She’s Back In The Family!


Batman and the Outsiders (Volume 2) #13
Written by Frank Tieri
Art by Fernando Dagnino

The Outsiders don’t actually appear in this issue (having disbanded last issue) and neither does Batman (having dissapeared after R.I.P) but damnit I am happy, I got a Batgirl issue! Cassandra is being her usual bad ass self kicking ass and taking names! Alfred referring to her as part of the family made me soooo happy, as she really has been ignored as a member of the bat family ever since fucking Loeb didn’t include her in Hush. (Fuck you, Loeb) and especially since Beechen turned her evil for a bit. I hope Nightwing and Batgirl don’t actually fight next issue as that would just be stupid, I have seen enough of that shit for a lifetime. I hope they work out their differences as Alfred suggested. It is cool to check in on Gotham’s underworld of crime and to see all of the villains again. Tieri needs to write a Batgirl ongoing because I really like how he characterizes her. He gets her a lot more then Beechen does (Beechen doesn’t get her at all). But DC, she doesn’t need to be in her own book, but she does need to be a member of the Bat family and to be a constant guest star in Batman and Detective Comics because ignoring her is stupid. She is a great character. It looks like from the solicitations she will be leaving this book, so she better be showing up in Battle for the Cowl so I can get my Batgirl-Fix. Oh and kudos to Tieri for featuring the Spoiler in this as well. And Dagnino’s art was superb.

BATO 8 – 11

Batman and the Outsiders (Volume 2) #8
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Julian Lopez

God I love this series….Lopez’s art is just plain gorgeous in this issue and I am actually really liking Remac….not the stupid annoying guy that controls him, but he is a cool looking hero himself.

Batman and the Outsiders (Volume 2) #9
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Julian Lopez

Julian Lopez’s work is extremely underrated. This is some great work. I especially liked the detail put into Looker’s mansion…and I am not even an art person. Anyways, it was fun to see Looker again, she is a lot less annoying then when she was with the Outsiders.

Batman and the Outsiders (Volume 2) #10
Written by Chuck Dixon
Art by Ryan Benjamin

Sadly this is Dixon’s last issue on this series and he doesn’t even get to finish off his whole arc with the thing on the moon. The idea of a parasite that gives metahuman powers is an interesting one. The opening page was particularly terrifying for an opening page….but I miss having Lopez on this title. I look forward to seeing how the crossover with Batman RIP goes.

Batman and the Outsiders (Volume 2) #11
Written by Frank Tieri
Art by Ryan Benjamin

Well I am happy to say that this wasn’t a bad issue. I liked how all the villains ar Arkham are singing “Ding Dong the Witch is dead” because Batman is missing haha. I also like how out of all the RIP tie-ins, this one was the most tied in…even referencing more events then just the Black Glove’s existence. I just wish the other Outsiders would stop picking on Batgirl….cause they SHOULD listen to her she is Cassandra Cain and she is kick-ass.