Superman 710-714

Superman #710
Written by Chris Roberson and J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Eddy Barrows and Travel Foreman

There is something about the coloring in this issue that seemed a bit off to me, like everyone was super tan. All I can say about this issue is oh come on! How many first meetings between Bruce and Clark can there be. DC shouldn’t let every writer write a new beginning for their relationship. To make it worse they even say that Bruce Wayne’s family car broke down in Smallville when he was a kid. First of all that is so dumb and second of all why in the fuck would the Wayne family be traveling cross country in a car as if they were dirt poor. And why would Batman refer to Superman’s Dad as “Pa Kent”. It wasn’t his Pa and that is so not Batman-like, that is the author speaking, and out of his ass. In fact everything Batman says here is out of character. Horrible issue.

Superman #711
Written by Chris Roberson and J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Eddy Barrows and Travel Foreman

Superman is drawn to Las Vegas by Jimmy Olsen and finds Livewire attacking him. Eddy Barrows draws Jimm Olsen as a pre-teen in this comic. That being said Roberson really does a good job of mining DC’s continuity by having Iron Munro appear and he even has the electric blue superman suit show up! After last issue’s awfulness this was a return to form and the comic even made a great point about the American dream. And it wasn’t heavy handed. Good issue.

Superman #712
Written by Kurt Busiek
Art by Rick Leonardi

We take from the regular arc for this what would be filler but was actually a quite beautiful story about Krpto watching Infinite Crisis happen and witnessing the death of Superboy during that event. Any animal lover has got to love this issue. I wonder why DC took so long to publish this story.



Superman_Vol_1_713_TextlessSuperman #713
Written by Chris Roberson and J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Eddy Barrows, Diogenes Neves, Oclaire Albert, JP Mayer, Jamal Igle, and Jon Sibal

Dear God why are THERE SO MANY ARTISTS IN THIS ISSUE. I was expecting to hate this issue especially when Superman randomly and without warning tells Superboy and Supergirl he no longer wants to be Superman but his talking to people on the street about what their opinion of Superman was actually heartwarming and not in a fake heavy handed way. And the art was actually pretty consistent for having so many different pencillers.

Superman #714
Written by Chris Roberson and J. Michael Straczynski
Art by Jamal Igle

This was a beautiful ending to what started off as a terrible arc as Superman embraces his role and we flash forward to the future where the “Superman Squad” reflects back on this. As it turns out the shard got plummeted back in time and the essence of Superman is transferred to other heroes including Super-Chief and I believe the first superhero from Final Crisis. That is brilliant! This was a wonderful finale to the first volume of Superman. I look forward to seeing the real Superman – this Superman – returning after DC Rebirth.






The Epic Continues


Justice Society of America #41
Written by James Robinson
Art by Mark Bagley


This is part 2 of the JLA/JSA crossover that began here. Part 2 of this epic was just as awesome as the first. Once again Robinson utilizes the DC Universe to the fullest by bringing in obscure characters and such who would have been effected by the starheart. This is a lot of fun and I am having a blast reading it. Bagley’s art is gorgous, it is definitely the best work he has done at DC. I liked how Robinson even had the all-stars appeared because it was beginning to look like the main group never checked up on the all-star group. And the little tidbits such as a meta-ranking scale Mr. Terrific refers to called the “Hoshi scale”. Probably named after Doctor Light. Brilliant. The only thing I thought was strange was the flirtation between Lightning and Mr. America. Isn’t Lightning underage? Weird. It was also great to see Miss Martian and I loved how scary she was in her white Martain form. I can’t wait for the next part!

I Want To Hate This Book


Batgirl (Volume 3) #4
Written by Bryan Q. Miller
Art by Tim Levins and Lee Garbett


I want so much to hate this book! Especially after watching Kyle Rayner died over in Green Lantern Corps, I really want this book to be awful because I love Cassandra Cain so much. Unfortunately, this book is a lot of fun. Stephanie is making for an interesting Batgirl. Can we at least see Cassandra though? Is Babs aware of where she is? Steph’s new costume is cool and make me miss Cassandra less now that we aren’t seeing Cassie’s Batgirl costume on the page.  So this is series is easier to read and less of a reminder that DC continues to disrespect my favorite comic book character. Barbara and Steph’s relationship is a lot of fun and Steph has great one-liners. I have to say that this issue was a definite success. I am not sure that putting Steph against Livewire was such a good idea. Could they not have had a Gotham villain to face? I am glad that I am enjoying this, don’t get me wrong, I know that I would enjoy it more if it was about Cassandra Cain or at least mentioned her.

