Brought Back Too Soon


Adventure Comics #507
Written by Geoff Johns and Sterling Gates
Art by Jerry Ordway
Co-Feature by Johns and Michael Shoemaker
Art by Clayton Henry

If it weren’t for the fact that I know Johns is leaving this book after issue six, I would be okay with this Blackest Night interlude focusing on Superboy-Prime versus Black Lantern Alex Luthor but with this interlude, it means we are only getting one more issue of Superboy and that just sucks. Oh well. This was still good. It was great to see Earth-Prime comic shops and Superboy-Prime reading them to find out what happens next. And of course it was just awesome to see my  favorite Legion (The Legion of Earth-Prime) back! But I got to say that we just saw Superboy-Prime in Legion of Three Worlds and I think he is being brought back way too soon. The Legion back-up was probably the best it has been yet with a sweet story about Blok and White Witch.

Long Live The Legion

Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #50
Written by Justin Thyme
Art by Ramon Bachs

Yes, Shooter didn’t return for this issue and neither did Manapul. I was really looking forward to see how they would wrap up this series and therefore, I am really dissapointed. That is not to say that this was bad. Whoever Justin Thyme is, he did give us a happy ending for Dream Girl and Brainy and finished the invaders/virtural war arc thing. But Gazelle acted completely out of character and we never found out what was going on with Princess Projectra. It’s really a shame. Didio’s comments about this was pretty rude at New York Comic-Con, basically saying he just wanted it to be over and done with. I get that he didn’t get along with Jim Shooter for some reason but this is just a slap for the fans. Whatever comes for the Legion post-Legion of three worlds, I will always remeber this series as the one that made me fall in love with the Legion of Super-Heroes.

Princess Insane


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #49
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

I could definitely tell while reading this that Shooter is rushing some plotlines because this is the penultimate issue. That didn’t hurt the quality too much, I just wish some things were given more time to explore. I am thinking that Princess Projectra is either possessed or one of those copies that the Data Rippers made because she didn’t seem like such a blood thirsty animal before. Phantom Girl looks as good as dead, which is sad. These virtual villains are incredible powerful, and actually very unique. I wonder if they are based on villains from the old legions? If not, Shooter is one clever writer. Not many writers can create such unique villains. Sadly it all comes to an end next issue.

Legion 33 – 48



Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #33
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Dennis Calero

It has been a while so it took me a while to remember what had gone before in this series, but I caught up. Looks like Lightning Lad’s brother and the wanderer’s are villanous after all. I am pretty sure Lightning Lord was a villain in other versions of the Legion, I am not sure about the wanderers yet. Calero’s art was a little distracting, I am not sure how I feel about it.


Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #34
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Dennis Calero

This issue introduces Wildfire into this version of the Legion’s continuity. Apparently, he is a villain. I don’t know if Wildfire was a villain at first in the other Legions but I guess he is here. I liked this a lot better then last issue but the art is still distracting. It’s too dark and too hard to read. I am not a fan.




Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #35
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Dennis Calero

This was more like it. Wildfire reverts to the side of angels, and Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, and Supergirl fight a guy who can control his evolution I guess. And it looks like there is some kind of time machine involved, I am not sure. This was good stuff and the art was much better. I knew Calero had it in him.


Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #36
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Dennis Calero

What a great ending to this arc. Bedard hits it out of the park with this issue revealing Brainy’s good intentions behind the last few issue and sending Supergirl home to the 21st century. I seem to remember her splitting into two different people during World War II though, I wonder why that was? I don’t know but anyways it was fun having Supergirl in this title while it lasted, but like the Legion said, eventually she had to go home.



Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #37
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

With just one issue, I can tell you that I totally understand why Shooter is hailed as a classic legion writer. I really loved this, and I am only familiar with this incarnation of the Legion. Not to mention, Manapul’s art is gorgous. He draw sexy girls AND guys it’s perfect! The first Supergirl-less issue is a hit! I wonder if the girl introduced this issue will become a legionairre. I hope so, it is about time someone created a new original one.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #38
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

Another excellent issue from Shooter and Manapul, I think it’s safe to say this is the best creative team this book has ever had. The legion tryout were hilarious but I agree with Light Lass, Lightning Lad was being an idiot. I guess he is a little in over his head as Legion Leader. I felt bad when he cried to himself at the end. That has got to be a stressful job. I wish they had picked one of the goofy candidates, the Legion has a tradition of having one character with a weird seemingly useless power, but they are also great characters. I bet Giselle or M’Rissey will be joining soon though. I like them both.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #39
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

This issue is sort of a day in the life where most of the time we just see Legionnaires walking around the headquarters in their underwear….and it was damn good. I am really enjoying Shooter’s run, and I love the way Manapul draws the 31st century. You really get the sense that this is another world. The only complaint I have is that Shooter seems to be overdoing the fake future swaring. I really don’t want to hear the word, “florg” anymore. It is fine once in a while, but not on every page. I feel bad for Projectra.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #40
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

Still digging this run so far, I especially like how they point out every Legionairre and their powers, it makes things a lot less confusing for us newbs. When Waid was on the book they would mention just like three and expect us to know the rest. I think Saturn Girl was treated a bit harsh but I guess messing with someone’s mind is pretty invasive. There were so many great character moments this issue I don’t even know where to begin. Shooter is a fantastic writer.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #41
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Aaron Lopestri

Ahh things are getting frustrating for the Legion this issue and I can feel it while reading this. I almost got as stressed out as Lightning Lad must be. The UP are being jackasses as usual, and now they have arrested Invisible Kid. Giselle is part of the new UP Young Heroes team, I had hoped she would become a legionairre. Speaking of Giselle, Lopestri doesn’t draw her right in this issue at all. She is not just a pale girl. Can’t wait for Manapul to come back.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #42
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

Manapul returns this issue, but his art suffers a bit. During the battle scenes, things seemed to be a little…off I guess. He is usually very good but things were different then. Honestly, I can’t really tell much difference between the new uniforms and the old, but I am not a detail oriented person. Popoff is a jackass and I hope he gets what is coming for him. Invisible Kid’s Dad was very sweet to him, I was happy to see that.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #43
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

I wonder if Karate Kid and Triplicate Girl went to Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds. That would be my guess, and I like that use of continuity. As for the rest of this issue, it was pretty good. Action-packed and eventful, I liked it. Manapul didn’t draw Gazelle to look exactly like she used to. She definitely looks more human now and I don’t like that inconsistency.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #44
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Sanford Greene

I question whether it was smart to put someone with such a cartooney art style on this book, but it wasn’t bad art. This issue was really good, I love M’Rissey and I hope they make him a Legionnaire! Considering he just saved their asses with his crazy business mind. I wish he could handle my finances! What should they call him, Business Boy. And I am glad that Invisible Kid showed everyone that he can be a warrior as well. Fantastic issue. I am sad that this book is going to end as these are MY legionnaires. Oh and I loved the way the cover of this issue was set up.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #45
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

I am glad Shooter didn’t draw out the invader planet thing for more then one issue, as he gets it done in just one. This is another reason why Shooter is a good writer, he gets pacing. I was a little shocked by the Saturn Girl and Ultra Boy thing. This is clearly just lust because we know Saturn Girl is not attracted to Ultra Boy’s personality and I don’t think Lightning Lad is treating her really bad, he has just got a lot on his plate. Also, Manapul is really good again this issue.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #46
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

This was another fantastic issue. The cover story of Ultra Boy fighting some losers wasn’t that interesting, but Lightning Lad finds out this issue and acts very mature about it, putting his personal feelings aside in order to lead the Legion effectively. I am not sure why Ultra Boy said Lightning Lad hurt him so much. This series is so much better then it was under Waid, and I liked Waid’s run. I wish DC wasn’t canceling it.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #47
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Rick Leonardi

