Taking Power From Shazam


Titans (Volume 2) #32
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Fabrizio Fiorentino and Phillip Tan


Now this was an enjoyable issue as we finally as Osiris is officially restored to life by the white light after he takes Freddy Freeman’s powers away which somehow bring Isis back but something bad has happened to her apparently. I am actually excited to see what happens next which is not something I say often about this book. Tatooed Man leaves and Deathstroke gives more hints that this whole team has something to do with Jericho.

Pick A Name And Stick To It


Titans (Volume 2) #31
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Fabrizio Fiorentino


Okay DC you need to decide whether Freddy Freeman is going by Captain Marvel or Shazam – in story its always Shazam – but in the text and their advertisements it’s like that can’t decide which is really unprofessional and annoying. Pick one! Osiris is way over the edge and this book is in no way fun to read anymore – from Arsenal’s downward spiral (hell at least he isn’t an outright villain just yet) to the disgusting murder of Slipknot I just didn’t care for this issue. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t mind violence in comics all that much.

All Is Well


Power Girl (Volume 2) #13
Written by Judd Winick
Art by Sami Basri


Well I have to say that as I suspected, the book still maintains good quality with Winick coming on. He knows how to write humor and balance it with action – he always has. He can be hit or miss – but he can do that and I have no idea why some people are so down on him as a writer. Basri’s art is also perfect for Power Girl – it is different from Connor but that doesn’t mean it is bad. This book recaps Maxwell Lord’s return and then wiping away the memory of his existence. It is written in such a way that it also recaps Power Girl’s history – I am not sure if the mind wipe worked on her – I think it did as she does forget the mission to find Lord. I think Lord himself is responsible for her company going bankrupt all of a sudden somehow. I was glad to see Terra wasn’t dropped from the book too. All is well for this series.

Black Lantern Marvels

Power of Shazam #48 001

Power of Shazam! #48
Written by Eric Wallace
Art by Don Kramer

This is another resurrected title special for Blackest Night…I loved this book. It was great series that introduced the Marvel Family to me. But this Eric Wallace-written resurrection isn’t very good. I don’t really like the idea that Osiris resisted the Black rings. I thought that the bodies of the Black Lanterns were just bodies and their minds were not there, why is Osiris different? This isn’t really explained and seems to fly in the face of everything else we have seen about the black lanterns. Not to mention Billy and Mary’s voices seemed a bit off. I was not thrilled with this at all.



Action Comics #873
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Pete Woods

This is the final part of the ten part New Krypton storyline that began in the New Krypton Special, then continued here, then in the Guardian Special, then here, here, here, here, here, and here. I read a lot of reviews saying that this wasn’t a true ending or satisfying ending. I think it was. I mean Kandor has left earth and established a New Krypton. It is the end of this arc. This is serial storytelling people, there are never going to be true endings as if this is a complete work! I just don’t get the complaining about the ending. Anyways, I absolutely adored this issue. Every moment inspired awe and wonder in a way that any big story like this should. While I like Final Crisis, this is more of an event book then that. The ending with Superwoman was completely unexpected and I look forward to all the story possibilities that have come out of this arc. I may have been hard on some parts of this storyline, but overall, and especially this issue, it was a tremendous success.

Oh My Rao


Superman #683
Written by James Robinson
Art by Renato Guedes and Jorge Correa Jr.

This is Part Nine of the New Krypton Storyline that began in the New Krypton Special, continued here, then in the Guardian Special, then here, here, here, here, and here. It’s great to see the other heroes from the DCU finally reacting to New Krypton. But Geez, some of them SHOULD NOT be there. Why the hell is Mr. Terrific there? As if the guy doesn’t appear enough, he is now in comics logically he shoudn’t be in. Come on! Oh how I loathe that character some times. Robinson’s dialogue is still awkward sometimes. Why does Superman say things like Oh my Rao or whatever, he grew up on EARTH. Alura has went from being a bitch to down right evil and Supergirl can’t seem who to choose – her mother or her cousin. The surprise ending got me really excited! One has to wonder why they didn’t just come in the first place.