Robinson Understands His Playground


Superman #689
Written by James Robinson
Art by Renato Guedes

Mon-El spends this issue traveling the globe and meeting up with heroes and villains from all different countries. Each of these tales could have had their own issue or two but something about him summarizing it made everything a lot more exciting and less decompressed in the way most comics are. Robinson really takes advantage of writing in the DC Universe in a way that most writers don’t. That is what makes him one of the best writers that DC has right now. He utilizes his playground to the max. It was a lot of fun to see the different heroes internationally (some old and some new) and to cap it off, it looks like Steel is in trouble. Sam Lane is such a douchebag for wanting to kill Steel.

Flash 231 – 246


The Flash (Volume 2) #231
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Daniel Acuna

And it begins….Wally West returns as the Flash with his two kids as sidekicks. Now I am not an expert on genetics by any means…but I am pretty sure that if Wally and Linda had children, BOTH would have dark hair and both would have aspects of Linda’s Asian descent and Wally’s Caucasian descent in their faces. Instead we have Jai looking completely Asian and Iris looking completely Caucasian and Iris has red hair. Makes no sense, but whatever it’s not that important I guess. I like Acuna’s art despite other people’s complaints and I did like this issue. I wish that in their little retrospective they didn’t ignore Bart who DID work out of Keystone for a bit before moving to L.A.


The Flash (Volume 2) #232
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Daniel Acuna

So the Flash manages to freeze all of Keystones in order to fight an incoming invasion of….Vagina Monsters?! Haha well that’s what it looks like sorry. Acuna’s art was still good but I don’t know how I feel about the colorist this issue, everything was a little bland. As for the story, the monsters seems kind’ve interesting but I wish this issue focused more on Wally then his kids as they take up about half the issue.


The Flash (Volume 2) #233
Written by Mark Waid and John Rogers
Art by Freddie E. Williams II and Doug Braithwaite

This was by far the best issue since Wally returned. We get more Flash then his kids and we get an excellent back up starring Jay Garrick. The Justice League also guest stars. I love Wally’s response to Batman telling him how to raise his kids, noting that Batman has gone through four Robins. I am glad Waid hasn’t forgotten Stephanie. I actually think I liked the back up better with the Planet Salvoth, I love how they look like dogs and the art was fantastic with Braithwaite. I miss Acuna’s art but Williams wasn’t too bad this issue.


The Flash (Volume 2) #234
Written by Mark Waid and John Rogers
Art by Freddie E. Williams II and Doug Braithwaite

The back-up story continues to be good and the main story is really picking up in this series. I find the kids a little annoying still but oh well it was still good. I have to wonder how these kids, if they aged instantly, make pop-culture quips and know how to even talk. Were they put in a virtual environment like Bart Allen was? I don’t know and I suppose it will never be explained. I also question why Wally would go after the vagina monsters (yes I am just going to keep calling them that), when they seem to have left. If they don’t pose a threat anymore, why be so aggressive?


The Flash (Volume 2) #235
Written by Mark Waid and John Rogers
Art by Freddie E. Williams II and Doug Braithwaite

The back up story connects to the main story here as we learn the Vagina Monsters are actually the Swamp Invaders from Planet Sorvath. In the main story, we get a nice scene where Wally talks to Jai about the fact that he may age till death quickly. (All of this remind me of the movie, Jack, with Robin Williams) and the Justice League acting kinda jerky toward Wally but otherwise the back up story is what has made this  good.


The Flash (Volume 2) #236
Written by Mark Waid and John Rogers
Art by Freddie E. Williams II and Doug Braithwaite

This concludes the opening arc in a very satisfactory way. While a lot of people were underwhelmed by this, I thought it was really good. I especially loved the back up story’s conclusion, and the final line where he says “I did not know ‘The Flash’. I knew Jay, Barry, Bart, and Wally. Waid and Rogers really get the humanity behind the character of the Flash and they show it here, especially in Linda’s speech to the council. Good stuff.


