Qurac Finale


Red Hood and the Outlaws (Volume 2) #11
Written by Scott Lobdell
Art by Dexter Soy

The big bad turns out to be Akila who basically wants to commit genocide with the bow of Ra. Jason takes out his All-blades, these weapons he got from the league of assassins that work on magic. It seemed to come out of nowhere but it was pretty cool. He wasn’t able to defeat her with them though. The bow of Ra ended up choosing Artemis as its new owner and Akila loses conrtrol and goes Supernova. It was an epic finale to this arc and I am glad it is over and I look forward to seeing what the Outlaws face next. It doesn’t look like Bizarro is doing ok health-wise.

Suicide Squad 14 – 18


Suicide Squad (Volume 5) #14
Written by Rob Williams
Art by John Romita Jr. and Eddy Barrows

Big shocker…Amanda Waller is not really dead. Actually, no one in this series ever stays dead so why call it Suicide Squad? I can’t say I enjoyed this issue all that much. It was just the Suicide Squad for some reason going after that Rustam guy and I don’t buy at all that they would stick together after being released from jail. This makes me miss how good Gail Simone’s Secret Six was. Remember when Deadshot had actual characterization?


Suicide Squad (Volume 5) #15
Written by Rob Williams
Art by John Romita Jr. and Eddy Barrows

Okay I have to give it to Rob Williams he did write some funny Harley Quinn dialogue in this issue. At one point she yells a command, “Suicide Squad attack! Make defamatory comments! Use Sarcasm.” That gave me a chuckle. This was a much better written issue. Amanda Waller’s evil is always fun to read in a weird way. That being said, Romita and Barrows have very different art styles and it is jarring to see them both in one issue.

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Adventures in Qurac


Red Hood and the Outlaws (Volume 2) #10
Written by Scott Lobdell
Art by Dexter Soy

All three of the Outlaws are separated and having their own adventures in the country of Qurac. Artemis reunites with her lost lover Akila who explains how she came back, Bizarro is doing something or other with a mountain, and Jason looks back at how the Joker killed him. Honestly, I have loved this series so far but I don’t know that we needed another look back at Jason’s death. Dexter Soy’s art is still incredible though.

The Trip to Qurac


Red Hood and the Outlaws (Volume 2) #9
Written by Scott Lobdell
Art by Dexter Soy

The Outlaws travel to Qurac in this issue beautifully drawn by Dexter Soy. Put this artist on every book DC. He is perfect. While in Qurac, Jason naturally reminisces about his death at the hands of the Joker as the Outlaws try to get the Bow of Ra back from the person they believe has it. This issue seems almost ripped from the headlines in terms of what is going on with Syria except that instead of poison gas, we have this magical bow. It has to be a coincidence. I really can’t say one bad thing about this comic starring Jason Todd, who knew I would ever write a sentence like that.