Legion of Super-Heroes 12-16

Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #12
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Yildiray Cinar

It is fun to be reading Legion comics again, especially when Paul Levitz writes the book. He really loves these characters and puts so much story into every issue. This issue was packed with action, dialogue, and plot twists galore. This is a man who deserved to remain in charge of DC. I am a huge fan and I look forward to seeing where this storyline is going as Saturn Queen is now the big bad.

Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #13
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Yildiray Cinar

Sometimes I like Cinar’s art in this issue and sometimes I didn’t. Anyways, this was still packed to the brim with action and intrigue and we had great moments with the “weirder” Legionnaires like Quislet, Tellus, and Gates. This was a fun comic.




Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #14
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Fernando Dagnino

Levitz writes another action packed issue of the Legion. As usual, he hits it out of the park here. Not much else to say besides I love Mon-El with a power ring and the Saturn Queen sure is evil.

Legion_of_Super-Heroes_Vol_6_15Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #15
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Yildiray Cinar

This is Yildiray Cinar’s last issue of the Legion and I just got to say Cinar had a great run! This issue improved on the last with more action and we even get to see some of my favorite Legionnaires like Gates and Tellus. I am not sure where this is all going with the three immortal worlds but I am loving the ride.



Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #15
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Daniel HDR

In this final issue of the Legion of Super-Heroes, Mon-El gives up the ring and Earth-Man sacrifices his life to save the Legion. It is sad to see this book go but I am so glad the Legion have been brought back with DC Rebirth. Paul Levitz had a great run here.


Boy Man


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #11
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Daniel HDR


So Starman is going back to being called Star Boy now? Seems kind of strange…why is Earth-Man the only one allowed to be called Man now? None of them are really teenagers anymore right? Anyways, this was a fantastic start to the Legion of Super-Villains arc as all of the Legionnaires search for the villain group. Levitz sure knows how to pack a lot into one issue.

Bad Aunt


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #10
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Yildiray Cinar


So it was Chameleon Boy’s aunt all along behind everything as she wanted Brande’s money to pay for rebuilding Durla (That is if I am not mistaken) this was a good issue but the resolution seemed a little fast. Not much else to say here.

Attack On The United Planets


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #9
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Yildiray Cinar


Hmmm so who is Chameleon Boy’s aunt…could it be Harmonia Li? Where is Chameleon Girl in all this by the way? All good questions. We still haven’t seen Mon-El find out he won the election but I suppose we will eventually. I like this issue and it is still great to see Levitz utilize Tyroc and Gates. Good issue.

The Power Of Tyroc


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #7
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Yildiray Cinar and Francis Portela

In the main story, the Legionaires deal with the murder of a United Planets Council Member by Durlan Asassins and Levitz really shows how powerful Tyroc can be. I thought he dislike Tyroc? I guess not. And hey it takes a good writer to challenge themselves and make a character they dislike look awesome right? In the back-up Brainiac 5 meets with Professor Li – who we know is old, very old. I can’t wait to find out who won the election!

Darkseid Worshippers


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #3
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Yildiray Cinar and Francis Portela


Levitz knocks it out of the park for the third time in a row as his Legion is filled with so many twists, turns, action, and character moments. There is just too much I could talk about here. Earth-Man’s ring bringing him to planet to save sentient bugs, the defeat of Saturn Queen and her revelations about the history of Titan, and finally Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl discovering Avalon worshipping Darkseid???? No idea where they are going with this but I am excited and I am not even a fan of THIS version of the Legion. Great stuff.

Saturn Queen Attacks


Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6) #2
Written by Paul Levitz
Art by Yildiray Cinar and Francis Portela


Saturn Queen shows up and brainwashes Brainy and Ultra Boy. At the same time, the Legion is dealing with xenophobic protesters as the refugees from Titan arrives on earth. There are so many plot threads going on and I love all of it. This is how you write a comic. It manages to have action, adventure, relationships, and politics but it doesn’t seem too busy. Levitz is a freaking master at storytelling. I love this series so much already and it isn’t even “My legion.” I never read the Reboot Legion but was Gates always so cranky or is that a new part of his personality? He seemed to be so here. A part of me misses the Phantom Girl from Earth-Prime who talked to herself and Saturn Girl being a mute. Those were cool additions to those characters but I Guess I will just have to get used to their Earth-0 counterparts. This book is great and I hope everyone keeps reading it!

Time Loops


Adventure Comics #514
Written by Sterling Gates
Art by Travis Moore
Co-Feature by James Robinson
Art by Bernard Chang

In the main feature Brainiac 5 delivers Brainiac to the Coluans and Vril Dox and then delivers the Lanothians to Titan where they will be ruled over by Jemm and called Titanians from now on. I love the use of Legion continuity here and really establishing the origins of these places. I wonder if Titan will interact with earth at all in the 21st century? The back-up was an excellent ending to James Robinson’s entire run on Superman. He wraps up Mon-El’s storyline by having him return to the Phantom Zone and then arriving in the future all the way back to whatever issue of Legion he first appeared in the future in. I liked that he didn’t just leave but gave the letter to Billi Harper and remembered that he spent a year in this century on earth. I will miss his character and I think Robinson – in the end – really did a great job with him.