Superman 685 and 686

Superman #685
Written by James Robinson
Art by
Javier Pina and Pablo Raimondi

Times are a changing for this book as Superman makes the decision to leave earth for New Krypton this issue. I like how he said goodbye to Lois and Martha. It was very sweet. I am not sure how I feel about Mon-El adopting Johnathan Kent’s name. I think it is kind of an odd choice, but I look forward to reading about his adventures in this book.

Superman #686
Written by James Robinson
Art by Renato Guedes

This was a pretty SWEET beginning for this title without Superman. Robinson looks to be fleshing out the city of Metropolis well and Guedes does his best work…well…ever in this issue! It was really beautiful art. Mon-El still has a lot to learn about being a hero and I like that Steel and the Guardian are watching him. I don’t think Robinson has really sold me on the Guardian yet though. Black Lightning is on the cover but I imagine he actually won’t be involved in any of this because of Outsiders. I can’t wait for the next issue. Who knew Superman would be this good without Superman!

Good But Disappointing

Action Comics #875
Written by Greg Rucka
Art by Eddy Barrows

It took me a while to review this because of my disappointment over the fact that Nightwing and Flamebird were not, in fact, Connor Kent and Linda Danvers. And unless Linda is Superwoman, I am afraid we won’t be seeing her a lot in the DCU as I had hoped. Oh well, without judging this on the dissapointment, I did enjoy this a lot. Flamebird is Thara and Nightwing is Chris Kent. Not exactly the most exciting reveal in the world but it’s decent. I too liked their old costumes and everything but I understand why they needed to change them to protect themselves. I have to wonder why they were shown to have Telekenetic powers before, could DC have originally meant them to be Linda and Connor and then switched on us in the last second? I am not sure. Anyways, this was a good start and Barrows is art is better then usual. I like the idea of Sleeper Agenty Kryptonians all over earth but I wonder what their purpose is? I suppose we will find out.


R.E.B.E.L.S. #2
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Andy Clarke

I like the idea that Vril Dox (Brainiac 2) is using his knowledge of the Legion of Super-heroes to find their predecessors in the 21st century. He begins by recruiting Wildstar, apparently an ancestor of Dawnstar. Dawnstar was never a member of my Legion, so did Brainiac 5 give him the personnel files of multiple Legions? I suppose so. This series is very enjoyable and while it may be confusing at first, I got into it rather quickly. And I am not familiar with L.E.G.I.O.N. or the Omega Men. So I suggest people check it out even if you are hesitant. The art is great too.

Treading Water

Vigilante (Volume 3) #4
Written by Marv Wolfman
Art by Rick Leonardi

Vigilante comes face-to-face with Jericho (who has taken over Cyborg) this issue and we learn a little bit more about him. Apparently he was a rich kid. It’s always good to see Wolfman write the Titans. Didn’t last issue say Wonder Girl was supposed to be in this issue? Did they mean Donna Troy? Why is DC make so many mistakes with their comics? Shouldn’t someone get fired for this? Whatever it doesn’t matter. I liked Leonardi’s art a lot this issue, otherwise I feel we are just treading water until the big crossover with the Titans books starts.

Final Crisis Reductions

Justice League of America #31
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by
Shane Davis

Okay this was definitely the best issue of this series in a long time. McDuffie really shines when Benes isn’t on the art and when he writes the quieter moments. The team is reduced to John Stewart, Black Canary, Vixen, Zatanna, and Dr. Light and they are a little upset about it. Hawkgirl and Hawkman are alive after all, DC disreguarded another one of Morrison’s ideas sadly. For some reason Zatanna calls Wonder Woman Dinah in this issue, and I get the feeling that this was an art mistake. Actually a mistake that someone should get fired for but I digress. This was a good issue and I am looking forward to see wear the League goes from here. I think it is about time for a new direction.

Time Travel Is Confusing

Booster Gold (Volume 2) #18
Written by Dan Jurgens
Art by Jurgens

While I enjoyed this issue, especially Jurgen’s wonderful art, all of the time travel made this a confusing mess. I usually understand Time Travel stories but Booster meeting Booster kind of threw me off. Why doesn’t Booster remember meeting himself? What was the pharoah doing with the scarab exactly? I don’t know, all I know is I still enjoyed this issue even though I was mega confused. Rex Hunter came back only to be defeated again. I like that he is quickly becoming the arch-villain of Booster Gold and Rip Hunter. Goldstar knows she is supposed to die and one has to wonder why Rip broke his code to keep her alive. Could there be more to it then appeasing Booster?

Superwoman The Murderer

Supergirl (Volume 5) #39
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Jamal Igle

The mystery deepens, I am starting to hope Superwoman isn’t Linda Danvers after all. I mean she brutally murdered Reactron’s girlfriend and there is no way Linda would ever do that. I do think Linda needs to return to the DCU soon or at least acknowledged as the original Supergirl in these pages. It would be great to see Kara and Linda meet. Superwoman may be a kryptonian after all, although I am not sure. What exactly is Lana’s job? I am confused on that. I will have to reasearch it I guess. This series is so good right now. Everyone pick it up even if you hated it before Gates took over. You will be pleasently surprised.

Ancient Riddles

Batman Confidential #27
Written by Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir
Art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez

The second part of the introduction of the Batman TV show villain, King Tut, into the DC Universe is even better then the first. Batman is forced to work with the Riddler (Something Dini does a lot in Detective Comics so you would think I would be sick of it, but DeFillippis and Weir do a good job of the team up here) to find out who King Tut is. I like the idea of a scholar who is wants his theories respected. It fits in with the Batman villains at the same time make the character unique. I certainly hope he will be used again some day. I look forward to the next issue. Oh and the art is fabulous! What the hell DC put this guy on JLA or something!

