Titans Betrayal


Titans (Volume 3) #13
Written by Dan Abnett
Art by V. Ken Marion

Okay this was a bare bones issue. Basically it is a big fight with the Titans and they are fighting this Mr. Binder who works for H.I.V.E. and the Flash is worried about his heart, Omen tells Tempest that someone is going to betray the team, and Donna is worried Roy will end up jealous about her new relationship with Wally. None of it seemed natural and I don’t know if it is the fault of the artist or Abnett. Speaking of Tempest, can we get his old costume back with the red and black? It just worked so much better than this current costume. I am actually not that interested in whoever betrays the team because I don’t buy any of these characters actually doing so except for maybe Bumblebee.

Bludhaven Saviors


Nightwing (Volume 4) #24
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Miguel Mendonca

Nightwing is being hunted by a bunch of villaisn from aroudn the DCU inside a submarine. Now that is a fun idea for a comic book. Time Seeley pulls this off well (except for maybe when he has Dick Grayson refer to himself as the Dickster!) Some of these villains have only been created recently in the comics and not by Tim Seeley, which means Tim is reading all the books or the editors are just that good. Either way, I love it when the DCU comes together nicely. Blockbuster’s motivations for hurting Nightwing is interesting. He wants to be the hero of Bludhaven and sees Nightwing as a Gothamite who doesn’t understand the city. As for the final page, I wonder how Nightwing survives the explosion?

Deathstroke Rebirth 1 – 20


Deathstroke (Volume 4) #1
Written by Priest
Art by Carlo Pagulayan

I only know Deathstroke from his appearance in other comic books (and I have to say he is way overused) and not his solos series, and for a #1 issue this really is not written for new readers. I was so lost, and I know the character.


Deathstroke (Volume 4) #2
Written by Priest
Art by Larry Hama and Carlo Pagulayan

Okay I have always wondered why Rose Wilson had silver hair, I always assumed it had something to do with whatever the thing is that Deathstroke injects into himself but when he has injected others – like sadly Cassandra Cain for example – their hair does not turn white. (Maybe that is just because Cassandra is so badass she can take it without her hair turning white.) Anyways, I still found this issue hard to follow, but better than the last – at least I know Rose Wilson/the Ravager from her Titans days.

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Green Arrow 21 – 25


Green Arrow (Volume 7) #21
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Juan Ferreyra

Juan Ferreyra’s art is beautiful. I Can’t get enough of it. Every panel is filled with detail. Broderick is gathering a bunch of baddies, including Brick who I remember from the Winick Green Arrow run, to destroy Seattle and it is strongly hinted Seattle will be renamed Star City in this issue. That is just weird. Why not just have Green Arrow move from Seattle to his usual fictionopolis of Star City instead of removing any Seattle story from being told in the DCU in the future? But I will see how I feel about it when it happens.


Green Arrow (Volume 7) #22
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Juan Ferreyra

Mayor Domini is obviously a stand in for Donald Trump and I loved it. Seattle is getting destroyed by these Four Horsemen in very disturbing ways. Crash at the Airport, the road lights are all shot out, buildings are collapsing, and they even manage to go after the Green Arrow treehouse. Damn I liked that thing!

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Villainous Relations

Nightwing (Volume 4) #23
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Minkyu Jung

I love how Tim Seeley is making Bludhaven a living breathing city with it’s own characteristics. For example, in this issue there is a sunken whaling ship in the bay that people call an Island because it has been there so long. In this issue, it looks like Nightwing and Defacer’s relationship is breaking down and while I don’t mind her, it will be interested to see her possibly turning back to crime and becoming a foe for Nightwing. The cliffhanger was something I did not see coming and I am excited to see how it plays out next issue and if Blockbuster really double crossed Nightwing.