The Flash (Volume 2) #237
Written by Keith Chamagne
Art by Koi Turnbull

This fill-in issue was pretty decent. At least the writing was, the art was pretty awful. Look at that security guard guy, why is he so big! Who looks like that! Basically the kids fight Livewire while on a scavenger hunt in Metropolis, while the Flash goes to interviews. I like that Wally has to deal with things like interviews while being a superhero, it makes the character so human and down-to-earth. Chamagne is almost always a good writer, he needs to be given a regular book.


The Flash (Volume 2) #238
Written by Tom Peyer
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

Tom Peyer begins his run on The Flash by introducing a new villain with one of the best concepts for a villain I have seen in a long time. Spin apparently plays on society’s fears and makes it a reality, like how the news plays on the fears of society. Very interesting stuff and a nice commentary on the state of modern tv news. I liked this a lot and I look forward to Peyer’s run on the series.


The Flash (Volume 2) #239
Written by Tom Peyer
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

So it looks like Gorilla Grodd is behind the new villain, Spin. This was a good issue and I like Wally’s new job. Pretty cool. Peyer doesn’t write Jai and Iris to be quite as annoying as Waid did, but I still can’t really warm up to them. I wouldn’t be stressed if the people of Keystone turned against the Flash after the whole robbery thing even without Spin’s influence. People are easily manipulated.



The Flash (Volume 2) #240
Written by Tom Peyer
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

Spin turns Keystone City into a living newscast in this issue. This is a really creative plot and I recommend people check it out. Peyer is definitely a good writer. The kids are kidnapped by the Dark Side Club, tying into Final Crisis. And it looks like Iris has aged to an adult. Grodd is one pissed off gorilla.


The Flash (Volume 2) #241
Written by Tom Peyer
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

While it didn’t seem like it, a lot did happen this issue. Spin reveals his origin, and Grodd and the Dark Side Club are defeated. Iris is not aged (yet Williams draws her face as being exactly the same, because he can’t really draw that many faces.) To top it off, Wally has to save Inertia from the burning Flash Museum. I almost forgot Wally put him there, what a perfect punishment that was.



The Flash (Volume 2) #242
Written by Tom Peyer
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

Wow, did that just happen? Did Iris just age and die? They were so close to saving her? Something tells me there is still hope. Her aging would be so much better if Williams knew how to draw different ages, she basically looks the same the whole issue but is talking as if she is aging more and more. It really distracted from the story. Williams does draw a cute Nzame though. I will give him that. The whole Edwar Martinez thing was really sad, and the murder plague is creepy. Good stuff.


The Flash (Volume 2) #243
Written by Tom Peyer
Art by Freddie E. Williams II

In this excellent conclusion to Peyer’s story arc, Iris and Jai are finally cured after Wally removes the black aspect of the speed force from them? Ya it’s kind’ve a weird way of saving them, but it works. I was hoping there powers would be gone so they wouldn’t were those hideous costumes anymore but they are still there. Peyer’s arc was really good and I hope he comes and does more stuff for DC in the future.


The Flash (Volume 2) #244
Written by Alan Burnett
Art by Paco Diaz

I am not sure how I feel about this issue. It makes me sad that this arc is just depowering Wally so that Barry can come back and be the best Flash or some shit like that. Fuck you Didio and you’re let’s revert the DCU to 1984 attitude. Anyways, at least he can hit the speed of sound, which I believe is what Jay can do. The art and writing is good though. I am glad that Williams is gone, I was so sick of his art.


The Flash (Volume 2) #245
Written by Alan Burnett
Art by Carlo Barberi

Okay If Linda is dead I am going to be really fucking pissed off. I doubt it but if she is that is so ridiculous. I am not one that freaks out every time they kill someone in a comic, but Linda’s death would so unnecessary. I am not sure what Black Lightning was talking about in the end with the spy thing. I did really enjoy the flashbacks to Wally’s time with the Titans though.


