Soranik’s Overreaction


Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #24
Written by Robert Venditti
Art by Ethan Van Sciver

Okay Soranik Natu’s reaction to finding out she has a son in the future with Kyle is intense. I mean she is completely over reacting to Kyle not telling her, and brands him violently with the symbol of the Sinestro Corps. What the hell?! That seems out of character right? Or has she gone crazy? I hope Kyle is okay – he is the greatest of Green Lanterns after all. In the end, John decides to announce to the the Corps that Tomar-Tu murdered a yellow lantern. While I like that John is always honest, that was probably not a good idea. Are we leading to another war with the Sinestro Corps?

Hal Jordan and the GLC 1 – 21


Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #1
Written by Robert Venditti
Art by Rafa Sandoval

The Green Lantern Corps and Oa have dissappeared while the Sinestro Corps and War World have taken their places. Sinestro vs. Hal Jordan…that sounds like a snoozefest. I am more interested in what happened to the Green Lantern Corps which it looks like we will get next issue.


Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #2
Written by Robert Venditti
Art by Rafa Sandoval

This is getting better. I especially liked the moments between Sinestro and his daughter. Basically any moment without Hal Jordan is a good moment to me. But in all seriousness…all I wonder is where is Kyle Rayner!

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