Robin 164 – 180


Robin #164
Written by Adam Beechen
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

Meh….this issue was just a waste. Dodge recruits a bunch of Gotham Metas I don’t care about to take out Robin and Robin gets asked to be on the tennis team. I really don’t care.  Williams’s art, while I liked it at first, is kinda getting on my nerves. I don’t like how cartooney it is and how everyone’s mouth looks so strange.


Robin #165
Written by Adam Beechen
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

Now this was more like it. Robin fights off Dodge and his goon in the hospital. I like how Beechen is great at explaining how Robin can take out these guys who at first glace seem so much more powerful. He uses brains over brawn. I knew there was no way Dodge would want to kill Robin, but I wonder how this girl knows Robin’s real name or if she even does.


Robin #166
Written by Adam Beechen
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

While this storyline took a little long, I must say that I really enjoyed this finale. I hope Dodge comes back again. There is something so sweet about his flamebird-like wannabe attitude. I also must say that I was not expecting the whole Zatara/Ravager twist at all. This was a good issue.


Robin #167
Written by Brandon Thomas
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

This filler issue was very very good and a nice story about a boy who misses his father. Sometimes these mourning stories can get a little tiresome but there hasn’t been that much focus on the death of Jack Drake in this series and this issue make up for it. The best part has to be when Batman tells Jack “That he will take it up from here.” Meaning of course that he will take care of Tim.


Robin #168
Written by Peter Milligan
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

This is part of the Ressurection of Ra’s al Ghul crossover and is one of the better issues in this crossover. I totally understand why Robin is freaking out on Damian. I hate that little brat and I don’t trust him either. And it’s not like Damian is being subtle about wanting to replace Tim, I mean he runs around in a Robin shirt! How old is Damian supposed to be? Just curious.


Robin #169
Written by Peter Milligan
Art by David Baldeon

This is another part of the Ressurection of Ra’s al Ghul and in it we see Tim tempted by the idea of joining with Ra’s if it means he can bring back those he has lost. I was shocked at first that Robin would consider it, but then I thought about it and realized….this boy has lost his parents, his girlfriend, and his best friend. I think it is very human of him to be tempted to do that, but I trust he will make the right decision in the end. Oh and I like Baldeon’s art better than Williams’s art.


Robin #170
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Chris Batista and Jamal Igle

Chuck Dixon is  back on Robin and it looks like he is fixing DC’s biggest mistake in the bat-books of this decade, the death and mistreatment of Stephanie Brown. Dixon wsa the writer of Robin when I first got into comics (writer of most of the batbooks actually) and I have tremendous respect for him as a writer even if I don’t agree with his politics. This is a fantastic issue and a great start to his new run. I can’t wait to see Stephanie again. And I loved the mention of the memorial (or lack of) in the cave.


Robin #171
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Chris Batista

This was a good issue, Dixon is back in the game like he never left. And I love how he is seeing Spoiler jumping across rooftops. If she is alive, was that issue of Batgirl where she talks to Stephanie in a near-death-experience just a hallucination? Anyways, Violet has an ugly costume. I wonder what is going on with Ives.


Robin #172
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by David Baldeon

Robin busts up an illegal casino led by Maxie Zeus this issue, all the while trying to stop Violet. God…I hate her. I hate her costume and I hate her attitude and I HATE those stupid goggles. All and all I have got a lot of hate for her. I question since she isn’t the Spoiler, what the point of her character even is? I guess just to throw people off thinking she was Stephanie. But Stephanie is back in her old Spoiler this issue! But Tim doesn’t know it yet.


Robin #173
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Chris Batista

Spoiler shows up but Robin doesn’t believe it is Stephanie behind the mask. I liked how he gets angry that someone is impersonating her as I think I would be too. I almost feel like Dixon should have waited to not show the readers Spoiler was back until the moment Robin saw her, it would make it more dramatic.


