Bludhaven Saviors


Nightwing (Volume 4) #24
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Miguel Mendonca

Nightwing is being hunted by a bunch of villaisn from aroudn the DCU inside a submarine. Now that is a fun idea for a comic book. Time Seeley pulls this off well (except for maybe when he has Dick Grayson refer to himself as the Dickster!) Some of these villains have only been created recently in the comics and not by Tim Seeley, which means Tim is reading all the books or the editors are just that good. Either way, I love it when the DCU comes together nicely. Blockbuster’s motivations for hurting Nightwing is interesting. He wants to be the hero of Bludhaven and sees Nightwing as a Gothamite who doesn’t understand the city. As for the final page, I wonder how Nightwing survives the explosion?

Villainous Relations

Nightwing (Volume 4) #23
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Minkyu Jung

I love how Tim Seeley is making Bludhaven a living breathing city with it’s own characteristics. For example, in this issue there is a sunken whaling ship in the bay that people call an Island because it has been there so long. In this issue, it looks like Nightwing and Defacer’s relationship is breaking down and while I don’t mind her, it will be interested to see her possibly turning back to crime and becoming a foe for Nightwing. The cliffhanger was something I did not see coming and I am excited to see how it plays out next issue and if Blockbuster really double crossed Nightwing.



An Arsenal of His Own

Green Arrow (Volume 7) #20
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Eleonora Carlini

The hateful banter between Ollie and Roy is very amusing…I love that Ollie tells Roy he should call himself Middle School Bro because of his backwards cap. Benjamin Percy is a good writer. Bryan Hitch and Brad Meltzer should learn from Percy about how heroes use code names while in battle no matter how close they are. This issue concludes the Return of Roy Harper arc and it is split between the story of how Green Arrow and Speedy stopped being partners and the current arc that has to do with the pipeline protests on the Indian Reservation. It was perfect. I wonder how much these flashback’s dovetails with Roy’s new 52 history or if they are changes for Rebirth.

Green Arrow Rebirth 1 – 19


Green Arrow (Volume 7) #1
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Otto Schmidt

Out of all the new Rebirth series, this series seems to be the one most tied to its “Rebirth” one-shot because this comic starts off right where that left off and Benjamin Percy doesn’t really take time to explain what is going on which I think that is a mistake. But it is the only mistake really made here. We have Green Arrow and Black Canary back together and great art, the books seems to have regained its social conscience. In today’s political climate, it is important that Green Arrow be political. I think this was a good start and I was genuinely surprised by the cliffhanger ending, but I think I would be more surprised if I knew anything about his sister since I did not read New 52.

Green_Arrow_Vol_6_2Green Arrow (Volume 7) #2
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Otto Schmidt

So everyone thinks that Oliver Queen is dead and he has apparently been framed by his company and his own sister seemed to be in on his murder. Black Canary is searching for clues and it all has to do with Ninth Circle group. Meanwhile, Ollie awakes from his coma and goes to his bunker. Honestly this was a little decompressed, not much happened to further the plot at all since last issue.

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Justice League 1 – 15

Justice League (Volume 3) #1
Written by Bryan Hitch
Art by Tony Daniel

This is the the first issue of Justice League after DC Rebirth and I have to say I was…underwhelmed. I ceratainly felt like I could come into this as a new reader (although there wasn’t much explanation of each character) and understand it but it was just another crazy disasters happening all over the world story. Although I know there is this Kindred subplot…I guess I expected something more. I mean maybe it is just after reading Detective Comics it just seemed like nothing happened in this single issue compared to what happens in every issue of that series.


Justice League (Volume 3) #2
Written by Bryan Hitch
Art by Tony Daniel

I wish I could say that I was impressed with this issue but I really feel like not much happened here. They talked about the problems and then Batman went to go get Superman. That was really it…. hard to recommend a single issue if very little happens. All I kept thinking about was I miss Martian Manhunter. Talk about a character who has been screwed since Didio took over. He was the heart of the League and when I see him you think “Justice League.” Why the hell is he not on this team?

