Fifty Issues And Still No Mention of Linda Danvers! Come On!


Supergirl (Volume 5) #50
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Jamal Igle
Co-Feature by Helen Slater
Art by
Cliff Chaing


The main feature of this book was Supergirl vs. Lana as Insect Queen. I liked that we fast forwarded a few days later and Supergirl is now a prisoner of the hive, and is rescued by Gangbuster and Doctor Light. But Kara takes down the Queen way too easily for a story that has been building for so long. I have a feeling this was rushed due to the New Krypton storyline which is kind of a shame. Kare’s reaction and anger toward Lana seems like her old self and that is kind of annoying so I don’t know how I feel about this issue just yet. The Helen Slater written back-up was a neat little look at the history of this Supergirl and I rather enjoyed it. But damn…I thought in 50 issues Linda Danvers, the previous Supergirl, could have been mentioned somewhere!

Black Lantern Marvels

Power of Shazam #48 001

Power of Shazam! #48
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Don Kramer

This is another resurrected title special for Blackest Night…I loved this book. It was great series that introduced the Marvel Family to me. But this Eric Wallace-written resurrection isn’t very good. I don’t really like the idea that Osiris resisted the Black rings. I thought that the bodies of the Black Lanterns were just bodies and their minds were not there, why is Osiris different? This isn’t really explained and seems to fly in the face of everything else we have seen about the black lanterns. Not to mention Billy and Mary’s voices seemed a bit off. I was not thrilled with this at all.

Eddie Bloomberg R.I.P.


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #74
Written by Bryan Q. Miller
Art by Joe Bennet
Co-Feature by Sean McKeever
Art by Yildiray Cinar

Yes Kid Devil (or Red Devil but I have always preferred Kid Devil) dies saving San Francisco from nuclear destruction in this issue. He died a true hero. The only problem I have with this is that it seems completely unnecessary. Why kill Kid Devil after McKeever built up such a good friendship between him and Blue Beetle? Was this only to sell books? I could be wrong but I have a feeling that this is why McKeever left the book over creative differences. An editor wanted to kill him and McKeever disagreed. Ignoring the death, this was a really good issue and Miller has shown he can write the Teen Titans well. Let’s just hope Felecia D. Henderson does as well. The Ravager back-up was basically Rose Wilson kicking ass and taking names, which is a good thing.

Bad Fashion Choices


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #73
Written by Bryan Q. Miller
Art by Joe Bennett
Co-Feature by Sean McKeever
Art by Yildiray Cinar


First of all, I am sure I mentioned it last time, but the outfits that Joe Bennett draws the female Titans wearing out on the town are so ridiculous and not at all what a real teenage girl would wear. Belly shirts are not that popular and are frankly slutty as all hell when they are that high up. And I am so sick of the Calculator I am not even kidding. Anyone who has been reading DC books since Identity Crisis knows that Calculator has been in every book. He was an interesting character at first, now he is just over used. This isn’t so bad writing-wise I still feel that Miller understands these characters and gives them each a unique voice and I liked the team work that they used in this issue. I enjoyed the Ravager Co-Feature more this time around although I was kinda hoping Will had good motives instead of bad. I hope that we see Rose build a supporting cast.

Miller Gets The Characters, Bennett Does Not


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #72
Written by Bryan Q. Miller
Art by Joe Bennett
Co-Feature by Sean McKeever
Art by
Yildiray Cinar


Joe Bennett is not doing his best here at all. I mean Superboy and Wonder Girl never wore those outfits when they were together in that flashback and girls don’t wear belly shirts like that when they go out. I mean Miss Martian’s shirt was shorter every time he drew it. It was ridiculous. I am far from a prude, I don’t care that the characters are being sexualized, I care that they are realistic. And being 21 and so far off from my teen years, I can tell you that teenage girls don’t wear shirts like that. I have to say this though, Bennett does draw some amusing facial expressions in this issue. The story by fill-in writer Miller was actually pretty good. Miller definitely captures each Titan’s personality rather well and I liked the night on the town story’s Juxtaposition with Wonder Girl’s fight at Alcatraz. I just hope that funeral scene at the beginning doesn’t really mean one of these characters is going to die, cause we really DON’T need any more of that shit in this book. The Ravager back up was interesting and McKeever is always good with her character, but it hasn’t hooked me just yet.