Ugh I wish they didn’t have these fill-in artists because I love Manapul’s art so much. Leonardi draws Brainiac 5 too young looking, like he looked during the Archie Legion. Why do they call it the “Archie” Legion anyways? What happened to Dream Boy? We haven’t seen him since Shooter took over nor have we heard from Wildfire. The romance between Dream Girl and Brainiac 5 is a adorable and I am loving every minute of it. Too Bad Princess Projectra has gone rogue, I used to like her. Maybe she still has some redeeming qualities not yet seen.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #48
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

It’s time again for Legion Try-Outs, which are probably one of the coolest things about the Legion I think. Night Girl, Sizzle, and Turtle are rejected but are brought into the Legion Reserves (I think this is meant to be a version of the subs) and Gazelle is brought in as the newest member of the Legion with Sun Boy returning as well. This issue was a lot of fun. The destroyer race is pretty high concept with all the virtual reality stuff so I am a little confused by it but it’s all good. I sure hope this Legion gets to stay around after Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds.

Brave and the Bold 5 and 6

Brave and the Bold #5
Written by Mark Waid
Art by George Pérez

This book is awesome! Waid hit another one out of the park with this issue. Batman punching Brainiac 5 was a total geek out moment. I love how Batman, a thousand years behind the Legion, can still outsmart them. I think we all know that is because Batman kicks ass. End of story. Really fun issue.

Brave and the Bold #6
Written by Mark Waid
Art by George Pérez

This was a suspenseful action-packed conclusion to the first story arc of this series. It was really good. I liked how Supergirl saw the future of the DCU but now doesn’t remember it. I liked the Challengers of the Unknown (although I know next to nothing about them) and I liked the time travel aspect to it. It was confusing but a lot of fun. Congrats to Waid and Perez for such a fantastic opening arc for this book.

Legion 31 and 32

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #31 Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Kevin Sharpe

Tony Bedard begins his short fill-in arc here. Bedard has quickly become DC’s go-to-guy for fill-in runs. I guess because he is a quick writer or something? I dunno. This was a good start though. The Quest for Cosmic Boy has begun and Supergirl is the new Legion Leader. …shocking huh? (: Anyways I got the feeling that we were supposed to know some of the new bad guys introduced. Maybe from past version of the Legion? I dunno.

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #32 Written by Tony Bedard
Art and Cover by Dennis Calero

Calero produced some pretty cool art for this issue. I am liking it. Have they announced who is going to the writer on this series after Bedard? I can’t remember. Anyways, Supergirl doesn’t really appear in this issue despite being prominent on the cover. This issue focuses on Starboy, Sunboy, and Lightning Lad’s brother on his homeworld of Winath as they come face-to-face with a craz cult that worships a lightning god. Pretty far-out stuff but a lot of fun. I enjoyed this issue.

2000 Klems On Supergirl

Brave and the Bold #4
Written by Mark Waid

Art by George Pérez

Brave and the Bold just keeps getting better. Does anyone else think Supergirl should keep that s her costume? I guess it is a little too nineties but anything is better than her current one. Lobo and Supergirl was surprisingly fun to watch interact. I love Lobo’s use of the word, Frak and Supergirl’s constant insulting of him…saying she needed microscopic vision to see his package was brilliant! I am not sure exactly what is going on, for example why the Legion have apparently come back in time to visit with Batman, who is now combined with a robot. Really! Anything can happen in this book! It’s great. Perez’s art evokes a simpler time in the DC Universe and I like that. The only complaint I have is that those Legion villain’s costumes are really dated. Let’s update them people.

Action Comics 850 and 851

Action Comics #850
Written by Kurt Busiek, Fabian Nicieza, and Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Renato Guedes

This was a nice look back at the life of Superman up to the present day and at first, I found it only okay…I mean when Superman yells Justice League Together I rolled my eyes. Since when do they say that in the league?! But on a second read I really saw how wonderful this issue was. I love how it is Supergirl and the Legion looking at the past through a what did he call it…Chronex? And we do get some hints of the future but like Brainiac 5 said, it could be altered timelines. This was a nice anniversary issue.