The Flash (Volume 2) #246
Written by Alan Burnett
Art by Carlo Barberi

Okay like I said if she is actually dead I am going to really fucking pissed and she didn’t get any better this issue. In fact, the Spectre even says she is going to die. I am hoping Wally will figure out a cure soon. Death by bee stings, I mean come on! Besides this, Burnett clearly knows his Wally West history as there are lots of flashbacks to his relationship with Linda and his time as the Flash. Good retrospective but I am worried about Linda.

Teen Titans 50 – 63

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #50 Written by Sean McKeever, Geoff Johns, Marv Wolfman, and Todd DeZago Art by Randy, Mike McKone, George Perez, and Todd Nauck

This was a fantastic anniversary issue and a real treat to any fans of the Titans. We look back at different era of the titans history as well as reminisce on the life of Bart Allen, all along setting up the new arc and the return of the Titans of Tommorrow…John’s best arc on this book. So I am glad they are coming back. McKeever’s run has started off with a bang! Don’t you just love that cover!

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #51
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Ale Garza

Not sure what to think of this…it’s not bad and I like the hints to the future of the Teen Titans…and the idea that Bart and Connor will be alive in the future. But I think the art makes it less enjoyable….I really miss McKone and Tony Daniel’s work on this title.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #52
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Jamal Igle

Awesome ending spread there…it is fun to see these glimpses of possible future titans. This is actually the second time I have read this arc and I must say it reads much better this time around. Not to mention Igle’s art is fantastic this issue.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #53
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

The Titans Army is pretty bad ass….I love that Cassandra Cain is the Batwoman of the future and that Misfit is Huntress (and still yelling Dark Vengeance!) but the coloring was quite off on her hair, along with Aquawoman’s. Anyways, there have been way too many artists on this one arc.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #54
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows, Joe Prado, and Greg Tocchini

Okay who else is really looking forward to a Miss Martian/Robin romance. Much better then Wonder Girl and Robin which seems kindve incestuous to me and it would parallel the relationship between Starfire and Nightwing. Anyways, this was a nice ending to this issue. I like that Blue Beetle, Supergirl, and the Ravager are the ones who will one day oppose the Titans Army. I have to say this arc was not as good as John’s Titans of Tomorrow arc….but it was still well-written and fun.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #55

Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Jamal Igle

I liked this in-between story. Robin and Wonder Girl end their romance….thank God. And Supergirl leaves the team, sad because I was actually liking her on the team. Poor Kid Devil is treated like crap throughout this issue…even by Robin. I wish Ingle was the regular artist on this title.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #56
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

Okay I don’t know why Robin and everyone are being so mean to Kid Devil…it seems kinda out of character. I am intrigued by the Terror Titans and this issue had a lot of funny moments, especailly when Kid Devil throws the party at the tower. McKeever’s run on this title is seriously underrated.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #57
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

I like that Ravager is worried about Kid Devil….but Wonder Girl really comes off as a bitch in this issue. I mean she has a right to not completely trust Rose but come on. The ending was pretty crazy….I am not sure what happened to the tower.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #58
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Carlos Rodriguez

I really liked the art this issue but why the hell can’t Eddy Barrows stay for more then a couple issues! This story was great because it features mostly Miss Martian who really deserves more attention as she is a great character. She has the battling her dark side aspect of Raven and the naivety of Starfire that makes her the perfect fit for the Titans. Good issue.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #59
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

Clock King is pretty scary and the Dark Side Club is just as so. This issue was good but I feel this arc is a little long altogether. I think Barrows’s art reached an all-time high with this issue. Very nice stuff.
Teen Titans (Volume 3) #60
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

Looks like Ravager is leaving the team…no thanks to Wonder Girl’s bitchiness….although the more I think about it the more I realize I would be hesitant about having a known killer on the team as well. This Terror Titans arc was good and it’s always fun to see new villains introduced for the Titans but it ran a little long.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #61
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Carlos Rodriguez

This was a sweet issue highlighting the relationship between Blue Beetle and welll….Red Devil. Kid Devil switches his name to Red Devil in this issue. I am not sure that I like the name…Kid Devil just flows better but I can deal with it. I like the bond formed between the two reluctant team mates. Good stuff.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #57
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows

Okay that was just fucking incredibly disturbing!!! I expected a sweet story about a cute god instead I got that before he transformed and slaughtered Wendy and Marvin. Not going to lie, I was pissed after reading this the first time. Miss Martian leaves the team and Wendy and Marvin who have been totally underused are now killed. What the hell right?! This seems like a Dan Didio idea to me. But on the second read-through, it’s actually pretty good and I am hoping McKeever has a good reason for killing off Wendy and Marvin, if they are in fact dead.

