Super Sons 3 – 5


Super Sons #3
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Jorge Jimenez

In this issue, Robin and Jon (I am not ready to call him Superboy yet, I miss Connor Kent) team up against Kid Amazo who is actually ultra powerful himelf. The thing that makes this issue good is the Robin and Jon’s constant bickering and insults back and forth. I love it. There is talk about Jon joining the Teen Titans even though he is not old enough. What if DC Just turned this book into the new Young Justice book and have a young justice team led by Damian and kept the Titans separate? I would like that.


Super Sons #4
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Jorge Jimenez

Robin and Jon team up with Lex Luthor to defeat Kid Amazo in this issue. It was a lot of fun. I like that Damian seems to think it was a good team up even though he won’t admit it, whereas Jon hated it. Damian does actually care about Jon, he is just a hard ass.

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Why Don’t I Care All That Much About Jon?


Superman (Volume 4) #25
Written by Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
Art by Gleason and Doug Mahnke

This was an okay issue with some great moments. I love having Superman and Lois back as a married couple and I always knew Superman would be a good father but I don’t really find myself rooting for Jon Kent all that much yet and I do not know why. Is it because I miss Connor? Or is it because he is so young? I don’t know, although I know I am in the minority here. Maybe I will like him more when they move to Metropolis.


Manchester Black Is Wrong


Superman (Volume 4) #24
Written by Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
Art by Gleason and Doug Mahnke

Once more we see the old DC Continuity leaking in as this is not Superman and Manchester Black’s first meeting…thank God we have the real DCU back. I can’t say I was blown away by this issue…I don’t particularly care about Jon Kent yet except to say that I like that Superman cares about him and it focuses on Manchester Black turning Jon Kent against his father through mind control or something. Mahnke’s pencils seemed rush at the end here. I do like that Machester Black represents how some foolish people see the character of Superman as old fashioned. We will see where this does.