Barry Allen 1 – 18


The Flash (Volume 5) #1
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Carmine Di Giandomenico

I liked that this issue acted as a true #1 and introduced new readers to The Flash’s origin and everything and starts to fill out his supporting cast but I am not a huge fan of the art. I mean it is not bad but I am not sure it is right for a Flash comic. Also, I am unsure of what Barry and Iris’s relationship is now. Does she know he is the Flash? Why does Kid Flash not know Barry is the Flash? I guess I will find out. It also looks like the lightning has struck Barry’s friend August and gave him powers of some sort.


The Flash (Volume 5) #2
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Carmine Di Giandomenico

In this issue, Barry trains Detective August Heart about his new speed force powers. He suspects he missed having Wally West (The original and real Flash) around and maybe the Speed Force chose August to be his partner. Meanwhile, the Black Hole is a gang of people working for Dr. Carver and causing Havoc for Barry and August. I am confused why young Wally (Can they just change his name?) says he is not a hero. Didn’t he debut as Kid Flash pre-Rebirth? Also, didn’t the lightning strike Barry after he had a bunch of chemicals on him. I didn’t think lightning alone gave him his powers? At the end of this issue, it looks like the lightning struck a whole bunch more people. This is getting interesting but I am still not a huge fan of the art.

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The Life And Times Of Captain Boomerang


The Flash (Volume 3) #7
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Scott Kolins

Captain Boomerang reflects on his life as he frees the Reverse-Flash from prison. This was by far the best issue of this book to date…probably because it focuses on the Rogues instead of boring old Barry Allen. Boomerang’s entire history is dealt with, even stuff I didn’t know about like his childhood, but meeting his son is curiously left out. Perhaps Johns just didn’t want to deal with it. Seems odd. But anyways, this was definitely a great issue and it makes me look forward to Wally caming back in the next arc.



The Flash (Volume 3) #6
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Francis Manapul

The opening arc of Barry Allen’s return to the Flash comes to the end with this issue as the Big villain turns out to the the future version of the Top and it’s a decent ending. I just expected bigger…and the something is wrong with time thing just kind of annoyed me. I hope Flashpoint doesn’t fuck with continuity again. I want to see Wally West soon!

The Breaking Of The Mirror


The Flash (Volume 3) #5
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Francis Manapul


Okay this was a good issue…finally something happens as the Mirror breaks, the Flash may have been betrayed by The Top from the future (which I didn’t see coming at all) and it looks like Iris is in trouble or something…I am not sure. But am I the only one who thinks it would be cool if Iris ended up becoming Barry’s greatest enemy as The Top says will supposedly happen?? It would certainly make Barry Allen a more interesting character (Because he isn’t interesting at all). But still waiting for Wally here.

Looking Glass


The Flash (Volume 3) #4
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Francis Manapul


We find out the truth in this issue about why the Renegades are after the Flash and it actually makes sense why he would kill Mirror Monarch. That was cool but otherwise I am still bored with the character of Barry Allen and the art seemed rushed and muddled in this issue. I am curious to see more of these Mirror Lords though.



The Flash (Volume 3) #3
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Francis Manapul and Scott Kollins


Wow this was rather uninteresting for a comic that is supposed to be about speed I feel like this arc is going very slow. We just get more Flash versus the Renegades from the future still blaming him for the murder of Mirror Monarch. Still no Wally or Bart or Jay and we see that Captain Boomerang is able to manifest Boomerangs due to once being a black lantern. Yawn.

Back-Tracking The Flash


The Flash (Volume 3) #1
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Francis Manapul


Well…that was…underwealming. Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed this…the debut of the new Flash series (The third relaunch of the Flash since I launched this blog) starring boring old Barry Allen. Wally West will always be the Flash to me but I at least like seeing Barry to react how things have changed since his death and the relationship with Iris. Manapul’s art really worked for Smallville in Adventure Comics but I wish he would go back to his Legion-style art work instead of the water colors for this book. The water colors just don’t work for Central City. I really wanted to see Wally in this book, and I think that is why I felt completely underwhelmed. I like the fleshing out of Barry’s supporting cast at the lab and all that but I want Wally and Linda and the kids and Bart and all of them. The idea of the rogues from the future also doesn’t really interest me but we will see where it goes. I don’t know maybe I am still bitter about Barry coming back but I just could not get excited about this.