New Super-Man 1 – 11


New Super-Man #1
Written by Gene Luen Yang
Art by Viktor Bogdanovic

Going into this new series I did not know what to expect. I thought maybe DC was doing this to sell a series in China but I don’t think they would let a comic book be sold there that has “conspiracy theories” the Chinese government. I did end up finding this first issue to be a lot of fun. Yang is building almost a paralell world to Superman’s world in China with his own Lex Luthor and Lois Lane. But why Shanghai, why not make up a fictional Chinese city? The character of Kenan Kong…the new Super-Man is very interesting in that he is not a reluctant hero. He seems excited about gaining powers which is so different from how these things are usually done in comics.


New Super-Man #2
Written by Gene Luen Yang
Art by Viktor Bogdanovic

Young Kenan Kong is now the Super-Man of China and meets the Bat-Man and Wonder-Woman of China. This Dr. Omen is putting together a Justice League for China. I quite enjoyed Dr. Omen’s no nonsense characterization and Kenan Kong is also a lot of fun. He is so excitied to be the new Super-Man he announces his secret identity on live tv.

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Green Lanterns 1 – 19


Green Lanterns #1
Written by Sam Humphries
Art by Robson Rocha

As happy as I am to have a new Green Lantern book that is not starring boring old Hal Jordan, I can’t say I was excited to read this. Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz have not interested me one bit in the Justice League book. Simon just seems like a jerk and Jessica is so unsure of herself it becomes not sweet, but annoying. I was hoping under a different write I would feel differently. This issue did not win me over, but maybe future issues will because the art was good and I am interested in the Red Lantern sub-plot. Oh and Dex-Starr!


Green Lanterns #2
Written by Sam Humphries
Art by Robson Rocha

Now this was more like it! By focusing on Jessica learning about her ring with her sister, Humphries made me actually understand her character better and what she is going through. Hopefully we will get a similar focus on Simon. This series just got good.

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Covert Team


The Shield #6
Written by Eric Trautmann
Art by Marco Rudy
Co-Feature by Brandon Jerwa
Art by
Michael Gaydos


I have been a big fan of the art on this book, but this was definitely Rudy’s weakest issue. The panel lay-out was like he was evoking J.H. Williams III on Detective Comics except he is not Williams and it doesn’t work at all. I found it to be distracting and confusing as the reader of this issue. For the first time since this book began, I found the co-feature to be a much better experience. I liked the idea of a team of heroes forming under Halliday who are covertly working against him. Is this how the Mighty Crusaders get together? I guess time will tell.

Kryptonian Mythology


Action Comics #886
Written by Greg Rucka and Eric Trauttman
Art by Pere Perez
Co-Feature by Rucka and James Robinson
Art by Cafu


I don’t have much to say about the main story – it was well executed and as a fan of mythology myself I love how Rucka and Trauttman are creating Kryptonian Mythology. I am not sure why Flamebird seems to have turned against Thara though, is she working with Jax-Ur? Maybe I missed something there. It was good stuff though. The Captain Atom co-feature was even more impressing. I have enjoyed every moment of this feature and in this issue once again Robinson shows how well he utilizes the DC Universe incorporating Skartaris, Shadowpact, and the many magical realms into the plotline. I loved it.



The Shield #5
Written by Eric Trautmann
Art by Marco Rudy
Co-Feature by Brandon Jerwa
Art by Greg Scott


The main story introduces two old Archie characters into the DC Universe: The hero The Jaguar and the villain Baron Gestapo. Both of these characters have a lot of potential in my opinion already. Even though I know nothing about the Archie heroes I am loving watching them become integrated into the DC Universe and both this series and the Web. It’s a real shame more people aren’t reading as they are both good books. The Great Ten guest stars but the new characters are the more important parts of the book. The Inferno back-up introduces another new character from the old Archie days, The Comet, and he seems more interesting then Inferno although I am not sure how I feel about his costume just yet. The back-up is definitely still inferior to the main story though.

