Flash 10-12

The Flash (Volume 3) #10
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Francis Manapul

Barry sure acts like a prick toward Bart in this issue. I really hope we will get Bart Allen in the post Rebirth DCU and Geoff should write his return. Geoff is doing a poor job of making me like Barry though. And that is really all that happens in this issue other than Patty Spivot showing up and there being another body. Come on why is this so decompressed! And why no Wally West! I love the art though.


JAN110255The Flash (Volume 3) #11
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Scott Kolins

Now this is more like it. Kolins is a good subsitute artist for Manapul and we get to the entire Flash Family this issue (minus Impluse Iris West) and then we get to see the Reverse Flash! I am sure sick of Zoom though. Good issue overall.


FEB110132The Flash (Volume 3) #12

Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Scott Kolins and Francis Manapul

The Reverse Flash kills “Hot Pursuit” the alternate Barry Allen with a cosmic motorcycle. I think the character was more interesting than the main Barry so I hope Geoff or someone brings him back someday. Anyways this all leads into Flashpoint, the epic crossover that sadly lead to the crappy New 52 reboot so this is the final issue. Too bad.


Titans 34-38

Titans (Volume 2) #34
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Fabrizio Fiorentino

Despite hating what happened to Lian Harper and the disgusting way Dan Didio has talked about killing her,  and then what happened to Ryan Choi… this was a good issue and that is due to the creative team telling a strong story. I am actuallu interested in what is to come of Osiris and this creepy guy who takes people’s eyes.


Titans (Volume 2) #35
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Fabrizio Fiorentino and Phillip Tan

Another good issue of this dark series. I hate how Lian and Ryan have died but Eric Wallace sure knows how to write and Fiorentino knows how to draw beautifully. There was a lot of story in this issue. Wallace isn’t writing for the trade and I like that. The ending where Deathstroke has to fight essentially the creatures from the movie “the Descent” was quite creepy. I wonder if Vixen will ever form her new street team of heroes (Which ironically is how she originally joined the League in the 80’s right because Aquaman wanted to remake the team like that). All of the plots in this book are interesting.

Titans (Volume 2) #36
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Fabrizio Fiorentino

This issue wasn’t as good as the last. The art seemed weaker and it ended the arc too easily to me. It was exciting to see the Justice League show up at the end to take Deathstroke to task for the murder of Ryan Choi. Other than that it was only okay. I don’t really care much about Tatooed Man’s arc which is what most of this issue was dedicated to. Deathstroke mentions that Roy and Jericho were once on the same team but…was Jericho and Roy ever on the Titans at the same time? I don’t remember if they were. It seems not but I could be wrong.

Titans (Volume 2) #37
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Travis Moore

This was a return to form as Jericho is resurrected by a device Deathstroke helped Sivana create. Then they offer to bring back the dead relatives of the Titans including Lian Harper! I was screaming yes! But the problem is that it might also give Lian eternal life which is hell I guess but Roy should know that in the DC Universe they will figure out how to fix that. Bring back your toddler who didn’t deserve to die at he hands of Prometheus/Dan Didio! Can’t wait to see how this concludes.

Titans (Volume 2) #38
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Travis Moore

In the final issue the machine that would have ressurected Lian Harper is destroyed which is too bad but I guess Roy is reformed now and has decided to lead the Titans even though Jericho is now it’s only member. Wallace is a really good writer and I hope he landed somewhere else in DC’s line up after this book. What I like the most is that he included a heartfelt funeral for Ryan Choi which showed he respects the character even though I am sure that editorial forced him to kill Ryan. I am glad Ryan returned in DC Rebirth but I wish it was the same Ryan Choi. I hope in the end it will turn out that everyone’s memories had just been erased and that it is the same Ryan without his memories of being the Atom. Long live the real and original DC Universe!



Superman 710-714

Superman #710
Written by Chris Roberson and J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Eddy Barrows and Travel Foreman

There is something about the coloring in this issue that seemed a bit off to me, like everyone was super tan. All I can say about this issue is oh come on! How many first meetings between Bruce and Clark can there be. DC shouldn’t let every writer write a new beginning for their relationship. To make it worse they even say that Bruce Wayne’s family car broke down in Smallville when he was a kid. First of all that is so dumb and second of all why in the fuck would the Wayne family be traveling cross country in a car as if they were dirt poor. And why would Batman refer to Superman’s Dad as “Pa Kent”. It wasn’t his Pa and that is so not Batman-like, that is the author speaking, and out of his ass. In fact everything Batman says here is out of character. Horrible issue.

