Old Snake Eyes


Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #7
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin


So old snake eyes is now in control of Sodom Yat – that is not good for anyone – Yat is Kryptonian-level powerful. Maxwell Lord and Zardor or whatever his name is should team up. I am glad Kilowod and Arisia saved the day – that was a great scene but some of the art made things a bit confusing for me while reading it. Not a bad issue though.

Emerald Warriors 5 and 6


Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #5
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin


The Green Lanterns under the control of the evil telepath guys all kill themselves in a sad and disturbing scene and Kilowog is deeply affected. Meanwhile, Guy Gardner reveals why he made the pact with Atrocitus. Interesting stuff.


Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #6
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin


Guy’s in trouble! The telepath guy I can never rember his name has control of Sodom Yat. Shit! But the real break-out star – as the cover suggests – is Bleez. She is just hilarious as she casually kills of the planet guards and drinks her own blood as the other lanterns talk. I love her! I wonder if she will be staying her or transfering to the new Red Lantern Corps book when it begins.



Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #4
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin

Guy Gardner’s breathable, unbreathable torture was hilarious…otherwise I found this issue to be pretty forgettable. I have enjoyed this book a lot so far but I can’t figure out why this issue bored me to tears. Hm.

There Is No Fighting On Odym


Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #3
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin


Umm Brother Warth is awesome! He just puts his hand around Bleez and says there is no fighting on Odym and he has got her! I love his calm Buddha-like attitude, he is the perfect Blue Lantern. I crack up everytime Guy calls him Babar haha! Anyways, we find out the true threat in the unknown sectors – someone is draing the power of the Green Lantern rings slowly. I think this is supposed to be the guy who has kidnapped all the telepaths and is using them to control rookie lanterns but I could be wrong. I like that Bleez is sticking around with our merry crew as she is an awesome looking character. Poor Sodom Yat can never catch a break with his own people though.



Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #4
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Yildiray Cinar


So was thinking about Gates…since he comes from the Earth-247 Legion, could there be an Earth-0 version of himself running around that he could run into? Levitz should deal with that at some point. Anyways this book is fileld with so many plots and storylines one can always find something to like. This issue was great and I wonder why Shadow Lass is so interested in Earth-Man, who will be the new Legion Leader, and all that jazz. Levitz continues to kick ass here.

The Unknown Sectors


Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #1
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin


This new third ongoing Green Lantern book was a surprise to me as I didn’t see it coming, but I am glad it is here because I certainly enjoyed the heck out of it as Guy Gardner takes center stage on a mission to the unknown sectors. I had no idea there were unknown sectors but hey it is always cool to have the DC Universe expanded. I didn’t really appreciate how creepy looking Bleez was until this issue…awesome character design. She reminds me of a Red Lantern Harley Quinn or something. I wonder what this mission is Guy is supposed to be getting involved in and why Hal will be mad at him for it. Also, why are the Guardians so easily convinced of things lately? Perhaps they are up to something? Tomasi is as good as he was on Green Lantern Corps here and Pasarin’s art is breathtaking. He really stepped up his game for this book.

Green Lantern 54 and 55


Green Lantern (Volume 4) #54
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Doug Mahnke


The funny thing about this book is it is supposed to star Hal Jordan but Hal Jordan is so boring that Johns mainly focuses on the supporting cast. Atrocitius really shines in this issue and his fun cat. Lobo showing up was a surprise too. I liked this issue a lot and I wonder who is kidnapping the entities and what this has to do with those ressurected by the white light. Mahnke’s art is as beautiful as ever too.


Green Lantern (Volume 4) #55
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Doug Mahnke


It turns out Atrocitus hired Lobo himself to attack him so that GL, Sinestro, and Carol would side with him. I wonder why? The best part of this issue though had to be fantastic origin of Dek-Star the Red Lantern Cat. As a cat owner myself, it really warmed my heart but was so sad too. He is full of rage because his owner was murdered. Great little story. I hope he sticks around.

Levitz Returns To What Made Him A Legend And Succeeds!


