Legion of Super-Heroes 12-16

Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #12
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Yildiray Cinar

It is fun to be reading Legion comics again, especially when Paul Levitz writes the book. He really loves these characters and puts so much story into every issue. This issue was packed with action, dialogue, and plot twists galore. This is a man who deserved to remain in charge of DC. I am a huge fan and I look forward to seeing where this storyline is going as Saturn Queen is now the big bad.

Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #13
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Yildiray Cinar

Sometimes I like Cinar’s art in this issue and sometimes I didn’t. Anyways, this was still packed to the brim with action and intrigue and we had great moments with the “weirder” Legionnaires like Quislet, Tellus, and Gates. This was a fun comic.




Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #14
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Fernando Dagnino

Levitz writes another action packed issue of the Legion. As usual, he hits it out of the park here. Not much else to say besides I love Mon-El with a power ring and the Saturn Queen sure is evil.

Legion_of_Super-Heroes_Vol_6_15Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #15
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Yildiray Cinar

This is Yildiray Cinar’s last issue of the Legion and I just got to say Cinar had a great run! This issue improved on the last with more action and we even get to see some of my favorite Legionnaires like Gates and Tellus. I am not sure where this is all going with the three immortal worlds but I am loving the ride.



Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #15
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Daniel HDR

In this final issue of the Legion of Super-Heroes, Mon-El gives up the ring and Earth-Man sacrifices his life to save the Legion. It is sad to see this book go but I am so glad the Legion have been brought back with DC Rebirth. Paul Levitz had a great run here.


Booster Gold 42-47


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #42
Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. Dematteis
Art by Christ Batista

Booster Gold tells the story to his sister about his time in 25th century prison where he is cellmates with a man who is constantly fluctuating between time periods – the man is revealed to be a future version of Booster himself with “Chronal leprosy” which is actually really gross as drawn by Batista. Interesting issue. I enjoyed it I suppose.


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #43
Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. Dematteis
Art by Christ Batista

Booster finds himself running into the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century which makes this a fun issue as Brainiac 5 works to cure Booster’ chronal leprosy. This was a fun issue. Giffen and Dematteis write some great dialogue between the legionaries and you can tell Batista had fun drawing them.  I wonder if the dangling plot points will ever get solved as I believe the next issue begins a flashpoint crossover.


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #44
Written by Dan Jurgens
Art by Jurgens

I was excited to read this issue despite it being a Flashpoint crossover (a mini-series I have never read and have no interest in reading considering it lead to the disgusting New 52) because I remember Dan Jurgens’s run on this book rather fondly. Jurgens’s art is as beautiful as always and he writes very well but damn I don’t really care about Flashpoint and could not get excited reading this issue. That being said, I love the shout outs to continuity about Coast City. Jurgens knows his continuity.


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #45
Written by Dan Jurgens
Art by Jurgens

The Flashpoint crossover continues here as we learn the girl Booster saved has powers. Who is she suppose to be? I am not sure. I do not recognize her name. This was another good issue by Jurgens – as the man can draw and write like a champ. But I still find it hard to care because I hate flashpoint. Albeit, I am intrigued by the mystery girl.


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #46
Written by Dan Jurgens
Art by Jurgens and Ig Guara

This was a very forgettable issue. I am sad this is the penultimate issue because this series is usually great under Jurgens but this flashpoint crossover is uninteresting. I really don’t care about seeing Booster Gold fight Doomsday again.




Booster Gold (Volume 2) #47
Written by Dan Jurgens
Art by Rick Leonardi and Jurgens

First of all, Booster calls the Flash Barry in this issue. Why would Booster Gold call him by his first name like they are friends? His character knew Wally West as Flash for his entire career. Ugh. It’s bad enough Barry Allen had to take up most of the cover on the last issue of Booster’s series. Jurgens only drew the last few pages and Leonardi is okay but he is no Jurgens. This just seemed last filler when it should have been a series finale. Disappointed.

Boy Man


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #11
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Daniel HDR


So Starman is going back to being called Star Boy now? Seems kind of strange…why is Earth-Man the only one allowed to be called Man now? None of them are really teenagers anymore right? Anyways, this was a fantastic start to the Legion of Super-Villains arc as all of the Legionnaires search for the villain group. Levitz sure knows how to pack a lot into one issue.

The Legion’s First Death


Adventure Comics #520
Written by Paul Levtiz
Art by Kevin Sharpe
Co-Feature by Jeff Lemire
Art by Mahmud Asrar


The final early days of the Legion story was in this issue and it was really good as it focused on Saturn Girl’s thoughts after the death of Lighting Lad (who came back to life as we all know) although there was some annoying editorial mistakes (that was the original Invisible Kid, yet he is listed with the name of the secone one – come on they don’t even look the same!) I enjoyed it and it looks like Supergirl was officially a member of this Legion now. The Ant Farm concept is what is saving the Atom back-up from the boringness that is Ray Palmer but the annoying I am the science hero stuff was unnecessary.

