Aquaman 48 and 49

Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis #48
Written by Kurt Busiek
Art by Phil Winslade and Butch Guice

Busiek’s penultimate issue is probably his best yet. We get to see what the Fisherman has been up to in the missing year as well as explore some of the new Aquaman’s past. And the best part of all, a map of the Atlantic Ocean without the water. Very Very cool. The Oceanscape is really another world. A world within a world and I am surprised that no one has thought of taking Aquaman in this direction before.

Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis #49
Written by Kurt Busiek
Art by Ricardo Villagran

This issue is Busiek’s last on the title. Next month a new creative team starts. Busiek’s run was pretty good, not perfect, but pretty good now that I look back on it. I am excited to see what Tad Williams will do with this title. This issue focuses exclusively on the fight between the New Aquaman and the Fisherman. Busiek really makes the Fisherman into a lot less of a lame villain now that we know he is a parasitic alien creature that attached himself to people. Very Starro-like but very cool.