Barry Allen 1 – 18


The Flash (Volume 5) #1
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Carmine Di Giandomenico

I liked that this issue acted as a true #1 and introduced new readers to The Flash’s origin and everything and starts to fill out his supporting cast but I am not a huge fan of the art. I mean it is not bad but I am not sure it is right for a Flash comic. Also, I am unsure of what Barry and Iris’s relationship is now. Does she know he is the Flash? Why does Kid Flash not know Barry is the Flash? I guess I will find out. It also looks like the lightning has struck Barry’s friend August and gave him powers of some sort.


The Flash (Volume 5) #2
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Carmine Di Giandomenico

In this issue, Barry trains Detective August Heart about his new speed force powers. He suspects he missed having Wally West (The original and real Flash) around and maybe the Speed Force chose August to be his partner. Meanwhile, the Black Hole is a gang of people working for Dr. Carver and causing Havoc for Barry and August. I am confused why young Wally (Can they just change his name?) says he is not a hero. Didn’t he debut as Kid Flash pre-Rebirth? Also, didn’t the lightning strike Barry after he had a bunch of chemicals on him. I didn’t think lightning alone gave him his powers? At the end of this issue, it looks like the lightning struck a whole bunch more people. This is getting interesting but I am still not a huge fan of the art.

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The Life And Times Of Captain Boomerang


The Flash (Volume 3) #7
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Scott Kolins

Captain Boomerang reflects on his life as he frees the Reverse-Flash from prison. This was by far the best issue of this book to date…probably because it focuses on the Rogues instead of boring old Barry Allen. Boomerang’s entire history is dealt with, even stuff I didn’t know about like his childhood, but meeting his son is curiously left out. Perhaps Johns just didn’t want to deal with it. Seems odd. But anyways, this was definitely a great issue and it makes me look forward to Wally caming back in the next arc.