Justice League (Volume 3) #3
Written by Bryan Hitch
Art by Tony Daniel

Now this was a bit better. This still seems decompressed but more happned here. It is the first I have seen of Lois since I started reading Rebirth so that was good although you would think by now she would be used to these kinds of things with her husband. I think Tony Daniel upped his ante on the art in this issue. I found myself enjoying quite a bit more than the previous issues. I wonder what the Kindred’s connection is with the League and these Zodiac Crystals.


Justice League (Volume 3) #4
Written by Bryan Hitch
Art by Jesus Merino

Hitch is guilty of the “Brad Meltzer” trope of having the Justice Leaguers call each other by the real names all the time. Come on. Why in the hell would these new Green Lanterns know the Flash’s secret identity. Anyways, for some reason the Sigil of Truth showed up in ths issue so I imagine this storyline is going to go into an occulty direction which I am excited about. But this is seriously decompressed.


Justice League (Volume 3) #5
Written by Bryan Hitch
Art by Tony Daniel

In this issue the Kindred say they are looking to bring about a Forever Crisis, and it was in bold. I think that was on purpose. Is Rebirth leading to another Crisis event? Or am I seeing things that are not there. Either way, I wouldn’t say I super enjoyed this first story arc of this series, but at least we got that interesting tidbit.

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This Is The Land Of The Living…And You Are Trespassing


Secret Six (Volume 3) #18
Written by John Ostrander and Gail Simone
Art by J. Caliafore


The title of this post is a badass line coming from Amanda Waller to the Black Lanterns. Seriously Amanda Waller is not a woman you ever ever want to fuck with. Deadshot will probably regret shooting her in the chest at the end of this issue. This was good action-packed stuff but I am ready to get back to normal fun Secret Six issues without Black Lanterns and the suicide squad. Not that this little excursion was bad it’s just I want more focus on the six.

Doll, Stop Playing With That Girl


Secret Six (Volume 3) #17
Written by John Ostrander and Gail Simone
Art by J. Calafiore

This is part 2 of the Blackest night crossover that began here. I miss Nicola Scott. Caliafore is good but he’s not Scott. I think this is all and good but Blackest Night is interrupting the narrative in this book and I was enjoying it so much. Anyways, there were still great one-liners like Doll, Stop Playing With that Girl haha.

Black Lantern Title


Suicide Squad #67
Written by John Ostrander and Gail Simone
Art by J. Caliafore

I love that DC is bringing back old series as Black Lantern titles, what an awesome concept. This is the first one I am reviewing. I know very little about Suicide Squad but have heard great things about Ostrander’s run on the title, it doesn’t really matter though as the reader is caught up and the focus on the issue is more on Secret Six, who I know and love. So many great moments in this, pick this up especially if you are a Secret Six Fan.

Focusing On Dinah


Green Arrow & Black Canary #22
Written by Andrew Kreisberg
Art by Mike Norton

This is probably the best issue since Kreisberg took over the book. I really enjoyed seeing Dinah talking to Wildcat about wanting to be a hero when she grows up in the flashback and all of the main story with Black Canary. Giving so much attention to Dinah kind’ve makes up for his previous issues where he seemed to be turning her into a damsel-in-distress character. The back-up Green Arrows story was very sad. One thing is Dinah’s asking of Ollie to give up being Green Arrows seems so weird and forced. He has only been slightly more violent, why is she acting like this? In fact, he really didn’t do anything violent in this issue. It is odd.

