Teen Titans 44 – 46

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #44
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Tony S. Daniel

I am psyched! Seeing one of my all-time favorite characters, Batgirl, redeemed like she is in this issue was sooo damn awesome! The final page was great and I have to give kudos to Tony Daniel for it. Everything else this issue is perfect and spot on. I loved every moment of it.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #45
Written by Geoff Johns and Adam Beechen
Art by Al Barrionuevo

If anyone want to see a kickass cliffhanger ending, then look to this issue. Seeing the older Titans tell the Titans East and Deathstroke to “GET THE HELL OFF OUR ISLAND” gave me goosebumps and I actually screamed a hell ya out loud while reading. If this is what Adam Beechen’s run is going to be like, I am down for the ride.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #46
Written by Geoff Johns and Adam Beechen
Art by Al Barrionuevo

While I liked the conclusion to this arc. I liked Donna saying that they are going to make Titans Island theirs again and Deathstroke giving his children a “real family” but I am disappointed to see that there really isn’t any closure to the Batgirl thing. She seems still willing to kill and then just disappears? What the hell! Oh well, you can’t have your cake and eat it too I guess. Sadly, this is Johns’s last issue with the title. I am going to miss you, Geoff, you made this title one of my favorites for forty-six issues.


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #43
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Tony Daniel and Jonathan Glapion

Man, I just love you Geoff Johns. You are the best! This issue single-handedly restored my faith in DC. Batgirl is fixed! Cassandra Cain went rogue because she was being drugged, not on her own free will (if she did, it would be totally out of character). PRAISE THE LORD!!!!! I am so happy lol. I did a happy dance after reading this issue. Now even ignoring the whole Batgirl thing, this issue was still amazing. It was filled with action and so many great moments. Johns introduces us to the new Titans East with a bam. Everyone of them is interesting. Kid Crusader, Match, Risk, Sun Girl, Batgirl, Riddler’s Daughter, and Intertia, Joker’s Daughter. I am dying to find out more about this team and their kickass new headquarters. Oh and the art was damn near perfect. This arc is well-worth they hype so far.

Teen Titans 37 – 40

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #37
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Tony Daniel

Wow, I mean just wow. That is the word that sums up this issue, wow. This was a very emotional read…so many great moments. Teen Titans is the best series that DC is putting out right now and I think everyone should be reading it. I feel like anything I say about this issue will be an understatement. It is just that good. The ending was kinda shocking but not unlikely, lots of people come together in the face of trajedy. I just hope to god it does not become a regular thing. I loved the scenes where the members talk to Cyborg and basically all of the other scenes in this issue too!

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #38
Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Carlos Ferreria

That one page where they listed all the members of the Teen Titans in the last year with their picture, that got me so excited! I can not wait to meet each and everyone of them. This book is really making the most out of the one year gap. I love the rivalry between Wonder Girl and Ravager. The team’s roster is now Wonder Girl, Robin, Cyborg, Ravager, and Kid Devil. I imagine that more members will join up as this storyline unfolds.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #39
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Tony Daniel

I think I drooled a little bit while reading this. It was just that good. I love Miss Martian, I hope she joins the Titans full time. I hope she is not the traiter. Zatara is a brat but I still like him, don’t know why. Bombshell, I don’t like. She seems like such a bitch. I hope Ravager isn’t the traiter. I have loved her in this book so far.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #40
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Tony Daniel

I sure as hell am glad that Miss Martian nor Ravager is the traitor, but it the one character I hated, Bombshell! The Teen Titans kick her ass this issue too. I look forward to seeing Jericho back on the team and back alive. He may have a terrible costume, but he is a great character. Now that I think about it, the Titans seem to be always searching for Raven. Someone should tell her this time not to run off again. Great Issue. Can’t wait for the next!