Qwardian Conclusion


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #57
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Tyler Kirkham


The Weaponer becomes a member of the Sinestro Corps and Firestorm shows up in this issue. The whole thing with Firestorm was kind of unnecessary but I always love when crossovers like this happen so I don’t care. There really wasn’t enough Kyle in this issue but oh well.

The Rebirth of Dark Supergirl


Justice League of America #51
Written by James Robinson
Art by Mark Bagley

Robinson once again shows how much he understands and loves the DC Universe with the beginning of this issue. Instead of a random assortment of heroes trying to save Washington DC, we actually get an explanation for why each of the persons’ powers can help the situation. That is a rare feat in comics and I like the attention to detail! Meanwhile, the League is dealing with the threat of Omega Man – who is a bastard yet we don’t even know who he is yet and he has brought back Dark Supergirl. I miss Starman but this this is getting just as epic as the last arc! Great stuff!

Archetypical Bullet


Batman #702
Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Tony Daniel


This concludes the lost chapter of R.I.P and I have to say I quite enjoyed this issue. One wonders why this wasn’t told back then but oh well we got a lot more information here about how Bruce was sent back in time by the Omega Sanction. I love how Morrison describes the God-Bullet as the archetypical bullet – the bullet of all bullets – therefore truly Batman’s ultimate enemy. Great writing and really cool stuff to think about. I am not sure where and how Batman recorded the message for Superman though. I will probably have to go back and reread.

Parallax Rebirth


Green Lantern (Volume 4) #50
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Doug Mahnke

Wow! I thought that the cover was just metaphorical but no, Hal becomes Parallax again in order to scare off the Spectre! Where is Nekron in all of this though. Why the focus on Spectre instead of him? Don’t get me wrong I liked the issue but I was just wondering what was going on with him. This is a nice anniversary issue because it harkens all the way back to Rebirth. Hey maybe Hal will stay as Parallax and we can get Kyle back! I highly doubt that but I am a Blue Lantern what can I say (:

Epic Mystery


Superman #692
Written by James Robinson
Art by Fernando Dagnino

I like that Ryan Choi is being mentioned in two books this week! At least DC isn’t completely ignoring him for the boring Ray Palmer. This was a spectacular issue in my opinion. I love how Robinson rings in obscure characters and plays with the DC Universe so well. When he writes, he uses continuity and characters very effectively. There were a lot of developments here. Mon-El is alive (shocking – not really) but the Guardian, thinking he is dead, gives aways Mon-El’s secret identity. I also like the developents with Zatara. What is this power source they are talking about? What is Mirabai up to? This is truly an epic mystery. I don’t think we are even close to having all the answers.



Justice League of America #37
Written by Len Wein
Art by Tom Derenick

This issue concludes Len Wein’s fill-in arc and I must say that it was a sucess. Wein utilized each of the powers of the team members in unique ways and gave them all equal screen time. That is much better then McDuffie or Meltzer ever did on this book. I wonder where this story is going to continue? Under Robinson’s pen? I don’t know because there was definitely a cliffhanger about the Key and a possible murder of Professor Fortune. But anyways, this was a good arc and Wein should be proud of it.

It Is Good To Have Plas Back


Justice League of America #36
Written by Len Wein
Art by Tom Derenick

Okay it took them thirty-six issues, but I think finally we have a Justice League issue where the characters are given equal screen time, have unique voices, and well…it just feels like the League. I think I was too easy on McDuffie, sure he was always being overly managed by DC editorial, but he really wasn’t good at writing this book. This was just a sigh of relief. I love having Plastic Man back. I really missed him. I liked how they actually showed Vixen asking Starfire to join the league. Heck I even liked the origin of the Royal Flush Gang that they recapped. When Robinson comes on this book, this book better stay this good.

League Of Executives


Batman: Streets of Gotham #3
Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen
Co-Feature by Marc Andreyko
Art by Georges Jeanty

Now this was a good issue. I liked how Dick and Damian solved the Hush problem, bring in the Justice League and the Outsiders and make them board of exectives that Hush has to listen to as Bruce Wayne! It is brilliant yet a little too easy. I liked it. But I don’t think Dick should turn to the League everytime he has a problem, I just think it worked this time. And damn can Dini write villains, he is really making Zsasz interesting, and I didn’t think he was at all before. I like how he keeps imagining how he will murder people. Nguyen’s art was inconsistent, but never horrible. Oh and you gotta love Damian saying that “Criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot” is the stupidest thing he has ever heard. That shows how different he is from his father. The Manhunter Co-Feature still featured the incredibly creepy Jane Doe but was a really quick read that basically consisted of a fight and Huntress saving the day. It was just a little too quick for my tastes. But this was a good issue overall.

You Don’t Need The A-Listers To Write A Good Story


Justice League of America #35
Written by Len Wein
Art by Tom Derenick and Pow Rodrix

What Professor Fortune said in the last line of this book about playing with the cards you are dealt – in other words you don’t need the big three, just create good stories about the characters you have – it could have been said to McDuffie. Heck, Wein makes Red Tornado more interesting with the two lines the character had her then anything Meltzer or McDuffie did with the character. This was a decent issue, I mean it wasn’t great but it had Plastic Man in it, so that elevates it quite a bit in my head. I love how Plas brought up how he was with the team through all those great storylines – that was a great use of continuity while at the same time commenting on how ridiculous that he has been out of the League for so long. Sure we don’t have the A-list big leaguers, but this fill-in arc is going to be a decent read none-the-less.