Teen Titans (Volume 3) #63
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Eddy Barrows
and Allan Goldman

This issue was very decompressed…I don’t feel like much happened accept Bombshell fought the military and the Teen Titans and Wonder Girl has a headache. What the hell! I am glad to see that Wendy is alive, I wish I could say the same for Marvin though. I have the feeling they are setting Wendy up to become a metahuman/hero. I am not sure. Miss Martian is on the cover for some reason despite not being o nthe team anymore.

Birds of Prey 110 – 122

Birds of Prey #110
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Nicola Scott

It really doesn’t feel like Simone has left this title as Bedard continues the great writing that she did on this title. I liked Oracle’s references to past Birds “try-outs” and who knew that Black Orchid could even be used in the regular DCU anymore with the unfortunate Vertigo embargo. Oh and by the way, in case you didn’t notice, this issue shows how much The Huntress kicks ass.

Birds of Prey #111
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Jason Orfalas

These are some good Done-in-one issues that Bedard is writing. This issue has Oracle attending a nerd convention where she runs into the Calculator. I like how he still thinks she isn’t Oracle and believes now that all the nerds worked together to be Oracle. Oh….that’s classic.

Birds of Prey #112
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by David Cole

This was a fun story spotlighting Lady Blackhawk, who goes on a cross country road trip just to put up a picture of Big Barda in a memorial for “fallen heroes” at the Edwards Air Force Base. Very sweet and fun.

Birds of Prey #113
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Nicola Scott

Wow, that was a big disaster. Was it completely Misfit’s fault or did I miss something? McKeever’s run begins with a literal bang….but a distrubing one at that. Superman is understandably upset.

Birds of Prey #114
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Nicola Scott

I don’t know how I feel about Oracle being such a bitch to Misfit, I mean sure Misfit screwed up and she is Misfit’s guardian, but what makes Black Alice a better choice for the Birds over Misfit?

Birds of Prey #115
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Nicola Scott

So if Black Alice can steal Misfit’s powers, that means that Misfit’s powers have to be magic-based, correct? I like the whole Killer Shark thing….but in this one I am more angry at Misfit then Barbara. She should have let them get stuff done instead of starting a catfight.

Birds of Prey #116
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Nicola Scott

Yay for Platinum Flats! One of my favorite things about the DCU, if not THE favorite thing, is the fictional cities. Platinum Flats looks really awesome, it really is a city for the 21st century and not just another New York stand in. The Killer Shark was fun too. And I am glad that Barbara changed her mind about Black Alice.

Birds of Prey #117
Written by Sean McKeever
Art by Nicola Scott

Yay! The Birds are moving to Platinum Flats! The Metahuman Mafia was really cool and it should be fun to see the Birds face off against them again. I did not see the whole Tabby thing coming at the end either.

Birds of Prey #118
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Nicola Scott

Okay Granny Goodness’s death was quite disgusting….ewww. Anyways, Bedard begins his run as permanent writer this issue which is exciting cause I so liked his fill-in run before McKeever came on. I don’t know how I feel about Black Alice and Misfit being related though, seems kinda forced.

Birds of Prey #119
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Nicola Scott

I like how Oracle’s company is Clocktower Systems….and nod to the old Gotham Clock Tower she used to work out of. Platinum Flats is a reall cool locale and I can’t wait to see it develop. I really could care less about seeing Black Canary and Manhunter fight though.

Birds of Prey #120
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Michael O’Hare

Haha I did not expect to see the Joker at the end of this. I wonder about Infinity though, who is she? There are so many great female characters to be used in the DCU, why create a new one? And will she stay a member of the team? The new artist wasn’t half-bad either. The whole Oracle spying on Black Canary thing kinda bugs me though.