Robin #174
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Chris Batista

Well Stephanie is back and Dixon has fixed one of DC’s worst mistakes, her brutal death. He even makes Batman look like less of jackass by saying that Batman knew that she was still alive and that is why there was no memorial in the cave. She apparently faked her death with the help of Leslie. Now I would like to see Batman and Leslie reconcile. It was really awesome to see Tim give her a big hug and kiss when he saw her. I know DC will try to play it off as if this was there plan the whole time, but we all know it wasn’t. I am just happy it is fixed.


Robin #175
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Joe Bennett

This issue begins a crossover with R.I.P and more so of a crossover then Detective or Nightwing is (They are not really crossovers at all) but around the same level of crossover as Batman and the Outsiders. Dixon left DC before this issue and his remaining stories were chronicled in the Robin/Spoiler Special. I am not going to get into that whole dabacle, but I will say that this is good stuff. Nicieza is always good and is a perfect replacement for Dixon. I don’t really care for the flashbacks to 52 with Dick and Tim though. It just doesn’t interest me. Robin searching for the missing Batman does though and his strange relationship with Spoiler.


Robin #175
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Joe Bennett

The R.I.P storyline begins and it is revealed that the Spoiler has been trying to steer Robin away from finding out what is going on with Batman because Batman asked him to. R.I.P is turning out to be an awesome storyline, and this crossover is really exciting as we see Tim dig deeper and deeper to find out what happened to Batman. Still don’t care much for the flashbacks but it works in the context of the story. The art is fantastic as well.


Robin #177
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

I didn’t expect to see Ragman in this issue but I guess I forgot he lives in Gotham. As for who the new Red Robin is if it isn’t Jason Todd, I have no idea but I have always liked the Red Robin costume. I doubt Stephanie is actually paying Lynx to kill Robin. If she is that would be stupid and Nicieza is a better writer then that. The writing is good that I wasn’t even annoyed by Williams’s art.


Robin #178
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

I am confused. I don’t know who that guy was at the end or what is going on with Spoiler. I really don’t care about this gang war, it bores me. This was kind of a dull issue and this time around I did notice Williams’s art.


Robin #179
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

Okay everything is spiraling out of control for Robin who is trying to keep Gotham safe, Spoiler is acting weird, and there is a guy running around as Red Robin who seemingly wants to kill Robin. This is a lot to take in, but the annoying thing is that Tim mentions him and Dick are taking care of thing in Gotham, but so is Cassandra! Why no mention of Batgirl, damn it.


Robin #180
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

I am sure Robin escapes the explosion at the end….but I was very underwhelmed by the reveal of who Red Robin was. I was expecting someone way cooler then that, some former Robin villain now a little muscled up. At least it looks like Anarky is coming back, although he sort of disappeared from comics around the time I started reading them so I don’t have that much of a connection with the character as some people do. Hmmmm…..not sure where this is going exactly but I guess I am along for the ride.

Manhunter 35 and 36

manhunter35Manhunter #35
Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by Michael Gaydos and Carlos Magno

Eh I don’t feel like a lot happened here….this arc is taking a little longer then I would like. Manhunter basically fights some dudes and the Crime Doctor finds out about Suicide Squad’s deception. The only thing that stood out about this issue was Cameron saying she was pregnant. Was the art always this bad? I don’t remember hating it this much until this issue.

manhunter36Manhunter #36
Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by Michael Gaydos

Now this was more like it, I loved the politics and right-wing bashing in this series because comics need more right-wing bashing. And if that offends conservative readers I really don’t care, because I don’t want you reading my blog anyways. Kate’s speech to the press was awesome and shows how much of a hero and brave women she really is taking out such a large corporation. She is right about how sad it is that one white girl goes missing and it is front page news for weeks but hundred of mexican women go missing and no one pays attention. That is just wrong. I look forward to the next arc which will sadly be the last one of this series.