Killing D-Listers

Green Arrow & Black Canary #18
Written by Andrew Kreisberg
Art by Mike Norton

I’m sorry but killing off members of Green Arrow’s very limited rogues gallery seem like a pretty awful idea. I get that this Cupid is supposed to be the newest Green Arrow villain but there is no reason to reduce his rogues gallery just to make her look good. Sure they were kindve D-list villains but who knows, some writer could have come along some day and turned them A-List. That bothered me. What also bothered me is Green Arrow being so vicious. I am not going to judge right away cause I imagine Kreisberg has some reason for Ollie acting this way. I also am not sure that Ollie should be able to knock out Dinah that easily, I mean she is a better martial arist then him right? I wish Kreisberg wrote Dinah as a more competent hero that she truly is instead of just as Green Arrow’s trophy wife sidekick.That’s not to say this issue was all bad. Cupid is an interesting villain and I liked the art and the arrow signal, there are just some things Kreisberg needs to improve on. And I bet Winick ain’t too happy he just killed off Brick.

Manhunter 35 and 36

manhunter35Manhunter #35
Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by Michael Gaydos and Carlos Magno

Eh I don’t feel like a lot happened here….this arc is taking a little longer then I would like. Manhunter basically fights some dudes and the Crime Doctor finds out about Suicide Squad’s deception. The only thing that stood out about this issue was Cameron saying she was pregnant. Was the art always this bad? I don’t remember hating it this much until this issue.

manhunter36Manhunter #36
Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by Michael Gaydos

Now this was more like it, I loved the politics and right-wing bashing in this series because comics need more right-wing bashing. And if that offends conservative readers I really don’t care, because I don’t want you reading my blog anyways. Kate’s speech to the press was awesome and shows how much of a hero and brave women she really is taking out such a large corporation. She is right about how sad it is that one white girl goes missing and it is front page news for weeks but hundred of mexican women go missing and no one pays attention. That is just wrong. I look forward to the next arc which will sadly be the last one of this series.

Catwoman 69 – 82


Catwoman (Volume 3) #69
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

This side story to Amazon’s Attack is actually better then the main series, which isn’t saying much, but this was a good issue. I liked Batman having a car seat in the batmobile! He really does plan for everything. The art is gorgeous as ever too.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #70
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

Hmmm I am not sure what happened on that last page. Where is Selina taking her baby? But this was a damn good issue….I loved how Selina kicked that Amazon’s ass and tricked her. Very good stuff.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #71
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

Now Selina faking her own death has been done before…in fact one of the first comics I ever bought featured such a story…but this was really good and I loved Bruce’s involvement. It’s sad that it looks like Selina will be giving away her baby, but the kid has been in so many close-calls it probably is the right thing to do.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #72
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

I gotta be honest…I almost cried during this issue. A mother giving away her only child must be the hardest thing in the world. I thought she was going to go through with it and have Zatanna wipe away her memory of Helena because it was too hard. I suppose one day some writer will bring Helena back into Selina’s life, but for now I guess she has to live with knowing she will never see her daughter again. Very sad.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #69
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

Not sure if I recognize the guy at the end of this issue but this was another fun issue of Catwoman. I love the idea of a billionaire who collects super-villain memorabilia and I love what Catwoman did with the Joker Explodie-hand. Lopez’s art is underrated, he really knows how to tell stories from fantastic different angles along with amazing facial expressions.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #74
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

It looks like Catwoman is going to be taken to the prison planet from Salvation Run. I look forward to that. But this issue was as good as always, I hope the whole thing with The Thief gets resolved eventually. Oh and seeing her get her old hair back was a geek out moment for me.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #75
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

This issue actually makes me want to read Salvation Run as it is fun to see all the villains interact; especially Catwoman and Cheetah who make an interesting paring. Pfieffer writes Luthor pretty well but I prefer my Luthor to be a little less…er…I don’t know, Supervillain-ish. I guess I always liked the Luthor as Evil Corporate guy thing but at least he isn’t in that stupid suit freaking Loeb brought back.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #76
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

I like how Selina recaps what has gone on before in her head most issues and in this issue because it helps new readers a while lot. Lopez’s drawing of the alternate Catwoman looks similar to the costume warn by Halle Barry in that awful movie, and I bet that was intentional. Speaking of Lopez, why is this guy not on a book like JLA! He does great art and does it on time! Come on DC!