Birds of Prey #121
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Michael O’Hare

Okay…well…the whole outcast in high school thing has been done way too many times (plus who’s high school is actually like that) but somehow the idea that the geeks are the popular ones in Platinum Flats is a fresh take. The Joker’s appearence hear is hilarious, especially when he shoots the annoying Wizkid in the head. I am kind of sick of Black Alice though.

Birds of Prey #122
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Michael O’Hare

That was an intense ending if not a little creepy. This was a good issue. Birds of Prey is definitely as fun as a read under Bedard as it was under Simone, if not more so cause we have Platinum Flats now!

Supergirl 21 – 33

Supergirl (Volume 5) #21
Written by Tony Bedard

Art by Renato Guedes

This filler arc tying in with Countdown and Amazons Attack continues here and despite tying into horrible storylines, this was pretty good and it was cool to see Supergirl react to seeing alternate versions of the Karate Kid and Triplicate Girl that she knows. The artists don’t seem to get here though is that the original Karate Kid is white, but the threeboot Karate Kid is Asian.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #22
Written by Tony Bedard

Art by Renato Guedes

This was a decent issue where Supergirl finishes the fight with generic bio-engineered monster and then joins the Teen Titans officially. I like that she remembers her time with the Legion now.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #23
Written by Kelly Puckett

Art by Drew Johnson

Former Batgirl writer Puckett begins his run here and I must say I liked his run on Batgirl a lot better so far. But Supergirl’s reaction to Batman’s testing of her made me smile. I just didn’t understand this issue. What happened? Was the whole thing a dream? I find it distracting that so much of it is without dialogue, that worked on Batgirl because she couldn’t talk at first….but that doesn’t work here. I want some thought balloons at least or something jeez.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #24
Written by Kelly Puckett

Art by Drew Johnson

So Superman and Supergirl look into the past to see the moment where Supergirl leaves Krypton before its destruction. I like that because of how slowly light travels, one can still see past events on Krypton with telescopic vision. I am surprised no one thought of that. But I really am not into Krypton stories….at all.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #25
Written by Kelly Puckett

Art by Drew Johnson

This issue was kinda funny. Puckett wrote some good dialogue between Supergirl and Reactron. I especially liked “Was that a nuke, did he just nuke me?!”

Supergirl (Volume 5) #26
Written by Kelly Puckett

Art by Drew Johnson

I feel that Puckett really shined this issue. I liked the dialogue between Supergirl and reactron and the ending could lead to some good story-telling. I wonder why Supergirl would promise a kid she would cure his cancer? I have to say though, I would like Kara so much better if she did wear that rudiculous whore costume. Come on…let’s bring back the classic Supergirl costume already!

Supergirl (Volume 5) #27
Written by Kelly Puckett

Art by Rick Leonardi

This issue Supergirl is thrown into the future where apparently her saving the boy from cancer has effected humanity and now they want to kill her Terminator-style. It’s pretty good, nothing to write home about. I wasn’t really fond of the art.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #28
Written by Kelly Puckett

Art by Drew Johnson

Strange enough, my only previous experience with Ressurection Man was when he crossed over with the former Supergirl series with Linda Danvers (Gosh she was a great character). I think he is an awesome concept for a Superhero and should be used more often in the DCU. I don’t know whether or not Supergirl will be able to cure the boy’s cancer, but I like Wonder Woman trying to teach Supergirl a lesson with that purple ray. This is some strong writing from Puckett.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #29
Written by Kelly Puckett

Art by Drew Johnson

Wow…..that was a depressing ending. Is the boy really dead? So all of that effort was for nothing? Sad but at least realistic. Puckett is doing some good work on this series and I think he could make a great long time run on this series but sadly he is being replaced soon. Although I am not too sad since Sterling Gates seems like a promising writer for this series.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #30
Written by Will Pfieffer

Art by Ron Randall

This filler issue tied in so perfectly with what is going on in the series that it did not seem like filler at all. Kara speaks to Jor-El about what her places is and he basically says Krypton lives through her. Which makes a lot of sense since she is really the only one who remembers Krypton. This was really good and for some reason, Randall’s art was a lot better here then the work he did previously on this series.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #31
Written by Kelly Puckett

Art by Brad Walker

This was an emotional issue. Supergirl tries to use Ressurection Man’s blood to revive the dead boy….but it doesn’t seem to work. I feel really bad for his mother, who was given false hope by Supergirl.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #32
Written by Kelly Puckett

Art by Ron Randall

Well, it looks like the cancer boy story comes to a close with this issue. It ends rather sadly, but realistically as I had hoped. Supergirl has learned the lessons of mortality and messing with time and there is no great ressurection of the boy.

