Gotham Victims


Batman (Volume 3) #26
Written by Tom King
Art by Mikel Janin

Ok what the hell Deathstroke is NOT a Batman villain. Why is he pictured with the Batman Rogues Gallery all of a sudden and showing up possibly in the next Batman movie – he is a Teen Titans villain who sometimes fights other heroes! But anyways the second part of the War of Jokes and Riddle was decent but I was surprised at how quick a read it was. It was good to see characters like Carmine Falcone and it looks like Batman has now joined the Justice League in his first year as a crime fighter which I don’t even think that was the case before Flashpoint so that is an interesting continuity change. The theme that I took away from this issue is that Tom King seems to be focusing on the innocent victims of the Batman villains and how Batman remembers their names to keep his crusade on crime going. I like that.

Harley Quinn 17-22


Harley Quinn (Volume 3) #17
Written by Amanda Connor, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Paul Dini
Art by John Timms and Brett Blevins

The main story has the detective guy asking Harley and her gang to look into why homeless people are missing in New York and the dialogue was very funny. It seems that this series is a hit or a miss for me and this issue was a hit. The back up story by Paul Dini and art by Brett Blevins doing his best Bruce Timm – it reminded me so much of the old Batman: the Animated Series from when I was a kid it brought a smile to my face.


Harley Quinn (Volume 3) #18
Written by Amanda Connor, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Paul Dini
Art by John Timms, Joseph Michael Lisner, and Brett Blevins

The main story of the cannibals eating all of the Homeless is so sad but somehow they manage to write it all off as a dark comedy while not being offensive. That takes balls. The back up was filled with more Batman: The Animated Series style Harley and Joker goodness. This is a fun book to read again.

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All-Star Batman 1 – 7


All-Star Batman #1
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by John Romita Jr. and Declan Shalvey

Scott Snyder wrote some good Batman comics before Flashpoint. But I never read his New 52 run he is praised for because well…it was the New 52. Of course I did not read that crap. So now after Rebirth he gets his own Batman series to play around with. In this first issue, Two-Face tells Gotham he is going to expose their criminal secrets unless one of them saves him from Batman…I guess that is what happened. I really did not like the art in this book. Was this Declan Shalvey or John Romita Jr.? It was confusing and the characters were ugly to look at. I could see it working in another comic but not a Batman comic. I am also very suspicious of any story that has Alfred betraying Batman. It also doesn’t help I find this new character of Duke Thomas hard to give a shit about. I am hoping Snyder turns it around and makes me understand the need for this character? We shall see. I can’t say that I was impressed with this first issue. The “stilling” technique was super gross.


All-Star Batman #2
Written by Scott Snyder
Art by John Romita Jr. and Declan Shalvey

Why is King Shark referred to as Trixie in this comic? I don’t remember that ever being his name. Anyways, the art continues to bother me. I like Shalvey’s art better than Romita but still they both annoy me. They aren’t right for this comic at all. I want to get excited to look at Batman, not be weirded out by it. Also, the non-linear storytelling in this comic is beyond annoying. What the hell is even going on? I thought people said Snyder was a great Batman writer? He sure makes Zsasz scary but so far that is it for me.

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Batman Rebirth 1 – 17


Batman (Volume 3) #1
Written by Tom King
Art by David Finch

In the first issue of this new Batman solo series, Batman prepares to give his life to save a plane full of people that almost crashes into Gotham. Spoiler Alert…he ends up not dying although he prepares to say goodbye to Alfred in a touching scene. The plane is actually saved by two Superheroes calling themselves Gotham and Gotham Girl. The idea of heroes showing up in Gotham with actual powers is an interesting thing. Would this make Batman feel useless? I guess we will see. I enjoyed the art in this. Finch knows how to draw Gotham City and its world well. Also, who is this new Batman protege Duke Thomas? I don’t know anything about


Batman (Volume 3) #2
Written by Tom King
Art by David Finch

I love how Duke asks Batman if he trusts these new heroes of Gotham and Gotham Girl, and he says “I don’t even trust Alfred.” That made me smile. I thought this would make Batman jealous to have super powered heroes but I should have known better – Batman is a true hero and wants what is best for Gotham City. These heroes could stop things he cannot stop and he knows that. I loved how the Gotham Man is confused when Batman dissapears when talking to Commissioner Gordon. But who are these two heroes and how do they have powers that are almost Kryptonian in nature? I do not like how skinny Finch draws Amanda Waller. She is way too thin in this. But that is my only complaint about this issue.

