Bludhaven Saviors


Nightwing (Volume 4) #24
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Miguel Mendonca

Nightwing is being hunted by a bunch of villaisn from aroudn the DCU inside a submarine. Now that is a fun idea for a comic book. Time Seeley pulls this off well (except for maybe when he has Dick Grayson refer to himself as the Dickster!) Some of these villains have only been created recently in the comics and not by Tim Seeley, which means Tim is reading all the books or the editors are just that good. Either way, I love it when the DCU comes together nicely. Blockbuster’s motivations for hurting Nightwing is interesting. He wants to be the hero of Bludhaven and sees Nightwing as a Gothamite who doesn’t understand the city. As for the final page, I wonder how Nightwing survives the explosion?

Villainous Relations

Nightwing (Volume 4) #23
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Minkyu Jung

I love how Tim Seeley is making Bludhaven a living breathing city with it’s own characteristics. For example, in this issue there is a sunken whaling ship in the bay that people call an Island because it has been there so long. In this issue, it looks like Nightwing and Defacer’s relationship is breaking down and while I don’t mind her, it will be interested to see her possibly turning back to crime and becoming a foe for Nightwing. The cliffhanger was something I did not see coming and I am excited to see how it plays out next issue and if Blockbuster really double crossed Nightwing.



Blockbuster Rebirth


Nightwing (Volume 4) #22
Written by Tim Seeley
Art by Miguel Mendonca

Blockbuster returns in this issue! Blockbuster was basically the big bad of Bludhaven during the time I started reading comics and I am glad to see him returning again as Tim Seeley wonderfully builds up Bludhaven and Nightwing’s supporting cast again. This is something we haven’t seen since Infinite Crisis when Bludhaven was destroyed for no fucking reason other than that Dan Didio I assume. This issue made me think that maybe Ludendorf in the Wonder Woman film is not taking an early version of venom but maybe whatever Blockbuster takes? They are doing a Nightwing movie down the road, I suppose that is possible. Miguel Mendonca is an amazing artist and I hope he stays around for this book.  I did not see the final page coming.