Time Loops


Adventure Comics #514
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Travis Moore
Co-Feature by James Robinson
Art by Bernard Chang

In the main feature Brainiac 5 delivers Brainiac to the Coluans and Vril Dox and then delivers the Lanothians to Titan where they will be ruled over by Jemm and called Titanians from now on. I love the use of Legion continuity here and really establishing the origins of these places. I wonder if Titan will interact with earth at all in the 21st century? The back-up was an excellent ending to James Robinson’s entire run on Superman. He wraps up Mon-El’s storyline by having him return to the Phantom Zone and then arriving in the future all the way back to whatever issue of Legion he first appeared in the future in. I liked that he didn’t just leave but gave the letter to Billi Harper and remembered that he spent a year in this century on earth. I will miss his character and I think Robinson – in the end – really did a great job with him.

All Coming Together


Superman #699
Written by James Robinson
Art by Bernard Chang


This is part 8 of the Last Stand of New Krypton storyline that began in Last Stand #1 and continued here, here, here, Last Stand #2, here, and here. Things are all falling into place as Kandor is restored by Supergirl and Brainiac 5 and Superman and Zod take on Brainiac. I am not exactly sure what happened at the end – was that a city coming out of Brainiac’s ship. Did Lex just double cross Brainiac? And why is Mon-El worried that Sam Lane knew so much about Daxamite. I am not annoyed with all the questions – just intrigued. I can’t wait to see where this all goes!

Brainiac Is Winning


Adventure Comics #513
Written by James Robinson, Sterling Gates, and Eric Trauttman
Art by Travis Moore, Eduardo Pansica, and Pier Gallo

The main feature is Part 6 of the Last Stand of New Krypton Storyline that began in Last Stand #1, and continued here, here, here, and  Last Stand of New Krypton #2. It was great to see Superboy use his tactile telekinesis. I like that he has that extra power it makes him unique. Things are not going well..for well…anyone but Brainiac here as the city is rebottled and Superboy is now stuck in there with it and Mon-El has been captured. I can’t wait to see where this goes! As for the second story it was a gory story that ends in death…Sam Lane is such an asshole, I can’t wait to see what happens to him.

Three Fronts


Adventure Comics #512
Written by James Robinson, Sterling Gates, and Eric Trauttman
Art by Travis Moore, Eduardo Pansica, and Pier Gallo


The main feature is Part 4 of the Last Stand of New Krypton Storyline that began in Last Stand #1, and continued here and here. Robinson’s portion of the story is more of a catch-up on the history of the Brainiac’s and we learn that the reason why the past is changing is because somehow Brainiac kills Superman so Brainiac 5 is going back in time to help stop that from happening. It was good. It is not the Legion that I am familiar with and I do miss them, but it is still cool to see all those Legionnaires. I like that XS and Gates haven’t been forgotten! The Sterling Gates written part of the storyline takes place in the present as Tellus uses his telepathic powers to convince the Kryptonians to work together. It was all good nothing to complain about. Finally Trauttman’s story deals with the sleeper agents on earth in a rather interesting way. All of this was good stuff I am loving this crossover so far!

Supergirl Leads The Legion Once Again


Supergirl (Volume 5) #51
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Jamal Igle


This was part 2 of the Last Stand of New Krypton storyline that began in Last Stand of New Krypton #1. I am loving this storyline. At first I was kind of annoyed that we were getting another Supergirl vs. Superboy fight but it was just one punch and they were fight. Loved hearing him called Kon-El again, it seems like nobody ever remembers that he once went by that name and Gates even wrote him using his tactile telekinesis powers too! (I miss Linda Danvers though) Alura’s hair was miscolored and that was annoying but oh well this was a lot of fun!

Wanted More


Adventure Comics #511
Written by Sterling Gates, James Robinson, and Eric Trautmann
Art by Travis Moore, Julian Lopez, and Piere Gallo


This issue serves as Prologue to the Last Stand of New Krypton story that begins next week. In it we get three separate stories. One deals with the Legion in the future, one with them meeting up with Superboy and Mon-El in Smallville, as well as a third story dealing with General Lane unknowingly hiring a Kryptonian into Project 7734. It was all entertaining and revealed some more secrets but I feel like it didn’t further the story as much as it should have. Something better happen soon! We get a better understanding of why Lane hates Kryptonians although its clearly a hate bread from fear, which is what all hate is. I liked that and I like all the Legion stuff but I guess I wanted more from this issue then I got.

Odd Arrangement


Superman #697
Written by James Robinson
Art by Bernard Chang


The Legion makes its presence known to Mon-El and Superboy in this issue. I love the idea that the Legion has been in the past for so long, I mean at least since Countdown and the Lightning Saga. This was a good issue I enjoyed it a lot but I was confused by the whole scene at the Kent Farm. Was that supposed to be a flashback? If so, what was the purpose? It seemed kind of odd the way those scenes were arranged not sure how to explain it.