McKeever Is Underrated


Teen Titans (Volume 3)#71
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Yildiray Cinar

Wow! After that entirely horrible trash of a cross over, Sean McKeever’s final issue on this series as main writer was actually really damn good! I mean this had action but also had the emotional Titans are family stuff that I loved about the Johns and Wolfman run. I didn’t care either way about the upcomign Ravager Cofeature before this issue, but now I can’t wait to read it! Ravager basically ruins her reputation with the team just so she can be sure that Bombshell will not betray them again. She sees the Teen Titans as her true family. That is good stuff and really shows how far she has come. If McKeever will be remembered for anything for his run it will be for moments like that and the work he did with Ravager and Red Devil, he really was great at writing those two characters and adding more depth to them. Kid Eternity has such a cool power – I was confused at first as to why Pantha was there and then I realized she must have been summoned by Kid Eternity!  McKeever also could have made Wonder Girl come off as a jerk here but he really didn’t – even after everything Cassie knew that Rose should be given another chance. Sean McKeever’s run I think will be remembered fondly – there were some blips (the first arc, Deathtrap, and the death of Marvin come to mine) but all in all he really made me care about these characters. That’s all that matters. Oh and by the way, I loved the art on this book too.

Worst Titans Storyline Ever?


Vigilante (Volume 3) #6
Written by Marv Wolfman
Art by Tom Lyle

This is the conclusion of the Deathrap Titans crossover that began here, and continued here, here, here, and here. Wow, this entire story arc plus its preludes could have been done in one issue. We could have had a fight with Jericho and then have Vigilante tear out his eyeballs in the end but no DC dragged this out for months, this has got to be one of the worst storylines if not the worst storyline the Titans have ever had. I can’t believe Wolfman took part in all this. No wonder McKeever quit because of creative differences after this. Anyways, we get some clue to Vigilante’s identity in that he has a jerk father-in-law somehow and Jericho is left with his eyes cut out of his head going insane so that was cool otherwise what a mess.

End This Already


Titans (Volume 2) #13
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Angel Unzueta

This is part 4 of the Deathtrap crossover that began here, and continued here, and here.Okay why the hell are the Titans letting Red Devil tag along with no powers. That’s just stupid. He should at least bring his original fighting suit or something. That is the least of this book’s problems though. This storyline is real mess with seemingly the same thing happening issue after issue. I feel like I have been reading stories of Jericho threatening the Titans for months. End this already. What a waste of paper and ink.

A Ravaging Return

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #70

Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Joe Bennett

This is part 3 of the Deathrap Titans crossover that began here and continued here. This part is much better then the last part, I am not sure if the story has actually improved or just because McKeever has a better handle on the Teen Titans then the adult Titans. There were a lot of great character moments here and I am going to miss McKeever writing Red Devil when he leaves. Ravager shows up and makes a good point about Bombshell being on the team. Bennett is actually pretty good at drawing facial expressions. I never really noticed this before. There is something creepy about his art though, it showed in Terror Titans and it shows here, especially at the beginning where the women is torturing that guy. While I am still looking forward to see where this story is going, it is still far from a success. The Jericho as villain thing just isn’t exciting.

So Far So Bad

Vigilante (Volume 3) #5
Written by Marv Wolfman
Art by Tom Lyle and Scott Hana

This is Part 2 of the “Deathtrap” Crossover that began here. In this issue, the Titans and Vigilante fight and then Vigilante escapes way too easily and then Jericho takes over the Teen Titans Jet and starts using it to shoot at the Titans. Ya it isn’t really exciting. This whole crossover is a mess so far. Jericho as villain has been done so many times that I am still not convinced this story is bringing anything new to the table. He just isn’t a very scary villain, and it seems out of character. I had hoped there would be something more to this then Jericho fights the two teams and Vigilante but so far that is all this has amounted to. Wow. The Titans books are a mess right now. The coloring was off on people’s hair this issue as well.

Deathtrap Begins

Titans (Volume 2) #12
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by
Angel Unzueta

Deathtrap, the Titans crossover begins here. I don’t know what I was expecting. I guess I expected more then just more of Jericho hopping around stories but that’s all we really get here. It makes for a decent issue and it is certainly better then Winick’s stuff on this title. McKeever is pretty good at writing the older Titans. I wonder since he is leaving Teen Titans he will move to this book? I highly doubt it. It is pretty cool to see Static interact with Donna Troy and how the Milestone Universe is part of the DCU now. I thought that Jericho went into Cyborg when he was talking to Beast Boy but it doesn’t look like that is what happened after all. The ending was pretty shocking and shows just how ruthless and quick the Vigilante really is. Although I am sure Cybrog will be okay.

New Roster

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #69
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Allan Goldman and Yildiray Cinar

Miss Martian returns from the Dark Side Club with a bunch of teen heroes this issue. And in the end, the new line up consists of Wonder Girl, Aquagirl, Bombshell, Static, Kid Eternity, Miss Martian, Blue Beetle and the powerless Red Devil. I am excited for this new line up. McKeever is leaving this book (He is only credited with the original story of this issue) and I hope they put a new writer on for long term who can really develop this team and keep them together for a while. No more roster changes for now! Aquagirl is drawn strange in this. She is looking less and less latino. I like the budding frienship between her and Static though.