Superman #711
Written by Chris Roberson and J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Eddy Barrows and Travel Foreman

Superman is drawn to Las Vegas by Jimmy Olsen and finds Livewire attacking him. Eddy Barrows draws Jimm Olsen as a pre-teen in this comic. That being said Roberson really does a good job of mining DC’s continuity by having Iron Munro appear and he even has the electric blue superman suit show up! After last issue’s awfulness this was a return to form and the comic even made a great point about the American dream. And it wasn’t heavy handed. Good issue.

Superman #712
Written by Kurt Busiek
Art by Rick Leonardi

We take from the regular arc for this what would be filler but was actually a quite beautiful story about Krpto watching Infinite Crisis happen and witnessing the death of Superboy during that event. Any animal lover has got to love this issue. I wonder why DC took so long to publish this story.



Superman_Vol_1_713_TextlessSuperman #713
Written by Chris Roberson and J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Eddy Barrows, Diogenes Neves, Oclaire Albert, JP Mayer, Jamal Igle, and Jon Sibal

Dear God why are THERE SO MANY ARTISTS IN THIS ISSUE. I was expecting to hate this issue especially when Superman randomly and without warning tells Superboy and Supergirl he no longer wants to be Superman but his talking to people on the street about what their opinion of Superman was actually heartwarming and not in a fake heavy handed way. And the art was actually pretty consistent for having so many different pencillers.

Superman #714
Written by Chris Roberson and J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Jamal Igle

This was a beautiful ending to what started off as a terrible arc as Superman embraces his role and we flash forward to the future where the “Superman Squad” reflects back on this. As it turns out the shard got plummeted back in time and the essence of Superman is transferred to other heroes including Super-Chief and I believe the first superhero from Final Crisis. That is brilliant! This was a wonderful finale to the first volume of Superman. I look forward to seeing the real Superman – this Superman – returning after DC Rebirth.






Teen Titans 94 – 100

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #94
Written by J.T Krul
Art by Nicola Scott

Damn I love Nicola Scott’s art. This story is very refreshing. We haven’t seen much of the Hindu Gods in the DC Universe and it is fun to explore the Ramayana here. J.T. is really good at the characterization of each Titan and Nicola Scott’s art shows their moods and relationships to each other. This is great!


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #95Teen_Titans_Vol_3_95
Written by J.T Krul
Art by Nicola Scott

Nicola Scott really draws Superboy with some beefcake. I can’t say that I mind. The demons in this issue were creepy especially the one impersonating Ravager. This was another great issue of Teen Titans.



Teen Titans (Volume 3) #96
Written by J.T Krul
Art by Jose Luis

I missed Nicola Scott in this issue but Jose Luis did a good job as a subsitute. Solstice angering Raven is interesting and I wonder why. Looking forward to seeing the team beat Rankor.




Teen Titans (Volume 3) #97Teen_Titans_Vol_3_97
Written by J.T Krul
Art by Nicola Scott

Rankor is defeated mainly by Solstic who officially joins the Teen Titans at the end of this issue. Great to have Nicola Scott back for this fun adventure. I am sad there are only 3 more issues left of the Teen Titans before the New 52.


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #98
Written by J.T Krul
Art by Eduardo Pansica

Kid Flash’s virtual reality session showed in this issue that J.T. Krul had studies the history of these characters. Great use of continuity throughout this issue where Superboy-Prime has gathered together a team of villains with personal connections to the Titans. I don’t understand why Indigo is a member though. Although she was sometimes evil, she did end up dying a hero. I really liked her relationship with Shift back in those days. I wonder if they will explain what she is doing back.The ending was great to see the old Superboy costumes appear brought me back to the Young Justice days. Pansica’s art was great I almost thought it was Nicola Scott doing the drawing. Someone in the letter columns mentions that they think Cassandra Cain should be the new Nightwing! That is a cool idea.


