Brave and the Bold 29 and 30


Brave and the Bold #29
Written by J.M. Straczynski
Art by Jesus Siaz

Wow JMS does not know how to write Batman’s voice at all. This character just isn’t Batman. That’s all I got to say about this incredibly boring issue. I like the ideals of the sixties too JMS but you didn’t write a good comic here.


Brave and the Bold #30
Written by J.M. Straczynski
Art by Jesus Siaz

This was an interesting story in which the original Doctor Fate put a part of his soul into Hal’s ring in order to help him one day. It’s a bit of a stretch but I think it works within the comic. THe whole thing is really a debate between Hal and the Doctor over the power of fate and the power of will power. I wish there would have been something said about Hal’s time as Parallax and how he tried to use his will to change the universe and hey look where that got him. But this could take place before then and not far in the future as they made it seem. Decent issue.



Superman/Batman #67
Written by Scott Kolins
Art by Kolins

Hmm…this was rather confusing maybe I read it too fast as I am not sure what exactly occurred. Did Bizarro send Grundy into the sun? What is going on with Man-Bat and his wife? I don’t know if it was actually confusing or I just don’t care enough. Kolins is a good artist for these monsters though.

Christmas With The Quinzels


Gotham City Sirens #7
Written by Paul Dini
Art by David Lopez

Dini knows how to write Gotham Christmas stories, I have always said that and this issue was no different. Not as dark as his previous Christmas work, this issue focused on the Christmas’s of the three Sirens. Catwoman spent some time with Dick, Poison Ivy went to the rainforest, and Harley Quinn went to go see her family. I am not sure if this is the fist time we get to meet the Quinzel’s. It’s possibly they appeared before, probably in Harley’s series but I have no idea. They are a messed up family but surprisingly not as messed up as I thought they would be. Harley’s Dad is in jail and a con artist while her mom just deals with the her reject children. Harley is definitely the craziest of the bunch.

Hate Crimes


Azrael (Volume 2) #3
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Ramon Bachs

This issue was probably the weakest so far, but in no way was it bad. We delve into Michael Lane’s military past as he begins to deal with someone who is murdering Muslims, a man who he was in Iraq with. In the end, it looks like Azrael murders the hate-filled bastard or maybe we are just lead to believe that? Is this a symptom of the Suit of Sorrow or simply revenge for the murders on Michael’s part? Either way this was an issue that dealt with hate crimes in a very powerful way so I give it props. I think the art could use some work though, Bachs can do better.

Detective 859 and 860


Detective Comics #859
Written by Greg Rucka
Art by J.H. Williams III
Co-Feature by Rucka
Art by Cully Hamner

As a gay man, I definitely shed a tear reading this issue. I know that Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is something that many gays have had to deal with and Batwoman’s courageous and powerful resignation from the military was a beautiful, touching thing to read. I also loved that her Dad was proud of her too. The ending was beautiful as well as Kate finds herself lost in life and is saved by Batman – and is inspired. Great origin story for the new Batwoman. The Question back-up featured Huntress – it was okay. Hats off to Rucka for dedicating this issue to Dan Choi!


Detective Comics #860
Written by Greg Rucka
Art by J.H. Williams III
Co-Feature by Rucka
Art by Cully Hamner

Batwoman gets her costume in this chapter as Kate’s vigilante activities are discovered by her father who agrees to get her advanced training and help her out. I loved the explanation for the costume and the Kaballistic stuff – very nice and shows that Rucka really gets this character and he is bringing her to life. The revelation that Alice is her sister was expected but it was a good reveal. The Question back-up was actually pretty good with Question and Huntress talking about Vic Sage.

Halo Kicks Ass


Outsiders (Volume 4) #25
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin and Derec Donovan

Tomasi’s run comes to an end with this issue and it was a good issue. Yes, Tomasi had Halo being called Violet again (Ugh she never went by that name!) but he lets her be the big hero and kick serious ass in this issue so I forgive him. I love when Halo kicks ass. I think this was a good way to end Tomasi’s run and this Blackest Night tie-in was definitely successful. Do I think Tomasi’s run was that great? No it could have been a lot better but it wasn’t awful either. I am more afraid of what the Didio-Tan run will be like. I hope they pleasantly surprise me. Oh and it was nice to see Thunder again!

Willingham’s Solo Run Begins


Justice Society of America #34
Written by Bill Willingham
Art by Travis Moore

Willingham’s run truly begins here. I find it interesting that they went from announcing the team was splitting up and then this issue. We didn’t get to see the team actually split up. It is like there is a missing issue.  I think the main JSA Line-up is good, although I feel like the All-Stars are a more interesting group at this point. I wish Amazing-Man was still on the team, he was a great addition to the team and I still miss him. At first I was annoyed that a another person could sneak into JSA headquarters again (I love that they are temporarily staying at the Happy Harbor Cave!) but Willingham proved that I underestimated his writing when he revealed that the JSA knew there was an intruder all along. The art was good, but I do miss Merino already. I am not sure how I feel about Liberty Belle’s characterization, I think this is a wait and see thing on her. I guess I am just annoyed already about how both Willingham and Sturges keep bringing up that everyone thought her and Rick were going to break up cause they are on separate teams. It is too much of a fourth wall breaker because I don’t believe that Mr. Terrific or anyone on the JSA would actually think that. They are just stand-ins for the fans and it rings false in my eyes.



Superman #695
Written by James Robinson
Art by Bernard Chang

I love the Superman books right now! I really can’t get enough of them. Robinson’s threads are coming together slowly but surely and it is so fun to see how tightly plotted everything is here. Steel wakes up from his coma, Jimmy is alive, the Legion has been behind a lot more then we thought…there are so many revelations in every issue of this book and I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all. This book is much better then Robinson’s awkward Justice League writing, if only it got a regular artist. I miss Guedes’s Metropolis.