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #1
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Yildiray Cinar


Okay I went into this a little worried. This isn’t “my legion”. I got into them during the threeboot or what is now known as the Legion of Earth-Prime and I fell in love with those characters and this is the original Legion that I do not know so well. But Gosh darn it this was FUCKING AMAZING! I mean everyone said Levitz writes great Legion stories but I did not expect it to be like this. So much happened in this issue and he managed to fit in quite moments, action, and great characterization. There was truly never a dull moment. I think this could become one of my new favorite books! Pick this up people you will not be disappointed if you are a new Legion fan or old. There is even a strong connection to the rest of the DC Universe – the upcoming Flashpoint event is mentioned as well as Sodom Yot being involved. The art is fantastic as well might I add. Every page was breathtaking and I couldn’t wait to see what happened next. Oh and for a second there – I actually though they were hinting that Miss Li was actually Cassandra Cain with memory loss?? I wouldn’t be against that idea although I don’t know how she ended up in the future – but I doubt that is what they were going for. Maybe I am just looking for her wherever I can.



Superman #690
Written by James Robinson
Art by Pere Perez

There has been a lot said at how Robinson isn’t telling one cohesive story in this series and it jumping too much all over the place. I think the people who already thought that will be utterly convinced by this issue, which seemed to to have a to be continued in a different comic on every page. I am a fan of the DC Universe so it doesn’t bother me but I imagine others wouldn’t be so pleased. The guest artist is decent but I miss Guedes already. There didn’t seem to be much cohesion in this story and it was jarring, even for me. But I still Robinson makes great use of the DCU by referring to obscure characters like Mark Merlin – who even I have never heard of.

Death in the DCU


Green Lantern (Volume 4) #43
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Doug Mahnke

If this issue doesn’t get you excited for Blackest Night the nothing will. This was an excellent issue detailing the history of the Black Hand, the murder of his family, and suicide and then his rise from the dead as the first Black Lantern and embodiment of the Black Lantern Corps. Mahnke’s are is as gorgeous as ever and I think he may be my favorite artist at DC for event books. I love the DC Universe and its continuity and it was so exciting to see Mahnke draw all the heroic deaths over the years. My only complaint is story-wise, why the fuck no mention that Kyle was basically the entire Green Lantern Corps for a decade! It’s just another example of DC favoring silver age old-fuck heroes. Oh and fuck Didio by the way and his stupid ass DC nation column about the Justice League. Am I being a little mean with this review? Sorry. Let’s go back to the positives, this was an amazing issue that brings us right into what will hopefully be the greatest event DC has had in a long time.

Exciting and Fun


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #37
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Ya after last issue focused more on Sodom Yat instead of the great of Green Lanterns – Kyle Rayner – I had happy to say this issue refocused back on Oa and the sciencell riot. This was a kick ass battle and I have to give my thanks to Gleason who knows how to draw an awesome Lantern battle. The part where the rookies get killed by the villains was particularly crazy. I am getting excited for Blackest Night and Scar is one bad ass Guardian in this when she attacks that one Sinestro Corps women. I am sure Sodom is not actually dead and I was surprised at how quickly the Daxamites gained power from the yellow sun. There was a lot going on in this issue but that’s nota bad thing – it was all exciting and fun.

Out of Focus


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #36
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

I am a little confused. Maybe I read this too quickly but how was dropping his body shields supposed to help matters in the fight against Mongul? I don’t know. I was disappointed with this issue and its focus on Sodom Yat instead of Kyle Rayner the greatest of Green Lanterns. We only briefly see the fight going on at the sciencells before we go back to Daxam which frankly is the least interesting plotline in this series right now. I do have to say I enjoyed the parts about Sinestro and Soranik’s relationship as father/daughter. I like how it seems that Sinestro genuinely cares for her in his own way. I think the idea of their relationship is growing me. Otherwise, I would have preferred some more Kyle focus.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #35
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

There has been a lot of talk about how Green Lantern Corps has surpassed the main book in terms of quality and I have to agree. This is a really awesome book (and it helps there is no Hal Jordan). I wish we would have got more Kyle moments this issue though. The ending’s revelation seems a little forced. Why no mention that she was the daughter of Sinestro before? You would think that would have been brought up at some point.It was fun to see all the Sinestro Corps members get excited at their escape but this is going to be a huge fight for the Green Lanterns on Oa.