Imposters And Skin Suits


Batman: Streets of Gotham #2
Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen
Co-Feature by Marc Andreyko
Art by Georges Jeanty

Okay I did not expect the main story with Hush to go the way it did – but I liked it! I am very interested in seeing how this plays out with Hush posing as Bruce and Dick not being able to do anything about it (I assume). it was also cool to see the League’s reaction to Bruce’s  fake return. We still don’t know who the new Black Mask is and I hope we find out soon enough. I also wonder who this mysterious new vigilante guy is? I hope it’s some guy from the past and not some random new duded. Nguyen’s art kindve annoyed me because it was said that Gordon was there – but I did not see Gordon. Did he read the script? But I really enjoyed this issue. The Manhunter Co-Feature was kick ass and I liked it even better then the last issue. Jane Doe is one scary villain! Art-wise it seemed like Kate was drawn like a little girl sometimes and I didn’t like that at all but story-wise it was great.

McDuffie’s Actual Last Issue


Justice League of America #34
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Ardian Sayaf and Eddy Barrows

Okay for some reason DC’s solicitations were wrong on their website and this is McDuffie’s last issue on this book. Well at least he gets to finish his story arc. I actually liked this conclusion. Sure the art is still not great for a book like Justice League, but it was competent. I enjoyed the explanation for how the Milestone Universe and DC Universe merged. I think it was really the easiest way to explain it. Although I was under the impression they were not going to explain it, I am glad they did (Although it doesn’t make sense that Superman would be wearing his Superman outfit on New Krypton). I hope when the new creative team takes over they won’t get rid of Firestorm, I think it is great to see him on this team and I am hoping Icon will still be joining even though McDuffie is not on the book anymore.

Sad Way To Go


Justice League of America #33
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Rags Morales

Um…what? I am really not sure what this was about. This whole storyline has been convoluted and confusing even without Ed Benes’s art. This isn’t even a conclusion and I am pretty sure this is McDuffie’s last issue. A lot could be said about DC’s mishandling of McDuffie on this title but really…even if you take into account the editorial interference the guy hasn’t written a very good story for this team. Ever. That may not be his fault. I did like last issue but this, this had too many characters and too many plot points I just did not enjoy it. What a sad way for McDuffie to leave this title.

Sight For Sore Eyes

Justice League of America #32

Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Rags Morales

After Ed Benes’s shitty art it’s a sight for sore eyes to see Rags Morales draw the League. I don’t have much to say about this issue. It was good, and I like the current team make up. Despite what people think, the Justice League can work without the trinity and these are a powerful group of characters. Firestorm gets some much needed screen time in this issue and some moments that showed both his comedic side and how much he kicks ass. Starbreaker is a formidable JLA villain and I am interested in seeing where this is going.

Superbat Concludes

Superman/Batman #56
Written by Michael Green and Mike Johnson
Art by Rags Morales

The Superbat arc concludes rather predictably. I wouldn’t say that this was a great read. Everything goes back to normal and Batman realizes how much of a dick he was while he had Superman’s powers. It is not really compelling. I guess I expected more from the conclusion of this. In the end, while this may excite some people, I think this arc was rather bland. That’s all I can really say about it. The art was great though. And it was nice to see the Shadowpact again.

Praying For A New Artist

Justice League of America #30
Written by Dwayne McDuffie and Len Wein
Art by Jose Luis
and Marco Rudy

I am very confused as to how the Shadow Cabinet and Icon betray the League here? Icon seems pretty upset that they betrayed them but how? Did they take Dr. Light’s body? I don’t get it. Anyways, this book gets a fill-in artist and he draws just like Ed Benes! Total shit. What the hell! Why, oh why? Please DC put some good art on this series so people can understand what is going on in it and characters look like actual different people from one another. The origins and omens backup revealed what looks like the post-Final Crisis line up; Black Canary, Vixen, Firestorm, Green Lantern, Doctor Light, and Icon. That should be interesting. Maybe there will be a new artist. Let’s pray for it.

Indigo Omens

Titans (Volume 2) #10
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Howard Porter and Jesus Saiz

I’m sorry but why wouldn’t the Justice League and the Titans think of wearing more secure goggles. Those goggles fell off their head every chance they got. The main story was a typical Winick battle issue. I originally thought that Winick was leaving the title after this issue, but the Origins and Omens back up makes it look like he is staying after the McKeever crossover as it looks like he is bringing back Indigo! The one-time Outsider who I really loved is featured in the last splash page and I really hope that this means she’ll be back! Winick may not have done the best on this book, but if he brings back Indigo in it I am going to be singing his praises. Oh and Nightwing leaves the “team” in the back up as well. This issue was decent, the coloring was a bit off sometimes though. Red Arrow had blonde hair in a panel or two and one panel made it look Wonder Woman was wearing just a bra. But It wasn’t a bad issue by any means.

The Glasses And The Bun Don’t Work…Go Figure

Wonder Woman (Volume 3) #28
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Aaron Lopestri

The battle against Genocide continues here and we even get the return of the creepiest Wonder Woman villain: Dr. Psycho! He hasn’t been seen much since Infinite Crisis and I am glad to have him back. Even if he has switched bodies with Sarge Steel. Genocide’s eyes apparently show one the end of their life. I still have to wonder who created her. The society couldn’t have created a god, could they? As for Wonder Woman, she is vicious and kicks some major ass this issue. The hardened warrior in her really shows. I loved Nemesis’s comment about her secret identity. I am glad he knows. Oh and it looks like Cheetah is behind something bigger then we though. Great stuff.