Green Lanterns 1 – 19


Green Lanterns #1
Written by Sam Humphries
Art by Robson Rocha

As happy as I am to have a new Green Lantern book that is not starring boring old Hal Jordan, I can’t say I was excited to read this. Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz have not interested me one bit in the Justice League book. Simon just seems like a jerk and Jessica is so unsure of herself it becomes not sweet, but annoying. I was hoping under a different write I would feel differently. This issue did not win me over, but maybe future issues will because the art was good and I am interested in the Red Lantern sub-plot. Oh and Dex-Starr!


Green Lanterns #2
Written by Sam Humphries
Art by Robson Rocha

Now this was more like it! By focusing on Jessica learning about her ring with her sister, Humphries made me actually understand her character better and what she is going through. Hopefully we will get a similar focus on Simon. This series just got good.

Continue reading

Secret Six 32 – 36

Secret Six (Volume 3) #32
Written by Gail Simone
Art by J. Calafiore

The Secret Six travel to hell in a fantastic issue. I forgot how much I missed reading this book with it’s hilarious but dark characters and it’s beautiful artwork. I loved how Bane seemed shock that he might be damned to hell because he considers himself to be good. I loved that Ragdoll doesn’t want to return to earth because he is going “sane.” I loved it all.


Secret Six (Volume 3) #33secretsix33
Written by Gail Simone
Art by J. Calafiore

In this issue, Catman goes to make sure that his father is in hell where he deserves to be only to find that his mother is in hell too – she eats his father every day as a lioness to torture him. Etrigan tells Catman this is heaven for his mother. I guess his Dad got what he deserved! That is some dark humor there and I love it. We even get to see the personal hells of all of the Secret Six. Some were sad like Bane’s but then Gail Simone – the master 0f writing comedic relief – shows King Shark’s hell as a vegetarian restaurant. Anyways, Lady Blaze tells Scandal her other girlfriend’s soul will soon belong to her in hell. I can’t remember who Scandal’s other girlfriend was.

secretsix34Secret Six (Volume 3) #34
Written by Gail Simone
Art by J. Calafiore

Did Jeanette quote Julian of Norwhich in this issue? Scandal sure did lie to her girlfriend in this issue didn’t she? Anyways, this was a heartwarming issue in a dark heartwarming disturbing way only the Secret Six can bring. Bane goes on a date and gets in a fight. Jeanette seems to have decided to turn good? And it was just a lot of fun.



Secret Six (Volume 3) #35secretsix35
Written by Gail Simone
Art by J. Calafiore

In this issue, Bane decides to lead the team in another assault Batman after realizing that he never got to really break the Batman like he wanted to back in the day. They start by drafting the Penguin to join the team. I enjoy the way Simone writes Penguin…it reminds me of Batman Returns a bit. And that is my favorite Batman movie. This was a fantastic issue.


Secret Six (Volume 3) #36 secretsix36
Written by Gail Simone
Art by J. Calafiore

This is the final issue of a great series that I will miss. Gail Simone is a creative genius. You writes complex characters who are so well-rounded it is like they are real people. She is truly a gem in the comic book world. Also, she has a scene in this where they feed a man to King Shark on a fishing hook. So she is hilarious too. The part where Scandal decides she wants to marry both Knockout and Liana was a tad strange though but hey these are crazy people this book is about. The only problem I had was it is really hard to believe all of those supeheroes would show up to fight the Secret Six like they are Darkseid or something. But they sure got their asses handed to them and this villain team went out in a blaze of glory. What a fitting finale to an amazing series!


Booster Gold 42-47


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #42
Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. Dematteis
Art by Christ Batista

Booster Gold tells the story to his sister about his time in 25th century prison where he is cellmates with a man who is constantly fluctuating between time periods – the man is revealed to be a future version of Booster himself with “Chronal leprosy” which is actually really gross as drawn by Batista. Interesting issue. I enjoyed it I suppose.


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #43
Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. Dematteis
Art by Christ Batista

Booster finds himself running into the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century which makes this a fun issue as Brainiac 5 works to cure Booster’ chronal leprosy. This was a fun issue. Giffen and Dematteis write some great dialogue between the legionaries and you can tell Batista had fun drawing them.  I wonder if the dangling plot points will ever get solved as I believe the next issue begins a flashpoint crossover.


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #44
Written by Dan Jurgens
Art by Jurgens

I was excited to read this issue despite it being a Flashpoint crossover (a mini-series I have never read and have no interest in reading considering it lead to the disgusting New 52) because I remember Dan Jurgens’s run on this book rather fondly. Jurgens’s art is as beautiful as always and he writes very well but damn I don’t really care about Flashpoint and could not get excited reading this issue. That being said, I love the shout outs to continuity about Coast City. Jurgens knows his continuity.