More People Need To Read This Book


The Shield #4
Written by Eric Trautmann
Art by Marco Rudy
Co-Feature by Brandon Jerwa
Art by
Greg Scott

This series is in a lot of way the spiritual sucessor to Checkmate or at least it definitely felt that way with Great Ten and King Faraday showing up? Does Checkmate even exist post-final Crisis? We haven’t seen them since then or even heard about them.The Shield’s back-story with his father is interesting and I like how this tied in with General Lane and the Superman books for a page there, that is nice use of continuity that really makes the this feel like a shared universe. The “Red Circle” books are really good! People need to start reading them as they are just getting better with every issue.

Shadowpact 15 – 25

Shadowpact #15
Written by Bill Willingham

Art by Tom Derenick

Whoa did a volcanoe just erupt in Chicago? My home town?! Oh no you didn’t Doctor Gotham. I hope the Shadowpact kicks your ass! Decent issue of Shadowpact. Zauriel is officially on the team now.

Shadowpact #16
Written by Bill Willingham

Art by Tom Derenick

The Justice League guest stars in this issue – and not only does Willingham not do his research on Chicago – it’s the Magnificent Mile dumbass, not Miracle Mile! – but he also does not even read any other DCU comics because Zatanna and Supergirl are not currently members of the Justice League. Willingham is a lazy writer when it comes to the DCU and sometimes I think he should just stick to Fables. Anyways, this was okay.
Shadowpact #17
Written by Matthew Sturges Art by Doug Braithwaite

I forgot what happened – I think Willingham got sick – but Matthew Sturges begins his run with this issue. And I enjoyed it. The art was fantastic, I loved the painted style. There was some gruesome scenes in this – a girl driving a nail through her eye and a man exploding out of Doctor Gotham’s head. Pretty gross but awesome.

Shadowpact #18
Written by Matthew Sturges

Art by Tom Derenick

Okay this was another disturbing issue where a woman is literally melted alive. The art is good, you can see the pain upon herself. Too bad it something that I don’t really want to see her. Story is good though. I am not complaining.

Shadowpact #19
Written by Matthew Sturges Art by Phil Winslade

Yay! Part of Chicago is in the Nightshade Dimension. That should be fun. As for the main plot, Protege’s defeat seemed kinda easy. But it was still good. I like Winslade’s art a lot.

Shadowpact #20
Written by Matthew Sturges

Art by Kieren Dwyer

Oh it is good to see Rex the Wonder Dog, a series can never have enough talking animals. Anyways, looks like it wasn’t Chicago after all but in fact the city Nightmaster gained his sword. Decent issue with some funny dialogue.

Shadowpact #21
Written by Matthew Sturges

Art by Tom Derenick

Haha Detective Chimps is cruising Furry websites looking for some answer. That is just freaking hilarious! This was a really good issue as I liked learning about the unbound. They are really interesting. It looks like the Shadowpact may have accidentally let them into our universe now.

Shadowpact #22
Written by Matthew Sturges

Art by Phil Winslade

The Shadowpact defeats the unbound and Nightmaster decides to leave the team and stay behind. It makes sense, and really shows how good-hearted he is. Nice conclusion to this arc.

Shadowpact #23
Written by Matthew Sturges

Art by Phil Winslade

I like how in Hell Court, you sware on a book of dirty jokes. Hahaha. But Blue Devil reverts to being a human in this issue and I hope that isn’t permanent. He is a great character and it would be a shame to see him go. But maybe he could be retired for a while?

Shadowpact #24
Written by Matthew Sturges

Art by Phil Winslade

They finally face the sun king in the penultimate issue. This sun king thing has run on for too long and I am glad they are concluding even though it is only because the series is ending. It was cool to see Blue Devil’s original costume but I still hope he reverts back to being a demon.

Shadowpact #25
Written by Matthew Sturges

Art by Phil Winslade

This is the Final Issue of this series and it was good and actually solved all of the dangling plot threads. Blue Devil is a demon again and the Sun King has been defeated. I will miss my monthly does of Detective Chimp and I think this series had a lot of potential if only more people were reading it. I look forward to seeing the Shadowpact around the DCU.