Killing D-Listers

Green Arrow & Black Canary #18
Written by Andrew Kreisberg
Art by Mike Norton

I’m sorry but killing off members of Green Arrow’s very limited rogues gallery seem like a pretty awful idea. I get that this Cupid is supposed to be the newest Green Arrow villain but there is no reason to reduce his rogues gallery just to make her look good. Sure they were kindve D-list villains but who knows, some writer could have come along some day and turned them A-List. That bothered me. What also bothered me is Green Arrow being so vicious. I am not going to judge right away cause I imagine Kreisberg has some reason for Ollie acting this way. I also am not sure that Ollie should be able to knock out Dinah that easily, I mean she is a better martial arist then him right? I wish Kreisberg wrote Dinah as a more competent hero that she truly is instead of just as Green Arrow’s trophy wife sidekick.That’s not to say this issue was all bad. Cupid is an interesting villain and I liked the art and the arrow signal, there are just some things Kreisberg needs to improve on. And I bet Winick ain’t too happy he just killed off Brick.

Superbat Concludes

Superman/Batman #56
Written by Michael Green and Mike Johnson
Art by Rags Morales

The Superbat arc concludes rather predictably. I wouldn’t say that this was a great read. Everything goes back to normal and Batman realizes how much of a dick he was while he had Superman’s powers. It is not really compelling. I guess I expected more from the conclusion of this. In the end, while this may excite some people, I think this arc was rather bland. That’s all I can really say about it. The art was great though. And it was nice to see the Shadowpact again.

Day In The Life

Titans (Volume 2) #11
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Howard Porter

This day in the life issue by Sean McKeever was a decent issue. The colorist and Porter have to be blamed for the misdepictions of Lian Harper and Jai West who look nothing like they look like. Not to mention saying that the Wests live in Central City when they definitely live in Keystone. I know some may see this as minor errors but I do not. The editor needs to get his butt in gear. Beast Boy and Raven did date during the OYL gap right? They talk like they just had a kiss here. I was under the impression that they broke up. I wonder if McKeever is setting up the bartender as a new love interest to replace Hawkgirl for Roy. I like that because Roy and Hawkgirl never really fit for me. Pretty decent filler except for those minor details.

Walt Disney Threw Up

Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #34
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

It looks like that crazy bitch Scar just opened up all of the Sciencells. Oa is in deep shit. This was another good issue, but I was slightly put off by Gleason’s art here. I didn’t really like the way he drew Kyle. Kyle and Soranik’s romance is a little forced, but I still like it. Guy’s quote upon hearing about the Blue Lanterns was fantastic “It’s Like Walt Disney Threw Up”! Haha. Sodam Yat should be pissed at his mom after what they did to his alien friend and I am glad he confronted her about it. He is a strong character. I liked how he didn’t just turn his back on Daxam because of his duty as a Green Lantern. All of this is building toward Blackest Night, so check it out people!

High Expectations

Secret Six (Volume 3) #7
Written by Gail Simone
Art by Nicola Scott

The art is still fantastic this time around, but the conclusion of the first story arc didn’t seem as fantastic as it could have been. I suppose I had high expectations because the previous issues of this book have been just that good. I don’t believe Junior and the Tarantula are actually dead, Junior is too good of a villain to kill off that easily. As for what was going on with Bane and Scandal, I don’t know. What was going on in that memory Scandal was having? I have no clue. Mad Hatter was great in this. Now that the Secret Six are in Gotham I wonder if they will become involved in the Battle for the Cowl?

Blue Beetle 35 and 36

Blue Beetle (Volume 6) #35
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Rafael Alberquerque

I love how Ted Kord’s notes on the villains really reads like he wrote it. His comments were hilarious. And Jaime’s comment on how not useful they are is great. The message of freedom sent out from Jaime’s scarab apparently inspired other scarabs to turn against authority – and all authority not just the reach. They even want to take down the governments of Earth. So it’s up to Jaime to stop them. Damn I am going to miss this series and I didn’t even realize I would.

Blue Beetle (Volume 6) #36
Written by Matthew Sturges
Art by Rafael Alberquerque

So I guess Hector is the Black Beetle – Jaime’s future arch-enemy? What a nice twist. I like that use of continuity. It was really sad to see Nadia die, I really liked her. But I think this was a pretty slam dunk finale for Blue Beetle. Probably the best out of all of the series’s that ended in the last month or so. This series went from being decent to really great and truly created a character that I imagine will be a part of the DC Universe for years to come. Kudos to all of the creators. I am sad to see it go.

Teen Titans 67 and 68

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #67
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

Kid Eternity and Brother Blood escape from hell, and end up right in front of Titans Tower. I really enjoyed this issue. I like seeing Wonder Girl lead the team, even though they aren’t really a team yet. Only Red Devil, Wonder Girl, and Blue Beetle are official members. Kid Eternity’s power is really cool for the Titans, because frankly there are a lot of dead Titans to bring back. This issue we got to see the original Aquagirl.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #68
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

This issue was really good. I am a sucker for stories set in hell – and Red Devil and Kid Eternity’s trip was really interesting. I loved the way Barrows draws it. Eddie was pretty stupid to consider signing that contract though. I love how Kid Eternity is making use of dead Titans. This time around it is Kole. Bombshell officially rejoins this issue which puts the team membership at four. The origin and omens were interesting including a pregnant Titan and other stuff. I look forward to next issue where the new roster will be in tact finally.