Catwoman (Volume 3) #77
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

I liked this issue more because it makes me sad to see Martian Manhunter then anything else. What a great character that we lost this year. I hope he comes back. But yes, the story and art were good as usual as Catwoman escapes from her pseudo-dream thingamagiger.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #78
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

Eh this seemed like a sort’ve unnecessary issue, I think I am getting sick of the Salvation Run plot but she will be back to earth next issue so that is good. It was good to see Slam Bradley again and I wonder what he will think when he finds out Selina gave Helena away.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #79
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

This was a good issue and I really get the feeling that we are going to get the old Catwoman back. It was good to be back on earth as well. But as for Slam, you would think he would ask her more questions about his granddaughter, wouldn’t you?


Catwoman (Volume 3) #80
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

The eightieth issue brings Catwoman back to the way I like her, the real feline fatale. She is one bitch you don’t want to mess with and “The Thief” learns that the hard way this issue. Awesome.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #81
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

Catwoman return to her full-time criminal career in this penultimate issues and it was fantastic! I liked how Lopez used the windows in the building to show flashbacks.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #82
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

Sadly, this is the final issue of Catwoman, but it could not have ended in a better way! The series has been brought full circle, touching on things that go all the way back to the Brubaker run, Catwoman is back to being a thief and having Batman chasing her across rooftops and I think there is no other way they could have ended this series effectively.

JLA 13 – 26

Justice League of America #13
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Joe Benitez

When I first read this issue, I was a little turned off. I guess I expected more from the first issue of McDuffie’s run and I certainly expected better art. But now I think this was a pretty good read and did remind me a lot of the TV show. Good start, and at least much better then anything Meltzer did on this title. I think the Injustice League is very cool and I like how they are opposite numbers of the League. Of the villains we have seen so far this is what the breakdown is.

Lex Luthor

The Joker

Poison Ivy

Wonder Woman:

Killer Frost

Shadow Thief

Green Lantern:

The Flash:
Gorilla Grodd

Black Canary, Vixen, Black Lightning, Red Arrow, Geo-Force, and Red Tornado are sadly without any villains yet.

Justice League of America #14
Written by Dwayne McDuffie

Art by Ed Benes

This is another good issue. The Injustice League is shown to have Cheshire and Shaggy Man in it’s ranks as well. Cheshire is a Red Arrow villain arguably (even if he has a kid with her) but Shaggy Man and Dr. Light are just general villains not specific to anyone.

Justice League of America #15
Written by Dwayne McDuffie Art by Ed Benes

The way Batman basically tells Firestorm that he has no choice, he has to join the Justice League was awesome! This concluded the Injustice League arc and it was good, but this arc as a whole would have been a whole lot better if someone else was doing the art.

Justice League of America #16
Written by Dwayne McDuffie and Allan Burnett

Art by Joe Benitez and Allan Jefferson

Eh….this issue was okay. It just served as a preview to two other mini-series’s which is kind of annoying. I would have rather had a story in this series that starts and ends in it.

Justice League of America #17
Written by Dwayne McDuffie and Allan Burnett

Art by Ed Benes
and Joe Benitez

Haha the main story I could care less about. It was lame and had awful art. But the back up written by McDuffie was good because McDuffie comments on the fact that Meltzer’s whole Vixen is using the powers of the Justice League thing makes no sense. I love it! Take that Meltzer!

Justice League of America #18
Written by Dwayne McDuffie and Allan Burnett
Art by Ed Benes and John Boy Meyers

Meh….this was very decompressed and was basically filler. They could have cut this entire issue of the arc. But the back up was good.

Justice League of America #19
Written by Allan Burnett
Art by Ed Benes

Thank god this arc is over because it was not very good. It just served as a sidestory to another mini-series! Whatever happened to this series having its own stories. Hawkgirl being so jealous over Cheshire is just stupid and seems completely forced. Also, I know Geo-Force was transferred to the Outsiders but you would think someone would have mentioned it for people who aren’t reading
the Outsiders. Instead, he just dissappears. That’s bad editing.