Catwoman 69 – 82


Catwoman (Volume 3) #69
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

This side story to Amazon’s Attack is actually better then the main series, which isn’t saying much, but this was a good issue. I liked Batman having a car seat in the batmobile! He really does plan for everything. The art is gorgeous as ever too.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #70
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

Hmmm I am not sure what happened on that last page. Where is Selina taking her baby? But this was a damn good issue….I loved how Selina kicked that Amazon’s ass and tricked her. Very good stuff.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #71
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

Now Selina faking her own death has been done before…in fact one of the first comics I ever bought featured such a story…but this was really good and I loved Bruce’s involvement. It’s sad that it looks like Selina will be giving away her baby, but the kid has been in so many close-calls it probably is the right thing to do.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #72
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

I gotta be honest…I almost cried during this issue. A mother giving away her only child must be the hardest thing in the world. I thought she was going to go through with it and have Zatanna wipe away her memory of Helena because it was too hard. I suppose one day some writer will bring Helena back into Selina’s life, but for now I guess she has to live with knowing she will never see her daughter again. Very sad.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #69
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

Not sure if I recognize the guy at the end of this issue but this was another fun issue of Catwoman. I love the idea of a billionaire who collects super-villain memorabilia and I love what Catwoman did with the Joker Explodie-hand. Lopez’s art is underrated, he really knows how to tell stories from fantastic different angles along with amazing facial expressions.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #74
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

It looks like Catwoman is going to be taken to the prison planet from Salvation Run. I look forward to that. But this issue was as good as always, I hope the whole thing with The Thief gets resolved eventually. Oh and seeing her get her old hair back was a geek out moment for me.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #75
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

This issue actually makes me want to read Salvation Run as it is fun to see all the villains interact; especially Catwoman and Cheetah who make an interesting paring. Pfieffer writes Luthor pretty well but I prefer my Luthor to be a little less…er…I don’t know, Supervillain-ish. I guess I always liked the Luthor as Evil Corporate guy thing but at least he isn’t in that stupid suit freaking Loeb brought back.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #76
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

I like how Selina recaps what has gone on before in her head most issues and in this issue because it helps new readers a while lot. Lopez’s drawing of the alternate Catwoman looks similar to the costume warn by Halle Barry in that awful movie, and I bet that was intentional. Speaking of Lopez, why is this guy not on a book like JLA! He does great art and does it on time! Come on DC!


Catwoman (Volume 3) #77
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

I liked this issue more because it makes me sad to see Martian Manhunter then anything else. What a great character that we lost this year. I hope he comes back. But yes, the story and art were good as usual as Catwoman escapes from her pseudo-dream thingamagiger.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #78
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

Eh this seemed like a sort’ve unnecessary issue, I think I am getting sick of the Salvation Run plot but she will be back to earth next issue so that is good. It was good to see Slam Bradley again and I wonder what he will think when he finds out Selina gave Helena away.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #79
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

This was a good issue and I really get the feeling that we are going to get the old Catwoman back. It was good to be back on earth as well. But as for Slam, you would think he would ask her more questions about his granddaughter, wouldn’t you?


Catwoman (Volume 3) #80
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

The eightieth issue brings Catwoman back to the way I like her, the real feline fatale. She is one bitch you don’t want to mess with and “The Thief” learns that the hard way this issue. Awesome.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #81
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

Catwoman return to her full-time criminal career in this penultimate issues and it was fantastic! I liked how Lopez used the windows in the building to show flashbacks.


Catwoman (Volume 3) #82
Written by Will Pfieffer
Art by David Lopez

Sadly, this is the final issue of Catwoman, but it could not have ended in a better way! The series has been brought full circle, touching on things that go all the way back to the Brubaker run, Catwoman is back to being a thief and having Batman chasing her across rooftops and I think there is no other way they could have ended this series effectively.

JLA 13 – 26

Justice League of America #13
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Joe Benitez

When I first read this issue, I was a little turned off. I guess I expected more from the first issue of McDuffie’s run and I certainly expected better art. But now I think this was a pretty good read and did remind me a lot of the TV show. Good start, and at least much better then anything Meltzer did on this title. I think the Injustice League is very cool and I like how they are opposite numbers of the League. Of the villains we have seen so far this is what the breakdown is.