Legion 33 – 48



Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #33
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Dennis Calero

It has been a while so it took me a while to remember what had gone before in this series, but I caught up. Looks like Lightning Lad’s brother and the wanderer’s are villanous after all. I am pretty sure Lightning Lord was a villain in other versions of the Legion, I am not sure about the wanderers yet. Calero’s art was a little distracting, I am not sure how I feel about it.


Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #34
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Dennis Calero

This issue introduces Wildfire into this version of the Legion’s continuity. Apparently, he is a villain. I don’t know if Wildfire was a villain at first in the other Legions but I guess he is here. I liked this a lot better then last issue but the art is still distracting. It’s too dark and too hard to read. I am not a fan.




Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #35
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Dennis Calero

This was more like it. Wildfire reverts to the side of angels, and Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl, and Supergirl fight a guy who can control his evolution I guess. And it looks like there is some kind of time machine involved, I am not sure. This was good stuff and the art was much better. I knew Calero had it in him.


Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes #36
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Dennis Calero

What a great ending to this arc. Bedard hits it out of the park with this issue revealing Brainy’s good intentions behind the last few issue and sending Supergirl home to the 21st century. I seem to remember her splitting into two different people during World War II though, I wonder why that was? I don’t know but anyways it was fun having Supergirl in this title while it lasted, but like the Legion said, eventually she had to go home.



Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #37
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

With just one issue, I can tell you that I totally understand why Shooter is hailed as a classic legion writer. I really loved this, and I am only familiar with this incarnation of the Legion. Not to mention, Manapul’s art is gorgous. He draw sexy girls AND guys it’s perfect! The first Supergirl-less issue is a hit! I wonder if the girl introduced this issue will become a legionairre. I hope so, it is about time someone created a new original one.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #38
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

Another excellent issue from Shooter and Manapul, I think it’s safe to say this is the best creative team this book has ever had. The legion tryout were hilarious but I agree with Light Lass, Lightning Lad was being an idiot. I guess he is a little in over his head as Legion Leader. I felt bad when he cried to himself at the end. That has got to be a stressful job. I wish they had picked one of the goofy candidates, the Legion has a tradition of having one character with a weird seemingly useless power, but they are also great characters. I bet Giselle or M’Rissey will be joining soon though. I like them both.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #39
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

This issue is sort of a day in the life where most of the time we just see Legionnaires walking around the headquarters in their underwear….and it was damn good. I am really enjoying Shooter’s run, and I love the way Manapul draws the 31st century. You really get the sense that this is another world. The only complaint I have is that Shooter seems to be overdoing the fake future swaring. I really don’t want to hear the word, “florg” anymore. It is fine once in a while, but not on every page. I feel bad for Projectra.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #40
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

Still digging this run so far, I especially like how they point out every Legionairre and their powers, it makes things a lot less confusing for us newbs. When Waid was on the book they would mention just like three and expect us to know the rest. I think Saturn Girl was treated a bit harsh but I guess messing with someone’s mind is pretty invasive. There were so many great character moments this issue I don’t even know where to begin. Shooter is a fantastic writer.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #41
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Aaron Lopestri

Ahh things are getting frustrating for the Legion this issue and I can feel it while reading this. I almost got as stressed out as Lightning Lad must be. The UP are being jackasses as usual, and now they have arrested Invisible Kid. Giselle is part of the new UP Young Heroes team, I had hoped she would become a legionairre. Speaking of Giselle, Lopestri doesn’t draw her right in this issue at all. She is not just a pale girl. Can’t wait for Manapul to come back.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #42
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

Manapul returns this issue, but his art suffers a bit. During the battle scenes, things seemed to be a little…off I guess. He is usually very good but things were different then. Honestly, I can’t really tell much difference between the new uniforms and the old, but I am not a detail oriented person. Popoff is a jackass and I hope he gets what is coming for him. Invisible Kid’s Dad was very sweet to him, I was happy to see that.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #43
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

