Two Bat-Villains From Ancient Egypt?

Batman Confidential #28
Written by Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir
Art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez

What a fantastic arc this has been. These writers really know how to write a Batman and Riddler Team-Up, their dialogue is hilarious. My favorite line must have been, “In my conflicts with Batman, I know an annoying tendency for him not to stay unconcious.” Hahaha. It also helps that Garcia-Lopez draws great facial expressions. In fact, he really draws great everything. Great stuff. This was a wonderful introduction of King Tut into the DC Universe and I hope all the creators involved get more work around it. I also hope to see King Tut again soon. And maybe his Queen as well?

Ancient Riddles

Batman Confidential #27
Written by Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir
Art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez

The second part of the introduction of the Batman TV show villain, King Tut, into the DC Universe is even better then the first. Batman is forced to work with the Riddler (Something Dini does a lot in Detective Comics so you would think I would be sick of it, but DeFillippis and Weir do a good job of the team up here) to find out who King Tut is. I like the idea of a scholar who is wants his theories respected. It fits in with the Batman villains at the same time make the character unique. I certainly hope he will be used again some day. I look forward to the next issue. Oh and the art is fabulous! What the hell DC put this guy on JLA or something!

King Tut

Batman Confidential #26
Written by Nunzi DeFilippis and Christina Weir
Art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez

Batman fights King Tut for the first time this issue. King Tut was a villain from the sixties Batman tv series. I have only heard of him since I have only seen that stupid show maybe once or twice when I was a little kid. I didn’t even like it then. But it is always exciting when new villains are brought into the comics for Batman to take on. He is a murdering madmen with a mask who seems to believe that he is doing work for the Sun God. The art is fantastic and Garcia-Lopez should definitely do more work for DC. Other then that, it’s a rather typical Batman story. But it is enjoyable and I would reccomend it.