Big Reveals and Romances


Titans (Volume 3) #12
Written by Dan Abnett
Art by Kenneth Rocafort

This was a very good issue of this series as we see the Titans through the eyes of Lilith Clay. First of all, Abnett portrays Lilith as even more powerful than I ever realized with her new fighting technique. She truly deserves to be on this team. We are also introduced to a romance between her and Tempest….something I never saw hinted at before. And another romance between Donna and Wally. I am not okay with the new status quo for both Donna and Wally but I am hoping this leads somewhere. I am very confused as to which of Donna’s memories are fake because she did serve on the Titans when she was younger. This issue also reveals that one of the Titans will betray the team….I have no idea who it is but I am betting it is actually Omen herself or Bumblebee or maybe someone who hasn’t joined yet.

Birds 9 and 10


Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #9
Written by Julia Benson and Shawna Benson
Art by Rogue Antonio

Wow it looks like Blackbird has taught Black Canary to use her powers in ways I don’t remember her ever having including manipulating the sound waves so she can hover off the ground and directly destroy certain objects. It’s all a ruse though as she plans to steal Canary’s powers. Blackbird could become one of the most powerful metahumans ever if she keeps this up. It looks like Black Canary’s pre-New 52 upbringing is still not back in continuity…I can’t wait till the idea that she was raised by a JSAer returns.


Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #10
Written by Julia Benson and Shawna Benson
Art by Rogue Antonio

The Birds of Prey team up with Nightwing and Green Arrow to defeat Blackbird who is a formidable foe for them. I do think how she was defeated in this issue was way too easy – why doesn’t the Huntress do that hypno thing with all the villains? I mean I guess she said she could only use it once right but still. Meanwhile, it looks like Gus the new Oracle’s secret is about to be revealed soon.


Blockbuster Rebirth


Nightwing (Volume 4) #22
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Miguel Mendonca

Blockbuster returns in this issue! Blockbuster was basically the big bad of Bludhaven during the time I started reading comics and I am glad to see him returning again as Tim Seeley wonderfully builds up Bludhaven and Nightwing’s supporting cast again. This is something we haven’t seen since Infinite Crisis when Bludhaven was destroyed for no fucking reason other than that Dan Didio I assume. This issue made me think that maybe Ludendorf in the Wonder Woman film is not taking an early version of venom but maybe whatever Blockbuster takes? They are doing a Nightwing movie down the road, I suppose that is possible. Miguel Mendonca is an amazing artist and I hope he stays around for this book.  I did not see the final page coming.

Titans 10 and 11


Titans (Volume 3) #10
Written by Dan Abnett
Art by Brett Booth

Ok Abnett why in the hell are you having the Titans call each other by real names right in front of the Fearsome Five! I can’t stand when writers do this. That being said this was a fun issue as the Titans face off against the Fearsome Five. Bumblebee, of all people, end up saving the day. I am very unclear what her powers are. In the end, she ends up having her memory of Mal Duncan erased which should make some drama in the future. Speaking of Mal, I like his new costume….I think.


Titans (Volume 3) #11
Written by Dan Abnett, Benjamin Percy, and Priest
Art by Brett Booth

Wow as I suspected the events of the New Teen Titans series are now back in continuity! But they didn’t happen exactly as they did in the original series…I don’t remember Lilith being much in the comic at all and the costumes are different. This is an interesting take on things. In this continuity was Raven not in the New Teen Titans, but it was instead Lilith? I look forward to seeing where this goes.

Teen Titans 7 and 8


Teen Titans (Volume 6) #7
Written by Benjamin Percy
Art by Khoi Pham and Phil Hester

Jackson Hyde makes it to Titans Tower and is immediately rejected by Robin until he saves Robin from King Shark. Damian then gives him a suit that he had been creating for himself for underwater missions. I wonder if this will be Jackson’s final Aqualad costume – it is unclear because he never puts it on in this comic. I am hoping Jackson is given the name Aqualad by Garth as a passing of the torch in the upcoming crossover.