Superman 685 and 686

Superman #685
Written by James Robinson
Art by
Javier Pina and Pablo Raimondi

Times are a changing for this book as Superman makes the decision to leave earth for New Krypton this issue. I like how he said goodbye to Lois and Martha. It was very sweet. I am not sure how I feel about Mon-El adopting Johnathan Kent’s name. I think it is kind of an odd choice, but I look forward to reading about his adventures in this book.

Superman #686
Written by James Robinson
Art by Renato Guedes

This was a pretty SWEET beginning for this title without Superman. Robinson looks to be fleshing out the city of Metropolis well and Guedes does his best work…well…ever in this issue! It was really beautiful art. Mon-El still has a lot to learn about being a hero and I like that Steel and the Guardian are watching him. I don’t think Robinson has really sold me on the Guardian yet though. Black Lightning is on the cover but I imagine he actually won’t be involved in any of this because of Outsiders. I can’t wait for the next issue. Who knew Superman would be this good without Superman!

Secret Romance

Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #33
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

I love how finally this book is getting around to truly focus on Kyle Rayner, the greatest of Green Lanterns. this was more of a character-driven issue focusing on the newfound romance between Kyle and Soranik while at the same time we check on Mongul and the Star Sapphire. I wonder how Kyle and Soranik will keep their romance secret from the guardians? The origins and omens back-up was a cute story about the Corps being led by Kyle to paint a mural of their history. We also see a flash forward where it looks like Jade might be coming back. I don’t know.

Green Lantern Corps 13 – 30

glc13Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #13
Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Patrick Gleason

I liked the whole Mogo’s infection thing and I liked how Bzzd basically saved the day. What an awesome character! The DCU needs more talking flies!


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #14
Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Patrick Gleason

This is part 2 of the Sinestro Corps war and I enjoyed it. None of the Earth GL’s make an appearance so that may be why I did not enjoy it as much as the first part but I did like the idea of Sinestro tricking Natu into becoming a dictator of Korugar just as he was. I wonder where this will go.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #15
Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Patrick Gleason and Angel Unzueta

In this action-packed issue, the Battle for Mogo begins as the Sinestro Corps attacks the planet Green Lantern. I never realized how important Mogo was to the Corps until this issue, with the revelation that it is Mogo who guides the rings to their new owners. This was good stuff, a little face-paced, but still good.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #16
Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Patrick Gleason and Angel Unzueta

They finally save Mogo from the Sinestro Corps this issue and Sodam Yat, who is being set up to being some kind of prophetic hero, destroys Ranx. I like the idea that the Green Lanterns are allowed to kill now, as in this case, they really had no choice.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #17
Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Patrick Gleason, Angel Unzueta, Dustin Nguyen, and Pascal Alixe

So Sodam Yat is the new Ion, while it is sad that Kyle is no longer the most powerful Lantern, at least he is back to being a regular Green Lantern and this guy is Ion. This issue was good, probably the best of the Sinestro Corps War in this title yet as they fight for Earth. I can’t wait to see Ion face Superboy-Prime (Whos is called Superman-Prime here before they got the Superboy-Prime name rights back)


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #18
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason and Jamal Igle

Peter Tomasi begins his run on this title this issue, and if his run is going to be anything like this issue,then I am happy. This was really good. Tomasi writes the battle between Ion and Superboy-Prime without making it just a boring battle. He flashes back to Sodam Yat’s life history, and his life on Daxam, bringing the character to life in a way Gibbons never did.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #19
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Tomasi knows how to write great character moments, his main plots are only okay, but he has these great down-time moments. This issue shows that he will be bringing that to this title as well, as there were great moments in this issue between Kyle and Guy and Guy and Ice. Seeing Kyle become a star of this book makes me so happy as he really needs to be in some title and I almost shed a tear as Guy reunited with Ice. Gibbons didn’t really explore these characters enough, he focused more on the battles then characterization. Tomasi will probably make me enjoy this title a lot more.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #20
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason and Carlos Magno