Justice League of America #20
Written by Dwayne McDuffie Art by Ethan Van Sciver

This was by far the best issue of McDuffie’s run so far. And you wanna know why, Ethan Van Sciver. Look at how much of a difference Ed Benes’s art makes with McDuffie’s writing. McDuffie is a good writer, but Benes’s art is soo bad that it is killing a good story. Anyways, this was a beautiful issue with a nice story with the Flash and Wonder Woman. I liked it a lot.

Justice League of America #21
Written by Dwayne McDuffie Art by Carlos Pacheo

This is a final crisis tie-in issue that is rather enjoyable. In fact, it was just as good as last issue. This book is sooo much better without Ed Benes. Please DC, get rid of him! Anyways, it made me happy to see that Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman were going to add Martian Manhunter back in the league before he died but the trinity is acting kind’ve elitist. Libra is a visually stunning character and I can’t wait to learn more about him in Final Crisis.

Justice League of America #22
Written by Dwayne McDuffie Art by Ed Bene

Unfortunately Bene is back this issue….with some ultra terrible art. He draws just one body type…it’s so annoying. Plot-wise, it was only okay. Red Tornado taken over by Amazo does NOT interest me, especially when the League already fought Amazo under Meltzer’s pen. The vixen subplot interests me more but not by much. I really can’t reccomend this issue.

Justice League of America #23
Written by Dwayne McDuffie Art by Ed Benes

While this may have not been a horrible issue if Ed Benes was not doing the art, it was horrible when comined with the art and the rather dull fight with Amazo that lasted the entire issue. Damn. And this series was finally getting good again.

Justice League of America #24
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art byAllan Goldman

Yay! Benes is gone again this issue. This made the fight with Amazo so much better but still rather dull. The best moments of this issue were at the end where they go to meet Animal Man. I did not even think of the vegatarian thing. I am intrugued as to where this is going.

Justice League of America #25
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Ed Benes, Ian Churchill, Doug Mahnke, Darick Robertson, Shane Davis, and Ivan Reis

This anniversary issue was rather good. I am happy to find Red Tornado leaving the team as I never really grew fond of the character. Also, Anansi seems like a great villain for the league to face. I like how he speaks and how he spins the webs of stories. I look forward to the next issue.

Justice League of America #26
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Ed Benes

Now this alternate reality issue of JLA is one of the best issues of McDuffie’s run. He can write some great stuff when he isn’t editorially mandated to do things. There were so many great moments. The Brown Bomber! LMAO. It was refreshing to see Vixen calling upon Animal Powers again and I have to wonder if Meltzer only had it go away because he was too lazy to look up animals to use (:. But the anansi thing did seem to end rather quickly. I bet McDuffie wanted it to be longer but then was told he had to do the whole Milestone crossover thing. Well at least this is a new arc I can look forward to, even if it is editorially mandated.

Checkmate 16 – 31


Checkmate (Volume 2) #16
Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Joe Bennett and Joe Prado

What a fantastic issue! I forgot how good this series was. This is one of those relationshippy issues which I love, especially focusing on the relationship between Sasha and Mr. Terrific, as well as the friendship between Fire and Ice. It was great to see the two of them together again.


Checkmate (Volume 2) #17
Written by Greg Rucka and Eric S. Trautmann
Art by Chris Samnee

This was a decent issue focusing on the security of the Checkmate Castle and the man behind it. It was pretty high concept and I liked that. The idea of a man with a computer in his brain is so simple I am surprised no one has ever thought of it.


Checkmate (Volume 2) #18
Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Joe Bennett

Ah this looks like it is going to be a fun arc. Amanda Waller is going to get her ass handed to her I have a feeling as Checkmate is figuring out her scheme with Taskforce X. I did not expect to see Martain Manhunter in this and it made me very sad to realize he will die soon after this in Final Crisis. I really miss him. His death was a shame.