Action Comics #851
Written by Geoff Johns and Richard Donner
Art and Cover by Adam Kubert

I gotta hand it to them for the idea of making all the phantom zone scenes in this issue in 3D. It was a really cool idea…I just don’t know how well it was executed. I found it kind of annoying at times, especially those glasses. But I give them kudos for trying. Story-wise, it is okay. I think it is definitely over-hyped…I don’t really have any complaints about it but it doesn’t really excite me either. Maybe because I don’t harbor any strong emotions about Zod…I don’t know. The Mon-El Stuff was pretty cool though and the ending with Luthor was good too.

Legion 27 – 30

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #27 Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson

I enjoyed this issue. It got confusing because sooo much is going on at a very fast pace but I liked it. The back-up story about Dave Cockrum was really cool and well-handled.

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #28 Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson

Now that was a suspenseful issue. The torturing of Cosmic Boy and Triplicate Girl by the dominators definitely made me squeemish. The surprise twist was awesome (Even though I saw it coming). I am rooting for the Legion to kick some dominator ass.

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #29 Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Kevin Sharpe

Tony Bedard fills in this issue and if this issue is any idication of what his upcoming arc on this series is going to be than I am definitely on board for it. The art is top-notch as well. I love how this issue ties heavily into 52 and the fact that Booster Gold really started this whole mess when he time travels into the future briefly. Probably the best use of continuity in a long time. Highly recommended.

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #30 Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson

Wow, what a great way to conclude a run. This is Mark Waid’s final issue on this series and he couldn’t have done it better. In an homage to the first appearence of the Legion with Superboy, Cosmic Boy gets invited for membership by a 41st century superhero team! And there is a new leader to be elected, and Mon-El and the Dominator World are in the Phantom Zone. I loved the surprise twist to this because I thought it was strange at first that Cos would want to kill billions of life forms. Mark Waid made me fall in love with the Legion with this series and I think his run will be looked back on as one of the greats of Legion History.

Legion 25 and 26

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #25
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson and Mick Gray

This was a good issue that focused on…well…a lot of stuff. The Wanderers seem interesting and you can already tell they are not exactly villains. Supergirl’s fight with Mon-El was pretty standard, nothing too exciting there but there was a lot of other stuff going on. I look forward to next issue.

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #26
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson and Mick Gray

Now this issue was kick ass and a lot of fun. We learn the secret origins of Light Lass and Lightning Lad, along with their older brother. Waid comes up with a pretty interesting origin, I don’t know if it was the same in the old legion or not but it is pretty cool. My favorite part of this issue must be when Mon-El and Supergirl talk about the fact that they will meet when Supergirl returns to the 21st century. I imagine this will happen in the upcoming Action Comics Annual. That was a nice use of continuity. I really enjoyed this issue and the ending was crazy. Nice cliffhanger.

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes 19 – 24

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #19
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson

This was fun little mystery and I have to admit, I didn’t guess who was behind the murder at all. I was actually quite surprised by it. That is good writing. We get a lot more insight into the character of Chameleon this issue and I am beginning to really like him. Good issue.

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #20 Written by Mark Waid and Tony Bedard
Art by Barry Kitson

This book is a lotta fun and I love when they talk about what has happened to the world from the present until the 31st century, maybe that is because I am a continuity/history buff. I don’t know. What I do know is that I enjoyed this issue although Cosmic Boy falling in love with Supergirl does seem a little forced. Supergirl’s reaction to hearing of Bizzaro-Brainiac was funny and I loved the story of how B-B created Big City.

