Batman Hates Tentacles


Trinity (Volume 2) #10
Written by Frances Manapul
Art by Manapul

This was the least interesting issue of this series (at least among those written by Frances Manapul) because not much really happend but Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman plus the Flash and Cyborg are fighting these viruses. The ending held some promise as it seems there is more to the virus’s story than we initially though as they are searching for their mother and suddenly Wonder Woman gets infected. I loved it when Batman said he hates tentacles though. That was a funny moment.


Trinity 8 and 9


Trinity (Volume 2) #8
Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Emanuela Lapacchino

This issue focused on Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman discussing the realization that someone is tampering with reality and they decide to keep it among themselves for now until they know more information. What was odd to me is that Batman doesn’t mention that Barry and Wally know someone is messing with reality already so they really aren’t keeping it just among themselves. It was a good Rebirth tie-in issue none-the-less.


Trinity (Volume 2) #9
Written by Frances Manapul
Art by Manapul

Frances Manapul returns for this new story arc focusing on an invasion of the Justice League sattelite from a viris alien. As usual, it is breathakingly beautiful and well-written. Reading this, I can’t help but think Manapul should be given the writing and art duties on the regular Justice League book because he knows these characters and his art makes them come alive. He manages to balance action and character moments perfectly, which is something I am not sure the main Justice League book does well right now. Either way, I am glad he is writing these characters somewhere.