Checkmate (Volume 2) #19
Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Joe Bennett

I like how we are seeing both sides of the mystery so it’s the characters that are in the dark about everything. Amanda Waller is fascist biatch…I can’t wait to see her fall. I like that this series doesn’t glorify the US government (in fact, it does quite the opposite). The art is fantastic by the way.


Checkmate (Volume 2) #20
Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Joe Bennett

Hell ya Amanda Waller has fallen! Most of the characters on this cover don’t appear unfortunately but still, Amanda Waller has fallen! The rest of Checkmate totally got her where they wanted her and got her to resign. I am excited to see who will b e the new White Queen. My question is though, has Martian Manhunter been the Black King this whole time?


Checkmate (Volume 2) #21
Written by Greg Rucka and Eric S. Trautmann
Art by Chris Samnee

You know I am not sure why but I didn’t really care for this issue. It just didn’t do it for me. It wasn’t bad and I thought the whole Madame Moiselle Marie legacy thing was interesting, but I guess I just found it kinda dull.


Checkmate (Volume 2) #22
Written by Greg Rucka and Eric S. Trautmann
Art by Chris Samnee

So this issue really grabbed me with the Madameoiselle Marie concept….I really liked the historical aspect and the tradition. And I liked seeing her whoop ass. Seriously she was brutal. I hope this character is not forgotten after this series ends.


Checkmate (Volume 2) #23
Written by Greg Rucka and Eric S. Trautmann
Art by Joe Bennett

This looks to be a fun and thrilling arc dealing with Kobra. I remember rather enjoying the first Kobra arc on this title. Bringing in Superman may have been the easy-way-out, but at least it was a smart move on Checkmate’s part.


Checkmate (Volume 2) #24
Written by Greg Rucka and Eric S. Trautmann
Art by Chris Joe Bennett

This was intense as Checkmate gathers the Global Guardians, the Outsiders, the Justice League, and Justice Society to stop Kobra’s evil plan. Oh how occults are freaking scary and especially when said Cult has killer reptilian babies.


Checkmate (Volume 2) #25
Written by Greg Rucka and Eric S. Trautmann
Art by Joe Bennett

This ends Rucka’s run on this title and it was definitely a nice ending. I expected Checkmate to kill the babies but I was pleasently surprised to see they hadn’t. As for the rooks, I am not sure I really understood exactly what was going on with them. They all shot up with alien DNA?


Checkmate (Volume 2) #26
Written by Bruce Jones
Art by Manuel Garcia

Not sure what to think of this issue. It didn’t focus on Checkmate so much as this new character Chimera that Checkmate scientists created from a near-dead soldier in Iraq. The issue was page after page of very disgusting scenes from a bear getting ripped apart to a person being stung by a giant and his whole body swelling up. I read Jones’s Nightwing run so I know he can write disgusting but I really don’t know what to think yet.


Checkmate (Volume 2) #27
Written by Bruce Jones
Art by Manuel Garcia

Okay we haven’t seen Sasha Bordeaux or Mr. Terrific since Jones took over, these are these are the stars of the book! So far this is about Chimera, a new character, and not really Checkmate at all. Wtf!check28

Checkmate (Volume 2) #28
Written by Bruce Jones
Art by Manuel Garcia

Ya this Chimera stuff isn’t doing it for me. I liked when this series was about the inner workings of Checkmate, not their monster operative only. So far, no good. But at least Sasha appears in this issue.


Checkmate (Volume 2) #29
Written by Bruce Jones
Art by Manuel Garcia

Ya this still sucks Chimera Balls! I really could care less about this character or the monsters attacking everywhere. Jones really likes writing about monsters for some reason. How did the girl find out Adam Sharp was Chimera? Did I miss something?