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #99
Written by J.T Krul
Art by Jose Luis

The ending of this book almost seems like something that could fit in this month’s Rebirth. “Legacies last for ever.” The final splash page of Titans past was so exciting! I wonder who this new Inertia is. Indigo is not acting like herself at all. I wish that was being explained. I actually forgot Supergirl was a Titan in the past. She has been thrown in with so many teams since her debut. It is always good to see Miss Martian and Argent.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #100
Written by J.T Krul
Art by Nicola Scott

Nicola Scott draws Argent with a completely different costume than Jose Luis did in the previous issue. Come on editors should catch that stuff. Otherwise this was a superb final issue for this volume of the Teen Titans. I loved every page of it. J.T. Krul should come back to these characters again someday. I am so glad that Rebirth will be restoring the Titans history but it remains to be seen if this part will be restored. It needs to be.



Teen Titans 92 and 93


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #92
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Georges Jeanty

This is the conclusion of the crossover with Red Robin that began here. It was decent I am just so sick of the Calculator as a villain. DC needs to give him a rest. The biggest thing to come out of this issue was Red Robin returning to the Titans with Robin leaving. I did not see that coming actually I figured they would keep Damian on for longer but I have no problem with that. I wonder how this will affect Cassie’s leadership though.


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #93
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Nicola Scott

Now this is more like it! The Titans travel to India to search for Solstice’s missing parents. Solstice is interesting as Krul seems to be setting her up as anti-Raven – a magical character that is bright instead of dark. He also sets up Kid Flash crushing on her – much as his predecessor Wally had a crush on Raven back in the day. I didn’t mind Tim taking over leadership as long as it was something that Cassie wanted. Great stuff. When Krul took over the book was returning to greatness, now I think it has officially returned.

Super Speed


Superman #709
Written by J. Michael Straczynski and Chris Roberson
Art by Eddy Barrows and Allan Goldman


This was a cute little meet up with the Flash that allows Roberson to explore super speed and further the plot about the strange things that have arrived on earth from New Krypton. I enjoyed it. Although the whole thing makes me miss the days when Wally was the default Flash instead of Barry.

The Superboy-Kid Flash Race


Superboy (Volume 4) #5
Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Pier Gallo


Anybody notices Superboy calls Beast Boy Garth instead of Gar? Come on DC Editors! Anyways, the Kid Flash/Superboy race was a lot of fun and it was great to see them being heroes on the way across the globe. The winner was Krypto which was kind of a cop-out (we all know Kid Flash would win) but oh well. Fun issue that managed to further the main plot as well.

Red Robin 19 and 20


Red Robin #19
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Marcus To


Tim fights the Unternet in its own virtual world in this issue (By the way I love his alternate costume) and one of the things he uses is a program representing Cassandra Cain! Nice job of course Tim would think of the greatest of Batgirls to defeat a threat. God I miss Cass being a regular member of the bat family!


Red Robin #20
Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Marcus To

Red Robin fights off Catman and call in the Teen Titans to go after the Calculator – who has robots now. Okay what the hell – I am so sick of the Calculator! Let’s get some other villains he is in Batgirl, Birds of Prey, and now here! Enough with this guy!

A Break Up


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #91
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Nicola Scott


Still loving Krul and Scott on this book but this was the weakest issue yet, I felt like it went by too fast and I was disappointed to see Wonder Girl and Superboy break up. I suppose some drama between them was needed though but if he gets with Lori Luthor over in his own book that would be just wrong.

The Real Flash Is Back! Welcome Back Wally!


The Flash (Volume 3) #9
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Francis Manapul


Well I didn’t see that ending coming! But anyways fuck the two Barry’s – Wally West and the rest of the Flash family is in this issue! Welcome back the real Flash! I hope Johns includes him more then his two lines in this issue in later issues because Johns certainly can write Wally well and he deserves to be one of the stars of this book. As for the mystery – it’s actually really interesting as Elongated Kid is found dead aged and dead (I liked that they made up a new hero here instead of killing off say – Offspring – or something) and Hot Pursuit is revealed to be some kind of alternate Barry Allen. Hmmm?

Superboy 3 and 4


Superboy (Volume 4) #3
Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Pier Gallo

A boy from the future calling himself Psionic Lad shows up at Smallville High causing havoc and asking Superboy for help but the best part of this issue has to be the talk between Connor and Bart: I think a Superboy/Kid Flash race is a great idea.


