Not the Best Visit to Arkham


Batman (Volume 3) #19
Written by Tom King
Art by David Finch

Bane fights his way through Arkham Asylum taking on some of Batman’s most famous villain in the process, some of whom I was surprised to see in Arkham since they seem to be out of Arkham in other books. I guess it depends on when this exactly takes place. Copperhead shows up and he is suppose to be dead! I guess we have to assume this is a different Copperhead than even the one who showed up in All-Star Batman recently? Come on DC you have been so good at keeping things consistent lately do not let me down. Speaking of let down – David Finch was incredible last issue but I coudn’t get excited by his pencils this time around as it is all just kinda blah and this was suppose to be a showcase of him drawing the different Bat-villains. Listen, I like a romp through Arkham Asylum just as much as the next person but this time Tom King offered us nothing more than Bane just beating people up.

Bad Art Ruins Good Story


Batman and Robin #6
Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Phillip Tan


Wow Phillip Tan does not show any strengths here. Why did this guy get picked to follow Quitely? I mean this was bad art. Everything was muddled and dark and it hurt the storytelling. Moments that should have been great were ruined by this artist. I am really sad to say it. This issue was filled to the brim with story but it was lost in all of the horrible art. Story-wise, I have a lot to say. What the hell happened the end? Was that Bruce? It can’t be can it? If so, his return was ruined by art that made it completely unclear as to what was going on. Ugh I wanted to like this so much because it was a good story but all of the great moments were absolutely ruined. It was like going to see a good movie but being blinded.

Batman and Robin 4 – 5


Batman and Robin #4
Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Phillip Tan

First I have to comment on the elephant in the room – the new artist. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Quitely but his work was breathtaking – and I really miss it. Tan’s not a horrible artist but a lot of his storytelling is a bit off and too dark. It is hard to figure out what is going on sometime. That being said – I am intrigued by both the Red Hood (Is it Jason?) and the Flamingo. Morrison is great at creating characters and the Red Hood’s new look is so comic booky it’s perfect.


Batman and Robin #5
Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Phillip Tan

This was a fun ride! This was definitely the best issue of this book since the first issue. I love Morrison’s characterization of Jason Todd – it took four years but we actually get to see the reason why he was brought back to life – so he could be in stories like this. The Red Hood as the next gen Batman is a great idea and I like how Jason is even aware that that he is trying to do. Like he said it is when the ipod took out the walkman.  Morrison even remembers that Jason’s hair is not naturally black! Which is something that has annoyed me. Forget Under the Hood and COuntdown – this is the best Jason has been since returning to life. I have a feeling he is actually dying again because of the zits and the grey streak – perhaps he was only temporarily returned to life. I hope that I am right because it would be great for one last story to feature him before his death and he can go back to being Batman’s biggest regret. The art is still not great – but not as confusing as last issue. Flamingo is freaking scary as hell!  This was an exciting issue of Batman and Robin.