Superstar Writer In The Making


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #78
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Joe Bennet

First of all, J.T. Krul is taking over Green Arrow permanently? I Certainly hopes so because his Titans works rocks! This was a fantastic issue even though it didn’t even star the current Teen Titans. Really this would have been better suited for Titans – as the formation of Deathstroke’s team begins here as in the end Jericho decides to join with his Dad. The fact that Jericho and Deathstroke could decide to work together at the end of this issue and it didn’t seem forced is pretty damn amazing and I think we owe that to Krul – he is a superstar writer in the making at DC.

Don’t Care


Magog #4
Written by Keith Giffen
Art by Howard Porter

Yes the solo series of Magog nobody asked for continues here and we are introduced to Magog’s mother – or the mythological Magog’s mother would be a better way to put it. She is up to something and I don’t know what that is. In fact, I didn’t really understand this issue at all. I get the feeling I should have reread previous issues. I am not going to because I don’t care enough.

It Could Have Been Worse


Green Lantern (Volume 4) #49
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ed Benes and Jerry Ordway

I am frustrated with DC editorial – after Didio’s asinine 20 questions videos where he derails all excitement anyone had for the Flash franchise – once again we see a black character miscolored as white! The star of this issue, John Stewart, is colored white for an entire flashback sequence. Are the editors doing their job with these comics? No! To top it off it wasn’t even a very good story…where did this sharpshooter crap come from all of a sudden? The Jerry Ordway drawn back-up told us nothing that we did not already know from reading Blackest Night – this issue was a waste. It could have been worse, at least Hal Jordan wasn’t in it

Always and Forever Princess Diana


Wonder Woman (Volume 3) #39
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Aaron Lopresti

Everyone rattles behind Wonder Woman in the conclusion of this story arc. Alkyone is defeated by Hippolyta and Achilles, we learn why the Gods changed after Countdown, and what “The Olympian” meant. There were a lot of great moments that showed how kick ass Wonder Woman is including her stealing the bracelets back and declaring herself always and forever Princess Diana. That being said, I am ready for a Wonder Woman as superhero story, I always liked her best outside of Themyscara.

Getting Used To The New Starro


R.E.B.E.L.S. #11
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Claude St. Aubin


This was an action-packed issue of R.E.B.E.L.S as Vril Dox rejects being a member of the Sinestro Corps and the Black Lanterns attack Starro. I am starting to like this new version of Starro as I am getting used to it. I mean at least its a villain with a personality now right? Good stuff all around.

An All-Star Start


JSA All-Stars #1
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Freddie E. Williams III

So the guy behind the recent attacks on the JSA is none other then Johnny Sorrow. It has been a while since I read the story in the last volume of this series featuring Johnny Sorrow but I remember he was a pretty bad ass villain. Interesting that he is in love with Stargirl – or should I say infatuated? Anyways, this series started off on good feet with this issue. I think I might enjoy this more then the main JSA as I like these characters a lot. Despite Caleb over at Every Day is Like Wednesday saying that these are everyone’s least favorite JSA members (great blog by the way even if I don’t always agree with some of his statements). I do wish Amazing Man could have stayed around or for someone to  say what is going on with Jakeem Thunder. At least we find out what is going on with Sand and someone comments about Atom Smasher’s absence here. All in all, I am excited about this book’s future.

More People Need To Read This Book


The Shield #4
Written by Eric Trautmann
Art by Marco Rudy
Co-Feature by Brandon Jerwa
Art by
Greg Scott

This series is in a lot of way the spiritual sucessor to Checkmate or at least it definitely felt that way with Great Ten and King Faraday showing up? Does Checkmate even exist post-final Crisis? We haven’t seen them since then or even heard about them.The Shield’s back-story with his father is interesting and I like how this tied in with General Lane and the Superman books for a page there, that is nice use of continuity that really makes the this feel like a shared universe. The “Red Circle” books are really good! People need to start reading them as they are just getting better with every issue.

There Is Nothing Quite Like A Gotham City Christmas


Batman: Streets of Gotham #7
Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen
Co-Feature by Marc Andreyko
Art by Cliff Richards

The main story is one of the more disturbing Batman Christmas stories I have ever read and I get a love disturbing Batman Christmas stories! Especially when written by Paul Dini! How great was that Joker and Robin Christmas issue from his Detective run?! Children are being locked up under a catholic orphanage and forced to fight to the death by Szasz. Their bodies are discovered by Humpty Dumpty who is desperately trying to put them together again. What a seemingly sweet villain Humpty is!? I have very limited experience with him and I would like to read more of him. Damian’s expression when he realizes that the kids Humpty is taking care of are all dead is great because you know when Damian is sickened by something, then it is really bad. I am really starting to love Damian since that Batgirl issue. I love how he has the balls to say that if you are a real son you get better gifts for Christmas haha. The Manhunter back-up is also great as Two-Face comes after Dylan and Manhunter has to defend him.

A Moment of Silence For The Blue Snowman


Power Girl (Volume 2) #7
Written by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray
Art by Amanda Connor

This was another fun comedic issue of Power Girl. I think Palmiotti and Gray (And Amanda Connor of course) perfectly made Power Girl seem both funny and a competent heroine in this issue, which is a balance I think they struggled with in the past. The Blue Snowman is an interesting villain, I am sad that she gets killed in this issue. I want to see more of her! Well maybe the monster only send the people it eats to its gravity well! Oh and Vartox is an awesome character! I love his 70s Pornstar/Gay Bear look and attitude. This series is full of great concepts for villains so far (With the exception of that awful Ultra-Humanite arc) and I look forward to seeing what happens next with Vartox.