Egg Fu’s Torture Fun

Checkmate (Volume 2) #15
Written by Greg Rucka and Judd Winick
Art by Joe Bennett

This is part four of the Checkmate/Outsiders crossover that began here and continued here ,here, and here. The best part of this issue has to have been the very end where Batman says “I don’t work for the Security Council”. That is so bats and I ate it up like candy! Rucka and Winick continue this crossover really well, we get to see Egg Fu who disgustingly tortures Boomerang and Sasha Bordeax just because he wants to know how they work! Not for any good reason! That is awesome. Egg Fu is one scary bastard but at the same time I can’t wait to see him when I pick up a comic. I can’t wait to see him hopefully get his ass handed to him next issue. Probably by the Dark Knight himself.

Eggs And EMPs

Outsiders (Volume 3) #48
Written by Judd Winick and Greg Rucka
Art and Cover by Matthew Clark

This is part four of the Checkmate/Outsiders crossover that began here and continued here and here. This was probably my favorite part of this crossover to date. I have a feeling that Rucka had more to do with the writing of this issue than Winick and that is probably why. The cliffhanger ending was so exciting, especially for any fan of 52. I was wondering when they were going to bring in those familiar faces (Or really just one big giant yellow egg-face) and I am glad they did. Both teams work together really well this issue ignoring the fact that Nightwing, Sasha, and Boomerang get captured. I like that finally Sasha’s status as partially OMAC is finally mentioned. I don’t remember it being brought up in any issue of Checkmate to date. The whole EMP thing with Nightwing was pretty cool. I really enjoyed this.

Checkmate 3 – 7

Checkmate (Volume 2) #3
Written by Greg Rucka

Art by Cliff Richards

This series continues to impress me. Rucka shows us that while in real life, international politics is crazy and dangerous, if you apply it to a world with superheroes and villains, things get a whole lor crazier. I love how politically different all the members of checkmate are. This is certainly not a team of best friends. I look forward to seeing what happens next and if China is really trying to hide the fact that Kobra stole their secrets on metahuman creation.

Checkmate (Volume 2) #4 Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Jesus Saiz

This storyline ends on a sad note. It looks like Alan Scott is being kicked out of Checkmate, for doing the right thing! This issue really showed the difference between Checkmate and the super heroes. Alan breaks the rules in order to save lives. Checkmate never breaks thier rules. It is sad but understandable why Alan had to leave. Now, I wonder who will be the new White King?

Checkmate (Volume 2) #5 Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Jesus Saiz

This is a stand alone story about some checkmate members competing to be the new bishop of the black queen. I did not pay much attention to that part of the story. That bored me. I did like the other parts of this issue. Fire is being blackmailed by the white queen for something. I wonder what this is? It looks like Mr. Terrific is going to be the new white king. That would be great, I think, It will make sure that someone in power will keep Checkmate from being too favorable to the US. Alan knew that Checkmate was a world organization and not an American one and Mr. Terrific shares that view. Unlike Amanda Waller…the big fat bitch.

Checkmate (Volume 2) #6 Written by Greg Rucka, Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir
Art and Cover by Jesús Saíz

This issue focuses more on the suicide squad than checkmate, and to be honest, the suicide squad is one of the few DCU teams I know very little about, other than the fact they are villains who act as heroes to get out of jail time. This time around, they are led by Mirror Master and are trying to steal Myanmar’s metahuman power source. This issue was okay…nothing too excting unless you are a big suicide squad fan.

Checkmate (Volume 2) #7
Written by Greg Rucka, Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir
Art by Cliff Richards and Dan Green
Cover by Jesus Saiz

This was a little bit better than last issue, although wer still see very little of Checkmate. Rucka is really making sure that the readers hate Amanda Waller. I certainly am buying into it. I can not stand her. I felt bad for the little boy this issue, real bad. He is going to be so messed up when he grows up.