52 with Dick and Tim though. It just doesn’t interest me. Robin searching for the missing Batman does though and his strange relationship with Spoiler.


Robin #175
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Joe Bennett

The R.I.P storyline begins and it is revealed that the Spoiler has been trying to steer Robin away from finding out what is going on with Batman because Batman asked him to. R.I.P is turning out to be an awesome storyline, and this crossover is really exciting as we see Tim dig deeper and deeper to find out what happened to Batman. Still don’t care much for the flashbacks but it works in the context of the story. The art is fantastic as well.


Robin #177
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

I didn’t expect to see Ragman in this issue but I guess I forgot he lives in Gotham. As for who the new Red Robin is if it isn’t Jason Todd, I have no idea but I have always liked the Red Robin costume. I doubt Stephanie is actually paying Lynx to kill Robin. If she is that would be stupid and Nicieza is a better writer then that. The writing is good that I wasn’t even annoyed by Williams’s art.


Robin #178
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

I am confused. I don’t know who that guy was at the end or what is going on with Spoiler. I really don’t care about this gang war, it bores me. This was kind of a dull issue and this time around I did notice Williams’s art.


Robin #179
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

Okay everything is spiraling out of control for Robin who is trying to keep Gotham safe, Spoiler is acting weird, and there is a guy running around as Red Robin who seemingly wants to kill Robin. This is a lot to take in, but the annoying thing is that Tim mentions him and Dick are taking care of thing in Gotham, but so is Cassandra! Why no mention of Batgirl, damn it.


Robin #180
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

I am sure Robin escapes the explosion at the end….but I was very underwhelmed by the reveal of who Red Robin was. I was expecting someone way cooler then that, some former Robin villain now a little muscled up. At least it looks like Anarky is coming back, although he sort of disappeared from comics around the time I started reading them so I don’t have that much of a connection with the character as some people do. Hmmmm…..not sure where this is going exactly but I guess I am along for the ride.

Gotham’s Proudest Citizen

Detective Comics #820
Written by James Robinson
Art by Leonard Kirk and Andy Clarke
Cover by Simone Bianchi

In this, the penultimate chapter of the Batman Crossover, Face the Face: Batman comes to the conclusion that someone framed Harvey Dent for the murders. Mostly likely it is this Tally Man guy that Jason Bard has a run-in with. This issue went a little too far with Batman isn’t such an asshole anymore. I mean I am glad he is not being an asshole but…he shouldn’t be so proud of everyone all the time either. This was his second I am proud of you Tim moment in this storyline and I think that is one too many. Plus the part where Batman apologizes to Officer Harper seems pointless and has no relevance to the plot. Luckily Batman does still act like the badass he is when he tells the Scarecrow bascially that he is a worthless man. Great moment that probably redeems this issue from mediocrity. I also loved the moments between Batman and Jim Gordon which really showed that they work great together. Gordon trusts Batman. Which is something that is probably hard to do. I wonder what Batman has in mind for Tim Drake? We will probably find out in the last chapter of the storyline.

Cool Moments

Detective Comics #819
Written by James Robinson
Art by Leonard Kirk and Andy Clarke
Cover by Simone Bianchi

This issue was just a bunch of cool moments, not much happens to further the plot. But still a good issue. Batman and Robin’s fight with Killer Croc was cool, Two-Face speaking to Harvey Dent in his head was cool, and the Jason Bard scene was cool. I think they should really have more Harvey talking to his evil side scenes in comics. It really shows just how insane Harvey is and there is something creepy about it. It is like a non-funny version of when Gollum speaks to himself in Lord of the Rings. I am sad to see that Orca is officially found dead this issue. I loved that big whale of a woman. The scene between Jason Bard and her husband was strange, but funny at the same time. It was kind of sad to see him die though. The Tally Man is a character I am not familiar with so I was not shocked or anything by his sudden appearence. I guess I should do some research.

The Ventriloquist: 1988 – 2006

Detective Comics #818
Written by James Robinson
Art by Leonard Kirk and Andy Clarke
Cover by Simone Bianchi

The previous issues of this storyline were reviewed here and here. This is part 3 of Face to Face, which is a storyline that continues to be great. This issue made me smile and even made me a little sad. I was happy to see Batman tell Robin that one day he could surpass Nightwing. And it is so cool for Batman and Robin to be working as a team again. Robinson could have easily had the heartwarming between Batman and Robin seem corny or lame but he pulls it off here without taking away Batman’s edge. The ventiloquist’s murder was a little sad because he is one of the few Batman villains that you could actually feel sympathy for. I mean he carries around a doll! The ventriloquist actually made his first appearence the month I was born! He will sorely missed.

He’s Not An Urban Legend Anymore

Batman #651
Written by James Robinson
Art by Don Kramer and Keith Champagne
Cover by Simone Bianch

This is the second part of the 8-part story that crosses over with Detective Comics. Part one was reviewed here. I just have to say, it is great to see Batman and Robin working together again. It reminds me of the days when Chuck Dixon controlled the whole Batman sub-universe. Ahh the good old days. I really do think we are entering a new age of comics, maybe post-modern or a platinum age. Things are just so great right now in comics and this is no acception. Batman vs. Poison Ivy, it is just so great to see this again. I wonder how they are going to explain Poison Ivy coming back from the dead though? I am sure it won’t be hard to explain. I also loved the art, especially the panel where we see Batman and Robin standing next to eachother for the first time this issue. It gave me chills. I actually am really liking the new Robin costume now, despite being nervous about it at first. The death at the end of this issue though did not shock me as I know very little about this character. Oh well, it was still a great issue. Can’t wait for Part 3!