Teen Titans (Volume 6) #8
Written by Priest, Benjamin Percy, and Dan Abnett
Art by Khoi Pham and Phil Hester

This is Part 2 of the Lazarus Contract crossover that began here. I want to dislike this crossover because I know that Deathstroke trying to ressurect Grant Wilson has been done SO MANY TIMES in the past. In fact, I think it was done right before Flashpoint. But the writing and characterization is top notch I can’t really hate it. Tempest and the new Aqualad meet for the first time, Donna and Starfire saying how they should really be the ones in charge – the writers clearly know these characters. Kid Flash actually finds out that Wally has the same name as him in this issue which I figured the would have left for the Flash books to resolve.


Nightwing 19 – 21


Nightwing (Volume 4) #19
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Javier Fernandez

I can’t say I am sure at all what Dr. Hurt’s plan is here..and you never do with this character. I don’t remember him being involved with Egyptian mythology before but I liked it. This series is always consistently good.


Nightwing (Volume 4) #20
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Javier Fernandez

In the final issue of this arc, Seeley shows once again how much he reveres Morrison’s run on Batman and the relationship between Dick and Damian. There was so many homages to that, especially the final splash page. I wonder if we will ever see Deathwing and Dr. Hurt again. I sure hope so. It seems like Seeley was pointing towards something with Hurt. Oh and it turns out Defacer isn’t pregnant after all.

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I Think You Forgot…I’m Batman!

Batman (Volume 3) #20
Written by Tom King
Art by David Finch

Bane tells Batman in this issue how all of the Robins have died at some point including Dick. When in the hell did Dick Grayson die? Is he referring to a faked death or something? Anyways, besides that point, this was an entire issue where just a fistfight happened between Bane and Batman. But unlike say Bryan Hitch’s Justice League, this did not feel decompressed because of the emotion and character study that Tom King puts into it. The whole fight is narrated by Bruce’s mother from beyond the grave…and while that might sound cheesy reading this here, it works in the comic because of the emotion behind it. In the end, Bruce tells her he doesn’t save people because of his parents, he does it because they should be saved. It was beautiful. Hats off to the creative team on this comic book. Also, what a great line when Bruce says, “I Think You Forgot…I’m Batman!” and knocks Bane out.

The Ultimate Mastermind

Nightwing (Volume 4) #18
Written by Time Seeley
Art by Javier Fernandez

Okay why did they have to show sweet little Robintron’s ripped off face – especially after I was starting to find him endearing? That was nasty. And it doesn’t look like this Deathwing is related to the ’90s Deathwing after all but maybe just a dollotron of Professor Pyg’s. That being said, the surprise villain behind the villain turns out to be Dr. Simon Hurt – the evil mastermind behind Batman R.I.P. I love that Seeley is willing to play with Morrison’s creations. Final Crisis was suppose to be the be-all, end-all of New Gods stories but DC keeps bringing them back but ignoring creations Morrison wanted to come back, this seems to be changing as Dr. Hurt was one of Morrison’s greatest villains in the Batman run. He is both the Devil, incredibly evil, brilliant. The ultimate mastermind for Batman. I can’t wait to see what Seeley does with him here.

Titans 1 – 9


Titans (Volume 3) #1
Written by Dan Abnett
Art by Brett Booth

It is so strange when they flashback to the old Teen Titans days and Dick Grayson is shown to be wearing what is essentially the Time Drake Robin costume. I know that is a New 52 thing…but it is just dumb. DC should not be ashamed of their past, they should embrace it. It is strange that Wally skips over essentially everything post-crisis in the opening narraration except for Linda Park. What about Barry’s death and the birth of his kids? Out of all the new Titans costumes, I think I liked Donna Troy’s the best. I think she was do for a refresher. It really speaks to her past as Wonder Girl and her time as Troia. I am not a fan of Tempest or Garth’s (Is he still called Tempest?), I think his Pre-Flashpoint costume was better. It was so great to see this team back together and for their history to be restored. Now I would like to know if they eventually remember the Wolfman/Perez era and the rest of their history. Titans Together! Oh and unlike the other writers, Abnett seems to understand Wally West is Keystone City’s hero. I am glad we are finally getting to see Keystone again.


