Green Lanterns 21 – 25


Green Lanterns #21
Written by Sam Humphries
Art by Robson Rocha

Robson Rocha really hit it out of the park with the art in this issue. Wow! Ever panel was breathtakingly beautiful in this issue where Dr. Polaris nearly pulls the Justice League watchtower out of space and on top of a city but is stopped by the two starring Green Lanterns. Doctor Polaris is turned into such a tragic character in these pages. Good issue.


Green Lanterns #22
Written by Sam Humphries
Art by Ronan Cliquet

Yay the first GL to show up in this issue besides our star Jessica Cruz is none other than Kyle Rayner! This is apparently the first time Jessica has met Kyle – I am frankly surprised that she has never heard of him. Hasn’t she done her research on the past Green Lanterns of Earth? He even says he used to have her job. In fact, Kyle and Jessica have a lot more in common than that. Both of them got their rings spontaneously and were not trained at first. Anyways, it was great to read about Jessica’s introduction to the Green Lantern Corps headquarters too and I look forward to seeing Guy train Jessica and Kyle train Simon! So glad Hal Jordan is not involved…that guy sucks. PS Ronan Cliquet is a great artist.

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Two Corps United, But For How Long?


Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #22
Written by Robert Venditti
Art by Ethan Van Sciver

First of all, it is so amazing and gets me all nostolgic to see Kyle Rayner back in his old Green Lantern duds. Too bad he did not make the cover of this book. Can’t we just change it’s title to Kyle Rayner and the Green Lantern Corps and make Hal the Spectre already? This was a good issue and it does give me hope to see the Sinestro and Green Lantern Corps working so well together. I love Arkillo and Guy Gardner’s new bromance especially. The final page cliffhanger is a great twist though.

Hal Jordan and the GLC 1 – 21


Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #1
Written by Robert Venditti
Art by Rafa Sandoval

The Green Lantern Corps and Oa have dissappeared while the Sinestro Corps and War World have taken their places. Sinestro vs. Hal Jordan…that sounds like a snoozefest. I am more interested in what happened to the Green Lantern Corps which it looks like we will get next issue.


Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #2
Written by Robert Venditti
Art by Rafa Sandoval

This is getting better. I especially liked the moments between Sinestro and his daughter. Basically any moment without Hal Jordan is a good moment to me. But in all seriousness…all I wonder is where is Kyle Rayner!

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Guy Vs. Hal


Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #8
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin


This is part 3 of the War of the Green Lanterns storyline that began here and continued here. In this part Hal and Guy come to blows after meeting in a the secret "Green House” of the Corps and Tomasi did a great job of showing their rivalry over the years. I loved how Pasarin drew Guy in his different costumes punching Hal as Lantern Constructs. In the end, of course, they take off their rings. I have to say that this was a great issue even though Hal was in it (Tomasi doesn’t write Hal as being quite as unlikable as Johns does I think.)

Old Snake Eyes


Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #7
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin


So old snake eyes is now in control of Sodom Yat – that is not good for anyone – Yat is Kryptonian-level powerful. Maxwell Lord and Zardor or whatever his name is should team up. I am glad Kilowod and Arisia saved the day – that was a great scene but some of the art made things a bit confusing for me while reading it. Not a bad issue though.

Emerald Warriors 5 and 6


Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #5
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin


The Green Lanterns under the control of the evil telepath guys all kill themselves in a sad and disturbing scene and Kilowog is deeply affected. Meanwhile, Guy Gardner reveals why he made the pact with Atrocitus. Interesting stuff.


Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #6
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin


Guy’s in trouble! The telepath guy I can never rember his name has control of Sodom Yat. Shit! But the real break-out star – as the cover suggests – is Bleez. She is just hilarious as she casually kills of the planet guards and drinks her own blood as the other lanterns talk. I love her! I wonder if she will be staying her or transfering to the new Red Lantern Corps book when it begins.



Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #4
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin

Guy Gardner’s breathable, unbreathable torture was hilarious…otherwise I found this issue to be pretty forgettable. I have enjoyed this book a lot so far but I can’t figure out why this issue bored me to tears. Hm.

There Is No Fighting On Odym


Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #3
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin


Umm Brother Warth is awesome! He just puts his hand around Bleez and says there is no fighting on Odym and he has got her! I love his calm Buddha-like attitude, he is the perfect Blue Lantern. I crack up everytime Guy calls him Babar haha! Anyways, we find out the true threat in the unknown sectors – someone is draing the power of the Green Lantern rings slowly. I think this is supposed to be the guy who has kidnapped all the telepaths and is using them to control rookie lanterns but I could be wrong. I like that Bleez is sticking around with our merry crew as she is an awesome looking character. Poor Sodom Yat can never catch a break with his own people though.