Teen Titans 67 and 68

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #67
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

Kid Eternity and Brother Blood escape from hell, and end up right in front of Titans Tower. I really enjoyed this issue. I like seeing Wonder Girl lead the team, even though they aren’t really a team yet. Only Red Devil, Wonder Girl, and Blue Beetle are official members. Kid Eternity’s power is really cool for the Titans, because frankly there are a lot of dead Titans to bring back. This issue we got to see the original Aquagirl.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #68
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

This issue was really good. I am a sucker for stories set in hell – and Red Devil and Kid Eternity’s trip was really interesting. I loved the way Barrows draws it. Eddie was pretty stupid to consider signing that contract though. I love how Kid Eternity is making use of dead Titans. This time around it is Kole. Bombshell officially rejoins this issue which puts the team membership at four. The origin and omens were interesting including a pregnant Titan and other stuff. I look forward to next issue where the new roster will be in tact finally.

Bye Bye Birdie


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #66
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

Barrows really hit it out of the park this issue. I loved how he draws Gotham City; makes me wish he was on a bat-book. Anyways, McKeever writes what is probably his best issue on this title so far. We are introduced to a bunch of teen characters that are vying to be on the new roster of the Teen Titans. The interactions between the characters is fantastic and amusing and makes me truly believe McKeever was the right choice for this book. Look at the interaction between Bombshell and Red Devil or when Wonder Girl and Robin part ways. That is the saddest thing about this issue; Tim is leaving the titans after 66 issues. Wonder Girl has earned her right to lead the team and I look forward to see her do it. It was sad to see the picture of the old team with Tim, Bart, Cassie, and Connor. I question why Speedy says no to the team, she isn’t even living with Green Arrow anymore. Unless I am wrong and Kreisberg plans to keep her over in that title. I can’t wait to find out what the new roster will be!                                                            

Ingesting Monopoles


Blue Beetle (Volume 6) #33
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Rafael Albuquerque

Now I am guessing Jaime is not actually as dead as he seems at the end of this issue. The only evidence we have for its actuality is that the scarab says he is dead. But I don’t think DC would kill Jaime in such a non-heroic way; a cheap shot by the new Doctor Polaris. Plus there are three issues left of this series. Brenda and Paco’s talk while being held captive was hilarious and really shows how Sturges really understand these characters. The Teen Titans guest star and it didn’t seem forced at all; especially considering Blue Beetle is now a Titans himself. It was pretty cool to see Jaime yell Titans Together and Sturges even manages to maintain the relationship Jaime has with Red Devil over in the Teen TItans book. I am not sure if Monopoles are an actual thing, I will have to look that up. Not to mention I doubt that Doctor Polaris could just ingest such a thing, but that is comics for you. And the title of this post is unintentionally dirty….awesome.

Moving On


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #65
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

This was a decent issue of Teen Titans. You know, I can’t really get behind the colorist of this series. Everything seems a little bit too dark for Teen Titans…I don’t know. But I do love Wonder Girl’s new costume, I wish the W didn’t go around her arms though, that’s kind of weird looking. I for one have never been the biggest fan of her post-infinite crisis costume, it has always seemed so bland and boring. I like that they sort ofstraight up said that Wonder Girl’s brooding attitude has changed, and while she will always love Connor, it is time to move on. It is about time. I don’t know that I give a shit about the plot with Bombshell….and are we supposed to recognize the women at the end? She looks like a generic blonde to me. And I didn’t know Red Devil could make portals? You learn knew things every day. Next issue should be fun as we get a recruitment drive!

Brave and the Bold 7 – 19


Brave and the Bold #7
Written by Mark Waid
Art by George Perez

Waid and Perez start their second arc with team-up of Wonder Woman and Power Girl….Wonder Woman’s “perfection” is portrayed against Power Girl’s crazed anger in this issue and I have to say it rings untrue. Power Girl is the leader of the JSA, yet her emotions are all over the place like a teenager this issue and I just see that as a little out of character. Besides this, this was a good issue that sets up the new threat…Megistus. And Perez’s art is as beautiful as ever.


Brave and the Bold #8
Written by Mark Waid
Art by George Perez

This issue sees The Flash and the Doom Patrol team up when Wally takes his kids to be “fixed” by Dr. Niles Caulder. I love how creepy the Doom Patrol are and they should be used more often around the DCU. I am not sure why Caulder has gray hair here, as usually it is red I think. This was a good issue.