Lex Luthor

The Joker

Poison Ivy

Wonder Woman:

Killer Frost

Shadow Thief

Green Lantern:

The Flash:
Gorilla Grodd

Black Canary, Vixen, Black Lightning, Red Arrow, Geo-Force, and Red Tornado are sadly without any villains yet.

Justice League of America #14
Written by Dwayne McDuffie

Art by Ed Benes

This is another good issue. The Injustice League is shown to have Cheshire and Shaggy Man in it’s ranks as well. Cheshire is a Red Arrow villain arguably (even if he has a kid with her) but Shaggy Man and Dr. Light are just general villains not specific to anyone.

Justice League of America #15
Written by Dwayne McDuffie Art by Ed Benes

The way Batman basically tells Firestorm that he has no choice, he has to join the Justice League was awesome! This concluded the Injustice League arc and it was good, but this arc as a whole would have been a whole lot better if someone else was doing the art.

Justice League of America #16
Written by Dwayne McDuffie and Allan Burnett

Art by Joe Benitez and Allan Jefferson

Eh….this issue was okay. It just served as a preview to two other mini-series’s which is kind of annoying. I would have rather had a story in this series that starts and ends in it.

Justice League of America #17
Written by Dwayne McDuffie and Allan Burnett

Art by Ed Benes
and Joe Benitez

Haha the main story I could care less about. It was lame and had awful art. But the back up written by McDuffie was good because McDuffie comments on the fact that Meltzer’s whole Vixen is using the powers of the Justice League thing makes no sense. I love it! Take that Meltzer!

Justice League of America #18
Written by Dwayne McDuffie and Allan Burnett
Art by Ed Benes and John Boy Meyers

Meh….this was very decompressed and was basically filler. They could have cut this entire issue of the arc. But the back up was good.

Justice League of America #19
Written by Allan Burnett
Art by Ed Benes

Thank god this arc is over because it was not very good. It just served as a sidestory to another mini-series! Whatever happened to this series having its own stories. Hawkgirl being so jealous over Cheshire is just stupid and seems completely forced. Also, I know Geo-Force was transferred to the Outsiders but you would think someone would have mentioned it for people who aren’t reading
the Outsiders. Instead, he just dissappears. That’s bad editing.

Justice League of America #20
Written by Dwayne McDuffie Art by Ethan Van Sciver

This was by far the best issue of McDuffie’s run so far. And you wanna know why, Ethan Van Sciver. Look at how much of a difference Ed Benes’s art makes with McDuffie’s writing. McDuffie is a good writer, but Benes’s art is soo bad that it is killing a good story. Anyways, this was a beautiful issue with a nice story with the Flash and Wonder Woman. I liked it a lot.

Justice League of America #21
Written by Dwayne McDuffie Art by Carlos Pacheo

This is a final crisis tie-in issue that is rather enjoyable. In fact, it was just as good as last issue. This book is sooo much better without Ed Benes. Please DC, get rid of him! Anyways, it made me happy to see that Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman were going to add Martian Manhunter back in the league before he died but the trinity is acting kind’ve elitist. Libra is a visually stunning character and I can’t wait to learn more about him in Final Crisis.

Justice League of America #22
Written by Dwayne McDuffie Art by Ed Bene

Unfortunately Bene is back this issue….with some ultra terrible art. He draws just one body type…it’s so annoying. Plot-wise, it was only okay. Red Tornado taken over by Amazo does NOT interest me, especially when the League already fought Amazo under Meltzer’s pen. The vixen subplot interests me more but not by much. I really can’t reccomend this issue.

Justice League of America #23
Written by Dwayne McDuffie Art by Ed Benes

While this may have not been a horrible issue if Ed Benes was not doing the art, it was horrible when comined with the art and the rather dull fight with Amazo that lasted the entire issue. Damn. And this series was finally getting good again.