More great character moments this issue, as Kyle and Guy tell Hal and John they are moving to Oa to start up a new Warriors bar there. Tomasi has astronomically improved this book in just three issues. So Guy made Salaak look small with his ring? Does that mean that anytime we see a construct of a person talking they can make him or her look however they want? Haha if true I would have some fun with that.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #21
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Nelson

This little fill-in arc focuses on the newly christened Alpha-Lantern, Bodikka. We get some background on her relationship with her family and home planet as well as her now very unemotional state of an Alpha-Lantern. While a fill-in, this was very good. Who is Nelson though? Never heard of him.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #22
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Neslon

This concludes Gates’s fill-in arc with a fantastic cover! I love the look of the Alpga Corps members, especially Bodikka’s look. I like the idea that her sister will be forced to work with her now as I am sure that will make for some great stories in the future. Gates is a good writer and I look forward to his run on Supergirl.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #23
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

You know I am not sure how exactly I feel about Gleason’s art…sometimes it just seems kinda odd, especially when it comes to faces. As for the story, it was pretty good but definitely the weakest of Tomasi’s run so far.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #24
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

While this was better then Gibbons’s issues and I did like the update on Mongol, this wasn’t really that great. I mean I got kinda bored with it. If you like just action and no substance, you will like it but this wasn’t for me.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #25
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Now this is more like it! Mother Mercy explains her story and how she only wanted to relieve suffering but her children have been corrupted by Mongul to cause Suffering. Awesome retcon here makes Black Mercy not only sentient but also a creature that I really like. Tomasi returns to form with this issue. I also liked that Kyle is the one who decides to reason with Mother Mercy, because HE WOULD be the one to do that because he is the GREATEST GREEN LANTERN.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #26
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Awww poor Bzzd I really liked him. He will be missed. As for Mother Mercy becoming a Green Lanterns, that is a great idea! I hope she shows up again soon. This was a good arc, even though it dragged on a little long.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #27
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Luke Ross

In this rather disgusting issue, someone murders families of GL’s in and then rains the eyeballs of the deceased on the trainees. Pretty gruesome stuff. The art is much better then Gleason, it’s a shame Ross isn’t staying. As for the talk between Kyle and Guy as their new bar opened, that was easily the best part of the issue.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #28
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Luke Ross

The Quintent are pretty scary villains. I am not quite sure I understanding their powers? Are they really siblings? Clones? I don’t know I found this issue kind of confusing. The guy who can talk to the dead is a great addition to the Green Lantern Corps and I bet he will play a larger role in “Blackest Night”.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #29
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

I love the concept of the different Corps, and the Star Sapphire Corps/Violet Corps is one that I am really interested in as Johns has said that even though they represent love, they are not good. Hmmmm I want to see how this could be? This story deals a lot with love…love between the widow who becomes a Star Sapphire and her late husband as well as the love between Guy and Ice, who can’t seem to make it work as they are leading two different lives. Guy acts immaturely when Ice tells him she can’t move in with him, which did make me think of his old JLI attitude. Very good issue.


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #30
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Okay….is it just me or do the Green Lanterns and Guardians come off as total assholes in this issue?I think the Zamarons have a good idea about the nature of love and how it can be found even in the evilest of hearts. But maybe I am just an optimist I do not know, but I think the Star Sapphire Corps is the coolest of the Corps we have met so far (Although the blood puking Red Lanterns are pretty damn cool as well). Kryb is just a creepy villain and visually appealing. Hats off to Gleason and Tomasi for that. This was a good issue. Oh and you know the Guardians’ proclamation at the end is bound to piss a few Green Lanterns off.