Brave and the Bold #9
Written by Mark Waid
Art by George Perez

Eh…I really could care less about any of the characters in this issue besides Hawkman and the Atom…so besides those last few pages I was totally bored with this issue.


Brave and the Bold #10
Written by Mark Waid
Art by George Perez

While the first part with Superman and Silent Knight was kinda boring…it was cool to see the old Teen Titans team up with Aquaman. Oh and it is good to see that Perez hasn’t forgotten that Aqualad looks like a boy instead of a weird fish-boy like over in Teen Titans: Year One. This series is becoming too much of an homage to the silver age. Let’s bring in some modern age characters!


Brave and the Bold #11
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Jerry Ordway

Superman and Ultraman from the anti-matter earth team-up when the anti-matter Mxyzptlk tells them of a disaster that will effect both earths. This explains what Megistus is doing and who he is. While I look forward to next issue’s conclusion, this story arc is taking way too long. At least this issue wasn’t silver agey. Ordway’s art is always welcome and the perfect artist to replace Perez.


Brave and the Bold #12
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Jerry Ordway

This concludes the Megistus arc where a lot of heroes team up and take on Megistus. In the end, it is June who saves the day and becomes a challenger in her own right. Megistus was not that scary or interesting of a villain as you think he would be after so many issue of build up but I did enjoy this issue. The foreshadowing of Final Crisis is interesting as Megistus says it will change everything. Interesting.


Brave and the Bold #13
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Jerry Ordway

I remember listening to Mark Waid’s interview on Word Balloon where he talks about this issue (great interview by the way) and how we never do see Jay Garrick and Batman interact. You know….he’s right and now I want to see them together more often. This was fun issue where Jay and Batman fight android safaris haha but the best part is the dialogue between Jay Garrick and Batman. I often forget that Jay is a scientist as well as a hero. You really get the feeling that Jay is the old hat while reading this and how much Batman respects him.


Brave and the Bold #14
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Scott Kolins

What? So confused….why did Ollie just shoot an Arrow into Deadman? Is there something to this? I bet because I know Green Arrow would never do such a thing and Deadman is already dead anyways. Kolins’s art can be a little distracting but this was an okay issue…I preferred the parts in Star City then the Nanda Parbat stuff though.


Brave and the Bold #15
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Scott Kolins

This continued the storyline that began last issue with Nightwing and Hawkman. I like that Waid is playing up that Nightwing is probably the most trusted superhero in the DCU because that is totally true. I just wish Didio would recognize that and not try to kill him all the time. There was a little continuity goof, I am pretty sure Deadman told Nightwing about him knowing his parents already in Nightwing: Year One but that is just a slight error, and such things are very unusual for Waid. So ya this was an okay issue, nothing to get really excited about.

bb161 Brave and the Bold #16
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Scott Kolins

First of all, what the hell is Selina doing in this costume. She definitely did not have this costume until Brubaker took over her series and this takes place long before that if it is her first meeting with Superman. Kolins obviously knows very little about her history if he isn’t aware of this, and the editor is an idiot for not catching it. The story was good though, I liked the fake out with the cave. But this huge continuity error really distracted from what was a good story.


Brave and the Bold #17
Written by Marv Wolfman
Art by Phil Winslade

You know…I never thought about the similarities between Raven and Supergirl until this issue. While this is the first Waid-less issue of this series, it was still very good. Winslade’s art is much better then Kolins, and I liked the use of continuity as Wolfman clearly followed the Supergirl series well. I know that Supergirl’s father apparently didn’t want her to kill Superman though right, at least it is not how he is being portrayed over in the Superman books. I think Johns said that they were going to clear that up soon.


Brave and the Bold #18
Written by Marv Wolfman
Art by Phil Winslade

You know I kind’ve like the bad ass Supergirl and her sense of humor, I hope she doesn’t completely change. Raven and Supergirl’s dialogue here is excellent and really shows what Wolfman can do. The insult comic dog stuff was hilarious and the story had real depth to it as well. Check this out, you won’t be disappointed.


Brave and the Bold #19
Written by David Hine
Art by Doug Braithwaite

Okay….if you don’t pick this up because you are waiting for JMS to start his run then you are an idiot. This was amazing! The story is fascinating and the art….oh my gosh…the art is beautiful. Perfectly dark but still full of beauty and wonder….especially when Green Lantern and the Phantom Stranger go to Kahlo. I never thought Green Lantern and Phantom Stranger could make sense in a story together, but they really do here as magick effects an alien planet. The panel showing the little girl who wrote the Green Lantern Oath on the wall was breathtaking and well creepy all at the same time. Check this out people, it is worth it. I can’t wait for the next issue. Definitely the best book I read this week. And by far the best issue of this series yet.