Checkmate (Volume 2) #30 Written by Bruce Jones
Art by Manuel Garcia

Ya this is utter crap. Still more fighting monsters and focus on a character I don’t give a crap about. What an extreme drop in quality for this series. Bruce Jone’s Nightwing wasn’t great, but it wasn’t this bad.checkmate31

Checkmate (Volume 2) #31 Written by Bruce Jones
Art by Manuel Garcia

This is the final issue of Checkmate and I am really not sad to see it go. Sure it had some great moments under Rucka but Jones had really taken this series to an all time low, focusing way too much on Chimera and not on Checkmate. Heck, Mr. Terrific hasn’t even appeared since Jones took over the title. Chimera saves the world from the boring monsters and this was just a big borefest. Not recommended.

Manhunter 31 – 34

Manhunter #31
Written by Marc Andreyko

Art by Michael Gaydos

The critically-acclaimed series continues here after a long break. It took a while to get used to the new art, but I think I like it now. Exploring the mystery of Jaurez, Mexico seems like the perfect place to take this series. I don’t quite understand why Manhunter is so afraid of Iron Monro, he is not her father, I don’t buy that she would be afraid of him just because of what her father did.

Manhunter #32

Written by Marc Andreyko

Art by Michael Gaydos

Andreyko always shows his appreciation for the DCU as a whole in this series and once again he shows this. He created a new female Crime Doctor for this series. I like the character, incredibly creepy, but the original killed himself. I had forgotten that Bones was black and I like that Manhunter brought this up to him when he dismissed the deaths of the girls in Jaurez. And I couldn’t help but smile when Kate broke the racists’ hand.

Manhunter #33
Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by Michael Gaydos

A lot of great moments this issue – Ramsey having superpowers, the surprise arrival of the group formerly known as the Suicide Squad, and the Birds of Prey. I am excited for the next issue. Oh and I have to reccomend any comic that makes a Pee Wee’s Big Adventure reference (:

Manhunter #34
Written by Marc Andreyko

Art by Michael Gaydos

Oh how I love Andreyko’s writing….not only does he bitch slap Republicans in this issue, but he actually has Gay Kissing! Hell ya, it’s about time we get some man-on-man action in the DCU. Okay besides my perverted side, this was really good, but this series usually is. I love how much he utilizes the DCU and pays attention to it in his writing.

I Am Ready For Batman And The Outsiders

Outsiders (Volume 3) #49
Written by Judd Winick and Greg Rucka
Art by Matthew Clark and Ron Randall

This is the final part of the Checkmate/Outsiders crossover that began here and continued here ,here, here, and here.
This was an action-packed finale to what was a suprisingly well done crossover. Outsiders is a hit or miss for me but this was a hit. I even like the idea that this series is ending and relaunching as Batman and the Outsiders. I love the original Batman and the Outsiders series so I can’t wait. Yes, I miss Halo (Too bad she won’t be back). There were a lot of great one-liners in this issue including Grace telling the Checkmate Agent about Batman warming up to people and the conversation at the end between Batman and Nightwing. I think it is totally in character for Dick to want to leave now and I liked how he says he actually doesn’t like being in the Outsiders anymore. Dick liked the Titans and the Outsider are not the titans. I look forward to the next issue, which is the final one before the relaunch.

Egg Fu’s Torture Fun

Checkmate (Volume 2) #15
Written by Greg Rucka and Judd Winick
Art by Joe Bennett

This is part four of the Checkmate/Outsiders crossover that began here and continued here ,here, and here. The best part of this issue has to have been the very end where Batman says “I don’t work for the Security Council”. That is so bats and I ate it up like candy! Rucka and Winick continue this crossover really well, we get to see Egg Fu who disgustingly tortures Boomerang and Sasha Bordeax just because he wants to know how they work! Not for any good reason! That is awesome. Egg Fu is one scary bastard but at the same time I can’t wait to see him when I pick up a comic. I can’t wait to see him hopefully get his ass handed to him next issue. Probably by the Dark Knight himself.