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Streets of Gotham 15 and 16


Batman: Streets of Gotham #15
Written by Ivan Brandon
Art by Ramon Bachs


This is kinda weird…replacing the back up as the main feature in the middle of an arc. I don’t know why Dini is having trouble getting his scripts in on time but whatever this was good. It was violent and disturbing as a Two-Face story should be and ends with Two-Face getting stabbed brutally by his lackeys and thrown in a river. I doubt he’s actually dead but it sure seems that way.


Batman: Streets of Gotham #16
Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen

Co-Feature by Ivan Brandon
Art by Ramon Bachs

The main story continues “House of Hush” and it is really good. It focuses once again on fleshing out a back story dealing with the Waynes and we get more moments from Bruce and Tommy’s childhood. I have said before and I will say it again that Dini has given Hush more depth then Loeb ever did or could. Zatanna showing up was weird….does Dini have to put her in everything he writes? He writes her well don’t get me wrong though. The Two-Face back up has Harvery being found and taken care of by a priest and has a pretty shocking ending I don’t want to ruin here. Good stuff.

Streets of Gotham 12 and 13


Batman: Streets of Gotham #12
Written by Paul Dini, Dustin Nguyen, and Derke Fridoffs
Art by Nguyen
Co-Feature by Marc Andreyko
Art by Szymon Kudranski


I don’t know why Dini is having such trouble writing this book solo but this is another kinda fill-in – although it is based on a plot by Dini. Luckily, it has Dini’s good writing and style to it as we get to know The Carpenter and are introduced to a new Bat-Villain, The Director. A crazy director who wants to make superhero snuff films. Dini is a genius at creating themed villains I sware! Anyways, he hires the Carpenter to build the perfect set but then plans on killing her when she is done. It’s a neat plot and meanwhile Damian gives a gift to Abuse that Batman won’t be happy about. I liked this. The Manhunter back-up was as good as always as Ramsey arrives at his mom’s place only to find Jane Doe dressed up in a skinsuit that looks like her! The art change from last issue was pretty dramatic. Not that I don’t like Kudranski’s art but it is just a completely different style.


Batman: Streets of Gotham #13
Written by Paul Dini, Dustin Nguyen, and Derke Fridoffs
Art by Nguyen
Co-Feature by Marc Andreyko
Art by Szymon Kudranski


The main story concludes the tales of the Carpenter as she is saved by Batman and all is a happy ending for this new fun character – she even defys Batman by deciding to stay in Gotham after all. It was really good. Hush is also dealt with here as the second plot apparently setting up with the next arc. I wonder what is in store for Tommy Elliot now that Bruce is coming back? The Manhunter back-up wraps up the co-feature as Jane Doe is defeated. The ending has Dick Grayson asking Kate out on a date. I wonder where this will go from here? Will Andreyko write their relationship or what? I don’t know but I will miss Manhunter in this book. Why is she being taken out and replaced?

Detective 833 – 848

Detective Comics #833
Written by Paul Dini

Art by Don Kramer

The first time I read this issue I was pleasently surprised that Loxias turned out to the Joker. On a second read-through, it was fun to see the clues early on. What a great reveal. Dini may have a Zatanna-fetish, but he does know how to tell great Batman stories with her.

Detective Comics #834 Written by Paul Dini
Art by Don Kramer

Dini is probably the greatest Joker writer of the modern era. This issue supports that. The Joker is hilarious and I love the line about the Justice League Picnic. The ending was awesome where Joker stages his final act. And it was nice to see Batman finally forgive Zatanna for mindwiping him.

Detective Comics #835 Written by John Rozum
Art by Tom Mandrake

This is a particularly creepy Scarecrow filler arc from a writer I have never heard of. The art here is fantastic; dark and moody, fitting the story very well. Scarecrow is one sick fuck.

Detective Comics #836 Written by John Rozum
Art by Tom Mandrake

This concludes the two-part Scarecrow story from last issue. Scarecrow is scaring the heck out of Gotham without his fear gas. Hats off to him I guess haha. He does some scary shit here including almost convincing Robin to go to sleep with a bear trap as a pillow. I question why Rozum brought in this love interest, Kay. She served no point in the story and it’s just a filler so it’s not like she will be staying around. Odd.

Detective Comics #837 Written by Paul Dini
Art by Don Kramer

This countdown Tie-in worked really well I think. Anytime we have Dini writing Harley Quinn and the Riddler in one issue it is going to be good. Now that I think of it, have we even seen Harley since Countdown ended?