Justice League of America #24
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art byAllan Goldman

Yay! Benes is gone again this issue. This made the fight with Amazo so much better but still rather dull. The best moments of this issue were at the end where they go to meet Animal Man. I did not even think of the vegatarian thing. I am intrugued as to where this is going.

Justice League of America #25
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Ed Benes, Ian Churchill, Doug Mahnke, Darick Robertson, Shane Davis, and Ivan Reis

This anniversary issue was rather good. I am happy to find Red Tornado leaving the team as I never really grew fond of the character. Also, Anansi seems like a great villain for the league to face. I like how he speaks and how he spins the webs of stories. I look forward to the next issue.

Justice League of America #26
Written by Dwayne McDuffie
Art by Ed Benes

Now this alternate reality issue of JLA is one of the best issues of McDuffie’s run. He can write some great stuff when he isn’t editorially mandated to do things. There were so many great moments. The Brown Bomber! LMAO. It was refreshing to see Vixen calling upon Animal Powers again and I have to wonder if Meltzer only had it go away because he was too lazy to look up animals to use (:. But the anansi thing did seem to end rather quickly. I bet McDuffie wanted it to be longer but then was told he had to do the whole Milestone crossover thing. Well at least this is a new arc I can look forward to, even if it is editorially mandated.

Manhunter 31 – 34

Manhunter #31
Written by Marc Andreyko

Art by Michael Gaydos

The critically-acclaimed series continues here after a long break. It took a while to get used to the new art, but I think I like it now. Exploring the mystery of Jaurez, Mexico seems like the perfect place to take this series. I don’t quite understand why Manhunter is so afraid of Iron Monro, he is not her father, I don’t buy that she would be afraid of him just because of what her father did.

Manhunter #32

Written by Marc Andreyko

Art by Michael Gaydos

Andreyko always shows his appreciation for the DCU as a whole in this series and once again he shows this. He created a new female Crime Doctor for this series. I like the character, incredibly creepy, but the original killed himself. I had forgotten that Bones was black and I like that Manhunter brought this up to him when he dismissed the deaths of the girls in Jaurez. And I couldn’t help but smile when Kate broke the racists’ hand.

Manhunter #33
Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by Michael Gaydos

A lot of great moments this issue – Ramsey having superpowers, the surprise arrival of the group formerly known as the Suicide Squad, and the Birds of Prey. I am excited for the next issue. Oh and I have to reccomend any comic that makes a Pee Wee’s Big Adventure reference (:

Manhunter #34
Written by Marc Andreyko

Art by Michael Gaydos

Oh how I love Andreyko’s writing….not only does he bitch slap Republicans in this issue, but he actually has Gay Kissing! Hell ya, it’s about time we get some man-on-man action in the DCU. Okay besides my perverted side, this was really good, but this series usually is. I love how much he utilizes the DCU and pays attention to it in his writing.

Coming Full Circle

Outsiders (Volume 3) #50
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Matthew Clark and Ron Randall

Well here we come to the final issue of the Outsiders. It looks like Batman has taken complete control of the team now and the series will relaunch as Batman and the Outsiders, which I am very excited for. This issue was great. Much better then anything Winick ever did with this series. It doesn’t feel like a final issue, but it shouldn’t since the relaunch is just around the corner. I don’t know much abotu the Suicide Squad so there appearence here kinda threw me off but I did the research and now they interest me. I can’t wait to see what the new team does. I loved Catwoman’s final line in this issue, totally in-character. I also like the idea that Batman needs a team of heroes pretending to be villains. One thing I didn’t buy was the idea that people recognize Grace as an Amazon just by looking at her. Not realistic but whatever. Great end to a series and can’t wait for the relaunch.