Supergirl (Volume 5) #33
Written by James Peatty

Art by Ron Randall

I liked how this filler issue connected with Kelly Pickett’s run, but I was a little confused as to how Supergirl and Empress know eachother. Maybe Empress visited the Tower when Kara was with the Titans? I do not know but for some reason it bothered me. Minor annoyance. The art was fantastic and the story was pretty good. I wouldn’t go out of my way to pick this up though. The next issue should be fantastic as Sterling Gates begins his run on this title.

Superman Batman 40 – 48

Superman/Batman #40
Written by Alan Burnett
Art by Dustin Nguyen

Uh oh Batman is getting horny! This arc seems to be playing up the whole New Gods as actual Gods thing that Morrison has introduced. I like it a lot and Bekka definitely has an effect on Batman’s desire here. Nguyen was the artist on JLA when I first got into comics so I get a feeling of comfort from it. It’s not amazing art, but I like it. Check out the rack on Bekka though hehe, I don’t blame Batman for desiring her. If I was straight, I might do the same.

Superman/Batman #41
Written by Alan Burnett
Art by Dustin Nguyen

Superman’s little dream sequence in this issue was hilarious. I loved all the cameos and the appearance of the guy from the cover of Action Comics #1. I think, if I am not mistaken, that we ever see the inside of the Source Wall.

Superman/Batman #42
Written by Alan Burnett
Art by Dustin Nguyen

The conclusion to this was a little anti-climactic but still good. Overall, I liked this arc a lot. And I so rarely enjoy arcs with the New Gods.

Superman/Batman #40
Written by Andy Lanning & Andy Lanning
Art by Mike McKone

Um ya this was kinda boring and pointless. I don’t know, Dr. Light using a light projection of the old Teen Titans to fight Superman and Batman is kind of well lame and not interesting. I can not really tell you why that is, it is just how I feel I guess. The mystery man at the end of the issue could be either Luthor or Libra, not sure which one it is.

Superman/Batman #44
Written by Michael Green

Art by Shane Davis

Michael Green begins his Superman/Batman run with this issue….hopefully he sticks around longer then every other writer since Loeb left the title. Shane Davis’s art is awesome and I think it fits perfectly with this book. And Green’s writing makes for great superhero storytelling. He actually utilizes Superman’s super-speed power that I don’t think a lot of current writers really utilize to its potential. I like the “freak of the week” reference to Smallville. I think this is the first time in comic continuity they have acknowledged that kryptonite can effect humans in strange ways. The beginning with the shooting of the movie about Superman and Batman was hilarious, especially with how wrong they got Batman’s origin. Also, the idea of hunting down all the kryptonite in the world is very intriguing.

Superman/Batman #45
Written by Michael Green
Art by Shane Davis

Another superb issue by this new creative team. The only thing I had a problem with was the reasoning for Aquaman attacking Superman was a little faulty. Why doesn’t he want him taking Kryptonite from the ocean? Oh and has everyone forgotten he goes by Joseph now, not Arthur?

Superman/Batman #46
Written by Michael Green

Art by Shane Davis

This was a pretty fun issue in which Silver Kryptonite apparently causes Superman to act like a child. It was pretty good. And it wasn’t stupid or done for laughs either. Very well-written.

Superman/Batman #47 Written by Michael Green and Mike Johnson
Art by Shane Davis

Whoa this was a pretty kick ass issue. It makes pe
rfect sense for the government to have a kryptonite storage place and kryptonite weapons in case Superman goes rogue, I am surprised no one though of it before.

Superman/Batman #48
Written by Michael Green
and Mike Johnson
Art by Shane Davis

Well, Smallville is nearly destroyed this issue. Luckily it will be rebuilt and Amanda Waller is a real bitch here. I’d argue that Green is turning out to be the best writer this title has ever had.