I wonder if Karate Kid and Triplicate Girl went to Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds. That would be my guess, and I like that use of continuity. As for the rest of this issue, it was pretty good. Action-packed and eventful, I liked it. Manapul didn’t draw Gazelle to look exactly like she used to. She definitely looks more human now and I don’t like that inconsistency.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #44
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Sanford Greene

I question whether it was smart to put someone with such a cartooney art style on this book, but it wasn’t bad art. This issue was really good, I love M’Rissey and I hope they make him a Legionnaire! Considering he just saved their asses with his crazy business mind. I wish he could handle my finances! What should they call him, Business Boy. And I am glad that Invisible Kid showed everyone that he can be a warrior as well. Fantastic issue. I am sad that this book is going to end as these are MY legionnaires. Oh and I loved the way the cover of this issue was set up.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #45
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

I am glad Shooter didn’t draw out the invader planet thing for more then one issue, as he gets it done in just one. This is another reason why Shooter is a good writer, he gets pacing. I was a little shocked by the Saturn Girl and Ultra Boy thing. This is clearly just lust because we know Saturn Girl is not attracted to Ultra Boy’s personality and I don’t think Lightning Lad is treating her really bad, he has just got a lot on his plate. Also, Manapul is really good again this issue.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #46
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

This was another fantastic issue. The cover story of Ultra Boy fighting some losers wasn’t that interesting, but Lightning Lad finds out this issue and acts very mature about it, putting his personal feelings aside in order to lead the Legion effectively. I am not sure why Ultra Boy said Lightning Lad hurt him so much. This series is so much better then it was under Waid, and I liked Waid’s run. I wish DC wasn’t canceling it.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #47
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Rick Leonardi

Ugh I wish they didn’t have these fill-in artists because I love Manapul’s art so much. Leonardi draws Brainiac 5 too young looking, like he looked during the Archie Legion. Why do they call it the “Archie” Legion anyways? What happened to Dream Boy? We haven’t seen him since Shooter took over nor have we heard from Wildfire. The romance between Dream Girl and Brainiac 5 is a adorable and I am loving every minute of it. Too Bad Princess Projectra has gone rogue, I used to like her. Maybe she still has some redeeming qualities not yet seen.


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5) #48
Written by Jim Shooter
Art by Frances Manapul

It’s time again for Legion Try-Outs, which are probably one of the coolest things about the Legion I think. Night Girl, Sizzle, and Turtle are rejected but are brought into the Legion Reserves (I think this is meant to be a version of the subs) and Gazelle is brought in as the newest member of the Legion with Sun Boy returning as well. This issue was a lot of fun. The destroyer race is pretty high concept with all the virtual reality stuff so I am a little confused by it but it’s all good. I sure hope this Legion gets to stay around after Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds.

Thank You Magic Hand


Booster Gold (Volume 2) #14
Written by Rick Remender
Art by Pat Olliffe

The Magic Hand (Booster’s hand) taking away Mr. Freeze’s freeze gun was hilarious, I am not going to even try to explain it here because I won’t do it justice. This was a good issue. While still filler as we are waiting for Jurgerns to take (and I really miss his art on this book) it was a lot of fun. Starro is stopped of course but apparently at a price. I am glad that Remender did not have Booster find out that Rip is his son as that should be left for Jurgens to do. What happened to Booster’s sister, Goldstar? Wasn’t she in the last issue? Did I forget something? Great use of the DCU in this issue though.

Green Lantern 21-34

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #21
Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Ivan Reis

Why I waited this long to start reading the Sinestro Corps War I do not know because this was as fantastic as everyone said it would be. Kyle as Parallax is awesome, although I am glad it is only temporary. Kyle Rayner is by far my favorite GL and I was happy to see him diss on Hal (even though it was him posessed by Parallax).