Ridding The Red


Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #2
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Fernando Pasarin


So Guy will joined by Kilowog and Arisia to the unknown sectors. Apparently there is an evil snake telepath guy who is building a telepath army? Anyways, this was another good issue. I still wonder what exactly Guy’s mission is and why he thinks Kyle, Hal, and John will be upset with him about it. Kilowog seems to be majorly depressed, poor guy.  It was great to see Odym and the Blue Lantern Corps again as they are by far my favorite of these new Corps. This book is a welcome addition to the GL books as it serves as sort of different purpose then the other two as the traveling into the unknown book. Very cool.

Maintaining The Quality


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #48
Written by Tony Bedard
Art by Ardian Sayaf


Bedard and Sayaf both get off to a great start on their run on this book! Sayaf is different from Gleason but still manages to make Oa look amazing. John Stewart joing the cast just as Guy leaves. Ganthet officially becomes a Green Lantern. Everything was pretty darn good and it looks like this series will maintain the quality that it had under Tomasi and Gleason. Definitely the best Green Lantern book still.

Sweet End To A Sweet Run


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #47
Written Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason


Tomasi’s run on this book comes to an end on this issue and it couldn’t couldn’t have been a better way to wrap up. Guy and Kyle toasting at the Warrior’s Bar, the Guardian’s repealing the third law, Kyle’s amazing speech about how the Green Lantern Corps needs heart and soul and not just cold logic (This is another reason why Kyle is so much cooler then Hal). Vath and Isamot’s fight and reunion over Vath’s legs. It was all so good and great character moments. I will miss Tomasi and Gleason on this book, but at least Bedard is a great replacement. This is still the best Green Lantern book on the stands.

Damn Good


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #46
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Tomasi and Gleason once again bring us the BEST Green Lantern book on the stands right now. Shit this was good! Action-packed, and filled with strategy as the Corps fights the Black Lanterns above the earth. I gasped when we saw Black Lantern Alex and I loved how Kyle said that Alex made him a better man because she definitely did. Tomasi did his research on their relationship. All I can say is this was damn good!

Fuck Hal Jordan – This is the Main Green Lantern Book!


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #45
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason


Tomasi gets these characters – despite having a huge cast of this book he knows the ins and outs of these characters – their strengths and their weaknesses and utilizes this in order to save Guy Gardner from being a Red Lantern. Kyle’s love and compassion for his friend that doesn’t allow him to give up no matter what, Soranik’s medical knowledge, Kilowog’s logic, and Mogo’s well planetary powers. This was great storytelling. I loved the moment where Mogo created Red and Green constructs of Guy’s life. I thought about my own life and seeing images of the good and the bad – what an emotionally powerful moment. The final page where they recite the oath as they return to earth was incredible! What a great issue!

The Mogo Purge

Green Lantern Corps 44 000

Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #44
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

In this action-packed and suspenseful issue Mogo arrives to save the day and purges Oa of all Lanterns – Black and Green and sucks all the Black ones into his core. It is a pretty cool idea and was pretty awesome to see. I have to hand it to Gleason for pulling it off so well. Guy is still a Red Lantern and refuses to remove the ring and next issue I suppose will be the Green Lanterns versus the Red. I am still sooo happy that Kyle is alive!

Resurrection of The Greatest Green Lantern


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #43
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

Can I say Hell Yeah! I am sorry for ever doubting you Mr. Tomasi because not only did you bring back the greatest of Green Lanterns to life in one issue but you showed him to be the respected and great hero he should be. Thank you for that! Guy turning into a Red Lantern was also cool to see and you made him seem human in the process. I love that Guy and Kyle have created such a great friendship. The effect of what the Star Sapphire did I am sure will be interesting to see, as I have no idea what she did haha but I am just glade Kyle is alive!

Trying Not To Overreact!


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #42
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

You know I am trying not to overreact. I really am! But what the fuck…if this is for real. If DC took away Cassandra Cain from the title of Batgirl, still ignores Linda Danvers, made Wally West the secondary Flash, and now has killed Kyle Rayner – I will be really pissed off. These characters were BETTER and MORE INTERESTING then their predecessors, and spoke to an entire generation of comics readers. What the fuck. Kyle better be restored to life after Blackest Night. I know Johns said Kyle wouldn’t be dying. So I trust he is telling the truth. Otherwise good issue. But Kyle better not stay dead.

Green Vs. Black


Green Lantern Corps (Volume 2) #41
Written by Peter Tomasi
Art by Patrick Gleason

It looks like Kilowog may have died here. He has died before and this is Blackest Night –so I suspect he’ll be back – but I bet this is what throw Guy over the deep end and makes him become a Red Lantern as we have seen in the previews. This was basically just an issue of Green Lanterns vs. Black Lanterns. I particularly liked the moments with Natu, Kyle and Black Lantern Jade and the moments between Arisia and her black lantern family. But something needs to happen soon or this could get boring.