All The Powers Of Superman

adv7 Adventure Comics #510
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Travis Moore

Ummmm Bedard could have taken over this series for all I care because this was a great issue! Bedard shows he knows the character of Connor Kent inside and out by recapping his history while moving the story forward. This was by far the best Blackest Night tie-in yet. We get to see lots of action and great characterization at the same time. The strong love between Wonder Girl and Superboy and their training to make sure Connor is never mind controlled again (Nice use of continuity by the way, I would never have thought of that) allows for Superboy to escape from the Black Lantern ring. The art was fabulous as well. Oh and Superboy gets freeze-breath finally! Now he has all the powers of Superman. I kinda liked it when he was all about the tactile telekinesis but this is okay too.

Return Of The Boy Of Steel


Adventure Comics #504
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Francis Manapul
Co-Feature by Johns
Art by Clayton Henry

Superboy is back! I find it amusing that people around the blogospher are referring to Connor in their reviews as the “new superboy”. A character that has been around since 1994 is definitely not new. None-the-less, I am excited to have Johns write the adventures of Superboy in smallville. Johns sets up everything quite well in this issue and introduces concepts I am sure he will follow through on and even a future friend turned archenemy for Superboy. Manapul’s art is gorgeous as always. Henry’s art on the Legion back up was fine but I wish Manapul did that as well he is that good and it would be fun to see him draw the Legion again (even if this isn’t the same Legion). The only possible complaint I have is that I still don’t care for the whole “omg I have Lex’s genes, what if I become evil!” subplot and Johns continues it here. I have never bought the idea that Connor would even think that he could become like Lex just because of his genes. Anyways, Starman was as usual – hilarious – in the back up and I am looking forward to this series from here on out.

Decade-Long Run Comes To An End

Justice Society of America #26
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Dale Eaglesham

What a sweet finale for Geoff Johns on this book. We spend a day with the JSA as they celebrate Stargirl’s birthday. It was really great, I liked all the flashbacks and character moments. Eaglesham drew Jay Garrick like he was a donkey or something…it was odd…but it didn’t hurt anything. Starman waves to the reader and says thank everyone and I smiled. There were some hilarious Starman moments in this issue, especially when he got Stargirl stuff from the laundry for her birthday. We are teased with the idea that Stargirl was going to have her braces taken off, which I wish they went through with. This was really a great way to wrap up John’s decade long run in a very positive way. I really enjoyed it. I think John’s run on JSA is going to be remembered as one of the great all-time comic book runs on a title in history, similar to Wolfman and the Titans. He will be missed on this title.

A Gotham-Centric Finale

nw153Nightwing #153
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Don Kramer and Joe Bennett

The only problem I have with this final issue is that it is too Gotham-centric. Instead of focusing on looking back at Dick’s adventures in Bludhaven and New York it is focused on Dick’s origin and such. This should have been a finale for this series and this series was not about that. This series was always about Dick’s adventures on his own. Oh and once again Tomasi neglects to mention Cassandra Cain as being one of Bruce’s “kids”. Tomasi is a fantastic writer, but things like this really bother me. Otherwise it is a nice little ending. At least it ends with Dick returning to Gotham, taking the series full circle.  This is a really sad day for me though. This series has been around since I started collecting comics in elementary school. This is truly the end of an era.

The JSA is Back!


Justice Society of America #23
Written by Geoff Johns and Jerry Ordway
Art by Ordway

Now this is more like it! After a year of the overly-long Alex Ross Kingdom come crap, we finally get back to good old JSA story telling. Sadly, this is Johns’s final arc on this book. Isis returns to life and is not so sweet and nice as she once was. I hope that that is a ruse and she will go back to her old ways. She was such a good influence on Black Adam before. But for now, I like that she has gone rogue. The JSA has to decide who is on the team after the events prior, and I am sad to see that Starman and Amazing Man are likely to be leaving. Although, that may or may not  be the case as the final roster is not decided this issue. I liked that Billy Batson still hasn’t shared his secret identity with the JSA. That is so awesome, because in the post-Meltzer DCU it seems like everyone knows everyone. It is refreshing that Billy has waited this long. Anyways, it looks like were back to the basics with the JSA, and I couldn’t be happier to be back.



Action Comics #873
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Pete Woods

This is the final part of the ten part New Krypton storyline that began in the New Krypton Special, then continued here, then in the Guardian Special, then here, here, here, here, here, and here. I read a lot of reviews saying that this wasn’t a true ending or satisfying ending. I think it was. I mean Kandor has left earth and established a New Krypton. It is the end of this arc. This is serial storytelling people, there are never going to be true endings as if this is a complete work! I just don’t get the complaining about the ending. Anyways, I absolutely adored this issue. Every moment inspired awe and wonder in a way that any big story like this should. While I like Final Crisis, this is more of an event book then that. The ending with Superwoman was completely unexpected and I look forward to all the story possibilities that have come out of this arc. I may have been hard on some parts of this storyline, but overall, and especially this issue, it was a tremendous success.