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #21 Written by Mark Waid and Tony Bedard
Art by Barry Kitson

I am glad the Dream Girl isn’t actually ressurected, if she was, it would make death seem meaningless in this series. Instead, we see Brainiac 5 realizing that not everything in the world can be solved with science. Another thing I enjoyed this issue was the idea of an upcoming election of a new leader. I can’t wait for that. It was also fun to see Supergirl acting like it is all still a dream.

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #22 Written by Mark Waid and Tony Bedard
Art by Barry Kitson

The relationship between Shadow Lass and Karate Kid was very similar to a relationship that I just recently got out of so this issue really hit home for me. I enjoyed it a lot. See I knew that the Cosmic Boy-Supergirl thing was forced, and it turns out Waid wanted it that way. Cosmic Boy’s reaction to Supergirl is because of mere physics, not love. I have to say this is one of the most underrated series out today. I highly reccomend it.

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #23
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson

I actually felt bad for Supergirl in this issue, I mean she has been through a lot and waking up only to find out that it wasn’t a dream and her home planet really was destroyed and her cousin really is superman and she really was thrusted into the future against her will to work with the legion. That must be hard news for her take. But I think the legion did the right thing in making her see the truth. Now, seeing as I know nothing about the pre-reboot legion, I know nothing about the surprise character at the end, who happens to be Mon-El I believe. Time to do some research.

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #24
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson

This issue continues this series with great success, I still think this is series is highly underrated. I love the monologue about Kandor’s history since it was bottled and it makes perfect sense why they would not want Kandorians knowing what happens to Kryptonians once they leave the red sun. It also made me smile to see Supergirl deciding to stay with the legion. Brainiac 5 can be a real jerk sometimes though. The ending was good too, I look forward to next issue.

Dream Girl: Ressurection

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #18
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson and Mick Gray
Cover by Kitson

hmm I don’t feel like I have much to say about this issue. Let’s see. Brainiac 5 is acting like a bastard, but I guess maybe he is just misunderstood. I mean he is trying to bring his friend back to life. I wonder about this new Dream Boy, I know nothing about the old legion so I am not sure if this is a completely new character or if he was part of the old continuity. Time to do some research. I also liked the whole machines trying to destroy humans thing, reminds me of the Terminator. This was a decent issue, get it if your a legion fan but I think it is the weakest so far one year later. But I totally love the art! The flashback scene to Infinite Crisis was just breath taking.

Supergirl From The Loony Bin

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #17
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Barry Kitson and Mick Gray
Cover by Kitson

The previous issue of this series was reviewed here. I am still not sure if this is Kara Zor-El or not. The dominators make an appearence and I think they said that they created this Supergirl but I am not sure. What I do know is that they alluded to 52. Which was cool and got me even more excited for 52. Supergirl here is well, a tad nutty. She actually believes the Legion is something she made up in her head and that it is just one big dream. I understand why some of the teammates are a little annoyed that she was given membership so quickly. I mean she is crazy. Although, I understand why, she did lose her entire planet and then ends up on earth and her formerly baby cousin is and adult called Superman and then now she ends up in the 30th Century! I think we would all go a little nuts too if this happened to us. Good Issue.

1,001 Years Later

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #16
Written by Mark Waid
Art and Cover by Barry Kitson and Mick Gray

I really don’t think that that this book should have jumped forward one year later. They could’ve had the title change without jumping one year later because it does not seem that much has changed in the legion in the last year. I mean there new headquarters is still not even built yet. What were the construction workers doing for the whole year! The legion seems to have gotten a little cocky in the last year too, calling the adults stupid and just looking down on them. I do not know if I like this development, its like the legion is acting like the adults when they should be better than them. I liked how they introduced Supergirl though, I got goosebumps when the legion see the S-symbol in the big meteor-like thing. It is also kind of cool that in the thirty-first century the Super-people are considered myths and to not have actually existed. It makes you wonder how many other people in our world considered myths today did actually exist. The final page was definitely a shocker and I really can’t predict what Supergirl means or what is even going to happen next, thats a good cliffhanger!