Green Arrow 11-15

Green Arrow (Volume 5) #11
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Diogenes Neves and Vincent Cifuentes

This issue goes by so fast and not much of interest even happens. I was really dissatisfied with it. Krul is so good on Teen Titans but this issue was a low point for him.

Green Arrow (Volume 5) #12
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Diogenes Neves

The only thing of any consequence in this issue is that we find out Galahad is really just a father who had a psychotic break. Otherwise it is just Green Arrow watching the events of the end of Brightest Day. It is filler material again. Swamp Thing barely makes an appearance despite the cover. Now that the Brightest Day crossover is over I hope this book improves.



Green Arrow (Volume 5) #13
Written by James Patrick
Art by Austin Padilla

Now that is more like it. This new creative team had a stellar debut with Green Arrow fighting a right wing Christian terrorist by the name of Rev. Billy Miggs. I love how much Ollie hates this guy. The art was good too.

Green Arrow (Volume 5) #14
Written by James Patrick
Art by Austin Padilla

Green Arrow continues to fight Rev. Billy Miggs who is shown to be way creepier than I thought when he murders a person he is baptizing in front of his congregation. It is quite disturbing and a great new villain for Green Arrow. I also enjoyed Ollie and Bruce’s moments here and how the artist chooses to keep Batman in the shadows. This is a great arc fro this series to end on.


Green Arrow (Volume 5) #15
Written by James Patrick
Art by Austin Padilla

This is the final issue of Green Arrow before the New 52 unnecessary reboot. Within its pages, Ollie defeats Rev. Miggs with the help of the army and some trick arrows. It was enjoyable but nothing to get too excited about.




Let’s Move On


Green Arrow (Volume 5) #10
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Diogenes Neves


We learn the truth about Galahad in this issue and it is interesting but I am not really interested in this forest anymore and will be glad when this series moves past this. Whatever happened to the Black Arrow plotline Krul talked about in interviews by the way? Not a bad issue, I am just ready to move on from this.



Green Arrow (Volume 5) #8
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Diogenes Neves


This issue’s focus is on the forest as we learn people from all over the DCU have come to Star City to figure out why the hell this magical forest is around. I think this is the first time we really see that the forest is protecting Green Arrow – letting him in while keeping others out. Hmmm? Why is this? I feel like the mystery is going on a little longer then I would have hoped as we don’t really find out much more this issue but the writing and art is still top notch so I enjoyed it.

Ghost Mom


Green Arrow (Volume 5) #7
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Mike Mayhew


This was odd. The Ghost of Ollie’s mother shows up and comforts him. Was this for real or was it a hallucination? What is going on with this forest? One thing that I was wondering is if the whole Ollie’s parents get killed in front of him by lions thing – is that a retcon? I have never heard that before as far as I know. If so I think there are enough DC heroes with dead parents and that would be completely unnecessary. Mayhew is the perfect fill-in for Neves as I barely even realized that it was a different artist. Beautiful art.

Long Live The Queen


Green Arrow (Volume 5) #6
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Diogenes Neves

It seemed like this was going to be the end of an arc – yet nothing is really ended here. I am not complaining, I like the Queen as an adversary for Green Arrow and I want her to stick around and continue to the villain behind the scenes. Her costume is just awesome! And grave robbing Ollie’s mother – that’s just evil. She makes a good villain.

Arrows Of The White Light


Green Arrow (Volume 5) #5
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Diogenes Neves


This was a very quick read and probably the weakest issue of this series so far. That doesn’t mean it is bad because this has been a great series so far, it just felt weaker then the other issues as it was basically Green Arrow and Galahad versus the Black Lanterns. The revelations about Green Arrow’s parents is interesting as Ollie apparently shot a lion with an arrow after it killed his mother? Is this new information? I don’t know how I feel about it if it is as it just puts another DC hero as having something bad happen to their parents in their childhood but I will wait to reserve judgement. The writing and art are still top-notch though and I love that Ollie used arrows made from the White Lantern tree…great idea!

Green Friends


Green Arrow (Volume 5) #4
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Diogenes Neves


I can’t really complain about this Green Arrow relaunch. Despite coming out of the worst story in recent memory (Cry For Justice), this has been some amazing Green Arrow issues and this issue is no different. The art and writing continue to be spectacular and Martian Manhunter guest stars! I loved how Galahad asks if all Green Arrow’s friends are green. The Queen is still is an intriguing villain. I know that this Mary is supposed to be Maid Marian to Green Arrow’s Robin Hood, but I hope there is more to her then just a love interest for Ollie and I also hope he doesn’t forget that he and Dinah are not technically divorced, just separated.

Fantasy Forest


Green Arrow (Volume 5) #3
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Diogenes Neves


Ollie is saved by the forest and white light that heals his wound. We still don’t know who it was that shot him but he finds a new friend in Galahad – apparently a guy from Star City who at the very least believes he is the Galahad of Legend. In a really cool scene the forest goes through all the seasons in moments. Although Star City is in California – so they don’t have seasons right? Oh well we can chalk that one up to it being a magical forest. Meanwhile, we learn about this new Queen’s backstory and how she met and fell in love with Ollie’s father when she was a teenager. I love how they are fleshing out Ollie’s parents cause we really don’t know much about them and Ollie has been around as a comic character for 70 years! I am loving this book still and the art is as breathtaking as always. I wonder where Speedy is though…shouldn’t we at least get a mention of where exactly Ollie’s ward is during all this.