Supergirl 18 – 20

Supergirl (Volume 5) #18
Written by Joe Kelly
Art by Alé Garza and Adam Archer

Well, the doppelganger wasn’t Linda Danvers, it was Dark Angel trying to mess with Supergirl’s mind. It seems the monitors wanna make sure Supergirl “belongs” on our earth and isn’t an anomaly. I liked how what Dark Angel was saying was similar to the complains current fans have about this Supergirl. That was a nice touch by Kelly and I think he made his point in the end by proving this Supergirl is here to stay.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #19
Written by Joe Kelly
Art by Alé Garza

Supergirl flies across the country making amends with the people she has hurt. Beginning with Boomerang and ending with Superman. In this way, Joe Kelly caps off his run perfectly. I really feel like this is a new era for the character and she is going to be a lot less angsty now. Joe Kelly’s run, while confusing sometimes, he did the best he could with what he was given. I applaud him for that. Great issue.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #20
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Renato Guede

Tony Bedard begins his fill-in arc by crossing over with Amazons Attack. Now that turned me off reading this at first but after cracking it open, I was amazed at how well-done it was. This was definitely the best issue of this series yet. Supergirl is more likeable than ever, which makes sense after the previous issue, and she is drawn anotimically correct and not anorexic. We get inside her mind and she doesn’t seem like a total bitch. I loved it! Plus seeing the civilian side of Amazons Attack was refreshing. There was also nice use of Supergirl’s powers with the Super-Breath and her weakness against magic. A very good start for Bedard.

I Am Ready For Batman And The Outsiders

Outsiders (Volume 3) #49
Written by Judd Winick and Greg Rucka
Art by Matthew Clark and Ron Randall

This is the final part of the Checkmate/Outsiders crossover that began here and continued here ,here, here, and here.
This was an action-packed finale to what was a suprisingly well done crossover. Outsiders is a hit or miss for me but this was a hit. I even like the idea that this series is ending and relaunching as Batman and the Outsiders. I love the original Batman and the Outsiders series so I can’t wait. Yes, I miss Halo (Too bad she won’t be back). There were a lot of great one-liners in this issue including Grace telling the Checkmate Agent about Batman warming up to people and the conversation at the end between Batman and Nightwing. I think it is totally in character for Dick to want to leave now and I liked how he says he actually doesn’t like being in the Outsiders anymore. Dick liked the Titans and the Outsider are not the titans. I look forward to the next issue, which is the final one before the relaunch.

Egg Fu’s Torture Fun

Checkmate (Volume 2) #15
Written by Greg Rucka and Judd Winick
Art by Joe Bennett

This is part four of the Checkmate/Outsiders crossover that began here and continued here ,here, and here. The best part of this issue has to have been the very end where Batman says “I don’t work for the Security Council”. That is so bats and I ate it up like candy! Rucka and Winick continue this crossover really well, we get to see Egg Fu who disgustingly tortures Boomerang and Sasha Bordeax just because he wants to know how they work! Not for any good reason! That is awesome. Egg Fu is one scary bastard but at the same time I can’t wait to see him when I pick up a comic. I can’t wait to see him hopefully get his ass handed to him next issue. Probably by the Dark Knight himself.

Eggs And EMPs

Outsiders (Volume 3) #48
Written by Judd Winick and Greg Rucka
Art and Cover by Matthew Clark

This is part four of the Checkmate/Outsiders crossover that began here and continued here and here. This was probably my favorite part of this crossover to date. I have a feeling that Rucka had more to do with the writing of this issue than Winick and that is probably why. The cliffhanger ending was so exciting, especially for any fan of 52. I was wondering when they were going to bring in those familiar faces (Or really just one big giant yellow egg-face) and I am glad they did. Both teams work together really well this issue ignoring the fact that Nightwing, Sasha, and Boomerang get captured. I like that finally Sasha’s status as partially OMAC is finally mentioned. I don’t remember it being brought up in any issue of Checkmate to date. The whole EMP thing with Nightwing was pretty cool. I really enjoyed this.