Titans (Volume 3) #2
Written by Dan Abnett
Art by Brett Booth

Okay I haven’t exactly enjoyed Abnett’s Aquaman run so I was not expecting much from this book other than hints at the big Rebirth mystery, and there are plenty of that. But I am genuinely enjoying this series in it’s second issue. Even though this whole issue was a big fight with the Titans and Abra Kadabra it still had great characterization and pacing. I was surprised. Abra Kadabra seems to know that Doctor Manhattan or whoever the big bad is that broke history. So that means him, Psycho Pyrate, Superman, Wally, and Lois all seem to know. Linda Park seems closer to meeting Wally again already. I like that. I hope they eventually remember their kids. Also, it looks like Abnett is hinting at bringing back the Donna and Roy romance.

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The Return of Professor Pyg


Nightwing (Volume 4) #17
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Javier Fernandez

Nightwing and Robin head to France to search for Nightwing’s missing girlfriend and have a fight with Deathwing and a Death-Robin. During the fight, Nightwing is hit with a sword and sees himself in other realities. It is unclear to me whether this is the ’90s Deathwing or someone different although one of those alternate realities showed the ’90s deathwing. It turns out the big bad behind this is none other Professor Pyg! I like how Seeley is building on Grant Morrison’s Batman run here including a reference to Simon Hurt and now Professor Pyg. Morrison always sets up these great concepts and then writer don’t follow up on them. I am glad Seeley is. This was a great issue of a great series.

Babs Gordon Rebirth 1 – 8


Batgirl (Volume 5) #1
Written by Hope Larson
Art by Rafael Albuquerque

Ugh. I hate that here I am reading another series titled Batgirl not starring the one and only Batgirl named Cassandra Cain. Instead we had these purpley Batgirls Stephanie Brown last time and now we are back to Barbara Gordon. Don’t get me wrong I love Barbara Gordon…as Oracle…where she made sense. Why do we need a purpley Batgirl who has a costume that could not scare a fly. In this issue, Barbara Gordon heads on a trip to Japan to meet a former hero named Fruit Bat and I guess the old lady can still fight. She also meets an old friend from Chicago while in Japan. It was well-written and everything but I miss Cassandra as Batgirl so much. This was too bright and happy and purpley for a Bat story. Also, with so many Golden Age heroes around….why did Larson make one up for this story. Come on if you are a writer in the DC Universe sandbox…utilize it’s many toys!


Batgirl (Volume 5) #2
Written by Hope Larson
Art by Rafael Albuquerque

Okay so Barbara keeps mentioning Burnside and it has been mentioned in other books. What is it? A town or a neighborhood in Gotham? A quick google search made me realize it is a Hipster neighborhood in Gotham. Ha, like Logan Square or Wicker Park in Chicago. Babs’s new boyfriend Kai is a hunk! She should not be so worried about being with him.

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Birds Undercover


Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #8
Written by Julia Benson and Shawna Benson
Art by Rogue Antonio

Nightwing guest stars in this issue as the Birds team up with him to fight Gemini who tells them about a metahuman doctor named Black Bird. Once again, I have to point out how great the editors are at keeping continuity in he DCU these days. Nightwing’s relationship developing in his solo series is mentioned here as are his past relationships with Babs and Helena, both of whom he also had a thing for Pre-Flashpoint. This series continues to be in the top 5 Rebirth books for me. This Blackbird seems like an interesting foe for the Birds of Prey (I love how the Bensons have consistently had Bird motif villains so far in this book.) as she is able to steal metahuman powers. Meanwhile, Black Canary goes undercover working for Roulette reminding me of one of my favorite Justice League Unlimited Episodes.