STAR Labs: Your Friendly Neighborhood Research Facility

Blue Beetle (Volume 6) #15
Written by J. Torres
Art by Freddie Williams II

This was a great little fill-in issue of Blue Beetle where Jaime visits Star Labs in Austin and runs into Superman and Livewire. It was a really nice meeting between the Blue Beetle and Superman. I liked that Torres avoided the standard two heroes meet and fight thing by having Blue Beetle fight Livewire instead. The art was beautiful and I wish Williams was the regular on this title because it is better than the other guy. Torres is a good writer and I look forward to his upcoming Wonder Girl Mini-Series. What those kids in the Beetle cave said was right, Star Labs really is the best place for a Metahuman to go to figure him or herself out. I mean now that I think of it they have never been portrayed in a negative light, not even once that I can think of. They are aways helpful.

Action Comics 840 – 843

Action Comics #840
Writeen by Geoff Johns and Kurt Busiek
Art by Pete Woods

This was a great ending to this fantastic storyline. The moments between Clark and Lois, Clark and Lex, and Clark and Jimmy were just fantastic. The ending with the reconstruction of the fortress of solitude game me goosebumps. I find this storyline similarity to Superman Returns a little eerie but oh well, it was still fun.

Action Comics #841
Written by Kurt Busiek and
Fabien Nicieza
Art by Pete Woods

I hate to sound all fanboyish, but the plot of this story is just sooooooooo coool. The idea of alien robots stealing earth’s building and artifacts just gets me excited. It sounds so lame but it Busiek and Nicieza pull it off perfectly. With the added backdrop of most of the world believing that Superman is a fake, this story is fantastic. I think I like it even better than the last storyline

Action Comics #842
Written by Kurt Busiek and Fabien Nicieza
Art by Pete Woods

The cool story, “Back in Action” continues in this issue. I wouldn’t say though that it is as strong as last issue. Most of this issue focuses on the bickering between captive superheroes and while that can be fun, I felt like I really wanted to learn more about this Auctioneer than them. This is only a minor complaint in what was essentially another strong issue. I have to add though that the covers for these issues are hilarious and amazing. I really love them.

Action Comics #843
Written by Kurt Busiek and Fabian Nicieza
Art by Pete Woods
Cover by Dave Gibbons

This storyline ends as great as it began. The Auctioneer is left open for another appearence while two things are left dangling for the next creative team to bring to fruitation. The first one that Superman finds out their is a third kryptonian on earth, that intrigues me the more than the other thing. This storyline was even better than Up, Up, and Away in my opinion and I must say I really enjoyed it. I hope we do get to see the Auctioneer again some day.

I Hope Metropolis Has Insurance

Action Comics #839
Written by Geoff Johns and Kurt Busiek
Art by Pete Woods
Cover by Terry Dodson and Rachel Dodson

Gosh Metropolis is really going to have to pay for the damage done in this issue. Huge Crystals coming up from underground can not be good for the city. No wonder some people think superheroes cause more harm than good. This is a pretty good issue, Luthor is acting like the mad scientist though and I have always liked him more as the bussinessman/ white collar crime type of guy. That is the Luthor I am used to I guess. At least he is wearing the bussiness suit on the cover. I am sad to see the Toyman leaving this stoyline, he was a cool guy. I hope he comes back soon. Not much else to say about this. Pretty good issue and I can’t way to see how this storyline ends.

Superman Villains United

Superman #652
Written by Kurt Busiek and Geoff Johns
Art by Pete Woods
Cover by Terry Dodson and Rachel Dodson

Another good issue of this storyline. As you can probably tell from the cover, this issue returns to focusing on Superman’s rogues gallery although there isn’t as much characterization of them as in prior issues. I know nothing about most of these villains, they all seem interesting except bloodsport because well I guess he just seems plain. I think this was the low point of this storyline. It didn’t get me as excited as the other issues although it was still loads better than this series was before one year later. My favorite moment must have been how Lois finds out that Clark had regained his powers. Pretty cool that he could be leaning on an oven and not notice. People with any knowledge of DC History will notice that Superman’s power level is about the same as Earth-2 Superman’s. I wonder how this ties in.