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #45
Written by Dan Jurgens
Art by Jurgens

The Flashpoint crossover continues here as we learn the girl Booster saved has powers. Who is she suppose to be? I am not sure. I do not recognize her name. This was another good issue by Jurgens – as the man can draw and write like a champ. But I still find it hard to care because I hate flashpoint. Albeit, I am intrigued by the mystery girl.


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #46
Written by Dan Jurgens
Art by Jurgens and Ig Guara

This was a very forgettable issue. I am sad this is the penultimate issue because this series is usually great under Jurgens but this flashpoint crossover is uninteresting. I really don’t care about seeing Booster Gold fight Doomsday again.




Booster Gold (Volume 2) #47
Written by Dan Jurgens
Art by Rick Leonardi and Jurgens

First of all, Booster calls the Flash Barry in this issue. Why would Booster Gold call him by his first name like they are friends? His character knew Wally West as Flash for his entire career. Ugh. It’s bad enough Barry Allen had to take up most of the cover on the last issue of Booster’s series. Jurgens only drew the last few pages and Leonardi is okay but he is no Jurgens. This just seemed last filler when it should have been a series finale. Disappointed.

Hidden Oracle


Birds of Prey (Volume 2) #10
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Inaki Miranda

Cassandra Cain gets name dropped again as Tim asks why she doesn’t have access to Kord Tower. I don’t know that I am completely satisfied with the answer that she has too much going on now because well…we are never shown what the hell she has going on. I hope this wasn’t a throw away line and Gail or DC editors plan to show us what is going on with Cass soon enough. This was an otherwise fantastic issue that showed off how tough the Birds are and how it was a good plan to fake Oracle’s death. Loved the bit with Catwoman too!

Booster Gold 40 and 41


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #40
Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. Demateis
Art by Pat Olliffe


This was an okay issue setting up the threat, recapping Booster’s life, and a surprise ending. I am sure Rip has his reasons for this.


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #41
Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. Demateis
Art by Chris Batista


So were we supposed to recognize the guy at the end of this? And the idea that Booster would willingly turn himself in after all these years – or that Rip would think it was a good idea – is just absurd. Not impressed with this issue.

Bruce Remembers


Power Girl (Volume 2) #21
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Sami Basri


This was awesome for anyone enjoing Generation Lost as Power Girl manages to convince Dick Grayson with the help of Bruce Wayne of Max Lord’s existence and villainy. Bruce’s presence here was just awesome and it was great to see that he remembers Lord – because if anyone could it would be Bruce. I also loved how Basri got all the pre-infinite crisis costumes correct in the flashback. I know that sounds easy, and it is, but so many other artists at DC would have gotten it wrong cause their editors suck at their jobs.

Memory Wipe


Power Girl (Volume 2) #19
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Sami Basri


I liked that the JSA All-Stars actually believed Power Girl about Maxwell Lord. I mean she is their proven leader and they would have no reason to doubt her – I feel like a lot of writers would have went there though so I am glad Winick did not. It’s too bad even PeeGee forgets about Lord soon after. One thing that kind of bothered me is that Power Girl was a member of Justice League Europe and probably didn’t have many adventures with Fire, Ice, and the rest of Justice League America but I can buy that they had a few. Anyways, this was a really good issue as Winick has really made the whole Generation Lost plotline pretty epic and the surprise success of the brightest day line. We need to see Terra soon though.

Booster Gold 38 and 39


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #38
Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. Demateis
Art by Chris Batista


This was a fun story where Rani goes back in time to tell Maxwell Lord’s  mother on him! Hilarious and adorable and goofy old General Glory is in it too! I cracked up everytime his sidekick showed up. One thing that annoyed me is how could General Glory be in Europe when all metahumans couldn’t go to Europe during WW2 cause of hitler and his sphere of destiny?!! Come on Giffen and Demateis do your research!


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #39
Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. Demateis
Art by Chris Batista

This would have been a good issue where Booster Gold finally puts Ted Kord’s death behind him – if it hadn’t been done seven thousand times before! Ugh!

Beetle Puke


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #37
Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. Demateis
Art by Chris Batista


This was a funny issue with Booster having to deals a crazed oversexed alien woman named Estrogina who swallows the transformed Blue Beetle and Booster has to get her to puke him up. Yep that is what happens in this issue. It is all good and fun…but a part of me wants to get back to what is going on with Rip Hunter and Booster’s sister. I miss Jurgens on this book a lot.

The Prison’s Top Bitch Kitty


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #36
Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. Demateis
Art by Pat Olliffe


The title of this post is also what Estrogina – a new character I believe – refers to herself as in the last page of this issue haha awesome. I liked this issue and I like that they are tying into Invasion – which I didn’t expect to happen. But I don’t know, I am not sure that they have Skeet’s “voice” quite right. He is almost too human in this? Skeets is great and I think he is very human-like. But Jurgens always wrote him with less, smart ass remarks I guess. Either way, Giffen and Demateis have quite a lot going on here. It is pure craziness with Ted Kord turned into a chipmunk and a kitty bitch haha.