Detective Comics #838 Written by Paul Dini
Art by Ryan Benjamin

This is Part 3 of the Ressurrection of Ra’s Al Ghul crossover. Eh it was okay. I have never really gotten into Ra’s al Ghul. The only story I really liked with him was Tower of Babel but more for the Justice League then him. So it is really hard for me to care about this story.

Detective Comics #839 Written by Paul Dini
Art by Ryan Benjamin and Don Kramer

This was the conclusion of the Ressurrection of Ra’s al Ghul Crossover and I actually liked it a lot better then the previous issue’s part. Ra’s is not alive inside his son’s body and I did like the moment where they all share a Christmas drink at the end (although I wish Cassandra Cain were included in the family moment)

Detective Comics #840 Written by Paul Dini
Art by Don Kramer

Dini is the master of creating new villains. Many modern writers do not create new villains, they use the old ones (which I have no problem with) or they just use a generic monster or gangster. But Dini know how to create a good old fashioned Batman villain and the Globe – a guy obsessed with maps – just fits right in with the rest. But the Globe isn’t even the main attraction of this issue, Ra’s Al Ghul right after being ressurected is drugged and locked into Arkham by Batman. After all that, Dini put Ra’s right out of action….awesome.

Detective Comics #841 Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen

The things that I love about Dini’s work is how he writes the Bat-villains (and how he utilizes them, for the greatest group of villains in comics, a lot of writers choose not to use them) and he does it again with the Mad Hatter here who although tricked into starting a Wonderland Gang by Tweedledee and Tweedledum, gets his revenge in an awesome way. I miss Kramer’s work on this title, but Nguyen’s artwork isn’t half-bad.

Detective Comics #842 Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen

This was a good filler. This Suit of Sorrows reminded me too much of the black suit from Spider-Man but all in all, it was a nice little story.

Detective Comics #843 Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen

This is another great issue of Dini’s run in which we finally find out the real name of the new Ventriloquist – Peyton Riley. The name sounds familiar but I am not sure where I have heard it before. One does have to wonder how she could make the scarface voice as a female, but I guess that is just suspension of disbelief? Oh and I am not sure how I feel about a Zatanna-Batman romance.

Detective Comics #844 Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen

So I am still not sure if Peyton Riley has appeared before, but her origin story is pretty cool and I hadn’t even noticed that she had been hiding her eye with her hair this whole time. I garuntee you she’s not dead, as she just fell into the ocean and that always means they will be back. I wonder how she will get a hold of Scarface again, considering he’s in the Batcave now.

Detective Comics #845 Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen

I really liked this issue – Catwoman and Batman interacting is always fun – and I especially liked the Detective chat room Batman was in with the Riddler and Detective Chimp. Nice touch, Dini!

Detective Comics #846 Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen

So this is Hush’s return – and I must say Dini’s take on Hush may be even better then Loeb’s. His backstory is explored much better here and Dini seems to be on the road to making him a more developed villain for Batman…..and I like the idea that even a lion could cuddle up with Catwoman lol.

Detective Comics #847 Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen

Yep, I can tell you now that Dini’s Hush story is much better then the original – his back storie are making Hush a more well-rounded and frightening character. The conversation between Catwoman and Zatanna made me smile and I can’t help but get excited for the next issue.

Detective Comics #848 Written by Paul Dini
Art by Dustin Nguyen

Oh my gosh, that was an intense issue. I was so scared for Selina there, thank god she is alive. How she is living without a heart I do not know. Hush is one sick mother fucker….and I wonder how this all connects to Peyton Riley, the Ventriloquist. And why did Selina recognize Hush as someone else before he stabbed her? This is really really good and I hope people are reading this….because this way better then Hush’s debut arc and actually more enjoyable then RIP.

Coming Full Circle

Outsiders (Volume 3) #50
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Matthew Clark and Ron Randall

Well here we come to the final issue of the Outsiders. It looks like Batman has taken complete control of the team now and the series will relaunch as Batman and the Outsiders, which I am very excited for. This issue was great. Much better then anything Winick ever did with this series. It doesn’t feel like a final issue, but it shouldn’t since the relaunch is just around the corner. I don’t know much abotu the Suicide Squad so there appearence here kinda threw me off but I did the research and now they interest me. I can’t wait to see what the new team does. I loved Catwoman’s final line in this issue, totally in-character. I also like the idea that Batman needs a team of heroes pretending to be villains. One thing I didn’t buy was the idea that people recognize Grace as an Amazon just by looking at her. Not realistic but whatever. Great end to a series and can’t wait for the relaunch.