Cyborg Rebirth 1 – 10

Cyborg (Volume 2) #1
Written by John Semper Jr.
Art by Paul Pelletier

I am not excited to read this series mainly because I hate that Cyborg has replaced Martian Manhunter’s role in the Justice League. I do not dislike Cyborg, but he belongs with the Titans. So here we dive into the first issue and Cyborg is now apparently the defender of Detroit. Fine that is not the worst change in the world. But I have to say I liked this debut, Semper Jr. managed to catch us up on everything about Cyborg and tell a very human story about a machine-man who is afraid he has lost his soul. I am impressed.


Cyborg (Volume 2) #2
Written by John Semper Jr.
Art by Paul Pelletier

Cyborg fights Kilg%re who explains to him his history and that he is just one of the machines being gathered by a mysterious villain who wants Cyborg to join them. In the end, Kilg%re puts him through a test on whether he is human or machine and it involved saving his father’s life. Semper is a good writer as I already feel I care about the Stone Family on issue 2. I am confused as to why Cyborg is working with T.O. Morrow. Is he good now? I did not see the final page coming at all.

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True Faces Of Evil


Birds of Prey #126
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Claude St. Aubin

This was another fantastic issue of Tony Bedard’s run which is sadly coming to an end next issue. Out of all the Faces of Evil issue, this one was the most “faces of Evil”-ish of them all. Most of the issue, in fact, all of the issue is dedicated to the Calculator. This must take place after Final Crisis, as we get mentions of the internet going down like it happened during Final Crisis. The true evil that is Matchmaker is also shown this issue as he matches a young serial killer with a victim. Luckily he is stopped by Huntress. I’d like to reiterate that I really hope these Platinum Flats characters are used in other places around the DCU. They are really great villains.

Knocking That Smile Off His Face


Birds of Prey #124
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Claude St. Aubin

The news that Didio wants to bring back Barbara Gordon as Batgirl (A total step back for the character, and a complete insult to Cassandra Cain) made it very hard for me to enjoy this. Not to mention the Birds are wrapping up their time in Platinum Flats which was a setting I have rather enjoyed. Seeing Oracle go toe-to-toe with the Joker and get her revenge was pretty cool. I am just sad that this series is wrapping up after a decade of Oracle and her operatives fighting the good fight. Everything else in this issue was just decent, nothing to write home about. And that is not necessarily a bad thing. The new artist I liked a lot and I think he fits the series well. I have never heard of him before though.

Nuttier Than Squirrel Poop

bop123Birds of Prey #123
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Michael O’Hare

This was a thrilling issue. This series is JUST as good as it was under Simone’s pen. Pick it up people! The Joker calls Oracle “Nuttier than Squirrel Poop”! I mean come on that is amazing. These new villains are some of the creepiest and interesting to be created in the last decade of comics. Especially Matchmaker, who is all parents’ worst nightmare…he matches pedophiles with their perfect victims online. I like all of these villains are really invested in 21st century techno-culture and web 2.0. The Joker not recognizing Barbara was hilarious and the ending I did not expect, but I am glad that he didn’t recognize her right away because it really shows how off his rocker he is. Is it just me, or does the Calculator look very different then his previous appearances in this issue? And does anyone know when Barbara was referring to when she said she had only come face to face with the Joker once since the shooting?

Birds of Prey 110 – 122

Birds of Prey #110
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Nicola Scott

It really doesn’t feel like Simone has left this title as Bedard continues the great writing that she did on this title. I liked Oracle’s references to past Birds “try-outs” and who knew that Black Orchid could even be used in the regular DCU anymore with the unfortunate Vertigo embargo. Oh and by the way, in case you didn’t notice, this issue shows how much The Huntress kicks ass.

Birds of Prey #111
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Jason Orfalas

These are some good Done-in-one issues that Bedard is writing. This issue has Oracle attending a nerd convention where she runs into the Calculator. I like how he still thinks she isn’t Oracle and believes now that all the nerds worked together to be Oracle. Oh….that’s classic.

Birds of Prey #112
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by David Cole

This was a fun story spotlighting Lady Blackhawk, who goes on a cross country road trip just to put up a picture of Big Barda in a memorial for “fallen heroes” at the Edwards Air Force Base. Very sweet and fun.

Birds of Prey #113
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Nicola Scott

Wow, that was a big disaster. Was it completely Misfit’s fault or did I miss something? McKeever’s run begins with a literal bang….but a distrubing one at that. Superman is understandably upset.

Birds of Prey #114
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Nicola Scott

I don’t know how I feel about Oracle being such a bitch to Misfit, I mean sure Misfit screwed up and she is Misfit’s guardian, but what makes Black Alice a better choice for the Birds over Misfit?

Birds of Prey #115
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Nicola Scott

So if Black Alice can steal Misfit’s powers, that means that Misfit’s powers have to be magic-based, correct? I like the whole Killer Shark thing….but in this one I am more angry at Misfit then Barbara. She should have let them get stuff done instead of starting a catfight.

Birds of Prey #116
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Nicola Scott

Yay for Platinum Flats! One of my favorite things about the DCU, if not THE favorite thing, is the fictional cities. Platinum Flats looks really awesome, it really is a city for the 21st century and not just another New York stand in. The Killer Shark was fun too. And I am glad that Barbara changed her mind about Black Alice.

Birds of Prey #117
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Nicola Scott

Yay! The Birds are moving to Platinum Flats! The Metahuman Mafia was really cool and it should be fun to see the Birds face off against them again. I did not see the whole Tabby thing coming at the end either.

Birds of Prey #118
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Nicola Scott

Okay Granny Goodness’s death was quite disgusting….ewww. Anyways, Bedard begins his run as permanent writer this issue which is exciting cause I so liked his fill-in run before McKeever came on. I don’t know how I feel about Black Alice and Misfit being related though, seems kinda forced.

Birds of Prey #119
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Nicola Scott

I like how Oracle’s company is Clocktower Systems….and nod to the old Gotham Clock Tower she used to work out of. Platinum Flats is a reall cool locale and I can’t wait to see it develop. I really could care less about seeing Black Canary and Manhunter fight though.

Birds of Prey #120
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Michael O’Hare

Haha I did not expect to see the Joker at the end of this. I wonder about Infinity though, who is she? There are so many great female characters to be used in the DCU, why create a new one? And will she stay a member of the team? The new artist wasn’t half-bad either. The whole Oracle spying on Black Canary thing kinda bugs me though.

Birds of Prey #121
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Michael O’Hare

Okay…well…the whole outcast in high school thing has been done way too many times (plus who’s high school is actually like that) but somehow the idea that the geeks are the popular ones in Platinum Flats is a fresh take. The Joker’s appearence hear is hilarious, especially when he shoots the annoying Wizkid in the head. I am kind of sick of Black Alice though.

Birds of Prey #122
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Michael O’Hare

That was an intense ending if not a little creepy. This was a good issue. Birds of Prey is definitely as fun as a read under Bedard as it was under Simone, if not more so cause we have Platinum Flats now!