Going Global


Red Robin #16
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Marcus To


Nicieza is such a fantastic writer – he really understands the character of Tim Drake and his history. I loved how Brentwood Academy is mentioned in this issue – Tim’s school from the Dixon era of his book. So many writers come on to book and dismiss anything that came before but not Nicieza. I can’t wait till next issue where we are promised Cassandra Cain! And I wonder where Tim’s new home will be – he says Gotham will still be his base but  he is going global? hmm. How cool would it be if Red Robin became the protector of Vanity – Aztek’s city.

Planet Pounding


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #35
Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. Demateis
Art by Chris Batista and Pat Olliffe


This is fun and action-packed and I liked that Ted knew that Booster was from the future all along and Barda admitting she actually does like Ted and Booster but hmmm…I guess I really don’t care about the overall plot and this planet pounder thing, I would rather get back to the Maxwell Lord stuff. Having the darkstars show up was pretty cool though.

Order And Chaos


Justice League of America #47
Written by James Robinson
Art by Mark Bagley

Co-Feature by Robinson
Art by Pow Rodix


This is part 3 of the JLA/JSA crossover that began here and continued here. Oh hell ya Kyle Rayner shows up here! It is great to see him in a JLA book again and they even use his old Green Lantern Logo text! That brought joy to my fanboy heart. As for the entire issue, I felt like the plot didn’t move as quick as it could have and we are at a kind of stand still. I wonder why Doctor Fate is the one holding the JSAers hostage and not the starheart? The narraration boxes also got kind of annoying in this issue where they haven’t bothered me the last few. Maybe Robinson is overdoing them a bit. This story is still as epic and fun as a JLA book should be though and I can’t wait for the next chapter. The back-up actually ties into the main story as now that Red Tornado has been remade nearly indestructibel by Cyborg, he is effected by the starheart. (I mean he is an elemental of the Wind – of course he would be effected, I am surprised I didn’t think of that before)

Purple Robot Attack


Power Girl (Volume 2) #14
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Sami Basri


Power Girl is a little more sympathetic to Booster’s claim of Max Lord’s existence here and I liked. But she is already having enough problems of her own with her company going broke and a giant purple robot man showing up with a mission to destroy her and new york. The robot said she was one of three primary objectives. Perhaps he is supposed to kill Kryptonians too?? I don’t know but this was a good issue.

Poor Skeets Was Locked In A Box


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #34
Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. Demateis
Art by Chris Batista and Giffen


Goldstar returns just as Booster goes back-in-time and gets stuck in a little adventure with Ted searching for the stolen cliff-notes version of the book of destiny. It is a wacky plot featuring a villain called the Underachiever and it was a fun read. I feel like the balance between comedy and seriousness is still there even though it almost went over to the side of pure comedy here. I love the character of Rani and I hope the little girl will become a permanent fixture…will she become the new Goldstar? She is a little young for that right? Haha the funniest joke had to be Skeets explaining that he was never around in the JLI years because Booster had him locked in a box behind his pornos hahaha.

Action 889 and 890


Action Comics #889
Written by Greg Rucka and Eric Trauttman
Art by Jose Perez
Co-Feature by James Robinson
Art by Cafu


The main story ends Rucka and Trautmann’s run on the book by having Chris and Thara defeat the false Rao. It was a kind of a wimper of an ending. I have to say that I have grown to like these two characters as they have starred in this book – but not enough to really miss them. I like the mythology of it all but I think it is just time to move on. The finale to the Captain Atom back-up was more exciting as Mirabai is defeated and Captain Atom’s reputation restored. I really thought this back-up was a neat idea all-around and I’d say it was successful.


Action Comics #890
Written by Paul Cornell
Art by Pete Woods

Wow that was unexpected. I wasn’t sure what to think when I heard Lex Luthor would be the new star of Action Comics but damn this was awesome. Lex is an evil bastard and Cornell writes him that way. He has an employee killed just for embarrassing him, he builds a robot Lois to be his companion haha, and he is obsessed with finding the secrets to the Power Rings. Great start!

All Is Well


Power Girl (Volume 2) #13
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Sami Basri


Well I have to say that as I suspected, the book still maintains good quality with Winick coming on. He knows how to write humor and balance it with action – he always has. He can be hit or miss – but he can do that and I have no idea why some people are so down on him as a writer. Basri’s art is also perfect for Power Girl – it is different from Connor but that doesn’t mean it is bad. This book recaps Maxwell Lord’s return and then wiping away the memory of his existence. It is written in such a way that it also recaps Power Girl’s history – I am not sure if the mind wipe worked on her – I think it did as she does forget the mission to find Lord. I think Lord himself is responsible for her company going bankrupt all of a sudden somehow. I was glad to see Terra wasn’t dropped from the book too. All is well for this series.