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #22
Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Ivan Reis

Part 3 of the Sinestro Corps sees Hal fighting Kyle as Parallax on Qward with the help of the Lost Lanterns. The friction between Jordan and the Lost Lanterns is fun to watch. This was another good issue.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #23
Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Ivan Reis

Okay….the ending of this was fucking amazingly intenese! I loved it. Now we are on earth and things are going to get personal. Awesome writing from the master of cliffhangers, Geoff Johns. When Parallax says Kyle should kill all the GL’s so he can be special again, I kind of agreed with him. (:

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #24
Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Ivan Reis

Hell ya! Kyle gets his ring back (And shirtless as well)! The last moments of this comic gave me goosebumps. Superboy-Prime is such a little brat it’s hilarious, and things are heating up very nicely.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #25
Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Ivan Reis

First of all, the color spectrum of Corps is really cool and I can’t wait to see it in action. But I do find it hard to swallow that no one would evacuate Coast City….seems a little rudiculous if there was an alien threat those people would be out of there in seconds. John Stewart calling the Anti-Monitor Marshmallow Man was hilarious since I have been thinking that he looked like him since the beginning. I really love how Johns respects all four earth GL’s equally in this story. It isn’t just a Hal Jordan story. And the ending…well let’s just say Summer 2009 is going to kick ass.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #26
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Mike Mckone

This series is really as good as people say it is. I don’t know why I waited so long to catch up (probably because I absolutely hate Hal Jordan). I think the Lost Lanterns made the right decision in killing Amon Sur considering what arresting him would have done to the reputation of the Sinestro Corps. We’ll see if the Guardians see it that way.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #27
Written by Geoff Johns

Art by Mike McKone

The Alpha Lanterns are awesome looking, but I liked there appearence in Green Lantern Corps and Final Crisis then here. McKone’s version is a little more blue I think. I think the idea of the Alpha Lantern’s is magnificent. And I especially love how they have their own oath.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #28
Written by Ge
off Johns
Art by Mike McKone

Okay this issue got me really excited for Rage of the Red Lanterns! The design for the Red Lanterns is kick ass. I think the Green Lanterns killing as a last resort is reasonable, but no they should not kill if they do not have to as Hal believes. Wow I actually agree with Hal Jordan on something.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #29
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis
Well, I sware the first few scenes of this I have read before and I really don’t care too much about Hal’s relationship with his father (mostly cause I could give a shit about Hal) but the story did not get to me I admit. I liked the bickering between Hal and his brothers. Why isn’t this arc called Year One?

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #30
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis

Hal actually becomes GL this issue and it was actual really cool and is something that would work great in a GL movie. I kept thinking of Jor-El’s voice in the original Superman when Abin Sur was explaining what a Green Lantern was.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #31
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis

Oh my God this arc would make a great Green Lantern origin movie. I am really geeking out about this…especially for someone not so fond of Hal Jordan. I feel the sense of wonder and awe that Hal must be feeling as he is inducted into the Corps. This is perfect Johns wrting. It’s worth mentioning that Reis is doing some great work here as well.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #32
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis

"I am the greatest Green Lantern"….Wow Sinestro your very humble. This was another fantastic issue of the Secret Origin story arc. I like how Johns manage to connect it back to the present by dealing with the Red Lanterns and the "Blackest Night" prophecy.
Johns isn’t retelling Hal’s origin for no reason.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #33
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis

I like how this arc is not only showing the secret origin of Hal, but also his major villains like Sinestro, Black Hand, and Hector Hammond. The art was fantastic again this issue. I am surprised at how much I am enjoying this arc.

Green Lantern (Volume 4) #34
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Ivan Reis

This was another great issue of the arc I did not expect to enjoy – Secret Origin. Now the alien Sinestro and Hal fight is pretty generic, although I know that he is set up to be part of the Red Lanterns, but that is not the point of this issue, the point of this issue was Hal’s relationship with his family. Finally, I think Geoff may be getting me to enjoy the Hal’s family subplot, even if I still don’t enjoy Hal Jordan as a character.