Superboy (Volume 4) #4
Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Pier Gallo


Spoiler Warning…….I knew Psyonic Lad was too good to be true. I wonder what his real story is? Or perhaps Superboy is the evil dictator of Acropolis in the future? The stuff with Lori Luthor is well…she is related to him I mean that’s gross and I really hope DC doesn’t go there.

The Titans Renaissance


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #90
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Nicola Scott


Yup the Renaissance of Teen Titans is still going strong as the Titans travel to a high school filled with students effected by some guy giving them Meta powers – and the high school gets buried underground and they are all trapped inside. Yes, it is that awesome and pretty much the perfect plot for this book. At this juncture, I could see Krul’s run surpassing even the Johns run. It’s that good and Nicola Scott is also a huge part of that. Great art.

Titans Pariah


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #89
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Nicola Scott


Robin joins the Titans and right from the get-go we can see he is not Tim Drake. He seriously screws up their mission in this issue because of his impulsiveness and not listening to orders even I was pissed at him. And I have started to like Damian too! That being said, I don’t know if Krul has Damian’s voice down just yet. There is something about the way he talks that seems different then usual. I don’t know. I still like the issue and Scott’s art is great and the team is awesome – this is the best this book has been in years!

The Teen Titans Are Back!


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #88
Written by J.T. Krul
Art by Nicola Scott


Wow! I had high hopes for Krul and Scott taking over this book and returning to its former glory. They exceeded my hopes in one issue! I loved every moment of this issue as Krul demonstrated with each and every character that he understands them and at the same times introduced new storylines in their lives. From Superboy and Wonder Girl’s relationship to Beast Boy and Raven’s to Ravager’s search for her mother to Kid Flash’s retention of things learned in the future I can’t wait to read more issue of this book. Scott’s art is beautiful to look at and she knows how to tell a story perfectly. The Teen Titans are back! Heck I am even excited to see Damian on the team! Not only does Krul start a new exciting run, he doesn’t ignore Henderson’s run either and even tells us that Aquagirl and Bombshell are alive and well. Fantastic start for this new creative team!

Lost At Sea


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #87
Written by Felecia D. Henderson
Art by Jose Luis
Co-Feature by Rex Ogle
Art by Ted Naifeh


Felecia D. Henderson ends her run on the book as the team defeats the Wyld and is left significantly smaller in the wake of Aquagirl and Bombshell being lost at sea (I liked them both and I am sad to see them gone from the team), Static left powerless and returning to Dakota, and Miss Martian in recovery. I was worried that Dc was going to kill them off so I am glad to see them all being given better reasons to leave the team then death. Miss Martian and Aquagirl both play a role in Brightest Day so we know they will be okay. As much flack as Henderson gets for her run, she vastly improved during her year on this book and you got to give her credit for that. I look forward to see what her Static ongoing will be like. The coven of three back-up ended with a team actually forming, but the three of them secretly very angry with each other or being liars. At least that wasn’t what I was expecting. I hope to see more about this coven in the future.

Thought Bubbles


Teen Titans (Volume 3) #86
Written by Felecia D. Henderson
Art by Jose Luis
Co-Feature by Rex Ogle
Art by Ted Naifeh

More awkward dialogue from Henderson here but she has certainly improved a lot. It is nice to see the use of though bubbles in a comic too. I have no idea what is going on with Dr. Barnes but I am intriqued and I am hoping that Bombshell and Aquagirl will be okay.  The back-up was still good as the trio ends up in hell. I liked the mention of Kid Devil…it seems like the Titans have forgotten they recently lost a dear friend and member of the team but Zachary Zatara certainly hasn’t. Although I wonder what he meant about Eddie’s soul.

Mind Space


Action Comics #892
Written by Paul Cornell
Art by Pete Woods
Co-Feature by Jeff Lemire
Art by Pier Gallo


Lex discovers the spot where the black rings dissapated I take it and it is able to mess with minds. This is deep stuff involving quantum physics and the mind as part of the space-time continuum. Not what I expected when I heard this book would star Lex Luthor but I like it! Cornell has proven to me this will be a good run! Deathstroke is overused and now even has a book he stars in so I think his inclusion here was completely unnecessary but what can you do. The Superboy Co-Feature which is really just a preview of the upcoming Superboy book was interesting to say the least. Why is Raven half-naked throughout it?