Checkmate (Volume 2) #14
Written by Greg Rucka and Judd Winick
Art by Joe Bennett

This is part 3 of the Outsiders/Checkmate that began here and continued here. The interaction between the two teams is still a lot of fun. I have to say that the Checkmate parts of this crossover are better than the Outsiders parts. Probably because the art is a lot better. I am not such a big fan of the cover of this issue though, kinda bland. My favorite moments probably were between Sasha and Nightwing, being a Batman fan I love to hear them talk about Bruce together. The entire mission seems a little screwed up by the end of this issue and it looks like the one doing the screwer is Amanda Waller. What a bitch she is. But you gotta love her. She is the most gray of any DCU character.

Supergirl 14 – 17

Supergirl (Volume 5) #14
Written by Joe Kelly
Art by Ian Churchill and Norm Rapmund

While I hate to see Batgirl play the villain role, this was still a pretty good issue and it was fun to see these two characters together finally; Batgirl and Supergirl that is. Apparently, Power Boy is a freak stalker. That should be interesting. How is Batgirl still alive after that weird Crystal stuff came out of Supergirl’s body and stabbed her. What is that about? I am loving the art as well.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #15
Written by Joe Kelly
Art by Ian Churchill and Norm Rapmund

This was a very good issue. Some have been saying that the portrayal of Supergirl the last few years has been very sexual and even demeaning to women. Joe Kelly proves that is not his intent with this issue. Supergirl is physically abused by Power Boy and Supergirl does not accept that. She even says, “No One Who Says He Loves You Should Ever Hit You Ever”. That was a great line and a great message. This could have been done horribly but Kelly pulls it off with style and grace.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #16
Written by Joe Kelly and Mark Sable
Art and Cover by Alé Garza

After 17 issues, we finally get the reason why Supergirl is being told by her (dead) father to kill Superman. Apparently, when Jor-El opened the portal to the Phantom Zone and started improning criminals there phantoms came onto Krytpon. Zor-El realized this and found out you could only kill them with sunstone. He turned his daughter into a sort of Phantom killer with sunstones inside of her and now. Jor-El is convinced that the Phantoms have gone to earth with Kal-El. That is why he wants Supergirl to kill him? I think that is the jist of it. Is it all just a hallucination of a madman? Are the phantoms real? I have no idea but I am intrigued.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #17
Written by Joe Kelly and Mark Sable
Art by Alé Garza and Marlo Alquiza

Wow I am confused. That doesn’t me I didn’t enjoy this a lot but I am confused. Who is the mysterious Supergirl who appears at the end is it the Pre-Crisis Supergirl? Is it a Supergirl from another Earth in the multiverse? Is it Linda Danvers (Please let it be Linda!). Is this all a dream? I mean if the sun went red and Supergirl has been gone a month wouldn’t we see this reflected in other books. I have a feeling all this will be explained soon and I am coming along for the ride!

Outsiders 45 – 47

Outsiders (Volume 3) #45
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Carlo Barberi

Now, to start off, I did really like this issue. I liked how Roy Harper’s house is so heavily guarded to protect his daughter, I liked how Black Lightning is so noble that he turns himself in for an accidental murder of a pretty bad guy, heck I even liked the budding romance between Grace and Thunder. But is Winick obsessed with Jason Todd and Deathstroke. He uses them in like all of his books and sometimes it seems they are appearing for no reason. Weird.

Outsiders (Volume 3) #46
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Carlo Barberi and Art Thibert

This was another good issue and I look forward to seeing as how this story ends. Unfortunately, it does not take place in this series but in the Outsiders Annual so I will not be reviewing it here. This part of the story was pretty awesome. Grace’s speech was just the best. I love how she calls the rest of the Outsiders self-righteous bastards. This series is a lot better than most people give it credit for.

Outsiders (Volume 3) #47
Written by Judd Winick and Greg Rucka
Art and Cover by Matthew Clark and Art Thibert

This is the second part of the Checkmate/Outsiders crossover that began here. It is one year later again and we are back to the time where Katana’s costume is uglier and Thunder’s is cooler. Oh and I am excited as hell about this storyline now. I did not realize that the Outsiders were recruited by Checkmate to help take out Oolong Island. It is great to hear about the island after 52 and it looks like it is still a haven for mad scientists. There were a lot of great moments in this. Especially the exchanges between Sasha and Nightwing. Nightwing finally figures out just who Sasha is and it is fun to see how they both relate to eachother because of their “batman” past. Can’t wait for the next part of this crossover.

Outsider Hunting

Checkmate (Volume 2) #13
Written by Greg Rucka and Judd Winick
Art by Joe Bennett

And this begins the Checkmate/Outsiders crossover that will run through both titles. DC seems to be doing a lot of inter-title crossover as of late (well, JSA and JLA is the other one) and I like that. I kind of miss them (I know most would disagree with me). And this crossover starts out really well. It was a lot of fun to see how Checkmate goes about catching and trapping the Outsiders and I love how Nightwing is the only member they haven’t caught yet. At first, I was wondering why Nightwing seemed to be so mean to Sasha Bordeaux. I mean he does know her from her days when she hung out with Batman right? But then I remembered that she has gotten plastic surgery (not to mention, she is like what part robot now?) so maybe he doesn’t recognize her. It was also cool to see the Outsiders out of uniform. I am going to have to recommend this.

An Outsiders Flashback

Outsiders (Volume 3) #44
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Ron Randall and Art Thibert

While it really doesn’t seem like a lot happens this issue, it is basically just an introduction to this flashback story arc, it was still a lot of fun. My favorite line from this issue must have been,

Boomerang: I am so drunk
Katana: Me too
Boomerang: And…Kind of Horny
Katana: I will kill you before you could move
Boomerang: Gotcha

That was hilarious. Winick knows how to write some funny stuff. There were some continuity issues though. Why does he say Starfire quit the team? I thought Starfire hadn’t returned from space at this time (As it is shown in 52) Maybe I am wrong and they are referring to her quitting at another time. I don’t know. But it is great to see Shift again, even if it is just temporary. (If only we could get Indigo back!) Anyways, this was a pretty good issue and I look forward to how this story goes.

Love At First Fight!…LOL

Supergirl (Volume 5) #13
Written by Joe Kelly
Art by Ian Churchill and Norm Rapmund

Supergirl goes on a first date with Power Boy this issue. The cover blurb, Love at First Fight, made me laugh out loud it was so lame. But the issue itself wasn’t lame. The villains were lame, at least artisitically, but we do not know much about them or where they came from. They seem to know a lot about Supergirl though. Supergirl screaming out that she loves Kal-El made me smile, it made me like her a little more and made her seem less of bitch with too much teen angst. She stays away from Superma not because she hates him, but because she loves him. If she stays around him, she is afraid her father’s “programming” might kick in and she will kill him. The Power Boy and Supergirl relationship looks like it will go somewhere, which is better than her relationship with Boomerang which is going no where. I know Boomer is going to be jealous though. The only real problem with this issue is I was looking forward to learning Power Boy’s origin and we don’t really get it this issue. Hopefully it will be revealed sometimes soon.

Don’t Fix Costumes That Aren’t Broken

Outsiders (Volume 3) #43
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Ron Randall and Art Thibert

Okay my biggest complaint in this issue has to be Katana’s new costume. Look at that thing, it’s hideous. Why fix something that isn’t broken? Katana’s old costume was just fine. In fact, I rather miss it. Storywise though, this issue was full of comic goodness. O love the parts of a comic where the villain reveals his “master plan” and Sivana even calls it that in this issue. His plan makes sense but I am not sure if Winick had planned this all the way from the beginning of this series or not. He could have but it seems unlikely. The ending was cool too, I did not expect Sabbac to show up. Winick is like the kind of all thing Captain Marvel at DC lately, whether that is a good or bad thing is debatable, but I enjoyed seeing Sabbac and his reason for helping the Outsiders surprisingly made perfect sense. Next issue looks like a lot of fun, Red Hood will make an appearence in a “one year ago” flashback.